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Autor Tópico: Alertas de saúde  (Lida 427041 vezes)

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4400 em: 2021-05-26 18:35:51 »
Hoje ja pulverizaram os ceus novamente. E já está a espalhar.
A opacidade levou um upgrade. A norma agora é um ceu amarelo

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4401 em: 2021-05-27 00:44:49 »
Eu ia escrever um post grande mas vai às poucos.
Nos proximas dias vou metendo uns resumos e uns links.

Se gostas muito de batata ou tomate ou pimentos e ketchup e picantes e beringelas tanto como eu entao lê isto.

Se isto mata, nao sei. Mas depois de ler umas coisas, acredito que isto destroi o corpete progressivamente. Em anos e quanto mais comes peór.
Isto porque existe uma bioacumulacao, segundo o research, nos tecidos, orgaos e sistema digestivo, arterias, e por aí fora, cartilagem etc.
incrivelmente estas comidas contem uns alkaloides e mesmo que se coma pouco, mas frequentemente acaba por se dar essa tal acumulacao.
Tambem pelo research, isto puxa o calcio dos ossos e deposita-os noutros locais. Rebenta com os intestinos promovendo  dano profundo nas celulas epiteliais do sistema digestivo. Calcifica tiroide, articulacoes, os tomates, tem açao nefasta no corpo cavernoso, rebenta com as membranas das celulas etc.
A lista é longa mas eu vou pondo os links neste tema e usarei a bolinha 🔴🔴

Deixo estes dois hoje, um com um resumo e outro do KEGG, e expressao epigenetica dos eixos que estas comidas mexem. Uma brutalidade.
Eu acho que antes dos trigos e lacteos, vem isto.
Algo muito mais inocente que passa por baixo do radar e assume-se saudavel.





Background: Disruption of epithelial barrier integrity is important in the initiation and cause of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Glycoalkaloids, solanine (S), and chaconine (C) are naturally present in potatoes, can permeabilize cholesterol-containing membranes, and lead to disruption of epithelial barrier integrity. Frying potatoes concentrates glycoalkaloids. Interestingly, the prevalence of IBD is highest in countries where fried potatoes consumption is highest.

Objective: To further understand the role of potato glycoalkaloids on intestinal barrier integrity, we examined the effect of varying concentrations of solanine and chaconine on intestinal permeability and function.

Methods: Solanine (0-50 microM), chaconine (0-20 microM), or a 1:1 mixture (0-20 microM) were exposed to T84 cultured epithelial monolayers for varying periods of time to determine concentration response effect on epithelial permeability. Next, a 1:1 mixture (5 microM) of solanine-to-chaconine (C:S) was exposed to sheets of normal murine small intestine, mounted in Ussing chambers, from control and interleukin-10 gene-deficient mice to determine whether glycoalkaloids affected intestine from mice with a genetic predisposition for IBD greater than controls. Finally, the effects of glycoalkaloids on colonic histologic injury were examined in mice orally fed amounts of glycoalkaloids that would normally be consumed in a human diet.

Results: Glycoalkaloids embedded and permeabilized the T84 monolayer epithelial membrane bilayer in a concentration-dependent fashion, with C:S > C > S. In vitro Ussing chamber experiments also illustrated a concentration-dependent disruption of intestinal barrier integrity in animals with a genetic predisposition to develop IBD, but not in control animals. Similarly, in vivo oral feeding experiments demonstrated that C:S ingestion, at physiologic concentrations, aggravated histologic colonic injury in mice genetically predisposed to developing IBD.

Conclusion: Concentrations of glycoalkaloids normally available while eating potatoes can adversely affect the mammalian intestine and can aggravate IBD.


Solanine is one of chemicalcomponents in the tuber and the sprout of the potato which is toxic to human. Some studies on the toxicity of solanine on humans and animals have been reported, little is known about the mechanism of its testicular toxicity. In present study, the toxicity of solanine on male reproductive function was investigated in adult male Kunming mice. Compared with the control group, there was an obvious pathological change in testis, and the expression levels of 3β-HSD and vimentin decreased when the test concentration of solanine was at 21 mg/kg/day. Meanwhile, there was a significant dose- and duration-dependent reduction in the testicular weight and organ coefficient. However, no changes have been detected about the level of testosterone and there was a dramatic increase in the expression of LH in Leydig cells. Results of this study suggested that solanine leaded to male reproductive toxicity influencing the functions of Sertoli cells and Leydig cells.

