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Autor Tópico: Religião  (Lida 3930 vezes)


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Re: Religião
« Responder #60 em: 2021-11-02 15:31:18 »
tirando milages deus e tal vida depois morte   enfim parte relegiosa da coisa

tens historia  tribos sao feitas  escravos que dao sola  andam deserto sem reino...  fazem um reino depois perdem outra guerra voltam ser escravos  sao expulsos e tal    e homem morre cruz por dizer umas coisas incovenientes ao regime  sistema da altura...

parece ser coisas acontecem humanidade .....ainda hoje...

isto fantasia nao tem nada infelismente

tirando  parte relegiosa ate biblia ensina mais para vida que muita coisa hoje dia!
« Última modificação: 2021-11-02 15:42:06 por Reg »
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Re: Religião
« Responder #61 em: 2021-11-02 17:02:51 »
Garganta fuunda

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Re: Religião
« Responder #62 em: 2021-11-02 17:40:17 »

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Re: Religião
« Responder #63 em: 2021-11-02 17:46:02 »

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Re: Religião
« Responder #64 em: 2021-11-02 17:47:24 »
Aquilo sao os pés deles ou usavam salto alto?


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Re: Religião
« Responder #65 em: 2021-11-02 18:15:52 »
as antigas relegioes tambem nao eram grande coisa os reis imperadores eram o deus...

imagina o que era aturar gente assim!  um politico deus!

egundo o zoroastrismo, o dever das pessoas é praticar o bem e a justiça, para que, no dia do Juízo Final, Ormuz seja vitorioso e, assim o bem prevaleça sobre o mal. Além disso, aos bons estava reservada a vida eterna no paraíso.

Muitos dos valores do zoroastrismo acabaram sendo adotados por outras religiões. No cristianismo, por exemplo, encontram-se presentes as ideias de Juízo Final e paraíso e a dicotomia entre bem e mal.

Essa religião baseava-se na sinceridade entre as pessoas  e foi transcrita no livro sagrado Avesta. O imperador era quase um deus , pois, segundo a crença , governava por ordem de deus.

A decadência do império
A tomada do estreito de Bósforo e Dardanelos no mar Negro pelas forças persas prejudicou o intenso comércio grego na região. O clima de tensão entre várias cidades gregas e o império persa transformou-se em longa guerra. Em 490 a.C., Dario tentou invadir a Grécia, mas foi derrotado pelos gregos na batalha de Maratona. Dario morreu e o poder passou as mãos de seu filho Xerxes, que continuou a luta contra a Grécia, sendo derrotado em 480 e 479 a.C. nas batalhas de Salamina e Plateia.

estes  foram influencia para gregos  e gregos foram influencia para romanos  e romanos para cristao actual....

no islao nada e adotado....  e tudo quase  mesma coisa.... e relegiao nao gosta mudar nada....
« Última modificação: 2021-11-02 18:26:33 por Reg »
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Re: Religião
« Responder #66 em: 2021-11-02 18:31:37 »
Destroying Our Past

Most of us here know Christianity is a hoax, but to what extent is another matter. It is a hoax of catastrophic proportions. A study of Medieval Paintings reveals a cry for help. Many of the artists of the period left messages in their work. There are quite a few paintings- all of Christian religious matter (this was not an option of the artist as the Catholic Church had total control, and nearly every work of art during that period had to be of Christian religious themes, lest the artist be charged with "heresy" which meant torture and death) that reveal flying saucers hovering over the nazarene and other signs that this foul religion was a hoax and the people knew it, but were severely oppressed. Grey clouds obscuring the Sun in the painting "Calling of the first Apostles" by Domenico Ghirlandaio, 1481, reveals a dismal atmosphere that indicates a sad occasion and says plenty. Carlo Crivelli's painting of the Annunciation in 1486 blatantly reveals a UFO hovering over the virgin and beaming a stream of light into her head. Many artists alluded to flying saucers, by painting lenticular clouds in the skies of their works.

Leonardo's famous "Last Supper" painting displays the apostles of the nazarene in four groups of three, indicating the signs of the zodiac and the implication is- he knew Christianity was a hoax. Many other paintings of the period have hidden messages in them concerning the hoax of Christianity, if one takes the time to study them.

