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Autor Tópico: Alertas de saúde  (Lida 426650 vezes)

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1341 em: 2017-01-22 03:13:48 »
Esses preços deixam qualquer buda com insónias
"Como seria viver a vida que realmente quero?"


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1342 em: 2017-01-22 04:10:05 »

Faço ciclos. NAC é mais no inverno ou para um detox rapido, tipo 3 dias a tomar. ás vezes tomo 2 semanas, o NAC aumenta consideravelmente os niveis de Glutatiao, embora a vida media seja curta 5-6 horas, dá para um detox rapido.
Viatmina C todos os dias 2-4gr
spirulina tomo um mes seguido 3-4gr e faço pausa de um mes
alho Kyolic tomo se o meu colesterol aumentar por uma razao qualquer, se nao, vou comendo quase diariamente.
Proteína Whey isolada tomo todos os dias 20gramas, mais para imunidade e tripas. A Isolada tem pouca lactose( tambem faria bem ao anonimo) Em relaçao á whey ha muito para dizer, talvez mais logo.
Astaxantina tomo diariamente.
Oleo omega 3 vegetal todos os dias uma colher ou duas de sobremesa
de vez em quando vitaminas B complex
Tomo uns sumos vermelhos de Açaí, Romã, isto é do melhor que se pode tomar
Coenzima Q10 praticamente todos os dias, faço umas pausas de vez em quando.
Vitamina D no inverno 1200u.i por dia na farmacia é barata e de qualidade, -Vigantol gotas
Quando quero andar mais pumped neuronalmente tomo Rhodiola 15 dias on 15 off
Quando ando meio lixado com algo que nao sei o que é tomo viagra dose minima durante 5 dias

Tento fugir de tudo o que é toxico, seja detergentes, shampoos, comidas, cosmeticos, cremes, pasta dentes, etc
Evito ambientes humidos, extermino um fungo que veja nem que seja na garagem.
Nao meto pesticidas e herbicidas na terra
dou preferencia a comida bio
fujo de locais potencialmente patogenicos
uso mascara e luvas para coisas comuns que sao dadas como seguras e nao o sao.
fujo de gente doente ou de aspecto doente
Se falar com alguem com periodontite recuo 3 passos para trás
Quero tudo limpo e a brilhar.
Nao mexo em animais de rua, caes abandonados etc
Evito andar no mato fora dos carreiros
Inspeciono cortes nos pés no verao, para andar descalço descansado
Evito gente toxica
Evito plasticos a todo o custo
Evito VOC's
Nao vou a WC publicos a nao ser em hoteis
Aplico regras de higiene e segurança alimentar em casa
Nao ando em sitios badalhocos
A natureza é bela mas ha perigos á espreita, evito esses perigos, que sao varios
Nao me exponho ao perigo ( antes sim, andar de mota sem capacete a 200kmh, saltar de paraquedas, etc)
So meto a lingua em coisas limpas
Como menos carne ( em jantares era comum comer 700gr de carne) Hoje muito menos
Associo preço a qualidade
Evito comer em buracos
Tenho atençao á limpeza dos locais, lojas, restaurantes etc, frequentemente peço o livro de reclamaçoes e nao perdoo.
Nao como em buffets (incubadoras de E.coli e Salmonellas)
só dou um beijinho, para nao cruzar a cara com o nariz e boca da outra pessoa.
No transito, vidro fechado.
Nao partilho toalhas e coisas em que meta toque dermal ou labial.
Purifico o ar
Se me servirem um prato morno num resturante peço para aquecer novamente
nao gosto de ver empregados de resturantes com as maos nas bordas do meu prato e aviso-os.  ( nao sei se viram o estudo que 80% dos empregados de restaurante tem materia fecal nas maos)
No multibanco, utilizo um lenco para os botoes.
Nos avioes tenho imenso cuidado, autenticas incubadoras.
Em hospitais só vou de mascara da 3M

Isto é uma profissão. Se conseguir mudar alguns dos meus maus hábitos já vou ficar contente...

Sim parece, mas depois é automatico. Umas semanas e estás a fazer a coisa automaticamente.


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1343 em: 2017-01-22 04:12:51 »
VV, se metes lenço no multibanco como é que lidas com o dinheiro ? (não estou a gozar, é sabido que é das coisas mais porcas em que todos tocamos).

toco pouco nele, e ando com desinfectante no carro, alcool em gel, toalhetes e spray. Todos temos bacterias nas maos, a ideia dos desinfectantes é diminuir a quantidade de bacterias. As notas nem me fazem muita impressao, sou mais esquisito com as moedas porque têm ranhuras e relevos.


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1344 em: 2017-01-22 04:15:54 »
VV lembro me de um gajo parecido contigo

eh eh excelente filme, adorei.


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1345 em: 2017-01-22 04:32:29 »
ja me chamaram de paranoico e esquisito por muito menos..  ;D

as pessoas nao sabem, tambem nao tem culpa. O problema disto é que uma pessoa pode ser infectada com um microorganismo de baixa virulencia que pode apoderar-se aos poucos da pessoa.
Uma coisa comum é os medicos dizerem, bom voce ja teve a infecao X está a ver aqui > Tem o IGM negativo e o IGG positivo, portanto com IGM negativo ja nao tem infecao e IGG positivo tem os anticorpos, portanto se se cruzar novamente com esse microorganismo ja nao fica doente. Tudo barrete. O IGM pode estar negativo mas a bactreria estar alojada num orgao a viver simbioticamente com o hospedeiro. Depois vem um cancro, uns diabetes, um cancro pancreatico.
Devia haver mais informaçao, mais prevençao. A cidade de NY City nunca poderá dizer ao mundo que no Central Park pode de facto haver já Lyme Disease, e é ver os turistas sentados na relva. É de loucos isto.
A Suiça emite algum comunicado que há lyme disease nas montanhas?
As pessoas vao para sitios paradisiacos e um ano depois podem ficar doentes e nem associam que pode ter sido algo que apanharam nesse país, de baixa virulencia, nem doença aguda tendo, e um ano depois, faz um estrago qualquer no cerebro.
Pessoal, mais vale ouvir os researchers, investigadores etc que os medicos. Os medicos andam ao papel. Bolas eu ja meti aqui um estudo do INSA Instituto Ricardo Jorge, ha 5 milhoes de portugueses com uma doença cronica, e 600 mil com 5 ou mais doenças cronicas.
Nao bebam aguas de fontes
Nao nadem em lagos
Nao comam buffets
Se pararem numa bomba para comprar uma lata de coca cola, nao bebam da lata e tentem lavar a lata nem que seja com alcool ou spray de alcool.
Lavem as maos all the time
Purifiquem a casa
Eliminem humidades
Fujam de ratos, aranhas, carraças, os ratos estao cheios de virus e bacterias.
No jardim zoologico nao toquem em nada, nao comam nada. Os ventos e aragem metem fezes secas no ar.
Se forem ao Iguaçu nao mexam nos Guaxins
Nao comam carne de caça mal passada e a comer é cozinhada durante 3 horas
Nao comem iguarias nas Tailandias e Malasias, optem por prato continental/internacional
Comida crua no estrangeiro never
usem repelentes de insectos. Uma picada de mosquito pode por-vos doente um ou 3 anos depois sem haver quadro agudo
Eu digo isto tudo porque algumas da lista ja as apanhei. iguarias aqui e ali, kebabs de rua, mexer em coisas, etc
Nao é paranoia, reparem 6 milhoes de portugueses com uma doença cronica, acreditam mesmo na treta genetica? bullshit, sao as comidas, sao os virus, sao os fungos, sao os toxicos que rebentam com a imunidade.
« Última modificação: 2017-01-22 04:59:50 por vv »


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1346 em: 2017-01-22 04:51:43 »
Acontecer uma m* destas é que é lixado....