Por exemplo na Russia e Ucrania há imensa artrite.
Os tipos comem imensa batata e bebem vodka.
Certamente nao metem as batatas bonitas para vodka.
Na india idem, 35% ou mais da populacao tem artrite. Batatas e especiarias picantes
Depois de ler um bocado sobre isto e por mero acaso, acho que estes alimentos sao a raiz de muitos males.
Alias eu nunca pensei que alimentos assim pudessem aumentar o calcio intracelular por via da abertura ou despolarizacao dos canais de potassio. Se ja ouviram o termo bloqueador dos canais de calcio, é um medicamento para doentes cardiacos.
Façam tambema observacao por familia ou amigos, ha artrites, ha problemas chatos? Sempre comeram batata a rodos? Ou tmates e picantes.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4402 em: 2021-05-27 00:50:05 »
A dieta mediterranica nao é má mas tem uns flaws.
Por exemplo, geralmente gosta-se de referir aquela zona de italia que vivem ate aos 100.
Bom por ca tambem se vive ate aos 100.
Mas por Italia,

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4403 em: 2021-05-27 00:50:17 »
As Solanáceas são uma família particularmente rica em alcalóides e particularmente venenosa...   :(


Preocupante, sem dúvida...   :o

Pelo menos não bebo vodka... mas não é fácil encontrar mais pontos positivos...  :(
« Última modificação: 2021-05-27 00:53:00 por Kaspov »
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4404 em: 2021-05-27 00:53:02 »
Para quem nao sabe, a cura do corpo por agressoes externas começa na mitocondria.
Convem ter boas mitocondrias para o corpo curar-se seja do que for, ate uma gripe ou um corte no dedo:

Mechanism of action

The toxic mechanism of solanine is caused by the chemical's interaction with mitochondrial membranes. Experiments show that solanine exposure opens the potassium channels of mitochondria, decreasing their membrane potential. This in turn leads to Ca2+ being transported from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm, and it is this increased concentration of Ca2+ in the cytoplasm that triggers cell damage and apoptosis.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4405 em: 2021-05-27 01:01:39 »

Potatoes contain antinutritional and potentially toxic compounds including inhibitors of digestive enzymes, hemagglutinins, and glycoalkaloids. Solanum glycoalkaloids are reported to inhibit cholinesterase, disrupt cell membranes, and induce teratogenicity. In this overview, we describe the role of potatoes in the human diet, reported changes in glycoalkaloid content of fresh and processed potatoes during storage, under the influence of light and radiation, following mechanical damage, and as a result of food processing. Also covered are safety aspects and suggested research needs to develop a protocol that can be adopted by the potato producers and processors to minimize post-harvest synthesis of glycoalkaloids in potatoes. Reducing the glycoalkaloid content of potatoes will provide a variety of benefits extending from the farm to processing, shipping, marketing, and consumption of potatoes and potato products. A commercially available ELISA kit is described which permits rapid assay of glycoalkaloid content of parts of the potato plant including leaves, tubers, and peel, as well as processed potato products including french fries, chips, and skins. Understanding the multiple overlapping aspects of glycoalkaloids in the plant and in the diet will permit controlling postharvest glycoalkaloid production for the benefit of the producer and consumer.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4406 em: 2021-05-27 01:05:28 »
Abstract: The trophoblast, an embryonic tissue, exerts a crucial role in the processes of implantation and placentation. Toxins in food can cause malfunction of trophoblasts, resulting in apoptosis, oxidative stress, and abnormal angiogenesis. α-solanine, a steroidal glycoalkaloid, has antitumor properties on several cancer cells. However, its effect on human trophoblasts has not been elucidated. In this study, human extravillous trophoblast HTR-8/SVneo cells were exposed to α-solanine. Cellular functions including proliferation, migration, invasion, tube formation, and apoptosis were assessed. To monitor autophagic flux, trophoblasts were transfected with a mCherry-GFP-LC3B vector using lentiviral transduction, and expression of autophagy-related biomarkers including Beclin 1, Atgl3, and microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain-3 (MAP1-LC3) were detected. The results show that application of 20 μM α-solanine or above inhibited the cell viability, migration, invasion, and tube formation of the human trophoblast. Cell cycle was arrested at S and G2/M phases in response to 30 μM α-solanine. α-solanine induced apoptosis of HTR-8/SVneo cells and triggered autophagy by increasing the autophagic gene expression and stimulating the formation of autophagosome and autophagic flux. In conclusion, α-solanine can impair the functions of human trophoblast cells via activation of cell apoptosis and autophagy.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4407 em: 2021-05-27 01:07:57 »
α-Solanine induces ROS-mediated autophagy through activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress and inhibition of Akt/mTOR pathway


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4408 em: 2021-05-27 01:10:22 »
Sertoli and Leydig cells provide key supporting roles in spermatogenesis. Various toxins have been studied in the TM3 and TM4 mouse testis cell lines to identify their regulatory effects. Alpha-solanine (α-solanine), a toxic compound found in the potato, has cytotoxic effects on various cells, including cancer cells. However, the effect of α-solanine on testis function has not been identified. In this study, we verified for the first time the anti-proliferative effect of α-solanine in mouse testes. α-Solanine reduced cell viability in TM3 and TM4 cells and reduced the expression of the cell cycle checkpoint genes Ccnd1 and Ccne1. We also detected changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and in the cytosolic calcium and intracellular signal pathways in both cell lines. α-Solanine induced AKT, P70S6K, S6, ERK1/2, and JNK activation in mouse testis cells. In addition, the inhibition of AKT with a pharmacological inhibitor (LY294002) demonstrated more synergic anti-proliferative effects than in the TM3 and TM4 cell lines treated only with α-solanine. Inha and Inhba mRNA expression also decreased in both cell lines and α-solanine i.p. injected mouse testes. Collectively, the results from this study verify the toxic effects of α-solanine on testes and male reproductive function.