There have been several reports of which I posted links with the details at the bottom of the page, of the Smithsonian Institute dumping barges full of ancient artifacts into the Atlantic Ocean. Many of these were Egyptian in origin and found in the United States. Anything that disputes the Christian religion comes under intense scrutiny. Since the Jews, Christians and Muslims claim the world to be only approximately 6,000 years old, there has always been a conflict with the truth in promoting this lie.

Anyone with even half a brain knows there were no "Weapons of Mass Destruction" in Iraq. In spite of hundreds of worldwide protests against the invasion and the U.N.'s giving Iraq a clean report, George W. Bush pushed relentlessly for the attack on Iraq. Of course, it is just fine for Israel and the USA to have all the weapons of mass destruction they please with no outside interference whatsoever. We all know Mr. Bush is a "born again" Christian.

The real reason behind all of this seems to point towards the destruction of important ancient relics and documents that *prove* Judaism, and Christianity are lies. Saddam Hussein believed himself to be the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar. With this belief, he spent some $500 million dollars during the 1980's attempting to reconstruct Ancient Babylon, the capitol of Nebuchadnezzar. Over sixty million bricks were created to replace the walls of Babylon with the engraving "To King Nebuchadnezzar in the reign of Saddam Hussein." ¹

There were many ancient temples and relics buried beneath the sands of Iraq that were proof of the origins of humanity. Whether they are still there given the invasion is unknown. American and British GI's were given the go ahead from the top brass to destroy and/or loot whatever they pleased from the Iraqi museums.

Saddam Hussein was also working on restoring the Ancient Ashurbanipal Library, which was the earliest known collected and catalogued library in the world. The texts therein originated before the flood. British archeologists in the mid 19th century at Nineveh excavated some 25,000 cuneiform tablets assembled by King Ashurbanipal which nearly all of are now in the British Museum.

In April of 2002, the Iraqi archeologists asked the British Museum if they would allow casts of the tablets to be made. Though copies were made in the past of certain tablets, this would have been the first time any significant number would have been made available as copies.

The proposed reconstructed library at Nineveh would have held copies of all of the tablets from the British Museum and was planned to be a center for scholars and a tourist attraction. Next door to the library was to be a center for cuneiform study. Plans were also made to excavate one of the wings of King Ashurbanipal's Palace in Kuyunjik Mound where it was hoped that thousands of other buried tablets would be found.

There are some 10,000 archeological sites scattered across Iraq and most of them have not even been touched. According to archeologists, thieves have broken into the Iraqi Museums repeatedly and have stolen Sumerian artifacts (This occurred before the war as well). Expensive gold jewelry and ornaments were left behind. What they went after were the ancient records in the form of cylinders and cuneiform tablets.

U.N. relief workers and foreign diplomats were several times accused by the Iraqi government of smuggling these artifacts out of the country. In summer of 2002, an Iraqi landlord was cleaning a vacant Baghdad apartment that was formerly occupied by a foreign diplomat. The landlord found two cartons of archeological fragments. The Iraqi government never named the diplomat or his country.

"Saddam assuredly knows that the release of documentation proving Judaism and Christianity as derivatives or copies of an ancient Sumerian religion could have a devastating effect on global affairs."²

"When George W. Bush stood before the Washington Monument in January 2001, during his inauguration he borrowed a surprising image from the past. Referring to America twice he said: And an angel still rides the whirlwinds and directs this storm."

Throughout the ages after the manifestation of Judaism and Christianity, every attempt has been made from mass murder to the destruction and razing of entire cities and the genocide of entire peoples to keep the lid on this lie. The "Devil" *not* the Judeo/Christian "God" was the creator of humanity.


Parts of the above information were taken from the book:

¹ "Cloak of the Illuminati" by William Henry, 2003. The author has a lot of useful information if one can read between the lines, but is seriously deluded as to the nazarene. The nazarene as we all know is fictitious. As for the virgin, this entity stole everything from Astaroth while Astaroth was bound.

² Ibid.


Excerpts from links below concerning Archeological Cover ups:

"Smithsonian at one time had actually taken a barge full of unusual artifacts out into the Atlantic and dumped them in the ocean."