 Estás a ver Automek, o que pode culminar numa gripezita.. As pessoas nao sabem e depois é giro e nao é, ler no artigo: " os medicos andam ao papel ha 5 semanas para descobrir o que é"
É por isso que eu digo, Estou num sitio publico, alguem espirra e eu fujo.
Em epocas de gripe eu nao toco em quase nada em superficies publicas.
Mortalidade dos velhotes que apanham gripe, entao ninguem informa pelo menos as pessoas " tenha cuidado, nao é so o frio que importa, nao toque em superficies, o virus transmite-se pela mucosa ocular tambem" Isto valeria mais umas vidas.
Toda esta treta dos hospitais a abarrotar evitar-se-ia com uma acão de prevençao incisiva, nao é só " lave as maos, coma menos gordura"

partilhar copos
fumar dos cigarros dos outros, bolas, a pessoa está ranhosa, mete os dedos no nariz, seca nas calças, pega num cigarro, contamina os outros cigarros, oferece um com ranho seco. uma pessoa pode nao apanhar nada, como pode apanhar um simples rinovirus como uma gripe e ate uma tuberculose.
E pessoal que vai deitar o lixo á rua e fumar o seu cigarrinho, lixo na mao, abre o caixote com a mao, puxa dos cigarros, boca, acende, dedos perto da boca, ratos nos caixotes, pessoal do lixo que mexe nos caixotes, lixo que transborda ( alguem lava os caixotes de rua alem da chuva)> está mesmo a pedi-las. É que nem todos os caixotes têm o pedal para abrir a tampa do caixote.


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1347 em: 2017-01-22 04:54:26 »
Vou comprar 1 pacote pequeno de leite ou bebida de aveia e outro de arroz para ver quais as diferenças e o que acontece.

Vi alguns produtos desta marca e teoricamente era mesmo isto que procurava...contudo o preço é simplesmente proibitivo...visto que recomendam 4 colheres de sopa por cada toma....

Este serve de exemplo da gama "super pequeno almoço" da Despertar do Buda , 300gr  9 euros , o outro pacote custa mais de 20 euros ..

Alguem conhece algo semelhante mas bem mais barato??

é desta marca/empresa    http://www.iswari.pt/

Bem isto tambem parece ser interessante e a bom preço http://www.iswari.pt/Mix-omega3

Odeio dizer isto assim mas, nao compres nada dessa marca!


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1348 em: 2017-01-22 05:24:14 »
Um gajo vai viajar, escolhem um sitio que uns amigos foram ha um ano.
Compram bilhete, vao, no pasa nada.
Chegam lá, bom, é outro país, outra ilha, outro sitio. É gozar. Mas talvez nao...
Alem de uma pessoa dever ir a uma consulta de viajante, pode consutar um site como o da CDC.
Um exemplo:


Note: Zika outbreaks have been reported in Fiji. Because of the risk of birth defects in babies born to women who were infected with Zika while pregnant, women who are pregnant should not travel to Fiji. For more information, see Zika Virus in Fiji. Text PLAN to 855-255-5606 to receive Zika updates for your destination.

Make sure you are up-to-date on routine vaccines before every trip. These vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, and your yearly flu shot.
   get_vaccinated hygiene
Most travelers

Get travel vaccines and medicines because there is a risk of these diseases in the country you are visiting.
Hepatitis A    

CDC recommends this vaccine because you can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Fiji, regardless of where you are eating or staying.
   get_vaccinated eat_drink

You can get typhoid through contaminated food or water in Fiji. CDC recommends this vaccine for most travelers, especially if you are staying with friends or relatives, visiting smaller cities or rural areas, or if you are an adventurous eater.
   get_vaccinated eat_drink
Some travelers

Ask your doctor what vaccines and medicines you need based on where you are going, how long you are staying, what you will be doing, and if you are traveling from a country other than the US.
Hepatitis B    

You can get hepatitis B through sexual contact, contaminated needles, and blood products, so CDC recommends this vaccine if you might have sex with a new partner, get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures.
   get_vaccinated avoid_body_fluids avoid-non-sterile-equipment
Yellow Fever    

There is no risk of yellow fever in Fiji. The government of Fiji requires proof of yellow fever vaccination only if you are arriving from a country with risk of yellow fever. This does not include the US. If you are traveling from a country other than the US, check this list to see if you may be required to get the yellow fever vaccine: Countries with risk of yellow fever virus (YFV) transmission.

For more information on recommendations and requirements, see yellow fever recommendations and requirements for Fiji. Your doctor can help you decide if this vaccine is right for you based on your travel plans.

Eat and drink safely

Unclean food and water can cause travelers' diarrhea and other diseases. Reduce your risk by sticking to safe food and water habits.

    Food that is cooked and served hot
    Hard-cooked eggs
    Fruits and vegetables you have washed in clean water or peeled yourself
    Pasteurized dairy products

Don't Eat

    Food served at room temperature
    Food from street vendors
    Raw or soft-cooked (runny) eggs
    Raw or undercooked (rare) meat or fish
    Unwashed or unpeeled raw fruits and vegetables
    Unpasteurized dairy products
    ”Bushmeat” (monkeys, bats, or other wild game)


    Bottled water that is sealed
    Water that has been disinfected
    Ice made with bottled or disinfected water
    Carbonated drinks
    Hot coffee or tea
    Pasteurized milk

Don’t Drink

    Tap or well water
    Ice made with tap or well water
    Drinks made with tap or well water (such as reconstituted juice)
    Unpasteurized milk

Take Medicine

Prevent bug bites

Bugs (like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas) can spread a number of diseases in Fiji. Many of these diseases cannot be prevented with a vaccine or medicine. You can reduce your risk by taking steps to prevent bug bites.
What can I do to prevent bug bites?

    Cover exposed skin by wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and hats.
    Use an appropriate insect repellent (see below).
    Use permethrin-treated clothing and gear (such as boots, pants, socks, and tents). Do not use permethrin directly on skin.
    Stay and sleep in air-conditioned or screened rooms.
    Use a bed net if the area where you are sleeping is exposed to the outdoors.

What type of insect repellent should I use?

    FOR PROTECTION AGAINST TICKS AND MOSQUITOES: Use a repellent that contains 20% or more DEET for protection that lasts up to several hours.
    FOR PROTECTION AGAINST MOSQUITOES ONLY: Products with one of the following active ingredients can also help prevent mosquito bites. Higher percentages of active ingredient provide longer protection.
        Picaridin (also known as KBR 3023, Bayrepel, and icaridin)
        Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or PMD
    Always use insect repellent as directed.

What should I do if I am bitten by bugs?

    Avoid scratching bug bites, and apply hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to reduce the itching.
    Check your entire body for ticks after outdoor activity. Be sure to remove ticks properly.

What can I do to avoid bed bugs?

Although bed bugs do not carry disease, they are an annoyance. See our information page about avoiding bug bites for some easy tips to avoid them. For more information on bed bugs, see Bed Bugs.

Keep away from animals

Most animals avoid people, but they may attack if they feel threatened, are protecting their young or territory, or if they are injured or ill. Animal bites and scratches can lead to serious diseases such as rabies.

Follow these tips to protect yourself:

    Do not touch or feed any animals you do not know.
    Do not allow animals to lick open wounds, and do not get animal saliva in your eyes or mouth.
    Avoid rodents and their urine and feces.
    Traveling pets should be supervised closely and not allowed to come in contact with local animals.
    If you wake in a room with a bat, seek medical care immediately. Bat bites may be hard to see.