Graphical abstract
A schematic illustration of the anti-proliferation activity of α-solanine in mouse Leydig and Sertoli cells. α-solanine disrupts the membrane potential of mitochondria and accumulates cytosolic calcium ions in both TM3 and TM4 cells. It increases the activation of AKT, P706SK, S6, ERK1/2, and JNK proteins in TM3 and TM4 cells. It also inhibits cell proliferation via the downregulation of Ccnd1, Ccne1, Inha, and Inhba mRNA expression. Collectively, α-solanine disrupts cell proliferation and function in mouse testes.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4409 em: 2021-05-27 01:16:55 »
The steroidal glycoalkaloid solamargine caused significant disruption of phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol liposomes at a concentration > 50 μM whereas the normally co-occurring glycoalkaloid solasonine was ineffective at up to 150 μM. In combination, the two compounds produced a marked synergism. Synergistic effects were also observed with certain combinations of these and potato glycoalkaloids, viz. solamargine and solanine and also solasonine and chaconine. With solamargine and chaconine the effect was additive while solasonine and solanine together caused no lysis. Solamargine also bound more effectively than solasonine to cholesterol in vitro, but there was no synergy between the glycoalkaloids in this action. Penicillium notatum-derived protoplasts and bovine erythrocytes were lysed by both solamargine and solasonine with solamargine being more disruptive in both systems and erythrocytes more susceptible. The two glycoalkaloids synergized in their effects on both protoplasts and erythrocytes.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4410 em: 2021-05-27 01:21:31 »
Nightshade Foods

by Craig Sams

In the diet of Europe and Asia, only one nightshade food was eaten until recent times: the aubergine or eggplant. Other nightshades such as henbane, thorn apple (datura stramonium), belladonna and mandrake were well known but their use was restricted to specific medical applications (sedative, anesthetic or poison) or in witchcraft.

Then, in the 1600s and 1700s food and drug crops based on nightshades were imported from the Americas and for the past 400 years have penetrated and become ubiquitous in the Western diet. These include tobacco, tomatoes, potatoes and chili peppers. It is not surprising that these novel foods, being nightshades, were regarded with suspicion at first and were slow to take hold in the European diet. They all contain nicotine in some form, although it may be named solanine (potatoes), tomatine (tomatoes), alpha-solanine (aubergine) or solanadine (chillies and capsicums).

It is now apparent that there are groups of people who cannot tolerate nightshades in their diets, wish to avoid them anyway or find that eliminating them helps alleviate a variety of mental, emotional and physical problems. The following groups of people avoid nightshades.

People with arthritis – Some researchers believe that arthritis is misdiagnosed in people who are in fact just suffering joint aches and swelling arising from consumption of nightshades. One in three arthritics react badly to nightshades. These individuals frequently have a sensitivity to the solanine chemicals present in these foods. It can take up to six months of exclusion of nightshades from the diet to achieve a beneficial effect.
Macrobiotics – since the 1960s, the macrobiotic diet has recommended avoidance of all nightshades. This proven diet for health and longevity is followed by celebrities such as Sadie Frost, Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin of Coldplay and Madonna.
Children with eczema – for some children the elimination of nightshades from the diet helps clear eczema, particularly around the mouth.
Gastro Esophogal Reflux disease – consumption of nightshade vegetables, particularly tomatoes, can causes a reaction where the stomach contents are pushed back up the esophagus towards the throat with symptoms of heartburn, chest pain, choking while lying down and asthma symptoms when sleeping.
Those quitting smoking – some programmes to help people give up cigarettes also recommend giving up nightshade foods in order to completely eliminate low level nicotine intake and consequent re-addiction.
Blood group diet – Dr. Peter d’Adamo’s Blood Type Diet recommends people of blood types A and B to avoid all nightshade foods. This represents about half the population of most European countries.
Cystitis, lupus, psoriasis – giving up nightshades can help relieve symptoms of cystitis, lupus and psoriasis.
What are the Nightshade foods? How do they differ from each other? What are their origins?

The most powerful source of the nicotine alkaloid found in all nightshades became a popular drug in the early part of the 1900s, when mass produced cigarettes made them available to the expanding urban societies. Although the nicotine content of tobacco is much higher than that found in nightshade vegetables which are eaten, the practise of smoking reduces the amount of nicotine absorbed. The nicotine in a single cigarette, if taken direct into the bloodstream, would be fatal. Eating a single cigarette could cause severe illness. There are several instances of livestock poisoning where cattle or sheep have eaten nightshade plant leaves.

Tomatoes were first brought to Europe from Mexico by Cortez and were first cultivated for food in Naples. The English regarded them as poisonous until the 1700s. They were introduced in America as an ornamental garden plant in 1808, but were not eaten as they were believed to cause stomach cancer and appendicitis. The botanical name for tomatoes ‘Lycopersicon’ means ‘wolf peach’ and refers to the association between werewolves, witchcraft and nightshades. Then, in 1820, Colonel Robert Johnson defied the advice of his physicians (“You will foam and froth at the mouth and double over”) and ate tomatoes on the steps of Salem Courthouse, New Jersey, in front of a crowd of 2000 witnesses, the local sheriff waiting to arrest him for suicide. He survived and people began slowly to accept tomatoes as food. In the US and Northern Europe they really took off as food with the introduction of canning and canned soups and then rose again with the expansion of consumption of pizza and pasta in the past 30 years.