"Historian and linguist Carl Hart, editor of WORLD EXPLORER, then obtained a hiker's map of the Grand Canyon from a bookstore in Chicago. Poring over the map, we were amazed to see that much of the area on the north side of the canyon has Egyptian names. The area around Ninety-four Mile Creek and Trinity Creek had areas (rock formations, apparently) with names like Tower of Set, Tower of Ra, Horus Temple, Osiris Temple, and Isis Temple. In the Haunted Canyon area were such names as the Cheops Pyramid, the Buddha Cloister, Buddha Temple, Manu Temple and Shiva Temple. Was there any relationship between these places and the alleged Egyptian discoveries in the Grand Canyon?"

"The Smithsonian"
"The 1909 article clearly states that the Smithsonian is involved with studying and excavating the site. However, the Smithsonian denies that any such discovery ever occurred. This brings up the larger question that if this was a true story, why would the Smithsonian have covered up what certainly would be one of the most significant archeological finds of the twentieth century? Believe it or not, there is precedence for the Smithsonian losing information about discoveries that are deemed to not fit in with currently accepted dogma about the history of America and its interaction or lack thereof with other ancient civilizations."

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Re: Religião
« Responder #67 em: 2021-11-02 18:33:28 »

There is nothing "holy" or anything for spiritual advancement or the betterment of humanity in the bible. Look to the numbers, the books, the scriptures, and the contents and you will see it for what it is really for; it is a book of Jewish witchcraft, of which they use liberally way at the top, to advance their agenda and to enslave the masses. The whole point of this article is to explain in every day simple terms on how they do this. The Jews are an alien RACE within all races. One does not say "I am a quarter Catholic," or "half Lutheran," or "part Jehova's Witness," or that "there is some Presbyterian blood in the family," but one can be half Jewish, quarter Jew, etc. And a Jew is still a Jew regardless of whether he/she practices or observes the "religion."

For those of you who are unfamiliar with spirituality and the workings of the mind, known as "witchcraft," I am going to explain this so you can understand how this works. Look around you; everything you see, your computer screen, your chair, your bed, your furniture, the cars outside, buildings, windows...everything you see was once someone's idea before it materialized into a physical form in reality. Now, I also want to add in some instances, such as with science, for example storms manifest on their own; hot humid air colliding with cold, dry air for example, but the majority of everything here was once someone's idea.

Most of you are familiar with the cone shaped hats that classic wizards and witches wear. These often have stars drawn on them and such. The symbolic meaning of the cone is energy welling up to the top of the head. This is also symbolized by the Egyptian pyramids. Energy is needed to manifest an idea into reality. Energy is also like water in that it will take the easiest way out if not thoroughly directed. A conscious witchcraft working needs energy and the focus of the mind. The more important the working, the more it may take planning before doing it. By planning, I mean a date where the planets are supportive of the working [hence the stars on the cone-shaped hats], along with timing, and knowledge. The more forces working in harmony to support the spell, the better, especially the numbers, as life is made up of numbers...time.

The working is empowered by the right [female] side of the brain. This side of the brain rules over the subconscious mind and is also the passive side of the brain. The left side of the brain is the male, logical side that directs the working. The more energy that is directed toward a working, the more likely it will manifest in reality. Little things do not require massive amounts of energy, but controlling the world and what I reveal later in this article, do require the participation of the subconscious [female side of the brain] mass mind. The populace is unaware of this. This is the reason a Bible is in nearly every home, as it acts as a subconscious receiver and it has subliminal power, a connection with the numbers, the verses and given the centuries of massive amounts of psychic energy being poured into it from believers, it has plenty of power. Believers subconsciously tie into the energy and unbeknownst to most, can be controlled this way. This is only a brief summary of how the powers of the mind and soul work. To learn more, study up on the subconscious mind, especially how some people are able to obtain the entire contents of a book by just holding the book and focusing on it, without reading it. This should give you some idea of the power the Bible has. This is another reason why Bible verses are memorized, as these become embedded in the subconscious, and this bleeds over into the mass mind, making the mass mind a powerful tool in working a spell.