All animals can pose a threat, but be extra careful around dogs, bats, monkeys, sea animals such as jellyfish, and snakes. If you are bitten or scratched by an animal, immediately:

    Wash the wound with soap and clean water.
    Go to a doctor right away.
    Tell your doctor about your injury when you get back to the United State

Reduce your exposure to germs

Follow these tips to avoid getting sick or spreading illness to others while traveling:

    Wash your hands often, especially before eating.
    If soap and water aren’t available, clean hands with hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol).
    Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. If you need to touch your face, make sure your hands are clean.
    Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
    Try to avoid contact with people who are sick.
    If you are sick, stay home or in your hotel room, unless you need medical care.

bangladesh, as viagens miticas

Some travelers

Ask your doctor what vaccines and medicines you need based on where you are going, how long you are staying, what you will be doing, and if you are traveling from a country other than the US.

Cholera is a risk in Bangladesh, and CDC recommends this vaccine for adults who are traveling to an area of active cholera transmission. However, because cholera is extremely rare in travelers (on average, cholera affects only 0.5–4.0 people out of every 1 million travelers to a risk area), your health care provider may consider additional risk factors (more information).
   get_vaccinated eat_drink
Hepatitis B    

You can get hepatitis B through sexual contact, contaminated needles, and blood products, so CDC recommends this vaccine if you might have sex with a new partner, get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures.
   get_vaccinated avoid_body_fluids avoid-non-sterile-equipment
Japanese Encephalitis    

You may need this vaccine if your trip will last more than a month, depending on where you are going in Bangladesh and what time of year you are traveling. You should also consider this vaccine if you plan to visit rural areas in Bangladesh or will be spending a lot of time outdoors, even for trips shorter than a month. Your doctor can help you decide if this vaccine is right for you based on your travel plans. See more in-depth information on Japanese encephalitis in Bangladesh.
   get_vaccinated avoid_insects

When traveling in Bangladesh, you should avoid mosquito bites to prevent malaria. You may need to take prescription medicine before, during, and after your trip to prevent malaria, depending on your travel plans, such as where you are going, when you are traveling, and if you are spending a lot of time outdoors or sleeping outside. Talk to your doctor about how you can prevent malaria while traveling. For more information on malaria in Bangladesh, see malaria in Bangladesh.
   antimalarial_meds avoid_insects

Rabies can be found in dogs, bats, and other mammals in Bangladesh, so CDC recommends this vaccine for the following groups:

    Travelers involved in outdoor and other activities (such as camping, hiking, biking, adventure travel, and caving) that put them at risk for animal bites.
    People who will be working with or around animals (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, and researchers).
    People who are taking long trips or moving to Bangladesh
    Children, because they tend to play with animals, might not report bites, and are more likely to have animal bites on their head and neck.

   get_vaccinated animals hygiene
Yellow Fever    

There is no risk of yellow fever in Bangladesh. The government of Bangladesh requires proof of yellow fever vaccination only if you are arriving from a country with risk of yellow fever. This does not include the US. If you are traveling from a country other than the US, check this list to see if you may be required to get the yellow fever vaccine: Countries with ris


Most travelers

Get travel vaccines and medicines because there is a risk of these diseases in the country you are visiting.
Hepatitis A    

CDC recommends this vaccine because you can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Madagascar, regardless of where you are eating or staying.
   get_vaccinated eat_drink

You can get typhoid through contaminated food or water in Madagascar. CDC recommends this vaccine for most travelers, especially if you are staying with friends or relatives, visiting smaller cities or rural areas, or if you are an adventurous eater.
   get_vaccinated eat_drink

You may need a polio vaccine before your trip to Madagascar.

    If you were vaccinated against polio as a child but have never had a polio booster dose as an adult, you should get this booster dose. Adults need only one polio booster in their lives.
    If you were not completely vaccinated as a child or do not know your vaccination status, talk to your doctor about getting vaccinated.






Lyme disease increases in Switzerland
Home - Alerts - Europe - Lyme disease increases in Switzerland
25 Aug 2016

As of the end of July, doctors across the nation had treated 22,000 people for tick bites. In comparison, the whole of 2015 saw just 14,300 visits, according to the Federal Office of Public Health. The figure is the highest since the office started recording tick bite cases in 2008. The high number of tick bites is also associated with a higher number of Lyme disease cases. So far this year there have been 8,400 cases of acute Lyme disease. In 2015 the figure was 5,300 and there were 8,700 cases in 2013 - considere a particulalry bad year for tick-related illnesses.

soooo, usar repelente, na Suiça? Nao é so em angola fiji e mozambique eheh
« Última modificação: 2017-01-22 05:41:50 por vv »


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1350 em: 2017-01-22 05:52:59 »
PRisao de ventre:

Um remedio simples para a prisao de ventre é beber leite do dia á temperatura ambiente de hora a hora. Ou seja, durante 8 -9 horas beber 150ml-200ml de leite do dia á temperatura ambiente.
O que isto faz é mandar algum leite por digerir para o intestino, leite este que contem lactobacilus e vai regular a tripa. Ou yougurt ou kefir, tambem dá. o resultado é uma bosta descomunal e tripa limpa.

Reference, John Harvey Kellogg, Milk Regimen. ( o inventor dos corn flakes)


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1351 em: 2017-01-22 06:02:00 »
Algo interessante sobre cigarros: Os cigarros nao são apenas toxicos.

Leiam isto

Sapkota became curious about bacteria living on tobacco while studying antibiotic-resistant genes in genetically modified tobacco plants. She was troubleshooting contamination problems when she realized the plants were full of bacteria. She remembers thinking that "if fresh tobacco leaves are loaded themselves, what is happening when the tobacco is harvested and produced to make cigarettes?"

The answer is that tobacco, too, was contaminated with bacteria.

In the study, more than 700 bacterial species were found in well-known cigarette brands including Camels, Kool Filter Kings, Lucky Strike Original Red, and Marlboro Red. Sapkota suspects their screen actually underestimates the number of bacteria present, and thinks it could be closer to the thousands of chemicals found in cigarettes. The researchers noted that no one brand had significantly different levels of bacteria.

To create cigarettes, green tobacco, which has relatively few bacterial species, are fermented under conditions that are perfect for dense bacterial growth. Instead of removing the bacteria during process, the fermentation concentrates them to as much as 1 million bacteria per cigarette, Pauly said. And the bacteria are alive and capable of reproducing. A single tobacco flake from a cigarette, when placed on a dish with nutrients, will lead to the growth of live bacterial colonies, he said.

"It’s amazing how hearty these little critters are," said Sapkota. "We’re finding out more each day how they can survive."

The research team found 15 different classes of bacteria and a number of potentially pathogenic organisms. The most notorious organisms present were Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Burkholderia, Clostridium, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Serratia. These bacteria were found in more than 90 percent of all cigarette samples tested. Also found in the samples were the pathogens Campylobacter, Enterococcus, Proteus, and Staphylococcus.

Sapkota said it's troubling that so many human pathogens are present in cigarette tobacco. Microbes are known to cause acute infectious illnesses and also are risk factors for chronic diseases such as cancers and neurological disorders. However, future studies are necessary to determine whether or not the bacteria in cigarettes actually play a role in those diseases.

What researchers do know is that smokers are inhaling living bacteria into their lungs, which are sterile in healthy individuals, and this could lead to certain types of lung disease such as COPD and inflammation that is associated with solid tumors.

According to Pauly, even dead bacteria produce endotoxins that can activate cells that cause inflammation. He says there is some concern that the chemicals and bacteria might work together to speed up the malignancy of cancer cells.