Potatoes were elevated in status when the celebrated Parmentier produced a galaxy of delicious potato recipes in 1785 to help relieve famine in Paris. Potatoes were cheap food for the masses – a peasant or worker could be fed from a quarter as much land if they ate potatoes instead of grain. Nonetheless, the French Revolution took place 4 years later. The Paris Commune declared potatoes ‘Revolutionary food’ while English landlords made them compulsory on their Irish estates.

Traditionally potatoes were kept in paper sacks and sold unwashed. This practice protected them from direct sunlight. The modern practice of washing potatoes and packing them in plastic bags allows light to affect the potato and stimulate its production of solanine, the nightshade alkaloid that, in nature, sickens animals that might dig up potatoes for food. In 1976 the Department of Health, concerned about high levels of anencephaly and spina bifida, urged pregnant mothers to wear rubber gloves when preparing potatoes and to discard in their entirety any potatoes that showed signs of greening or of blight (black streaks in the potato). It is not enough to simply remove the discoloured part – the entire potato should not be eaten. The solanine in potatoes is 4 times greater in the skin than in the rest of the potato. The fatal dose of solanine for an adult is 200-250 mg depending on body weight. Potatoes should not contain more than 20 mg of solanine per 100g, so it would take at least 1 Kg of potatoes (2.2 lbs) to be fatal. Potato peels have been found to contain up to 180 mg of solanine per 100g, so a person consuming 150-200g of deep fried potato peels with a high solanine content could be at considerable risk. Potatoes that have been properly stored and are from low solanine varieties will only contain 7 mg/100g. In 1996 the Committee on Toxicity stated that potatoes should not be eaten if they still taste bitter after the green parts and sprouts have been removed. However, few people taste-test a raw potato once it is peeled to assess its bitterness. Although spina bifida prevention now focuses on preconceptual consumption of folic acid, the world’s highest incidence of spina bifida is in Ireland, where the wet climate encourages late potato blight. A study in Belfast showed that mothers who had given birth to a child with spina bifida or anencephaly could reduce the risk of a similar defect in the second child by 50% if they maintained a potato-free diet.

Peppers and capsicums
Peppers and capsicums were rare in the Western diet until the 1980s, when they became widely available as fresh vegetables and, in their hotter forms, in Asian cuisine and as hot sauce. Chillis replaced peppercorns in Indian cuisine from the 1650s onwards, after Portuguese traders brought plants and seeds from Brazil. Hot peppers are rich in capsaicin, which creates a burning sensation that affects pain receptor cells and causes them to release endorphins, the body’s natural opiate-like painkillers, that create a temporary feeling of euphoria. Peppers and capsicums also contain solanine and solanadine, the nicotine compounds that are unique to nightshade plants.

Aubergines or eggplants most resemble in appearance the belladonna nightshade plant that may be their wild ancestor.

So what is nicotine (solanine), the active alkaloid in nightshades? What are its effects? Nicotine acts as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.

What are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors?
The chemical that transmits nerve impulses from one nerve ending to the next is acetylcholine – once it has transmitted a nerve impulse it has done its job and is no longer needed so it is broken down by an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase and recycled.
Nictotine/Solanine (or tomatine from tomatoes) slows the production of this acetylcholinesterase, so acetylcholine isn’t broken down as fast as it’s being produced.
Acetylcholine builds up causing a ‘traffic jam’ of stimulation at the receptor nerve endings. Or think of an orchestra where notes are played and then don’t stop playing.
The nerve endings become overstimulated. At low levels this is mildly pleasurable and blurs sensitivity, but too much can be harmful.
This overstimulation can lead to muscle weakness, muscle twitching, hypertension, increased intestinal contractions and increased secretions of tear, sweat, saliva, gastric and intestinal glands.
All nightshade foods contain solanine, a strong acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. This is what makes excessive consumption of nightshade foods unsuitable for many people.
Certain pesticides, particularly organophosphate and carbamates, also work as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, achieving the same effect as solanine or nicotine. That’s why they replaced nicotine as the insecticide of choice after World War 2, when organophosphates were used as nerve gas.
For a diet that seeks to maintain a strong and healthy nervous and neuromuscular system there is considerable evidence that the safest approach is to avoid nightshade vegetables and to eat food that is grown without the use of carbamate or organophosphate pesticides, i.e. organic food. Before the discovery of chemical pesticides, nicotine was a widely used insecticide. It kills insects in the same way, but chemical sprays are cheaper and longer-lasting. Until they were replaced by hormones and antibiotics, organophosphate pesticides were also used by livestock farmers as growth-promoters – the mechanism whereby they cause muscle weakness and increase secretions of digestive fluids also causes animals to exercise less and eat more, thereby fattening them up more quickly.

