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Autor Tópico: Rússia - Tópico principal  (Lida 129153 vezes)


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #60 em: 2014-08-08 01:48:00 »
Os investidores russos compram barato!!!


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #61 em: 2014-08-15 22:05:24 »
ETF Watch: Is The Russian Stock Rout Over?


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #62 em: 2014-08-26 00:18:58 »
O que acham do usd/rub?


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #63 em: 2014-09-16 12:02:34 »
O BCR monitoriza a cotação do rublo em relação a um cabaz de euros e dólares (0,55 USD + 0,45 EUR) e tenta manter a cotação em relação a esse cabaz dentro de uma banda de flutuação definida previamente. A 18 de agosto alargou essa banda de flutuação de 7 para 9 rublos, sendo actualmente os limites inferior e superior da banda de 35,40 e 44,40.

De acordo com os dados acima, e supondo que a banda não volta a ser alargada!!!, o ponto de intervenção do BCR na cotação USD/RUB está nos 39,75. Como hoje o rublo cotou a 39 usd/rub talvez o mercado possa temer uma intervenção do banco central para defender a moeda.

Das duas uma, ou o BCR volta a aumentar o limite superior da banda em menos de um mês, o que seria um sinal de fraqueza, ou então para garantir a banda predefinida terá de intervir a estes níveis vendendo dólares.


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #64 em: 2014-09-17 01:04:52 »

Este é uma figura internacional respeitada. Não é fácil associá-lo aos estereótipos habituais: extremista, ridículo, terrorista, comunista, fundamentalista, etc, etc.

Mikhail Gorbachev on Ukraine: Terrifying massacre in store for Europe

To resolve the conflict in Ukraine, it is highly important to resume the dialogue between Moscow and Washington, as "their
role and responsibility is special," first president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev believes. Earlier, Gorbachev stated that
Europe may face "terrifying massacre" because of the current crisis in Ukraine. According to him, "too much is at stake;
dangers and risks are too high."

Mikhail Gorbachev has recently finished working on a new book, which is going to be published soon. The book, titled
"After the Kremlin," is devoted to events in Russia and the world over the past two decades. In the epilogue to the book, Gorbachev wrote that the deep cause of what is currently happening in Ukraine was the failure of perestroika and "opportunistic dissolution of the USSR." Gorbachev blamed the then Russian administration for that.

"At the same time, I must remind you, the Ukrainian leadership sabotaged the process of transformation of the Union - both before the August 1991 coup and after it, despite the fact that the majority of republics had coordinated the text of the Union Treaty," said Gorbachev.
He was fighting to preserve the unified state with all available political tools and offered Kiev to discuss opportunities of creating an economic union, the former Soviet president said. During those talks, he added, one could solve all problems, including the ones on the status of the city of Sevastopol and the Crimean Peninsula.

"They did not listen to suggestions and warnings. Having forgotten the fact that one should exercise as much caution as possible in the
relations between nations and think through consequences of each step, the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation approved the
destruction of the Union to applause. Some would say: "That's a matter of the past." No - the past is through many threads related to
present, and it reminds of politicians' mistakes again and again," the first president of the USSR wrote.

According to Gorbachev, the only way to solve the Ukrainian crisis is to conduct a constructive dialogue both on the international level and among Ukrainian political forces. "I still believe that for peace in Ukraine, in Europe and in the world, it is vitally important to resume dialogue between Russia and the United States. Their role and responsibility is special," said Gorbachev. According to him, representatives of Moscow and Washington, as well as other members of the UN Security Council, should prepare a joint draft resolution, which would break the negative course of events.

In late August, the UN reported that the armed conflict in Ukraine claimed the lives of more than 2,500 people. The military operation against Ukrainian citizens that Kiev calls "anti-terrorist" and Moscow "punitive" was launched in April 2014. On September 4, at the NATO summit in Wales, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that he was ready to cease fire in the south-east of the country should the meeting in Minsk take place. Later, representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics also declared
their readiness to cease fire.

Officials at the US State Department said that Kiev should negotiate cease fire agreement with Moscow, rather than with representatives of breakaway republics. However, Russia insists that the crisis in Ukraine is an internal conflict, in which Russia does not interfere. Moreover, Russia and Ukraine are not at war with each other. Mikhail Gorbachev earlier said that Europe may eventually face "terrifying massacre," should the conflict in Ukraine spread to Europe. Gorbachev supports the policy of the Russian administration as far as the Ukrainian crisis is concerned.

In an interview with the Russian News Service, Gorbachev stressed out that the Russian Federation must not interfere in the conflict in Ukraine, "If our country interferes, it may trigger the fire that the whole world will not be able to extinguish," he said.
"One should do everything to stop killings. This is one nation. If other countries get involved, and the scale of it grows, we can come to the worst massacre in Europe. This must not be allowed," said the ex-president.