Among the study's findings and conclusions:

    Commercially available cigarettes show a broad array of bacterial diversity, ranging from soil microorganisms to potential human pathogens;
    The is the first study to provide evidence that the numbers of microorganisms in a cigarette may be as "vast as the number of chemical constituents;"
    Hundreds of bacterial species were present in each cigarette, and additional testing is likely to increase that number significantly;
    No significant variability in bacterial diversity was observed across the four different cigarette brands examined: Camel; Kool Filter Kings; Lucky Strike Original Red; and Marlboro Red;
    Bacteria of medical significance to humans were identified in all of the tested cigarettes and included Acinetobacter (associated with lung and blood infections); Bacillus (some varieties associated with food borne illnesses and anthrax); Burkholderia (some forms responsible for respiratory infections); Clostridium (associated with foodborne illnesses and lung infections); Klebsiella (associated with a variety of lung, blood and other infections); and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (an organism that causes 10 percent of all hospital-acquired infections in the United States).


The effect of cigarette smoke on growth of those species of bacteria that are considered common potential human pathogens was examined in vitro. Smoke from both mentholated and nonmentholated cigarettes inhibited the growth of Gram-positive cocci to a greater degree than that of Gram-negative rods. Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and a variety of other streptococci were inhibited at a smoke solution dilution of 1:8. Enteric bacteria such as Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Pseudomonas were not affected by a 1:1 dilution of the solution. As with the Gram-positive cocci, the Neisseria species and Branhamella were also inhibited at a dilution of 1:8. Culture results of the mouth of 15 smokers and 15 nonsmokers showed that the smokers have a propensity to develop heavy Gram-negative bacterial colonization.

Nov. 24, 2009 -- Cigarettes are massive germ factories that may expose users and passersby to a swarm of disease-causing bacteria, a study shows.

It's well known that cigarette smoke harbors hundreds of toxic chemicals that are bad for your health. But a University of Maryland environmental health researcher says that's not the only danger. DNA examination of four cigarette brands shows, for the first time, that cigarettes are "widely contaminated" with hundreds of different types of bacteria. In fact, there appears to be as many bacteria in cigarettes as there are chemicals.

"The commercially available cigarettes that we tested were chock full of bacteria, as we had hypothesized, but we didn't think we'd find so many that are infectious in humans," says researcher Amy R. Sapkota, an assistant professor in the University of Maryland's School of Public Health.

Sapkota and microbial ecologists at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon in France examined the bacteria content in four major cigarette brands: Camel, Kool Filter Kings, Lucky Strike Original Red, and Marlboro Red and found similar types of bacteria in each one.

Previous research has watched for bacterial growth in lab dishes containing small tobacco samples, but this study is the first to scrutinize a cigarette's bacterial genetic makeup.

The testing revealed that cigarettes contain a wide variety of bacteria that are linked to lung, blood, and food-borne-related infections. Among those present were:

    Acinetobacter -- associated with certain blood and lung infections
    Bacillus -- some types are associated with anthrax and food poisoning
    Burkholderia -- some strains can cause respiratory infections
    Clostridium -- linked to food poisoning-related illnesses and lung infections
    Klebsiella -- associated with many kinds of lung, blood, and other infections
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa -- a specific type of bacteria that is responsible for 10% of hospital-acquired infections

"If these organisms can survive the smoking process -- and we believe they can -- then they could possibly go on to contribute to both infectious and chronic illnesses in both smokers and individuals who are exposed to environmental tobacco smoke," Sapkota says.

Although the public health implications of these findings are unclear at present, scientists plan to continue their research to determine if the bacteria can be implicated in tobacco-related diseases. A big question is whether or not cigarette-borne bacteria can survive the burning process and enter the lungs of smokers and grow. Some evidence suggests that some bacteria can spread this way. The bacteria may also be present on, or in, the filter.


An article in Tobacco Control (2008, Vol. 17), highlights another potential health risk associated with tobacco
in a cigarette or in the smokeless form. Several studies were highlighted:

    One study showed the presence of bacteria, bacterial toxins, fungal spores and fungal toxins in cigarette tobacco.
    A second study showed the presence of 23 different species of bacteria in cigarette tobacco.
    An additional study revealed that in 14 brands of cigarettes, the fungal spores were identified and that
    Aspergillus fumigatus was the most prevalent one.

        Invasive aspergillus is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients.

Several questions were raised by the Tobacco Control study. Would the bacterial growth occur on tobacco dust and microparticulates that could reach the lung? The answer was that 90 percent of tobacco particulates grew bacteria and when filters were looked at, the tobacco flakes in the filters all grew bacteria (11 different brands).

A question that will remain unanswered at present is what happens in the long term smoker, who does not clear deposited tobacco smoke particulates (tar) from the lung due to: impaired mucociliary clearance, reduced host defenses, chronic pulmonary inflammation and recurring respiratory infections?

It is known that chronic inflammation is associated with cancer. It is also known that tobacco associated inflammation is associated with lung cancer and other non-cancerous pulmonary diseases. Chronic inflammation can be caused by bacterial derived toxins. So is the smoker setting up the chain of events that will ultimately lead to cancer by inhaling particulate matter that has bacteria and fungi on it?



Some bacteria grow in unique microenvironments, and some are difficult to grow using traditional broth- and agar-based methods. This technical difficulty may also apply to growing bacteria that have adapted to unique conditions that develop during the curing and fermentation of tobacco. Accordingly, it is believed that conventional methods may not accurately define the microflora of diverse tobacco products [43, 113]. Consequently, there may be an incomplete understanding of the bacterial diversity in the tobacco of cigarettes and also the impact these microbes and microbial toxins may impose on the smoker [113].

Recently, the bacterial metagenomic of cigarettes were characterized using a 16S rRNA-based taxonomic microassay as well as traditional cloning and sequencing methods. The brands included Camel, Marlboro, Kool, and Lucky Strike. The results of this study showed that the number of microorganisms in cigarettes may be as vast as the number of chemicals in these products. Fifteen classes of bacteria were identified [113]. Particularly noteworthy was the identification of a broad range of potentially pathogenic microorganisms detected. More than 90% of the tobacco samples from the cigarettes contained Actinetobacter, Bacillus, Burkholderia, Closteridium, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aerogenosa, and Serratia. Other bacteria that are known to be potentially pathogenic to humans and detected using the metagenomic technology were Campylobacter, Enterococcus, Proteus, and Staphylococcus [113].

Reported also in 2010 were the results of an investigation of the diversities of unaged and flue-cured tobacco leaves using a 16S rRNA sequence analysis scheme [43].

Others have reported the identification of potentially pathogenic bacteria in commercial cigarettes. One study was undertaken to assess the bacterial diversity of cigarettes that were thought to be linked to severe pneumonitis in US military personnel deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom [38]. Eight species of Bacillus, including five new species, and one new species of Kurthia were isolated from the cigarettes. Some of these species have been identified elsewhere to cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis and other respiratory syndromes [38]. This study was of particular interest to many because the cigarettes were made in Iraq and not manufactured by a major tobacco company. Undertaking this investigation, the question arose as to whether the cigarettes that had been purchased by soldiers from street vendors had been intentionally altered by adding pathogenic bacteria and/or mold. This theory was disproven.

Another study was conducted by a group of investigators in Sweden who characterized the bacterial and fungal community in warehouse tobacco [41].