Why do people love nightshades?
What is it that makes tobacco so addictive? Why is it that sometimes only chips will do, or we are gagging for a pizza? Nicotine, in small quantities, by inhibiting the breakdown of acetylcholine, stimulates increased activity of the acetylcholine receptors in the brain and this leads to increased flow of adrenaline. This increases the heart rate, blood pressure and leads to increased blood glucose levels. This mild increase in energy level is achieved, along with a reduced nervous sensitivity; producing a combination of calmness and stimulation. This provides short term relief in the face of the stresses and pressures of modern life. In the longer term it puts a strain on the nervous system as the receptors are being overstimulated.

Why don’t we eat tobacco?
The leaves of all nightshades contain high levels of nicotine. One could, at a pinch, smoke potato or tomato leaves. A potent insecticide can be made with tomato leaves. The levels of nicotine in the leaves of nightshade plants are much higher than in nightshade fruits or tubers. 8-10 cigarettes, if eaten, would be enough to kill a person. First time smokers experience dreadful nausea but gradually develop a resistance to the effects of nicotine and this is how addiction develops – more and more is needed to satisfy the craving.

Why are nightshades legal?
If the nightshade foods were to be introduced to the Western diet today, under current Novel Foods regulations they would have to be tested for safety. It is unlikely that they would be permitted to enter the food supply, solely because of their nicotine (solanine) content. However, like cigarettes, they slipped into our diet despite some voices in opposition and have assumed a major role in our nutrition and health, a role that, in a free society, should be accepted.

However, moderation in all things is a worthy principle and it could be argued that, in our diet we have perhaps gone too far down the road of nightshade acceptance.

So how can i enjoy a nice bit of ketchup?!
There’s a fantastic tasting range of nightshade-free organic foods called Nomato. They’re from the same guys that brought us Green & Black’s chocolate, so you can imagine they taste amazing. There’s Nomato pasta sauce, Nomato ketchup, Nomato soup, and Nomato veggie chili beans. So you can have a bit of what you fancy without the nicotine alkaloids found in tomatoes and other nightshades.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4411 em: 2021-05-27 01:23:36 »
What are the Nightshade foods?
How do they differ from each other?
What are their origins?

Potatoes were elevated in status when the celebrated Parmentier produced... delicious potato recipes in 1785 to help relieve famine in Paris. Potatoes were cheap food for the masses - a worker could be fed from a quarter as much land if (fed) potatoes instead of grain. Nonetheless, the French Revolution took place 4 years later.

Traditionally potatoes were kept in paper sacks and sold unwashed. This practice protected them from direct sunlight. The modern practice of washing potatoes and packing them in plastic bags allows light to affect the potato and stimulate its production of solanine, the nightshade alkaloid that, in nature, sickens animals that might dig up potatoes for food.

In 1976 the Department of Health (I believe this info is talking about the U.K.), concerned about high levels of anencephaly and spina bifida, urged pregnant mothers to WEAR RUBBER GLOVES when preparing potatoes and to discard in their entirety any potatoes that showed signs of greening or of blight (black streaks in the potato). It is not enough to simply remove the discolored part - the entire potato should not be eaten.

The solanine in potatoes is 4 times greater in the SKIN than in the rest of the potato. The fatal dose of solanine for an adult is 200-250 mg depending on body weight. . .

Potato peels have been found to contain up to 180 mg of solanine per 100g, so a person consuming 150-200g of deep fried potato peels with a high solanine content could be at considerable risk. (no wonder I always loved them?!?)

Potatoes that have been properly stored and are from low solanine varieties will only contain 7 mg/100g.

In 1996 the Committee on Toxicity stated that potatoes should not be eaten if they still taste bitter after the green parts and sprouts have been removed. However, few people taste-test a raw potato once it is peeled to assess its bitterness.

Although spina bifida prevention now focuses on preconceptual consumption of folic acid, the world’s highest incidence of spina bifida is in Ireland, where the wet climate encourages late potato blight.

A study in Belfast showed that mothers who had given birth to a child with spina bifida or anencephaly could reduce the risk of a similar defect in the second child by 50% if they maintained a potato-free diet.

Peppers and Capsicums
Peppers and capsicums were rare in the Western diet until the 1980s, when they became widely available as fresh vegetables and, in their hotter forms, in Asian cuisine and as hot sauce.

Chilis replaced peppercorns in Indian cuisine from the 1650s onwards, after Portuguese traders brought plants and seeds from Brazil. Hot peppers are rich in capsaicin, which creates a burning sensation that affects pain receptor cells and causes them to release endorphins, the body’s natural opiate-like painkillers, that create a temporary feeling of euphoria. Peppers and capsicums also contain solanine and solanadine, the nicotine compounds that are unique to nightshade plants.

Tomatoes were first brought to Europe from Mexico by Cortez and were first cultivated for food in Naples. The English regarded them as poisonous until the 1700s.

They were introduced in America as an ornamental garden plant in 1808, but were not eaten as they were believed to cause stomach cancer and appendicitis. The botanical name for tomatoes ‘Lycopersicon’ means ‘wolf peach’ and refers to the association between werewolves, witchcraft and nightshades.

Then, in 1820, Colonel Robert Johnson defied the advice of his physicians and ate tomatoes on the steps of Salem Courthouse, New Jersey, in front of a crowd of 2000 witnesses, the local sheriff waiting to arrest him for suicide. He survived and people began slowly to accept tomatoes as food.

