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Autor Tópico: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal  (Lida 4694 vezes)


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Com o lançamento do Oculus Rift pela Facebook (FB) no 1ºT 2016, vai existir uma onda de especulação em torno da realidade virtual. É bem provável que ao longo do tempo a coisa (da Facebook ou doutro concorrente) se torne muito popular entre os consumidores.

Especular em Facebook devido a isso é difícil porque já é uma capitalização gigantesca. Mas existe um pormenor interessante que pode fazer outras empresas ganharem bastante com a realidade virtual:

The Best Way To Bet On Virtual Reality
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #1 em: 2015-07-09 00:16:34 »
Bom artigo. É um ângulo interessante.

Nunca tinha pensado que seria preciso uma GTX 970 para correr programas em VR, mas faz todo sentido. Qualquer jogo bom atualmente para correr com FPSs decentes em definições no máximo precisa de uma gráfica nessa gama. Imagino que o "trabalho" para o GPU em VR seja igual ou maior.

Não conhecendo os números da AMD o que posso dizer é que dentro do meio gaming - que constituirá o grosso desse high-end (sendo o resto para malta  que usa profissionalmente para edição de vídeo, fotografias, etc.)- a AMD tem uma péssima fama. As piadas com o aquecimento e barulho das gráficas high-end AMD são recorrentes sempre que se lê uma discussão sobre isso na internet. E por essa razão quase sempre gastam mais energia. Mesmo que depois as specs até sejam iguais ou melhores a maior parte dos compradores estão inclinados para NVIDIA.

Uma coisa interessante de saber era se o Oculus Rift ou as aplicações para este estão optimizadas para alguma das marcas em particular. Porque isso acontece com alguns jogos e faz imensa diferença na performance.


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #3 em: 2015-07-09 00:53:24 »
Bom artigo. É um ângulo interessante.

Nunca tinha pensado que seria preciso uma GTX 970 para correr programas em VR, mas faz todo sentido. Qualquer jogo bom atualmente para correr com FPSs decentes em definições no máximo precisa de uma gráfica nessa gama. Imagino que o "trabalho" para o GPU em VR seja igual ou maior.

Não conhecendo os números da AMD o que posso dizer é que dentro do meio gaming - que constituirá o grosso desse high-end (sendo o resto para malta  que usa profissionalmente para edição de vídeo, fotografias, etc.)- a AMD tem uma péssima fama. As piadas com o aquecimento e barulho das gráficas high-end AMD são recorrentes sempre que se lê uma discussão sobre isso na internet. E por essa razão quase sempre gastam mais energia. Mesmo que depois as specs até sejam iguais ou melhores a maior parte dos compradores estão inclinados para NVIDIA.

Uma coisa interessante de saber era se o Oculus Rift ou as aplicações para este estão optimizadas para alguma das marcas em particular. Porque isso acontece com alguns jogos e faz imensa diferença na performance.

A AMD neste momento está uma desgraça tanto nos CPUs como nas gráficas, porém para 2016 tem alguma esperança no lado dos CPUs devido ao núcleo Zen e a ir estar a par da Intel durante um pouco de tempo na tecnologia de processo (a 14nm).

No lado das gráficas, também tem alguma hipótese com a tecnologia HBM mas só se meter uma nova arquitectura do GPU que a actual também já está desactualizada.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #4 em: 2015-09-25 13:12:54 »
Um artigo interessante de um dos pioneiros em realidade virtual:

Making Great VR: Six Lessons Learned From I Expect You To Die
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com

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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #5 em: 2015-09-25 13:43:54 »
Nao sei se ja investigaste muito , mas penso que ja li qualquer coisa relativamente a quem experimentou os oculos , nao sei se da Samsung...
Penso que li algo como enjoos , nauseas e vomitos


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #6 em: 2015-09-25 14:38:35 »
Nao sei se ja investigaste muito , mas penso que ja li qualquer coisa relativamente a quem experimentou os oculos , nao sei se da Samsung...
Penso que li algo como enjoos , nauseas e vomitos

O artigo que coloquei é sobre isso... mas na VR em geral, não em dispositivos específicos.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com

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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #7 em: 2015-09-25 15:23:07 »
Interessante e bom como de costume... quando tempo dispendeste?