We have reported previously the establishment of a novel bioassay which showed that bacteria were grown routinely from a single flake of tobacco that had been placed on the surface of a sheep blood agar plate [42]. Of eight popular brands of cigarettes, bacteria grew from almost all (>90%) of the flakes. Similarly, bacteria were grown from a single flake, and also with a high frequency, from tobacco that had been retrieved from cigar filler and from smokeless tobacco (snus, snuff, and long cut). Some bacteria induced hemolysis of the blood in the agar dishes. The destruction of the red blood cells was readily visible as a yellow zone surrounding a single tobacco flake. Expanding studies documented the hemolysis of human blood in agar or nutrient broth cultures. Thus, as discussed later, bacteria could be carried deep into the respiratory tract by a single tobacco flake sucked from the cut surface of a cigarette filter and transported into the bolus of smoke that is inhaled deep into the lung. A single tobacco flake may be envisioned as a matrix for delivering diverse bacteria into the respiratory tract of an immunologically compromised long-term smoker.
« Última modificação: 2017-01-22 06:04:09 por vv »


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1352 em: 2017-01-22 06:21:41 »
Amanha deambulamos pela proteina de soro e mais sobre as globulinas lizosimas e lactoferrinas presentes, que sao um arsenal para uma imunidade de ferro, anemias, infecoes etc

Admira-me imenso os medicos nao receitarem lactoferrina no combate a infecoes graves ate juntamente com antibioticos. Isto porque a lactoferrina vai tornar o ferro inacessivel ás bacterias virus e fungos. Sim as bacterias alimentam-se e reproduzem-se quando ha ferro livre ( daí pessoas doentes nao deverem comer carnes)
Uma ideia de aumentar a imunidade e curar infecoes é esta, é tomar proteina de soro isolada, rica em lactoferrina e globulinas, a melhor possivel, ( cara, 50eur por 500gr)
Daí que uma pessoa com uma infecao que tire sangue, alem de tirar toxinas tambem vai tirar ferro do sistema, ( como ja referi noutro post, o excesso de ferro dado pela carne, é uma das grandes causas de doenças da civilizacao, diabetes, obesidade, chronic heart disease, disfunçao imunologica, impotencia, etc ) é o ferro. Ha que tira-lo fora de vez em quando.
Ha casos de pessoas que reverteram a diabetes por tirarem sangue, artrites, impotencia, alzheimers, visao, cabelo, coisas cronicas, etc. Um detox completo na austria e suiça comtempla, boa alimentaçao, suar, respirar oxigenio e esguichar sangue para fora do corpo( aqui podemos voltar depois.)

 Para já, Lactoferrina, globulinas, as moleculas milagrosas que todos recebemos mal nascemos quando mamamos leite materno. ( sabem que ha um mercado negro para leite materno para adultos? 40eur o litro)

In recent years, scientists have begun to investigate the ability of certain proteins to improve health.  Years of scientific research have resulted in the development of a specially designed whey protein that considerable evidence now shows produces multiple health benefits.

These benefits include:

    Helping to protect against free radicals while boosting cellular glutathione levels,
    Extending life span in laboratory animals,
    Enhancing immune function.

Athletes were the first to use whey protein as an anti-catabolic supplement to build lean muscle mass, however, scientific studies have shown a wide array of health benefits.

Life Extension uses a production method that produces a whey protein isolate that provides even better health maintenance than previous products.

Using a low temperature microfiltration technique, it is possible to produce a 98% undenatured whey protein isolate that acts as a powerful immune stimulant and retains all the important subfractions, such as lactoferrin, a strong antioxidant with immune properties.

Enhanced Life Extension Protein is a third generation whey protein containing 4 times as much lactoferrin as most other whey protein supplements on the market, and is, to our knowledge, the only such whey protein supplement that contains added lactoferrin.  Lactoferrin appears to be a subfraction of whey with the best documented and immune enhancing effects.  When we talk about whey, we are actually referring to a complex protein made up of many smaller protein subfractions (peptides).  Many of these subfractions are only found in very minute amounts in cows milk, normally at less than 1%.  For example, lactoferrin makes up only 0.5% to 1% or less of whey protein derived from cows milk.  Mothers milk, on the other hand, will contain up to 15% lactoferrin.

Lactoferrin is found throughout the human body and occurs in all secretions that bathe mucous membranes such as saliva, tears, bronchial and nasal secretions, hepatic bile, pancreatic fluids, and is an essential factor in the immune response.  Lactoferrin is concentrated in oral cavities where it will come in direct contact with pathogens (i.e. viruses, bacteria, etc.) greatly suppressing these pathogens through a variety of different mechanisms.  In fact, there are specific receptors for lactoferrin found on many key immune cells, such as lymphocytes, monocytes and macrophages, and is known to be directly involved in the up-regulation of natural killer (NK) cell activity.  One study with baby pigs found that only 17% of the pigs died when fed lactoferrin and injected with a toxin (escherichia coli) as opposed to 74% of the pigs that died without the lactoferrin.

Gastrointestinal Function
Lactoferrin appears to be particularly important in the health and function of the intestinal tract.  It has been found to greatly reduce systemic and intestinal inflammation in such conditions as inflammatory bowel disease, among others
.  Animals subjected to a variety of pathogens known to cause both systemic and intestinal inflammation and damage show much greater resistance and reduced inflammation when fed lactoferrin.

Iron Effects
Lactoferrin is probably best known for its role as an iron binding protein.  It's referred to as holo-lactoferrin in its iron bound form and apo-lactoferrin in its iron depleted form

Lactoferrin is a powerful agent able to inhibit a wide range of pathogenic bacteria and other microbes.  The mechanism appears to lie with lactoferrin's ability to bind with iron, as it is known to have an extremely high affinity for this metal.  Many pathogenic bacteria need a supply of free iron to multiply and in the presence of lactoferrin are strongly inhibited.

Lactoferrin as an Antioxidant
Finally, lactoferrin is an antioxidant that scavenges free-iron helping to prevent uncontrolled iron-based free radical reactions, thus protecting certain cells from peroxidation.  Though lactoferrin is both an iron scavenger and donor (depending on the cellular environment), it has been found to scavenge or donate iron at the appropriate times when the body is in need of the reaction.  At normal physiological PH, lactoferrin binds iron tightly thus diminishing oxidative stress to tissues (from free radical production of iron).  Apolactoferrin, but not hololactoferrin, has been shown to prevent lipid peroxidation.

« Última modificação: 2017-01-22 06:28:07 por vv »


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1353 em: 2017-01-22 06:25:16 »
Clinical Significance
Antibacterial activity

Lactoferrin's primary role is to sequester free iron, and in doing so remove essential substrate required for bacterial growth.[34] Antibacterial action of lactoferrin is also explained by the presence of specific receptors on the cell surface of microorganisms. Lactoferrin binds to lipopolysaccharide of bacterial walls, and the oxidized iron part of the lactoferrin oxidizes bacteria via formation of peroxides. This affects the membrane permeability and results in the cell breakdown (lysis).[34]

Although lactoferrin also has other antibacterial mechanisms not related to iron, such as stimulation of phagocytosis,[35] the interaction with the outer bacterial membrane described above is the most dominant and most studied.[36] Lactoferrin not only disrupts the membrane, but even penetrates into the cell. Its binding to the bacteria wall is associated with the specific peptide lactoferricin, which is located at the N-lobe of lactoferrin and is produced by in vitro cleavage of lactoferrin with another protein, trypsin.[37][38] A mechanism of the antimicrobial action of lactoferrin has been reported as lactoferrin targets H+-ATPase and interferes with proton translocation in the cell membrane, resulting in a lethal effect in vitro.[39]

Lactoferrin prevents the attachment of H. pylori in the stomach, which in turn, aids in reducing digestive system disorders. Bovine lactoferrin has more activity against H. pylori than human lactoferrin.[40]
Antiviral activity

Lactoferrin acts, mostly in vitro, on a wide range of human and animal viruses based on DNA and RNA genomes,[41] including the herpes simplex virus 1 and 2,[42][43] cytomegalovirus,[44] HIV,[43][45] hepatitis C virus,[46][47] hantaviruses, rotaviruses, poliovirus type 1,[48] human respiratory syncytial virus, murine leukemia viruses[38] and Mayaro virus.[49]

The most studied mechanism of antiviral activity of lactoferrin is its diversion of virus particles from the target cells. Many viruses tend to bind to the lipoproteins of the cell membranes and then penetrate into the cell.[47] Lactoferrin binds to the same lipoproteins thereby repelling the virus particles. Iron-free apolactoferrin is more efficient in this function than hololactoferrin; and lactoferricin, which is responsible for antimicrobial properties of lactoferrin, shows almost no antiviral activity.[41]

Beside interacting with the cell membrane, lactoferrin also directly binds to viral particles, such as the hepatitis viruses.[47] This mechanism is also confirmed by the antiviral activity of lactoferrin against rotaviruses,[38] which act on different cell types.

