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Autor Tópico: Biden vs Trump  (Lida 21773 vezes)


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #440 em: 2024-03-24 05:05:59 »
Os impérios africanos desenvolveram-se a partir da organização de um poder político centralizado, que exerceram um controle sobre uma grande diversidade de povos que constituíam esses reinos, e dentre esses, podemos destacar: o Império de Axum, o Reino de Gana, o de Songai e o de Mali.

Muitos séculos antes da chegada dos brancos europeus à África, as tribos, reinos e impérios negros africanos praticavam largamente o escravismo, da mesma forma os berberes e demais etnias muçulmanas. Imaginar os portugueses, castelhanos e italianos lançando seus marinheiros em caçadas aos negros no coração das florestas africanas não resiste ao exame histórico.

Pelo contrário, os europeus seiscentistas tinham verdadeiro pavor de deixar o litoral ou mesmo desembarcar de seus navios e avançar para longe da costa e capturar escravos. Estes eram trazidos pelos próprios africanos, que tinham grandes mercados espalhados pelo interior do continente, abastecidos por guerras entre as tribos, ou mesmo puro seqüestro aleatório. Isso é facilmente comprovado, por exemplo, com a descrição do império de Mali feita pelo cronista muçulmano Ibn Batuta (1307-1377), um dos maiores viajantes da Idade Média, e o depoimento de al-Hasan (1483-1554) sobre Tumbuctu, capital do império de Songai, documentos que exporemos adiante.

Ademais, havia tribos africanas que praticavam sacrifícios humanos, naturalmente de escravos. Às vezes, para interromper a chuva, mulheres negras (e escravas) eram crucificadas.

ao converter ao islao  ainda tiveram mais escravos

Ao converter meia África, o Islamismo contribuiu para estimular ainda mais a escravidão dos impérios negros, pois praticou-a desde cedo: antes mesmo de Maomé, no século VI, mercadores árabes freqüentavam todos os portos da costa oriental da África, trocando cereais, carnes e peixes secos por escravos com tribos bantus (SILVÉRIO, 2013: 404-410). As populações negras não-muçulmanas também consideravam a escravidão um fato normal (como veremos, normalmente os reis africanos tinham centenas de escravos como soldados – e em suas guardas pessoais!).

isso ter escravos como soldados   e  faz ser escravo outra coisa

escravos soldados  e coisa so africa!
« Última modificação: 2024-03-24 05:34:29 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #441 em: 2024-03-24 05:57:55 »
Toda a gente sabe isso,
incluindo eles.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #442 em: 2024-03-24 10:42:29 »
civilizacao dos escravos  misturados

tiveram 10 imperios quase mesmo sitio...onde basicamente todos foram escravos uns dos outros

   os pretos ao contrario dos indios e brancos

quando barcos foram cheios escravos para terra prometida das americas

eram  muito mais mansos nos barcos de madeira! pelo atlantico

tinham poucos motins!

depois chegaram  terra prometida america e foram agarar as mulheres! convertidos a cruz

porque cabo verde e um sucesso  entre paises africanos onde passou escravidao

e haiti um fracasso

cabo verde teve portugueses

haiti teve franceses

a Revolução Haitiana foi um acontecimento de grande importância no cenário da Revolução Francesa: ambos os acontecimentos estiveram, de certa forma, intrincados
 revolução representou a maior revolta de escravos desde a revolta mal sucedida de Espártaco contra a República Romana quase 1 900 anos antes
« Última modificação: 2024-03-24 11:30:26 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #443 em: 2024-03-24 11:41:03 »
os do haiti nao sabem isto....

so sabem revolucao  francesa!

eles vivem uma revolucao francesa ate hoje! nunca acabou

revolucao francesa tambem cortou cabecas dos "burgueses"
« Última modificação: 2024-03-24 12:08:12 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #444 em: 2024-03-24 14:03:51 »
os do haiti nao sabem isto....

so sabem revolucao  francesa!

eles vivem uma revolucao francesa ate hoje! nunca acabou

revolucao francesa tambem cortou cabecas dos "burgueses"

Pois...    :'(
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #445 em: 2024-03-27 00:35:57 »
Confirma-se a escolha anteriormente sugerida:

«RFK Jr picks California lawyer Nicole Shanahan as his running mate

4 hours ago

By Samantha Granville,BBC News, Los Angeles

Reuters Nicole Shanahan greets people as she becomes the vice presidential candidate of independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy JrReuters

US presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has announced Silicon Valley lawyer and philanthropist Nicole Shanahan as his running mate.

Ms Shanahan, 38, the ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin, has never before run for political office.

Mr Kennedy, an environmental lawyer, anti-vaccine activist and scion of America's most famous political dynasty, is running as an independent.