In the US and Northern Europe they really took off as food with the introduction of canning and canned soups and then rose again with the expansion of consumption of pizza and pasta in the past 30

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4412 em: 2021-05-27 01:28:47 »
In entertainment news recently, we heard all about Gisele and Tom Brady’s diet. One thing they avoid: Nightshade vegetables. So let’s talk about these veggies and see if they are right for you and your diet. Hint: Just because they avoid them doesn’t mean you have to!


What are nightshades?

Members of the family Solanaceae, common nightshades include white potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers, chili peppers, jalapenos and sweeter bell peppers (capsicum). The spices paprika and cayenne are also included in this group. There are many other nightshade family plants, over 2,000 actually, and many are toxic to humans, with the most well-known being belladonna, also called the deadly nightshade, historically valued for its use as a poison.

Who should avoid nightshades?

Nightshade vegetables are particularly concerning for some people that may have a compromised gut and immune system which includes rheumatoid arthritis, joint and muscle pain, leaky gut, autoimmune disease and other related conditions.

Nightshade vegetables contain a group of chemical compounds called alkaloids; these are the plant’s own natural pesticide and fungicide defense compounds. These naturally occurring plant constituents tend to concentrate in the leaves and stems mostly and exist in much smaller quantities in the actual edible parts which are generally harmless.

Dr. Childers, who conducted a 20-year study on the connection between nightshades and arthritis, concluded that 74-90% of people who suffer with pain and inflammation may have a sensitivity to nightshades.

In one study, the alkaloids found in potato skins were found to be irritating to mice who had inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which is an autoimmune disease, that is gut and immune specific. These mice had a significant aggravation to their intestinal mucosa; these alkaloids tend to concentrate in the skins and they found the higher the alkaloid content, the worse the aggravation.

The alkaloids in nightshades have been shown to inhibit the enzyme cholinesterase, which helps to regulate muscle flexibility. This impairment may then result in muscle spasm, aches, pains, inflammation and stiffness.

A type of alkaloid called solanine found in potatoes and tomatoes can actually accumulate in the body and can be released in times of stress thus stimulating inflammation in sensitive individuals.

Nightshades also contain calcitriol, when consumed in excess, promotes high levels of calcium in the bloodstream thus contributing to calcium deposits in the soft tissue causing inflammation which has been found with excess potato consumption.

Nightshades also contain high levels of saponins and lectins which can be problematic in cases of gut irritation in sensitive individuals and can aggravate an already irritated digestive system.

For some, peppers and tomatoes can irritate the stomach and esophagus causing heartburn and reflux in sensitive individuals.

In people that may be only slightly sensitive, total elimination may not be necessary but rather a reduction for improved joint and pain management.

Kinetics and retention of solanidine in man


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4413 em: 2021-05-27 01:29:48 »
1. When [3H]solanidine was administered to normal human subjects by i.v. injection, the tritium concentration in the erythrocytes was 2–5 times greater than in the plasma. Three phases in the clearance of tritium from the plasma were identified having half-times of 2–5 min, 120–300 min and 70–105 h.

2. Rates of excretion of 3H in urine and faeces were low: 24h after administration, 1–4% of the dose of 3H had been excreted in urine and 1–3% in faeces. During the following week the combined rates of excretion were about 2% a day.

3. Solanidine has been detected in human post-mortem liver and its identity confirmed by mass spectroscopy.

4. These data show that solanidine is absorbed from the diet and stored in the body for prolonged periods of time. We suggest that at times of increased metabolic stress (pregnancy, starvation, debilitating illness), stored solanidine might be mobilized from innocuous loci with deleterious effects.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4414 em: 2021-05-27 01:33:31 »
The nightshades are considered a “calcinogenic” plant; that is, they cause calcinosis, which is a toxic calcification of soft tissues when eaten by animals. This happens because they contain calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D), the most active form of vitamin D. Please note that calcitriol is not vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). This is an extremely important distinction, as you will see.

In humans, calcitriol is normally the end product of vitamin D metabolism, so let me start at the beginning. Cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3, is produced in the skin by the action of sunlight or can be consumed in food or supplements. In the liver, vitamin D3 is transformed into calcidiol (25-hydroxycholecalciferol, the compound that we test in the blood as a measure of vitamin D status); then the kidneys transform calcidiol into calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D).

Calcitriol is an extremely potent hormone, thousands of times more potent than vitamin D3. It has been said that calcitriol is the most powerful hormone in the human body. Production of calcitriol is very tightly regulated by the kidney. Why is it so tightly regulated?

Calcitriol signals the intestines to absorb calcium from our diet. While we absolutely need calcitriol to maintain proper bone density, too much calcitriol, from any source, leads to hypercalcemia, also known as high blood calcium. The body does not like this situation and wants to get the calcium levels back down to normal as quickly as possible, as an imbalance of minerals in the blood particularly affects the heart. The quickest solution for the body is to deposit the extra calcium into the soft tissues. Each hypercalcemic episode likely lasts for only a short while, however, each episode leaves a small deposit behind. Over time, these deposits lead to the condition known as calcinosis.