Lactoferrin also suppresses virus replication after the virus penetrated into the cell.[38][45] Such an indirect antiviral effect is achieved by affecting natural killer cells, granulocytes and macrophages – cells, which play a crucial role in the early stages of viral infections, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).[50]
Antifungal activity

Lactoferrin and lactoferricin inhibit in vitro growth of Trichophyton mentagrophytes, which are responsible for several skin diseases such as ringworm.[51] Lactoferrin also acts against the Candida albicans – a diploid fungus (a form of yeast) that causes opportunistic oral and genital infections in humans.[52][53] Fluconazole has long been used against Candida albicans, which resulted in emergence of strains resistant to this drug. However, a combination of lactoferrin with fluconazole can act against fluconazole-resistant strains of Candida albicans as well as other types of Candida: C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis.[52] Antifungal activity is observed for sequential incubation of Candida with lactoferrin and then with fluconazole, but not vice versa. The antifungal activity of lactoferricin exceeds that of lactoferrin. In particular, synthetic peptide 1–11 lactoferricin shows much greater activity against Candida albicans than native lactoferricin.[52]

Administration of lactoferrin through drinking water to mice with weakened immune systems and symptoms of aphthous ulcer reduced the number of Candida albicans strains in the mouth and the size of the damaged areas in the tongue.[54] Oral administration of lactoferrin to animals also reduced the number of pathogenic organisms in the tissues close to the gastrointestinal tract. Candida albicans could also be completely eradicated with a mixture containing lactoferrin, lysozyme and itraconazole in HIV-positive patients who were resistant to other antifungal drugs.[55] Such antifungal action when other drugs deem inefficient is characteristic of lactoferrin and is especially valuable for HIV-infected patients.[56] Contrary to the antiviral and antibacterial actions of lactoferrin, very little is known about the mechanism of its antifungal action. Lactoferrin seems to bind the plasma membrane of C. albicans inducing an apoptotic-like process.[53][57]
Anticarcinogenic activity

The anticancer activity of bovine lactoferrin (bLF) has been demonstrated in experimental lung, bladder, tongue, colon, and liver carcinogeneses on rats, possibly by suppression of phase I enzymes, such as cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2).[58] Also, in another experiment done on hamsters, bovine lactoferrin decreased the incidence of oral cancer by 50%.[59] Because bLF by far did not show any toxicity and because it's readily available in milk, bLF offers promise as a potential chemopreventive agent for oral cancer. Currently, bLF is used as an ingredient in yogurt, chewing gums, infant formulas, and cosmetics.[59]
Cystic fibrosis

The human lung and saliva contain a wide range of antimicrobial compound including lactoperoxidase system, producing hypothiocyanite and lactoferrin, with hypothiocyanite missing in cystic fibrosis patients.[60] Lactoferrin, a component of innate immunity, prevents bacterial biofilm development.[61][62] The loss of microbicidal activity and increased formation of biofilm due to decreased lactoferrin activity is observed in patients with cystic fibrosis.[63] In cystic fibrosis, antibiotic susceptibility may be modified by lactoferrin[64] These findings demonstrate the important role of lactoferrin in human host defense and especially in lung.[65] Lactoferrin with hypothiocyanite has been granted orphan drug status by the EMEA[66] and the FDA.[67]
In Diagnosis
Lactoferrin levels in tear fluid have been shown to decrease in dry eye diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome.[68] A rapid, portable test utilizing microfluidic technology has been developed to enable measurement of lactoferrin levels in human tear fluid at the point-of-care with the aim of improving diagnosis of Sjogren's syndrome and other forms of dry eye disease

Immune responses are designed to interact with the environment to protect the host against pathogenic invaders, conferring a state of health through effective elimination of infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites) and modulation of systemic responses comprising host immune surveillance. Recent research has identified lactoferrin, a member of the transferrin family of iron binding glycoproteins, as a critical component in mediation of immune response, especially for coordinated interactions between innate and adaptive components and associated responses. Engagement of innate components leads to triggering of signal pathways to promote inflammation, ensuring that invading pathogens remain in check while the specific immune response is either generated or upregulated. Lactoferrin is a key molecule involved in these processes.

The immune system protects the body from potentially harmful environmental stimuli through recognition and responding with multiple immunological reactions. Myeloid cells, including the highly phagocytic, motile polymorphonuclear neutrophils, macrophages and dendritic cells, provide a first line of defense against most pathogens. There is emerging evidence that many mediators originating from the myeloid lineage revive immune homeostasis in most insult-induced metabolic disparity [1,2]. Thus, the utility of such immune mediators represents a novel therapeutic approach that depends on immunopotentiation, immunosuppression, or induction of immunological tolerance. Lactoferrin is one of these mediators that naturally bridge the innate and adaptive immune functions by regulating target cell response, including those involved in oxidative stress and systemic inflammatory responses. It is also recognized as a significant contributor in regulation of antigen presentation and development of productive T helper cell response.

Lactoferrin is a well conserved, monomeric 80-kDa single polypeptide chain glycoprotein of about 690 amino acid residues [3,4]. While lactoferrin is found primarily in mucosal secretions, synthesized by epithelial cells, it is also present in neutrophilic granules [5]. Lactoferrin is considered a first-line defense protein involved in protection against a multitude of microbial infections [6–8] and prevention of systemic inflammation [9–11]. While the goal of this review is to examine immune modulating activity of lactoferrin, it is important to consider that lactoferrin also exhibits direct effects on pathogens [12–15]. These include bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects, the former being a result of iron sequestration by lactoferrin and the latter dealing with lactoferrin capabilities to bind lipopolysaccharide (LPS) [16–23]. The ability of lactoferrin to bind large quantities of iron also provides protection against pathogens and their metabolites by enhancing phagocytosis and cell adherence and controlling the release of proinflammatory cytokines [24,25]. Other direct effects of lactoferrin include anti-viral [21,26–32], anti-parasitic [33–35], and anti-fugal [36–41] activities. Additionally, lactoferrin possesses indirect activity, often through prevention of pathogen invasion by blocking interaction with receptors used for entry on host cells [42–44].

While suppressing microbial growth, lactoferrin also exerts direct first-line defense activity through its significant impact on the development of adaptive immune responses. Sequestration of iron by lactoferrin reduces insult-induced oxidative stress, thus altering the magnitude and specific production of cytokines [45]. Lactoferrin has a profound modulatory action on the adaptive immune system [46–48] by promoting the maturation of T-cell precursors into competent helper cells and by the differentiation of immature B-cells into efficient antigen presenting cells [49]. In addition, lactoferrin augments the delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to antigens, leading to a strong induction of cell-mediated immunity in mice [50,51]. Each of these topics will be discussed in detail.