Naming a VP pick is a prerequisite to be on the ballot in a number of states.

The Kennedy campaign has ruffled Democrats, who are concerned about its spoiler potential on President Joe Biden's re-election chances.

On Tuesday Mr Kennedy embraced that label. calling his campaign "a spoiler for President Biden and for President Trump" that will "forge an unstoppable coalition of homeless Democrats and homeless Republicans".

The Democratic National Committee has recently stepped up attacks on Mr Kennedy, arguing that his longshot third-party bid will only end up helping to elect the Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

Ms Shanahan was unveiled on Tuesday by Mr Kennedy at a rally in Oakland, California, where he described her as a "fellow lawyer, a brilliant scientist, technologist, a fierce warrior mom".

She has previously been a longtime Democratic donor and has already donated to Mr Kennedy's campaign. She said in her remarks that she was leaving the Democratic Party, because it had "lost its way" by focusing on "elitism" and "winning at all costs".

"I believe I am taking the best ideals and impulses with me," she said.

    The people who want Robert F Kennedy Jr to be president
    How anti-vaccine misinfo shaped 'truth-teller' candidacy

Mr Kennedy, 70, described his new running mate as someone with a deep inside knowledge of Big Tech, which he depicted as a threat to democracy.

He told the crowd he picked a younger running mate partly because he wants her to be a champion for millennial and Gen-Z Americans. He said those generations had lost hope for their future and no longer believe the political establishment has their best interests at heart.

Mr Kennedy was introduced at the event by his wife, Cheryl Hines, the star of HBO comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Mr Kennedy previously challenged Mr Biden for the Democratic party's nomination, before launching an independent bid last October.

Naming Ms Shanahan as his vice-presidential nominee will help his campaign clear the way for ballot access in many US states and Washington DC.
Getty Images) Independent Presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr speaks during a campaign rally in December 2023 in ArizonaGetty Images)

His campaign has to navigate a wide variety of state rules to get his name on the ballot.

On Monday, Mr Kennedy threatened legal action against Nevada after state officials suggested signatures his campaign has gathered to qualify for the ballot there could be invalid, as he had not confirmed a running mate at the time they were filed.

So far, Mr Kennedy is only confirmed to be on the ballot in Utah.

Ms Shanahan's humble origins will serve as a contrast to Mr Kennedy and his famous political family.

The daughter of a Chinese immigrant mother and a white father, she grew up in Oakland and was raised on food stamps, a federal subsidy that helps low-income families buy groceries.

She's previously recalled her childhood as being filled with fear and instability because of her dad's schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Ms Shanahan has supported criminal justice reform, affordable housing and efforts to fight climate change and to increase access to mental health treatment.

She is the founder and president of Bia-Echo Foundation, a charitable organisation focused on fertility and human health.

In February, Ms Shanahan acknowledged partially funding a Super Bowl ad released by Mr Kennedy's campaign.
Watch: RFK Jr v JFK - can you spot the difference?

The ad was a remake of a 1960 one that was part of the White House campaign run by his uncle, President John F Kennedy.

The Super Bowl ad drew disapproval, including from members of RFK Jr's family, who criticised his vaccine scepticism.

The BBC spoke with half a dozen of Ms Shanahan's former and current colleagues before Tuesday's announcement.

They described her as a compassionate leader and a champion of social causes.

While most did not realise she was considering a political career, they were surprised but not shocked to see her name floated as Mr Kennedy's vice-presidential nominee.

"She's motivated by trying to change things for the better and having an impact on social benefits," said Roland Vogl, executive director of Stanford University's Center for Legal Informatics, where Ms Shanahan has been a fellow.

They say her political inexperience and age should not count against her and that voters should be open to new leaders.

"Don't undersell someone who comes from outside a system to change the system," Bruce Cahan, a professional colleague, said.

Mr Kennedy's campaign previously floated other names on the running mate shortlist, including American football star Aaron Rodgers, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, and former Democratic presidential candidates Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard.

Mr Kennedy has insisted he is unfazed by the political uphill battle he faces.

The last president to win without the backing of a major party was the first ever US president, George Washington.

According to a January YouGov poll, just 1% of US voters would cast a ballot for Mr Kennedy in an election that featured Mr Biden and Mr Trump.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #446 em: 2024-03-27 10:26:37 »
Mas ninguém fala nesse candidato-fantasma!

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #447 em: 2024-03-27 17:49:17 »
Mas ninguém fala nesse candidato-fantasma!

Sim, sendo um candidato independente, não deverá ter grandes possibilidades...   :-\
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #448 em: 2024-03-28 16:59:16 »
Acerca de + 1 candidata mto pouco conhecida:

«Morbidly Obese Green Party Candidate Demands Fresh Lockdowns, Enforced By Military

TDB's Photo

by TDB

Wednesday, Mar 27, 2024 - 16:49

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.
2024 Green Party presidential candidate calls for forced injections, military lockdowns in 2025

An animatronic Star Wars-looking bitch with purple braids is nominally running for the highest office in the land.