Parece me que o  grafico (share/shipments)  fez diferença .
Vou meter em Watch


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #8 em: 2015-09-25 15:29:45 »
Interessante e bom como de costume... quando tempo dispendeste?

Parece me que o  grafico (share/shipments)  fez diferença .
Vou meter em Watch

Eu não conto o tempo, tento é estar sempre a ler coisas interessantes.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com

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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #9 em: 2015-09-28 23:41:11 »
Na Nvidia vais esperar pelo release em Dezembro é isso?

Que achas da projeção para 2016?   ja tenho a vista muito cançada , ja lambi as contas e nao achei nada de especial .Ha ali qualquer coisa no operating profit , nas vendas etc que me intriga , tal como os investimentos que fizeram.
Tenho que apurar os racios.

Eu acho que estas a espera que desça um pouco , ate porque se a projeçao se confirmar para 2016 e se eles nao inventarem para 2017 ate pode ser bom..., como tu nao compras alavancado (certo?)  , es capaz de ficar 1 anito ou mais a espera.. para vender.
Se descer , é capaz de ficar ao preço justo ou aprox.  , contudo apesar de nao ser nenhuma bargain tambem nao parece cara.

Ainda quero comparar com a AMD...
« Última modificação: 2015-09-28 23:48:19 por VON MISES »


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #10 em: 2015-09-29 01:04:00 »
Eu por enquanto não estou nem a olhar para uma nem para a outra. A NVDA já é bastante valiosa, e a AMD tem demasiados problemas.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com

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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #11 em: 2015-09-29 09:55:24 »
Eu por enquanto não estou nem a olhar para uma nem para a outra. A NVDA já é bastante valiosa, e a AMD tem demasiados problemas.

Quando dizes valiosa , queres dizer que esta acima do seu preço real ? que esta ajustado? ou nada isso..


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #12 em: 2015-09-29 11:34:51 »
Não, quero dizer que já tem uma capitalização bolsista grande, $12.6 biliões. Não é algo minimamente desconhecido. Mesmo assim presentemente está melhor que a AMD.

A AMD neste momento tem um catálogo de produtos que é uma desgraça absoluta no lado dos CPUs, e uma quase desgraça absoluta no caso dos GPUs (cartas gráficas). Para já está mais próxima de conseguir voltar a ser competitiva nos GPUs. Para os CPUs tem alguma hipótese quando lançar a nova geração, mas está demorada.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #13 em: 2016-03-28 14:48:19 »
Oculus Rift já começou a vender.


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #14 em: 2016-03-28 15:23:12 »
As tablets vão ao ar porque não veem preparadas para a realidade virtual vai haver mais venda das xbox.


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #15 em: 2016-03-29 10:12:24 »
Xbox também nao suporta VR, Oculus Rift é para ser usado no PC.
Outras soluções VR sao o HTC Vive no PC e o PSVR na Playstation 4, a saírem mais tarde.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly, is to fill the world with fools.


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #16 em: 2016-04-02 18:28:24 »
Eu acredito que mais tarde inventam um cobertor que envolve uma pessoa feita de um polímero que adquire as formas imaginadas pelo computador e deixa uma pessoa dentro da realidade virtual.

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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #17 em: 2016-05-05 19:07:08 »
Achei a ideia dos conteudos para VR deveras interessante

There is a lot of media, marketing and hype out there surrounding Virtual Reality (VR) and Oculus Tech. This week I tested the Samsung Gear VR headset powered by Oculus whilst at a friends house, and quite frankly I was blown away. This happens very rarely.