Lactoferrin is a primary constituent of immune homeostasis, functioning to reduce oxidative stress at the molecular level, and thus controlling excess inflammatory response. Oxidative stress occurs when the production of potentially destructive reactive oxygen species (ROS) exceeds the body’s own natural antioxidant defenses and results in cellular damage. A cell is able to overcome small perturbations and regain its original state; but, severe oxidative stress can cause cell death. While moderate oxidation can trigger apoptosis, more intense stresses can cause necrosis within tissue [52–54]. There is substantial evidence that oxidative stress is a causative factor in the pathogenesis of major neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease [55], Alzheimer’s disease [56], and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [57,58], and is involved in cases of stroke, trauma, seizures [59,60], rheumatoid arthritis, fatigue, or cancer [61,62]. Also, there is ample evidence that allergic disorders, such as asthma, rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis, are mediated by oxidative stress [63]. In fact, the oxidative stress-induced immune hypersensitivity indicates a shift in immunostasis towards the Th2 responses. The Th1/Th2 balance is responsible for coordinating the immune system and become very important during aging processes, including the development of autoimmune, neurodegenerative and immune hypersensitivity disorders.

Transitional metals may be considered as key factors in the oxidative stress. In particular, traces of iron can be detrimental to physiological processes under reactive oxygen conditions. Iron is crucial in modulating production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), by virtue of its ability to catalyze a two step process known as the Haber-Weiss reaction [64]. In normal physiological conditions, the production and neutralization of these reactive oxygen species largely depends on the efficiency of key enzymes, including superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase. Inefficiency of these enzymes leads to overexpression of hydroxyl radical via iron-dependent Haber-Weiss reaction, and subsequent increase in lipid peroxidation. It is hypothesized that endogenous lactoferrin can prevent lipid peroxidation by virtue of iron sequestration. This may have a significant systemic implication as lipid peroxidation products, namely hydroxyalkenals, can randomly inactivate or modify functional proteins and affect vital metabolic pathways. There is substantial evidence that acute overproduction of ROS can result in pathological damage due to severe injury or death of cells in affected tissues [52].
Go to:

Preliminary experiments in our laboratory demonstrated that lactoferrin can function as an anti-oxidant, reducing intracellular levels of ROS induced by glucose oxidize (GO). Based on this initial study it was hypothesized that lactoferrin could function to reduce oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. Apoptosis is a programmed cells death, characterized by activation of caspases. The human monocytic cell line (U937) was used to measure caspase-3 activation by lactoferrin. Cells were pre-treated with lactoferrin (125 or 250 μg/mL) or N-acetyl-L-cysteine (as control; 10 mM), and then exposed to GO (500 ng/mL; predetermined to killed cells via apoptosis in preliminary studies). Caspase-3 activity was determined by measuring the change in absorbance at 405 nm. Indeed, lactoferrin was able to limit caspase-3 activation in apoptotic U937 cells (Fig. 1). To further test inhibition of apoptosis by lactoferrin, Annexin V-FITC staining was employed. U937 cells were treated with lactoferrin, GO, or in combination. Comparisons were made to z-DEVD-fmk (N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Asp(OMe)-Glu(OMe) -Val-Asp(OMe)-fluoro-methylketone), a caspase–3 inhibitor control. Again, lactoferrin effectively reduced glucose oxidase-induced apoptosis (Fig. 1). There is also published confirmation that daily oral administration of lactoferrin can support the immune system response through antioxidative mechanisms [65].
Fig. 1
Fig. 1
LF inhibits oxidative stress-induced apoptosis
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Early host defenses during septicemia and endotoxemia include a rapid rise in serum lactoferrin concentration [66]. The significance of this response is well established, although the mechanisms are not clearly understood. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), induced either by endotoxin or live bacteria, represents the earliest manifestation of immune function in which molecular aspects of increased ROS leads to exacerbated inflammation. There is growing evidence showing that progression of systemic inflammatory response syndrome into sepsis is due to the cellular damage and death induced by acute inflammatory responses. The cell death depends in part upon mitochondrial dysfunction, which is often characterized by increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), increased membrane permeability and eventual release of cell death mediators from mitochondria [67]. Extensive mitochondrial damage leads to loss of cellular ATP pools, which can be linked to necrotic cell death, to further inflammatory responses. Consequently, mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to a wide range of human pathologies including SIRS and sepsis. Lactoferrin is a critical component involved in mediation of this response, so as to allow controlled regulation of inflammation without rapid induction of pathological damage. The mechanism of action for lactoferrin contains multiple components for differential regulation of cellular immune responses during the development of SIRS. Both endotoxemia and bacteremia are manifested by severe clinical syndromes characterized by proinflammatory cytokine release, increased expression of adhesion molecules, and massive release of reactive oxygen species [68–70]. Vascular inflammation occurs within minutes of Gram negative bacterial infection and coincides with a burst of proinflammatory cytokines derived from activated monocytes-macrophages. There is increasing evidence that bacteremia and endotoxemia stimulate the immune system into a self-perpetuating, generalized state of hyperactivity. In particular, the systemic inflammatory response to bacterial LPS induces gut-associated lymphoid tissue to produce and liberate proinflammatory cytokines which in turn affects gut mucosal permeability. This contributes to enteric bacterial translocation to distant sites [71–74]. Recently, the LPS-induced oxidative burst was found to be of mitochondrial origin, and release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was localized to the respiratory complex III. Importantly, lactoferrin nearly abolished LPS-induced increases in mitochondrial ROS generation and accumulation of oxidative damage to DNA. In vivo, pretreatment of experimental animals with LF significantly lowered LPS-induced mitochondrial dysfunction shown by decreased release of H2O2 and reduced DNA damage in the mitochondria (personal communication, S. Boldogh). The potential use of lactoferrin for amelioration of clinical sepsis has been an active area of research in our laboratory.

Injection of LPS into animals virtually reproduces the pathophysiologic changes induced by live bacteria, and it is considered a standard model for sepsis. Using this model, it was demonstrated that treatment of mice with lactoferrin reduced or eliminated many of the biological effects normally seen upon administration of endotoxin [75–79] (summarized in Table 1). A single dose of lactoferrin administered 1 h before LPS injection significantly increased survival of mice when compared with the saline-treated controls. Overall, the mortality rate was 16.7% in the lactoferrin-treated mice and 83.3% in the saline control group [61].
Table 1
Table 1
The Role of Lactoferrin in Moderation of Development of LPS-Induced Endotoxemia in Mice

The protective effect of lactoferrin against bacteremia has also been demonstrated in mice [14,80]. We further investigated this observation in CFW mice for ability to clear bacteria from serum and tissue when treated with lactoferrin. Mice were administered a bolus dose of lactoferrin (10 mg) 1 h prior to challenge with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (E. coli 844 078K 80/B) at a lethal dose (2×108 organisms, intravenous injection). 80% of mice treated with lactoferrin survived through 30 days, compared to 100% death by three days in mice given either saline or human serum albumin (HSA) control injections (data not shown). Levels of organisms were quantitated post injection of enterotoxigenic bacteria. Mice pretreated with lactoferrin demonstrated greater than 100-fold reduction in organisms in circulation compared to controls (Fig. 2). E. coli was also measured in lungs, spleens, livers and kidneys. The effect was most dramatic when examining bacterial load remaining within lung tissue (Fig. 3), where there was over 1000-fold reduction in number of organisms. All tissues demonstrated decreased bacterial loads (at least 10-fold reduction in spleen, liver and kidney), when compared with phosphate buffered saline and/or HSA controls. This indicates increased killing, and not merely a difference in sequestration of organisms. Taken together, these data show that lactoferrin will protect against progression of insult-induced systemic inflammatory responses in models of SIRS and sepsis by reducing immune mediators and oxidative stress that contribute to tissue damage.