Overconsumption of calcitriol from nightshade foods can circumvent the kidney’s control and over time lead to calcium deposits in the soft tissues such as the tendons, ligaments, cartilage, cardiovascular tissues, kidneys and skin. Osteoarthritis is basically calcium deposits in the soft tissues of joints. Chronic hypercalcemia can lead to generalized vascular (blood vessel) calcification, which is coronary artery disease. Nephrocalcinosis is calcification of the kidneys.

We are not supposed to bypass the body’s control mechanisms for calcitriol. Nightshades do this to our detriment. Many of us do not notice because it happens so slowly and gradually.

What causes arthritis? The conventional view is that arthritis is the result of the joint “wearing out.” If this were the case, then arthritis would always be accompanied by inflammation. Think of parts in a car. If they “wear out” due to friction, there is heat, which could be likened to inflammation in our bodies. However, osteoarthritis typically has no inflammation, so it really should be called osteoarthrosis.

What if calcinosis could explain most, if not all these osteoarthritic changes? Instead of your joints wearing out, what if nightshades and their calcitriol content were causing the joints (cartilage, tendons, ligaments) to slowly calcify? Bone spurs are calcium deposits in tendons or ligaments. Many people are told that they have “no cartilage left” in their joints, but what if the truth was that the cartilage had slowly calcified? It would be nearly impossible to tell the difference between the two situations unless one knew exactly what to look for.

Scleroderma is a widespread connective tissue disease that involves changes or hardening in the skin, blood vessels, muscles and internal organs. The cause is said to be unknown. Could it be caused by nightshades, leading to calcinosis?

Some physicians are giving calcitriol or its analogs for simple vitamin D deficiency. This is overkill and not good for the system. In bypassing the body’s control systems we are creating the same situation I described above. If your doctor insists on using calcitriol, ergocalciferol (vitamin D2, an unnatural form of vitamin D made by irradiating a fungus with ultraviolet light), or any other expensive analogue of vitamin D other than vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), you may want to find another doctor who is more educated in vitamin D supplementation.Please note that there are medical conditions where administering calcitriol is necessary, but simple vitamin D deficiency is not one of them.

According to Medline, common side-effects of calcitriol injections include weakness, headache, somnolence, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, constipation, muscle pain, bone pain and metallic taste.4 Note the muscle and bone pain—do these sound like nightshade problems I’ve mentioned already? The liver and gall bladder can be affected, resulting in pale or fatty stools, an indication you are not digesting your fats well. Yellowing of skin or eyes (jaundice) is another symptom, indicative of liver issues. Hallucinations can happen, and a rare side effect is overt psychosis. Remember what was said to happen when one eats eggplant every day for a month?


Vitamin D Pathway

Solanine is a glycoalkaloid, that is, a non-protein compound containing nitrogen. It is a potent poison found in species of the nightshade family, especially potatoes and eggplant. It can occur naturally in any part of the plant, including the leaves, fruit, and tubers.

Solanine poisoning is primarily displayed by gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, burning of the throat, cardiac dysrhythmia, headache and dizziness. Hallucinations, loss of sensation, paralysis, fever, jaundice, dilated pupils and hypothermia have been reported in more severe cases.5

Potatoes naturally produce solanine and chaconine, a related glycoalkaloid, as a defense mechanism against insects, disease and predators (humans included). Potato leaves, stems and shoots are naturally high in these glycoalkaloids. When potato tubers are exposed to light, they turn green and increase glycoalkaloid production. This is a natural defense to help prevent the uncovered tuber from being eaten.

In potato tubers, 30–80 percent of the solanine develops in and close to the skin. If the potato looks green under the skin, throw it away; likewise if it has begun to sprout, just discard it.

How toxic are these compounds? The World Health Organization sets an upper limit of 20 mg per 100 grams of solanine per fresh weight of potato. Above that limit, they cannot be sold in stores, as they are considered too toxic for human consumption.6

Solanine and related glycoalkaloids are poisonous because they are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors—they inhibit the breakdown of acetylcholine, resulting in increased level and duration of action of this neurotransmitter. What does this mean? They cause prolonged muscle contractions. This is why people who are sensitive to nightshades or eat a lot of them often feel stiff when they wake up in the morning or sit for extended periods.

Studies with animals indicate that solanine causes cell membrane disruption in the digestive tract—exacerbated irritable bowel disorder in mice,7 gastrointestinal tissue destroyed in Syrian hamsters.8 It affects the gene expression of the human intestinal cell linings and also inhibits proteolytic enzyme activity.9 Solanines also destroy human liver cells in vitro.10

I have found fourteen research reviews linking potato blight in Ireland with birth defects in the following years.11 Potato blight involves a particular fungus growing on potatoes, causing them to kick in their defense mechanisms and make high levels of solanine. In my opinion, it would be wise for pregnant women to avoid the nightshades.