One of her main platform planks — along with using the state to forcibly return all United States land to Indians and slavery reparations to the tune of $4,000/month to every black funded by taxing weed profits — is the institution of 2025 COVID lockdowns, to be enforced by the National Guard and requiring the relocation of prison inmates out of the “carceral system” and into “secure housing” — a confusing proposition on many fronts.

Via Jasmine D. Sherman For President:

    “In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and in conjunction with our existing COVID-19 policy, we propose a comprehensive approach that includes a six-week transitional lockdown starting on the 92nd day of Jasmine Sherman's presidency. This integrated policy combines measures such as mandatory masking, mandatory vaccinations, exemptions for religious and health reasons, housing initiatives for the houseless population, and transitioning individuals impacted by the carceral system to secure housing. During the lockdown, citizens will receive support through social programs, including food, supplies, and bill payments, facilitated by a delivery system akin to Instacart and aided by the National Guard.”

A modest counter-proposal: how about, instead of all of that nonsense, this retarded walrus gets mandatory salad-feedings and forced treadmill marches Trail of Tears-style until her BMI is south of 35, then we can consider countenancing her Public Health™ prescriptions.
Study: COVID shots increased infant seizure rates

I’m always amazed when studies like this are permitted to be published by the likes of the FDA.

It could mean, of course, that there are still some good people with institutional power.

Or, more likely, this is a CYA operation by corrupt, demonic bureaucrats who know the truth is coming out one way or another. If they can be seen to demonstrate a modicum of integrity — even a day late and dollar short — perhaps they’ll save themselves from the rope.

I vote “hard pass” on any kind of “pandemic amnesty,” but perhaps I’m in the extreme minority. As long as I’m breathing, my mission is to see these people pay for their crimes against humanity.

Via U.S. FDA:

    “In this self-controlled case series that included participants aged 2-5 years from three commercial insurance databases, the incidence rate ratio of febrile seizures was significantly elevated in the 0-1 days following mRNA-1273 administration. Absolute risk was small…
    The incidence of febrile seizures was elevated immediately following vaccination with the monovalent mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 2-5 years. Based on the current body of evidence, the safety profile of monovalent mRNA vaccines remains favorable for use in young children.”

Amazing! Even after acknowledging it induces seizures in babies, even giving the non-existent risk that COVID poses to babies, which has been known for years now, the much-vaunted FDA goes on to recommend them still!

          Related: Children’s Risk of COVID Death 2 in 1,000,000
‘Voluntary’ nasal swabbing hits American airports

First it’s “voluntary,” then it’s “recommended,” then it’s mandatory if you want to eat re-enter your own country (with a free two-week vacation at a quarantine concentration camp if you test positive).

You know the thing.

Via U.S. News:

    “The nation's top public health agency is expanding a program that tests international travelers for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention program asks arriving international passengers to volunteer to have their noses swabbed and answer questions about their travel. The program operates at six airports and on Tuesday, the CDC said it was adding two more — Chicago’s O’Hare and Miami.”

Here’s what “voluntary” means in this context in practice: you step off of the airplane and are greeted by a nerdy CDC wench with a team of TSA goons behind her, latex gloves all oiled by for an anal probe if you refuse her polite request.

Should you say “no,” after your anal inspection, you’ll be placed on a government domestic terror watchlist so as to never be allowed to fly unmolested again, as The Science™ requires.
Dr. Peter McCollough, hardcore COVID truth hero, fires shots at vaxx-happy Trump over nonstop bragging about Operation Warp Speed

Dr. Peter McCollough on Trump’s shameless self-promotion regarding COVID shots, transcribed via Vigilant News:

    “It [vaccine deaths] are grossly underreported, probably thirty to one. That means the total number of Americans who likely have passed away of the vaccine is about 550,000…

    Our two major presidential candidates are the same on this issue. They are completely, willfully blind to what’s happened to Americans. They’re focused on other issues outside of the health, the welfare, and actually the survival of their own people. The same is true worldwide.”

Will he heed the warning and save himself from alienating his base on the one issue they’ve demonstrated a willingness to boo him over — an act otherwise unheard-of at Trump rallies?

Let’s not count on it; the ego, simultaneously his greatest strength and greatest weakness, will not permit credit for any accomplishment to go unclaimed, even for genocide.

          Related: Trump Brags AGAIN About Operation Warp Speed, Shills Vaxxes

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

Follow his stuff Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter.

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The US and US dollar are clearly deteriorating. And there is a lot of danger in having too much exposure to a crumbling empire.