I don't own a smartphone. At the moment I am using a Nokia 105. I complete 90% of my work on desktops using Windows. Programs (Applications for Millennial Readers) such as Excel, actually add value to my day to day business and life. I have never owned an Apple product. I'm just a person that this stuff historically adds no value too. I got rid of my smartphone (Blackberry in 2013) and I have never been more productive and profitable in my career than I have since I did this. Chat systems, social media, constant notifications etc etc etc. I came to the conclusion that the Smartphone is “the synthetic drug of the poor.” So I got rid of it. It hasn't affected my profitability. Infact I'm making more money than I ever have. I'm no longer distracted. So why didnt I just turn off the notifications and keep a smart phone? That’s totally missing the point. A recovering heroin addict shouldn’t carry crack in their pocket. You will lapse and succumb to addiction again. A total reset is required if you want to be free and productive again in your life AND regain your perspective of the realities of the world. I schedule my consumption of tech and media and do not allow anyone else (least not the producers of tech and media) schedule it for me.

I've spent the last 3 years “people watching” owners of  Smartphones. On a recent business trip to Rome, I was in a well known 5 star hotel in Piazza de Republica and literally witnessed an entire family of 10 Middle Eastern individuals, sitting at a family dinner in the restaurant at the hotel and every single one of them had their head buried in their smartphone throughout the dinner. I sneaked past the table to engineer a fake conversation with one of the waiters so I could see what they were all doing on their phones. They were all on either social media looking at other peoples photos and videos or watching "entertaining" bit size media clips (of no more than 30 seconds). Constantly swiping up and down and left to right on their phones to consume the next 30 seconds of their life in an endless vortex that (from their facial expressions) consisted of around 10 seconds of boredom, followed by 30 seconds of mind numbing entertainment. An entire family of 10 people at a pre-arranged family dinner, on vacation, moms, dads, aunties, uncles and kids (all under 13), all staring into their phones and not simply NOT EVEN talking to each other, BUT not even LOOKING at each other! Not even so much as a glance between them. The food came, they spoke a few times to each other about the quality of the food and when the plates were cleared, they all got their phones out, literally at the same time and went back to swiping.

Smartphones have had a huge impact on society. Like the original landline telephone, the radio, T.V. the first photo cameras, video cameras, and the evolution of the lense, the first generation of mobile phones (used for essential calls only), the second generation of mobile phones used for calls and SMS (when required), and now the third and fourth generation used less for calls, but more for instant chat and messaging systems and consumption of photos, videos and other media in the mainstream, social or otherwise. This epidemic started off on soft drugs and now the world is very clearly using hard drugs. Like a Marijuana experimentalist at Drug University, graduating to full crack addiction within a few years.

The crazy thing about it is as a Gen X cohort, I have perspective that the world was not always like this. If you are lower Gen Y or Millennial, you have never seen a world without this. All of this behaviour to you is actually normal!

By this point you probably think I’m a technophobe. Let me assure you I most certainly am not. I owned my first cell phone in 1995, I owned my first Blackberry in 2001, I always have the latest tech on my desktop and laptop. I own a 98” LG smart TV. I consume tech and I consume media. I just resist “infiltration” of tech and media into my life i.e. having a device in my pocket that constantly pitches me for the next entertainment “high.” Just by being there (in my pocket) I see it as a blatant pitch for my attention and time. Which is far too valuable to give away. The beauty and irony of what the companies producing all of the hardware and tech have actually done, is that they have made everyone globally believe that they are “empowered” by having all of this “access” when infact it has the opposite effect. They are not empowered. They are slaves. I also happen to work as a Professional Trader and Investor in the financial markets. It is my job to have my ear to the ground, predict future trends in the world at the Macro’ and Micro’ level and make money out of it. I'm usually always 1-5 years ahead of most people in predicting how the world will look and what trends will occur. Just because I don’t own the products, doesn’t mean I don’t understand it and can’t make money out of the suckers that end up owning them.   

Further to this and earlier during the week, I tested the new Samsung Gear (VR) Oculus and as stated at the beginning of this thread I was literally blown away by it. I felt compelled to write something on it, because it has affected my week so much, I literally can’t stop thinking about how much this is going to change things. Yes! VR is a MASSIVE GAME CHANGER and will change the world and society as we know it forever. The nuclear family will never be the same again. You think the smartphone drug epidemic was bad? Wait till you see what’s coming! 