Effect of lactoferrin on the clearance of E. coli from various organs

In other murine bacteremia model using E. coli (strain SM105) [81], mice were intravenous injected with approximately 1.5 × 109 CFU/mouse, similar to models previously described [82]. At this dose, mice survived the infection, with high levels of circulating proinflammatory mediators and large bacterial load in tissues. Addition of lactoferrin prior to infectious challenge led to non-significant reduction in organ bacterial load in all tissues examined (data not shown). Serum cytokines were measured in the above mice just prior to sacrifice. In all cases cytokines were reduced due to pretreatment with lactoferrin. The greatest reductions were noticed in IL-6, which persisted through 4 days post infection. It was of interest to note that no concurrent changes were observed in TNF-α at that time, although it is speculated that decreases may have occurred if earlier times were examined (Fig. 4). A significant decrease of serum IL-12 and IL-10 cytokine levels was also observed (data not shown). Changes in intestinal tissue (jejunal section) were also examined (Fig. 5). At 4 days post infection, control mice demonstrated disruption to microvilli, with large sub-mucosal accumulation of activated cells. The pretreatment with lactoferrin led to nearly full protection of gut associated tissue in all mice examined.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1354 em: 2017-01-22 07:07:46 »
Uma coisa interessante que me passou sobre a questao de dar sangue:

Pensem nas gajas menstruadas, qual è a mulher menstruada que tem problemas de coracao, problemas renais, e outras mazelas. Certamente que ha mas a percentagem é pequena. Quando entram na menopausa e deixam de ser menstruadas, vem tudo, hipertensao, diabetes, coracao, fadiga, depressao, etc.

Na menstruacao elas deitam fora sangue, toxinas e ferro.

Os homens comecam a ter problemas destes mais cedo que as mulheres.

É isto, the iron hipothesis.

Tirar sangue, doar sangue, tirar ferro oxidado, colesterol, glucose, toxinas, subprodutos que os rins e figado nao eliminam, è possivel eliminar ferro pela transpiracao mas "transpira porco".. è mais facil tirar umas seringas

O video da india, gajos que nao andam com artrite, tiram sangue todos os dias e conseguem correr a seguir.

Eu ja falei com um medico do leste europeu que diz, se tirares sangue regularmente, podes fazer as asneiras que quiseres, comer de tudo, beber. (Isto para reiterar a questao dos beneficios de dar sangue de forma figurada)

È o que se deve primar, qualidade do sangue e cuidar do sistema digestivo para vida longa e sem doenca.
Bolas, malta com 30 anos a tomar beta-blockers? God damn this is nuts.

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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1355 em: 2017-01-22 10:32:26 »
o que tem de mal aquela marca?  (nao faço mesmo ideia)  , que achas dos produtos do genero que se vende no jumbo e continente?

Eu nao posso dar sangue , nem me atrevo a tirar sozinho....

As mulheres podem ficar anemicas , ou sem entrar em exageros ,  ficarem mais cansadas . Acho eu


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1356 em: 2017-01-22 12:03:18 »
as pessoas nao sabem, tambem nao tem culpa. O problema disto é que uma pessoa pode ser infectada com um microorganismo de baixa virulencia que pode apoderar-se aos poucos da pessoa.
Uma coisa comum é os medicos dizerem, bom voce ja teve a infecao X está a ver aqui > Tem o IGM negativo e o IGG positivo, portanto com IGM negativo ja nao tem infecao e IGG positivo tem os anticorpos, portanto se se cruzar novamente com esse microorganismo ja nao fica doente. Tudo barrete. O IGM pode estar negativo mas a bactreria estar alojada num orgao a viver simbioticamente com o hospedeiro. Depois vem um cancro, uns diabetes, um cancro pancreatico.
Devia haver mais informaçao, mais prevençao. A cidade de NY City nunca poderá dizer ao mundo que no Central Park pode de facto haver já Lyme Disease, e é ver os turistas sentados na relva. É de loucos isto.
A Suiça emite algum comunicado que há lyme disease nas montanhas?
As pessoas vao para sitios paradisiacos e um ano depois podem ficar doentes e nem associam que pode ter sido algo que apanharam nesse país, de baixa virulencia, nem doença aguda tendo, e um ano depois, faz um estrago qualquer no cerebro.
Mas se as pessoas fazem uma vida normal,expostas a inúmeros riscos, viajam para os quadro cantos do globo (a suíça e os EUA não são propriamente países tropicais) faz-se o quê se um dia aparece um valor que não está OK ? Os próprios valores  de análises vão alterando/oscilando ao longo do tempo.

Pegando no teu exemplo, se 5M de portugueses estão com uma porcaria qualquer e entretanto vêm esta coisa do IGM/IGG negativo/positivo (quem diz isto, diz quaisquer outros valores de análises alteradas), vão à procura do quê ? Eu não conheço nenhum tipo de teste/análise que permita dizer "olhe você tem isto, isto e isto". É por tentativa e erro ?
Parece mais o andar à procura de uma doença que pode nem sequer ser encontrada (não há doenças auto imunes, por exemplo, que nem sequer aparecem nas análises a não ser quando o estrago já começa a ser visível ?).

Eu compreendo que se adoptem hábitos de vida e alimentação saudáveis mas em relação ao resto não sei o que é que a pessoa normal pode fazer, a não ser que decida dedicar a sua vida à procura de uma doença.

O que é que tu fazes concretamente, só por curiosidade, quando tens um valor alterado ? (presumo que também te aconteça ?)


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1357 em: 2017-01-22 12:16:18 »
Uma coisa interessante que me passou sobre a questao de dar sangue:

Pensem nas gajas menstruadas, qual è a mulher menstruada que tem problemas de coracao, problemas renais, e outras mazelas. Certamente que ha mas a percentagem é pequena. Quando entram na menopausa e deixam de ser menstruadas, vem tudo, hipertensao, diabetes, coracao, fadiga, depressao, etc.

Na menstruacao elas deitam fora sangue, toxinas e ferro.

Os homens comecam a ter problemas destes mais cedo que as mulheres.

É isto, the iron hipothesis.

Tirar sangue, doar sangue, tirar ferro oxidado, colesterol, glucose, toxinas, subprodutos que os rins e figado nao eliminam, è possivel eliminar ferro pela transpiracao mas "transpira porco".. è mais facil tirar umas seringas

O video da india, gajos que nao andam com artrite, tiram sangue todos os dias e conseguem correr a seguir.

Eu ja falei com um medico do leste europeu que diz, se tirares sangue regularmente, podes fazer as asneiras que quiseres, comer de tudo, beber. (Isto para reiterar a questao dos beneficios de dar sangue de forma figurada)

È o que se deve primar, qualidade do sangue e cuidar do sistema digestivo para vida longa e sem doenca.
Bolas, malta com 30 anos a tomar beta-blockers? God damn this is nuts.
Mas tu fazes dádiva de sangue oficial ou simplesmente tiras sangue ? A dádiva oficial é apenas a cada 3 meses nos homens e 4 meses nas mulheres. E há gente que está excluída, consoante o questionário e a consulta que fazem antes (eu sou dador, embora nunca tenha pensado se tinha vantagem nisso ou não - simplesmente não me faz falta e se ajudar alguém, óptimo). Há doenças que impedem a pessoa, temporariamente ou permanentemente, de dar sangue.

Não sei se a titulo particular há algum sitio que tire, assim, meio litro de sangue de uma assentada a pedido das pessoas. É isso que fazes ?


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1358 em: 2017-01-22 12:25:21 »
O que mais vai havendo no mundo moderno é sobrediagnostico e sobretratamento de inúmeras coisas que deviam ser deixadas em paz. A descoberta de muitas condições muitas vezes só trás preocupação e sofrimento desnecessário.

Ausência de evidência não equivale a evidência de ausência.
"Como seria viver a vida que realmente quero?"


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Re: Alertas de saúde
« Responder #1359 em: 2017-01-22 12:25:44 »