"Our offer was to open passages and take people out of those mousetraps. Someone sit in warm offices and does the talking. Look at what happens to people, children and women at the same time. They shell maternity hospitals, schools, destroy hospitals," said Gorbachev.
As for Russia's move to reunite with the Crimea, Mikhail Gorbachev said that it was a move "to correct the mistake of the USSR."

http://english.pravda.ru/russia/politics/05-09-2014/128460-gorbachev_about_ukraine-0/ 16-09-2014


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #65 em: 2014-09-17 05:25:42 »
no dia em que a europa tiver problemas graves a russia vai te-los a dobrar, ninguem ganha


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #66 em: 2014-09-18 17:53:59 »
Putin adverte Poroshenko sobre capacidade russa para invadir o leste europeu

O presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, informou numa reunião recente o líder ucraniano, Petro Poroshenko, que as tropas russas podem alcançar em dois dias as capitais da Letónia, Lituânia, Estónia, Polónia e Roménia.

A informação foi publicada no jornal alemão Süddeutsche Zeitung, que apresenta um resumo interno da União Europeia (UE) sobre o encontro entre as partes.

«Se ele quisesse, as tropas russas poderiam chegar em dois dias não só a Kiev, mas também a Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, Varsóvia e Bucareste», contou Poroshenko sobre a afirmação de Putin no encontro.

Putin e Poroshenko conversaram por telefone em diversas ocasiões ao longo das últimas semanas. O presidente da Ucrânia busca o apoio do Kremlin para poder estabilizar o leste do país, controlado pelos separatistas pró-Rússia.

Apesar das constantes violações, o líder ucraniano conseguiu impor um cessar-fogo na região em crise e procura um acordo com Putin para poder implementar um plano para acabar com o conflito.

.....???.... :-\

« Última modificação: 2014-09-18 17:56:59 por Batman »


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #67 em: 2014-09-18 18:15:59 »
metade desses paises sao da nato, isto eh conversa da treta sem sentido so para aumentar o orcamento militar


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #68 em: 2014-09-18 18:26:48 »
Desde a introdução do euro que os países da zona euro deixaram de pagar os serviços prestados pelo tio Sam [compras de dívida pública americana acima do rollover]. Se em vez de fechar as bases americanas por falta de dinheiro, o tio Sam chegar a barriga ao balcão para estas se manterem abertas, isso sim é um estímulo económico bem vindo para a Eurolândia. Além do aumento da despesa do tio Sam ser bem vindo.
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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #69 em: 2014-09-18 19:10:44 »
Tycoon's arrest sends shock wave through Russia

Associated Press

What's behind Oligarch's arrest?
MOSCOW (AP) — The arrest of a Russian telecoms and oil tycoon has sent shock waves through the country's business community, with some fearing a return to the dark days of a decade ago, when the Kremlin asserted its power by imprisoning the country's then-richest man and expropriating his company

The criminal case against 65-year-old Vladimir Yevtushenkov marks the first attack on a billionaire businessman since the arrest in 2003 of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former head of Yukos, which was the country's largest oil company at the time. He spent the next decade in prison on tax evasion and misappropriation charges and saw his company taken over by the state and sold in pieces.

The prosecution of Khodorkovsky had sent a clear message to Russian oligarchs: stay out of politics and your property will be safe. Russia's rich have followed that rule for nearly a decade, and now fret the unspoken promise may be void.

"It shows that now, no one is protected," said Vladimir Milov, an opposition politician and former deputy energy minister.

Market watchers are almost unanimous in saying that Yevtushenkov's house arrest is a move by the government and state-owned oil giant Rosneft to take control of his oil company, Bashneft. Rosneft is seeing his oil output falling and has been hit by Western sanctions, whereas Bashneft is enjoying a boom, posting an industry-leading 11.5 percent rise in oil production in the second quarter this year.

The Investigative Committee, Russia's top criminal investigative agency, on Tuesday charged Yevtushenkov with money laundering and placed him under house arrest. He could face up to seven years in prison if found guilty.

Yevtushenkov runs and controls Sistema, a sprawling conglomerate which includes Russia's largest mobile operator MTS, Bashneft and other assets. Bashneft, with a market capitalization of $6.7 billion, is one of a few oil companies still in private hands.

Sistema's shares lost 38 percent by late afternoon on Wednesday, wiping more than $2.5 billion from its share value in just one trading day.

.. View gallery 
Tycoon's arrest sends shock wave through Russia
FILE - In this Tuesday, May 5, 2009 file photo, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, left, and Ru …

Investor confidence in Russia has been battered this year by concerns over the economic consequences of Moscow's hard line in the Ukraine crisis. Since Russia's annexation of Crimea in March, the country has been hit with rounds of sanctions by the U.S. and European Union. Investors are also alarmed by the Kremlin's willingness to impose import bans that are meant as retaliation against the West but are also hurting domestic companies and households.

The charges against Yevtushenkov date back to Sistema's purchase of oil assets in the province of Bashkiria in 2009. These assets were once state-owned but changed hands before they were sold to Sistema. The prosecutors argue the seller had acquired them illegally, making Sistema's purchase illegal, too.

Yevtushenkov's billionaire peers from the Union of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs insist his company was a bona fide buyer.

Sistema, which also has its shares listed in London, said Wednesday its purchases of the oil assets were "legal and transparent" and it pledged to protect them.