So what happened to me when I tested the Oculus? I sat down at a friend’s house and he strapped the device on my head. Immediately I was sitting in a movie theatre on the Moon! I was then taken to London, to Whitechapel in the 1870’s and I was witnessing in 3D, Jack the Ripper killing people in a street. I was standing right next to him. I then sat in a movie theater watching movie clips on the big screen, On Demand. I then decided I wanted to go and visit the Eiffel Tower. So I did! I went there, from my chair in Singapore to Paris, to standing in front of the Eiffel tower in seconds. Do not underestimate what this means! Like I said, this is a TOTAL GAME CHANGER! .., for both tech and society. The possibilities of the applications of this tech are infinite and the infiltration into permanently changing the way people view and experience the world will be too.

The infiltration will be like nothing you have ever seen before. Want to go shopping for a new dress? Put your headset on, meet your friends (pre-loaded avatars) in a 3D mall and go and get your dress. It will arrive the next day (probably delivered by a drone). Retailers that don’t get onto this tech very soon, will most certainly be left behind. Want to watch a movie with your family but watch it in a movie theater? No problem. Get the family headsets on and go to the cinema. Want to go to the Great Wall of China? No problem. You’re there in a second. Want to go meet your friend on a street on the other side of the world for a walk and a chat? No problem. Whack your headset on, ping them a request and meet them outside their home (in 3D) and go for a walk (treadmill) and a chat. Want to watch your favorite football team but actually sit in the stadium (choosing your favorite seat) live? Done! …, and don’t even get me started on the application of VR to the porn industry. What takes your fancy today? An orgy in Vegas? No problem! You’re there!   

My obsession with this is not technological. I literally don’t care for it. My obsession is how to make money from it? So I win when 99% of people lose. The majority of people due to infiltration and therefore society as a whole will definitely be the losers from this. My obsession now is who will win? The headsets are very cheap to make and priced very low. Competition is already rife and will continue to be fierce going forward. The producers of the headsets in all probability will not be the winners long term. My thoughts on this are that the content providers / builders / owners of the “new worlds” is where I should be focusing longer term as an investor. Those that come to dominate the content wars, will in the end be the biggest winners.     

With VR, society as we know it is now officially over. The smartphone WAS the beginning of the end. VR literally IS the end. The Middle Eastern family I witnessed in Rome will no longer need to even go to Rome and even go for dinner with each other in person. Infiltration and distraction will see to that. Gen X will be relatively fine because we have perspective. Half of Gen Y and Millennials will be infiltrated for sure. The generation born after the year 2,000 will be a disaster of a generation. They will have no concept of reality and will no longer be able to deal with reality. Their only perspective will be a virtual world of whatever they want. In the real world they will become “victims.” We have already seen this culture manifest itself in the smartphone generation. People spend their lives with their heads buried in their phone, then wonder why they can’t afford to buy a home or a car or have savings. They then blame other people for their “unfortunate” reality. “Victimization Culture” will only get worse with the infiltration of Virtual Reality into the lives of the future up and coming generation. Other than to sit in a cubicle in a monolithic building called an “office,” performing menial tasks and working as a slave so they can earn “entertainment tokens,” singles will never need to leave their shelter. So they won’t. People have become accustomed to renting 650sqft apartments in major metropolises globally in the last 15 years. It isn’t unimaginable that with VR they could live in a 200sqft room (a box / prison cell) and be perceived to be “happy.” Couples (if there ever will be any left), will never need to be intimate. Friendships and Courtships will be a thing of the past. These types of activities will be known in the new world as things that “old people” do. Conversations, get together’s, dinners, lunches, shopping, hobbies, interests, it’s all about to be infiltrated and will end in the next 20-30 years.

You think im joking? Go and put an Oculus Rift on your head for a few hours then report back to me. You will realize I am not joking! You will also realize when you have done this, that I’m probably either going to be dead right on this or not far off the mark.

I've seen The Future and its Not Pretty! My ONLY concern is how to make sure I become a WINNER out of this, and not a LOSER!


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #18 em: 2016-09-08 15:51:54 »

El Corte Inglés anuncia la creación del primer espacio permanente de realidad virtual en Madrid


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Re: Realidade Virtual / Virtual Reality (VR) - Tópico principal
« Responder #19 em: 2016-12-04 13:01:34 »
Isto é muito giro mas deve cansar bue...

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