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+ informação aqui:

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #449 em: 2024-04-03 18:59:21 »
Um pouco como parece ter sucedido em Portugal...    ::)

«Bidenomics Failure Shows Up At Polls As Gen-Z Revolts Against Democrats

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Wednesday, Apr 03, 2024 - 10:45 AM

It is no surprise that a new Gallup poll shows a growing number of Gen-Zers and millennials are becoming increasingly frustrated with the failure of 'Bidenomics' as they struggle with the cost-of-living crisis.

We didn't need a poll to reveal the frustrations of youngsters working two or three jobs just to afford rent, auto payments, and avocado and toast. The writing has been on the wall, especially on social media feeds of TikTok and X:

    Woman defends Gen-Z not wanting to work a 9-5 for the rest of their lives

    "I don't want to work my tail end off, wasting all of my life working, just to barely be able to pay my bills" pic.twitter.com/BxaTXjaxcd
    — Unlimited L's (@unlimited_ls) January 8, 2024

The new Gallup poll of 18-29-year-olds validates the Biden administration, which seemingly cares more about illegal aliens and the LGBTQQIP2SAA community (not sure what all those letters mean), is quickly losing the young vote.

    People in that age cohort are more than twice as likely to cite the economy as their top concern compared with older adults in recent Gallup data. And while all voters are more worried about the economy now than they were heading into the 2020 presidential election, the pessimism has spiked the most among those under 30. -Bloomberg
    Source: Bloomberg

It's a wake-up call for the Biden administration. A recent Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll reveals a surprising trend: Former President Trump is leading President Biden 47% to 40% among voters 18-34 in swing states. This is a significant shift from the last presidential cycle when Biden won 61% of voters under 30.

The Biden administration understands they desperately need Gen-Z and millennial support to win in November. They are trying everything in their power to buy votes by bailing out youngsters with student debt (despite the Supreme Court ruling).

Youngsters are coming of age in one of the worst economic periods this nation has seen in a generation. Elevated inflation is crushing household finances.

With the election cycle well underway, there are mounting risks inflation could accelerate once again, and gas prices at the pump are rising.

Bidenomics has been a colossal failure, and young people are seeing that and are furious with the elderly, senile president who should be in a retirement home. Young people are beginning to understand they might never be able to afford the average American home as that dream died a long time ago. These frustrations are showing up in the polling data.»

« Última modificação: 2024-04-03 19:00:46 por Kaspov »
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #450 em: 2024-04-03 19:06:56 »
« Última modificação: 2024-04-03 19:07:41 por Kaspov »
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #451 em: 2024-04-03 20:33:02 »
socialistas vivem no capitalismo

nao tem muita FE no biden

 Estados Unidos ou América, são uma república constitucional federal composta por 50 estados

ou e continente do norte merica!

os esquerdistas americanos querem sair do mundo militar e uzar diplomacia.......

nao aprendem nada

os estados unidos sao norte america

o resto mundo e mesma coisa....

tem 200 paises no mundo...

usa sao  continente norte americano

europa e pseudo continente "europeu"

e resto e mesma coisa

e um mundo em blocos!

« Última modificação: 2024-04-03 21:16:25 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #452 em: 2024-04-03 23:04:40 »
Cá também há um bloco. O bê é.

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #453 em: 2024-04-03 23:07:47 »
Cá também há um bloco. O bê é.

Pois, o fantástico bê é, + o seu irmão «Livre»...   :-\
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #454 em: 2024-04-03 23:09:17 »
Como se livrou ele do bê é?

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #455 em: 2024-04-03 23:12:39 »
Como se livrou ele do bê é?

Tornou-se dissidente/independente/divergente, çuponho...   ;D
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #456 em: 2024-04-03 23:15:10 »
Como há-de ele agora livrar-se do Livre sem se acorrentar a quem o prenda?

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #457 em: 2024-04-03 23:16:45 »
Como há-de ele agora livrar-se do Livre sem se acorrentar a quem o prenda?

Ele, quem? O R. Tavares ou o BE??

De qualq. forma não me relaciono com tal gente - nem com qualq. outro partido, aliás...   ;)
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Qui docet, discit; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's make Rome great again!
Oui, nous savons que la fin s'approche...


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #458 em: 2024-04-03 23:26:45 »
em portugal ps e sol

tudo gira sua volta

tavares desde gire volta ps esta na boa
« Última modificação: 2024-04-03 23:28:43 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

O problema dos comunistas, de tão supostamente empenhados que estão em ajudar as pessoas, é que deixam de acreditar que elas realmente existem.


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #459 em: 2024-04-03 23:33:51 »
O PS é uma anã branca.
Esboroar-se-á. O p. nuno
é uma nódoa que a ala
centrista branqueará
rápido. Os únicos
são o IL e o PC.