In addition, many of you are familiar with subliminal messages. Most of us have heard or read about how popular advertisements, music, and other media use subliminal messages that are not usually detected by the conscious mind. We are unaware of them, but they do work and they do influence people. At the end of this article are links to YouTube videos that further demonstrate this. To further confuse and misdirect the populace, these workings such as the 9-11 are blamed upon Satan, but with a little research and study, you will find the opposite to be true. All of these are of the Judeo/Christian Bible. This is no different from the phony Jewish "Holocaust" Lie of the "six million." Note how the number six is frequently used [more on this below]. The endless media publicity and otherwise this receives, acts as a major distraction and diversion away from the real atrocities, mass murder, torture and brutality committed by the Jewish communist program.

"Satan" is the God of the Gentiles [Non-Jews]
#"Satan" means "enemy" in Hebrew
#"Satanism" is also a label for Paganism
#"Pagan" means "Gentile"

Anything that is against the Jews is zealously forced upon the populace as "evil."

For PROOF of this, please visit www.exposingchristianity.org

Some of you may remember here how after the 9/11 incident, many people were folding $20.00 bills a certain way, as the twin towers could be seen in flames, given the bill was folded, then viewed a certain way. The $20.00 bill is the most commonly used of US currency. Shortly thereafter the 9/11 incident, the $20.00 bills were very rapidly replaced with a new version. They all disappeared very quickly. The excuse used before the public was that they could be easily counterfeited. The real reason was because of the design of the bill and the subliminal vibrations it carried.

The number eleven is a number of chaos, destruction, and disintegration, according to the bible. Because that filthy Bible is in nearly every home, so many people adhere to Christian teachings, and put their faith in it, like the $20.00 bill, it is a very powerful subliminal tool, even more so than the $20.00 bill, as it has been around much longer, and is international. Thus, when Jews at the highest levels work their witchcraft in groups, they use the numbers and verses in the Bible to accomplish their ends. From what I understand, some of the verses are vibrated in Hebrew in boustrophedon, meaning read in zigzag. They also bob back and forth when they "pray" in groups.

The numbers 10 and 12 in the bible are supposed to be perfect numbers.

The 12 sons of Jacob minus Joseph ["one is not" - Genesis 42:13] without whom the other 11 would not have survived.
Note* Genesis is the first book of the bible; Genesis = 1 + 42 + 13 = 56, which reduces to 11. This is in addition to the verse itself.

King Jehoiakim [2 Chronicles 36:5-6] reigned 11 years before Nebuchadnezzar carried him away into captivity [his downfall and the end of his rule].

King Zedekiah [Jeremiah 52:1-11] reigned 11 years before Nebuchadnezzar imprisoned him, murdered his family, and mutilated him.

In the 11th year of the Babylonian captivity Ezekiel prophesied of the fall and the destruction of Tyrus, [Ezekiel 26:1-5].

In the 11th year of the Babylonian captivity Ezekiel prophesied of the fall and the destruction of Egypt [Ezekiel 30:20-26].
Note also in the above scriptures, if you do some more reading on them, they all rebelled against the Jews and were punished for it. The above serves as an example...there are many more.

Now, the number 9 is a number of endings and finality. Note how the biblical verses that emphasized the number 11, all related to destruction and fall.

I will not make this article too long, as I will have more detailed examples and such in the near future. The book of Job [suffering] is used to curse their enemies in many circumstances. The bombing of Dresden was carried out on the Christian holiday of Ash Wednesday and reduced the city to ashes. I could cite many more examples, but taking a look at how similarities all tie in, we have:

On 15 March 2004, there were exactly 911 days between the Twin Towers attack of September 11, 2001 and the bomb attacks on the trains in Madrid Spain on March 11, 2004.

Madrid, Spain has 11 letters.

New York City has 11 letters.

The American attacks occurred on September 11th 2001.

The Madrid attacks occurred on March 11th 2004.

There were 911 days between the American and Madrid attacks [9 + 1 + 1 = 11].

The Madrid attack occurred on the 11th Thursday of the year.

September 11th is the 254th day of the year [2 + 5 + 4 = 11].

After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.