Anatoly Chubais, a former Russian deputy prime minister and chairman of a state-owned high-tech conglomerate, stood firmly on Yevtushenkov's side.

"I can't understand how he could be linked to Bashneft's privatization deals which he had absolutely nothing to do with," he told Interfax.

Chubais warned that Yevtushenkov's arrest has dealt "an extremely serious blow to the investment climate in Russia while the country's "economy is teetering on the brink of recession and stagnation."

Khodorkovsky accused Igor Sechin, a close confidante of President Vladimir Putin and CEO of state-owned oil giant Rosneft, of trying to take control of Bashneft. Sechin was widely seen as the driver behind the demise of Yukos and Khodorkovsky's imprisonment. He has denied the allegations.

"I have no doubts about this, but sure, I have no hard evidence to back it up," Khodorkovsky said in an interview with the RBK newspaper on Tuesday. "I think he is repeating the same pattern he used in the Yukos case."

Rosneft snapped up pieces of Yukos when it was dissolved and bought TNK-BP at the end of a protracted shareholder dispute at the British-Russian venture — all with Putin's public support.

Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontyev told state news agency RIA Novosti that Khodorkovsky's allegations are "nonsense" and insisted Rosneft was not seeking to get hold of Bashneft.

Bashneft was preparing for a secondary public share offering in London earlier this year hoping to raise about $1 billion. But the plans fell through when restrictions were placed on the sale of its shares as part of a probe into the company's privatization.

The Kremlin has often berated oligarchs for pulling money out of the country and selling shares abroad. Bashneft's plans to float in London could have been used as a pretext to launch the onslaught.

Economist Sergei Alekashenko says Yevtushenkov's arrest should be a wake-up call for his fellow tycoons who have turned a blind eye to corrupt courts and lawlessness in Russia.

"When everyone in Russia is deprived of the right to a free trial — this is politics," he said in a blog post. "Just like the country got engulfed in racketing after the Yukos case, the Yevtushenkov case will herald a wave of plundering


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #70 em: 2014-09-21 02:00:21 »
Poderá nascer daqui um movimento forte de oposição ao regime russo, que defende a reaproximação à Europa, liderado pelo ex-dono da Yukos.



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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #71 em: 2014-09-21 02:10:34 »
Poderá nascer daqui um movimento forte de oposição ao regime russo, que defende a reaproximação à Europa, liderado pelo ex-dono da Yukos.


Podes ter a certeza que os media de todo o mundo ocidental vão estar a 200% com o Khodorkovski. E muitos media russos também -- o que ironicamente mostra que o Putin não é o ditador que dizem ser.


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #72 em: 2014-09-29 19:14:19 »


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #73 em: 2014-09-30 11:30:32 »
Com a desvalorização do Rublo, queda da economia, situação de guerra, contestação ao Putin, as yields russas já deviam de estar nos dois dígitos, como as ucranianas estão. Quando vamos a ver estão a 3% a 3 anos e a 6% a 15 anos! Não faz o mínimo de sentido!


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #74 em: 2014-09-30 14:07:29 »
Com a queda dos preços do Petróleo ... e que se prevêem que baixem ainda mais, não afectará a Rússia por esta via?


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #75 em: 2014-09-30 14:12:43 »
Com a queda dos preços do Petróleo ... e que se prevêem que baixem ainda mais, não afectará a Rússia por esta via?

Afecta alguma coisa, certamente.

Entretanto a Rússia falou de controlos de capitais, o que levou a nova stikada no Rublo.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #76 em: 2014-09-30 14:13:09 »
Com a desvalorização do Rublo, queda da economia, situação de guerra, contestação ao Putin, as yields russas já deviam de estar nos dois dígitos, como as ucranianas estão. Quando vamos a ver estão a 3% a 3 anos e a 6% a 15 anos! Não faz o mínimo de sentido!

Não obstante, a guerra não significa o mesmo para a Rússia e a Ucrânia está em risco de default.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #77 em: 2014-09-30 14:25:29 »
Ainda há outras fragilidades, como é o caso de haver picos de vencimento de dívida pública nos meses de setembro e dezembro. Mas o mercado obrigacionista não está a considerar o risco soberano, nem mesmo o risco da moeda, porque a taxa do rublo está acima dos 8% e as yields da dívida emitida em rublos está na casa dos 9%.

O cabaz euro-dólar atingiu o tecto de valorização em relação ao rublo em que o banco central entra a defender a moeda, o risco aqui é o banco alargar as bandas ou actuar e ficar sem munições. Vai ter de vender dólares e euros e as reservas podem acabar.


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #78 em: 2014-10-06 15:05:27 »
O banco central russo já iniciou as transacções para travar a desvalorização do rublo. Despejou 4 milhões de dólares no passado dia 2.
« Última modificação: 2014-10-06 15:07:36 por Visitante »


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Re:Rússia - Tópico principal
« Responder #79 em: 2014-10-06 16:41:36 »
O banco central russo já iniciou as transacções para travar a desvalorização do rublo. Despejou 4 milhões de dólares no passado dia 2.

Mas 4 milhões alguma vez fazem o mercado mexer?