All nightshades contain nicotine, which is why they can be addictive. Is nicotine a problem when we eat it? A large body of research shows that nicotine consumption inhibits proper healing. In one study, nicotine delayed tendon-tobone healing in a rat shoulder—the equivalent of our rotator cuff.12 A follow-up study by the same authors showed that delayed healing in tendon-to-bone injuries resulted in inferior permanent healing of the area.13

Capsaicin is an alkaloid found in hot peppers. We hear a lot about capsaicin supposedly having anti-inflammatory properties, but it actually is an irritant for mammals, including humans, and produces a sensation of burning in any tissue it comes in contact with.

Spicy peppers are the only plants that contain capsaicin, to my knowledge. The active ingredient in pepper spray is capsaicin. It can shut down the lungs—this is why some people have died from pepper spray. Asthmatics would do well to avoid capsaicin in general. They actually use capsaicin in animal studies to stimulate something very much like an asthma attack.

Substance P is released from the terminals of specific sensory nerves. It is found in the brain and spinal cord and is associated with inflammatory processes and pain—it acts as a neurotransmitter to carry pain signals to the nervous system. Capsaicin makes your nerves release almost all the substance P they have, and researchers have therefore suggested that drugs containing capsaicin can help reduce pain. For example, there is an over-the-counter cream containing capsaicin that is promoted to help deplete substance P from local nerve endings and relieve pain.

However, inducing massive releases of substance P on a regular basis is like taking speed until your adrenals run out of adrenaline; it leads to a chronic local or systemic depletion of substance P. Substance P is necessary for proper healing. The brain gets a signal from substance P telling it that something is hurt and needs to be fixed. So when you have diabetics using capsaicin cream for their neuropathy, they feel better—the pain signal is gone—but they are inhibiting the healing process.

A recent study looked at the use of capsaicin in insulin-dependent diabetic rats.14 The standard explanation for type 1 diabetes is malfunction and death of the insulin-producing islet cells in the pancreas. Another theory holds that malfunction of the pain nerves surrounding cells in the pancreas can cause type 1 diabetes. Researchers have found that the islet cells in diabetics are surrounded by large numbers of pain nerves that signal to the brain that pancreatic tissue is damaged. When the researchers injected Substance P into the rats, the islet cells began producing insulin normally almost immediately. They also produced insulin for about a month when they were injected with capsaicin.

Capsaicin depletes substance P. Although this study was reported as showing a beneficial role for capsaicin, the proper conclusion is that capsaicin is likely horrible for diabetics and their blood sugar control. I have witnessed firsthand the negative impact of consuming peppers on blood sugar control in some of my diabetic patients (the ones who keep diet and blood glucose logs).

Capsaicin receptors have been found in arthritic joints. When they inject capsaicin into mouse knee joints, it reduces blood flow.15 That’s a bad thing. Blood is what heals us. When neonatal rats were given capsaicin, their immune markers were depressed for ninety days.

In humans, increased consumption of peppers is associated with an increase risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and stomach cancer. Researchers found seventeen times (!) the risk of stomach cancer in people who self-rated themselves as high consumers of peppers.16 In people who had tissue biopsies of colon polyps, dysplasia and adenocarcinoma, researchers couldn’t find any substance P in those biopsies. Where would it have gone? What they found was the presence of capsaicin receptors instead

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4415 em: 2021-05-27 01:39:08 »
Ha uma coisa muita chata que algumas pessoas sofrem, TMJ, desordem temporo mandibular.
Estes alimentos ate podem estar na origem disto.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4416 em: 2021-05-27 02:15:45 »
As Solanáceas são uma família particularmente rica em alcalóides e particularmente venenosa...   :(


Preocupante, sem dúvida...   :o

Pelo menos não bebo vodka... mas não é fácil encontrar mais pontos positivos...  :(

Um cházinho de Datura 😂

Gosto imenso de Daturas e o perfume que libertam à noite é unico.
Ha malta que faz chá das folhas para triparem. Alguns alucinam de tal forma e morrem. Eheh

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4417 em: 2021-05-27 02:27:37 »
Esta coisa dos alcaloides devia ser mais explorada embora ja haja largas pistas sobre a materia.
Eu vou eliminar tudo o que é alcaloides, metilxantinas etc da dieta.
Sao estas porcarias que destroem o sistema digestivo todo e o resto.
Uma comida que inibe a colinesterase, rompe membranas celulares, aumenta o calcio intracelular e destroi a mitocondria, é de fugire.
Por exemplo o Tom Brady nao toca nestas comidas e aos 44 ainda joga e com 7 ou 8 titulos.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4418 em: 2021-05-27 02:31:00 »
Por exemplo, a inibicao de colinesterase e andar tudo no medico com caimbrãs  no olho ou nas pernas ou pior no instestino.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #4419 em: 2021-05-27 02:34:24 »
Esta coisa dos alcaloides devia ser mais explorada embora ja haja largas pistas sobre a materia.
Eu vou eliminar tudo o que é alcaloides, metilxantinas etc da dieta.
Sao estas porcarias que destroem o sistema digestivo todo e o resto.
Uma comida que inibe a colinesterase, rompe membranas celulares, aumenta o calcio intracelular e destroi a mitocondria, é de fugire.
Por exemplo o Tom Brady nao toca nestas comidas e aos 44 ainda joga e com 7 ou 8 titulos.

É assustador, sem dúvida...   :o
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