September 11 has 9 letters and 2 numbers [9 + 2 = 11]

11 March 2004 has 5 letters and 6 numbers [5 + 6 = 11].

Each building had 110 stories [11 x 10 = 110].

The Madrid train attacks left 191 people confirmed dead [1 + 9 + 1 = 11].

On September 11, 2002 the names of the 2,801 victims of the World Trade Center attacks were read aloud from Ground Zero [2 + 8 + 0 + 1 = 11].

The Twin Towers standing side by side look like the number 11.

The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11.

Flight 11 had 92 on board [9 + 2 = 11].

Flight 11 had 11 crew members.

Flight 77 hit the Pentagon [11 x 7 = 77].

Flight 77 had 65 on board [6 + 5 = 11].

911 is the number to call in case of emergency [9 + 1 + 1 = 11].

New York was the 11th State added to the Union.

Manhattan Island was discovered on September 11, 1609 by Henry Hudson -11 letters.

Saudi Arabia has 11 letters.

Afghanistan has 11 Letters.
Note how the vibration of the number 11 ties all of this in with the 9. Astral energy seeks the easiest way out and like attracts like. It is no wonder that Freemasons, who are controlled by Jewish powers, place their hands upon the bible during their initiation. Given every page of that evil Bible has the word "Jew" "Jews" "Israel" "Jerusalem" and related; the Nazarene and company- all Jews and given the Jews proclaim they are the "Chosen of God" and they are held in the highest esteem and exalted in the bible, no wonder they are so powerful and have secretly ruled over the world, unbeknownst to the masses, for centuries.

Satan, himself also showed me how these workings are like a domino effect. Once something is set into motion on the astral, the energies put into motion seek out like energies and things tie in. With the strange and eerie coincidence of the numbers [this is only a sample, there are many more], this reveals this is not a random act, but a dead giveaway that this was an occult working which was deliberate.

I would also like to add the Jewish emphasis on the number 6. Please do not confuse this with "666" which has an entirely different meaning.

Just be aware and you will notice what I am saying here. For example, the six million for that holoco$t hoax, Jewish communism has its important holiday May 1st; 5/1; 5 + 1 = 6. With this I could go on and on. Israel has 6 letters. Pay attention to the news and also history; anything connected with the Jews and you will see what I mean. In the bible, the number six is the number of man without any spiritual power. The number 7 has to do with the 7 chakras and spiritual power emanating from these and spiritual perfection. 6 falls short. 6 is also a number of hard labor. Work was done for 6 days and the 7th was a day of rest.

"The number 6 is stamped on all that is connected with human labor. We see it stamped upon his measures, which he uses in his labor, and on the time during which he labors. And we see this from the very beginning."

The Jewish emphasis on and use of the number 6, sets up a vibration on the astral for the advancement of their agenda, their communist state and world order. Communism is slave labor. With the communist state, the Jews become "god" and all spiritual knowledge is replaced with material atheism. Only the Jews at the top know the secrets of the occult and they use their curses and spells on an unknowing, and helpless populace to whatever suits them. Christianity in more ways than one is a stepping off point for communism. In addition, Christianity has made so-called "religion" into such a totally repulsive and vile concept, that many who are unknowing, gladly accept and promote atheism.

In closing, like everything else, this is all blamed upon Satan and our Pagan Gentile Gods by ignorant brainwashed fools. Most Christians do not have the intelligence or the strength of character to delve into the occult. There are also scriptures in that bible that the Jews use to curse and frighten outsiders away from really getting into the occult. I remember when I was new to Satanism, I had a bad experience, but this only drove me on and heightened my curiosity. One cannot be afraid. The Jews and their alien cohorts have used fear as a tool for control for centuries. In communist countries, the populace lives in a constant state of terror. This is also in league with the bible, as is everything else regarding Jewish communism.

I will have more information and many more examples on how the bible is nothing more than a book of Jewish witchcraft, hence the numbers; biblical numerology, and how the bible is continuously pushed upon the populace, it is in nearly every home, in hotel rooms and everywhere else. Everyone is familiar with it, and knows what it claims to be.

The world needs to wake up. Please feel free to educate others, distribute this and any other JoS articles and to work hard for Satan. Satan means "truth" in Sanskrit.



Below is a direct quote from the Torah:

(Genesis 11:9) Therefore the name of it was called Bavel, because the LORD confused the language of all the earth, there. From there, the LORD scattered them abroad on the surface of all the earth.”

NOTE: 11:9

Now, in the USA here, our civilian dates are month/day, but worldwide and with the military, it is day/month. So with most countries outside the US, it would be 11/9, not 9/11. This was also a spiritual attack, to divide, confuse, destroy communications.

More in the scriptures preceding this:

(GEN 11:6) The LORD said, "Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is what they begin to do. Now nothing will be withheld from them, which they intend to do.

(GEN 11:7) Come, let's go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech."

The Tower of Babel has to do with raising the Serpent [building a tower is an analogy]. With the Serpentine Power, telepathic communication and all knowledge are possible and with telepathic communication, there are no language barriers, as the communication is filtered down through the pineal gland from the communicator into whatever language the receiver mainly speaks and understands. This is why some telepathic communications can be ‘off’ sometimes. Specific words don’t always get filtered perfectly for one, due to an under-activated pineal gland, and for another, there are sometimes major differences in languages. In some languages there is no equivalent expression or word to convey what is meant in another language.

Every time throughout recorded history when humanity has advanced to a certain level of knowledge, that knowledge has been systematically destroyed. This is most notable with the fall of the Roman Empire, where Europe regressed into the Dark Ages for 1,000 years. After the Jews were expelled from Western Europe, then the Renaissance emerged, bringing enlightenment. The Jews who migrated to the east and also to Sicily [especially after being expelled from Spain], wreaked havoc on the Gentiles of the east [eventual communism in Russia and of course, the same Jewish ritual murders, where the Gentile populace responded understandably with pogroms] along with establishing organized crime in Sicily.

Here is blatant proof of subliminals used in the Media leading up 911:

Most people are fully aware that Jews control Hollywood and the media.

WHAT? ...Hollywood Predicted 9:11??? [YouTube video]
The above video is proof that the so-called "prophesies" in the Bible are nothing but a hoax. The Bible is not the "Book of God" but is a work of the Jews, of which they use subliminally to carry out their curses, some of which are centuries old. One only has to be knowledgeable about the workings of the mind and of witchcraft to see this and to fully understand


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Re: Religião
« Responder #68 em: 2021-11-02 18:33:47 »
idade media foi fim imperio romanos

nao havia nada.... unir tribos  latinas e barbaras....   havia imperio bizantino mas esses pouco faziam no ocidente

so tinham a igreja ....na europa toda como instituicao!

nao foi fim conhecimento porque   igreja funcionava  deu traduzir muita coisa do grego e romano para lingua barbaros!

as novas linguas... tipo frances ingles espanhol  etc

conhecimento ate foi grande por parte barbaros.....  nao sei porque dizem foi fim....

os turcos eram imperio invadia europa e o islao arabes

so quando  os conseguiram parar e europa finalmente virou potencia

os judeus nunca foram potencia caneco

como raio estes gaijos escrevem isto esquecem sempre potencia islao com turcos e arabes fonix

como raio eles olham judeus como potencia que nem tinham um reino sequer
« Última modificação: 2021-11-02 18:58:17 por Reg »
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Re: Religião
« Responder #69 em: 2021-11-03 02:40:07 »
The PHONY "six-million" holoco$t further serves as a distraction from and a cover for the REAL crimes against humanity committed under Jewish communism. Nearly everyone has heard of "Auschwitz," but how many have heard of the atrocities committed against Gentiles at Kolyma, the most notorious Gulag slave labor camp, run and operated by Jews in extreme northeastern Siberia? Or the systematic genocide of the people of the Ukraine perpetrated by Jewish communism? The Holodomor [Ukrainian Famine/Genocide of the 1932-33] perpetrated by the Jew controlled USSR.

"Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced into it, not this year but later..." --Emil Ludwig [Jew], Les Annales, June, 1934

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under."
-- Martin van Creveld, Israeli professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in an interview in the Dutch weekly magazine: Elsevier, 2002, no. 17, p. 52-53.

"We may never actually have to use this atomic weapon in military operations as the mere threat of its use will persuade any opponent to surrender to us."
–Chaim Weizmann [Jew]

"Jews Declared War on Germany. Even before the war started, the Jewish leaders on a world-wide basis had years before, declared that world Jewry was at war with Germany, and that they would utilize their immense financial, moral and political powers to destroy Hitler and Nazi Germany. Principal among these was Chaim Weizmann, the Zionist leader, who so declared on September 5, 1939. He was enthusiastically supported by world-wide Jewry in this declaration."
–Ben Klassen [CoTC]

"I learned that Hitler not only did NOT want to conquer the world, or any other nation, but only to get back the parts of Germany hacked off by the Versailles treaty." "He openly said he wanted back the parts of Germany given to Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc. The only places he ever "attacked" were once parts of GERMANY, such as Prussia and Austria, stolen by Versailles, just as if we lost Florida and Texas, you would certainly "attack" these states until they were again American." "Perhaps even more shocking, I discovered, long after the war, just how arrogant the Jews had been in claiming that Hitler "started" World War II - when even before we got into it, they published a book called "Germany Must Perish", which actually preached the EXTERMINATION of the German people [long before any possible gas chambers were even to be alleged].
Click here for a PDF copy of "Germany Must Perish"

And more startling still, the Jews laid out the division of Germany on a map in 1940, and the line the Jews drew on their map way back in 1940 is pretty much the same line which now divides Germany!"
[The above was written before the reunification of Germany]

"When I got back from fighting World War II, I truly believed all the propaganda that I had helped the "good guys" fight the world's last war, the war to see that there was no more tyranny and "aggression." I remembered that the world declared War, in effect, on Germany, for marching into Prussia and Silesia, ex-German states which had become Poland. And it was, I was told, to get these people out from under the tyrants that I risked my life, and saw thousands die. But then I watched our "leaders" GIVING all these countries I was supposed to be fighting to "free" - to Soviet Russia. I thought I had "saved" Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, etc. - Then I couldn't help noticing that we had NOT stopped tyranny in these countries, - instead, it seemed to me, by fighting in WWII, I had helped turn most of the world over to the SOVIET UNION and COMMUNISM. All the Countries I went to save - who had them after WWII - and who has them NOW? I began to notice, for the first time, that there was something most peculiar about this fight for "freedom" they got me and millions like me into.

When ever any Country was in the hands of ANTI-Communists, we were told they were "tyrants and oppressors" and we had to fight to get them out at all costs - as we did, Germany, Italy and Japan. But when a Country was in the hands of Communists -we HELPED them, and I heard nothing about "tyranny." In fact, reviewing my career in World War II - I came to the conclusion that I am a Soviet War Veteran. I fought to turn over the major portion of the earth's surface to the Soviets. This, in turn, led me to become politically aware, for the first time. I began to notice what might be BEHIND the things I read in the papers and saw at the movies, etc."
–George Lincoln Rockwell

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Re: Religião
« Responder #72 em: 2021-11-03 02:43:59 »

Meme Dealer

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Re: Religião
« Responder #75 em: 2021-11-03 03:05:10 »
Isto é giro ler


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Re: Religião
« Responder #76 em: 2021-11-03 09:44:42 »
maioria paises  comunistas tambem nao se gramavam uns aos outros

tipo chineses com russos

russos com coreanos norte

chineses com vietnam

albania com russia


nao basta conquistar paises... para libertar .....

como se viu no afeganistao....

isto agora e como venezuela... os gajos aturem socialistas durante uns anos e depois eles fassam revolucao anti comunista....  os proprios....e nao outros

se americanos nao fossem vietnam hoje secalhar os comunistas ja nem estavam no poder por la...

a desuniao sovietica tambem foi mesma coisa  aquilo acabou por eles mesmos....

o que nao falta e povos conquistados  que realidade nunca se deixam conquistar

o que se viu no comunismo e paises escolheram ser comunistas foram miseria e acabaram com aquilo eles proprios.

mas quando sao invadidos..so dao forca comunas...

dos paises escolheram  em democracia  ser comunas so sobra venezuela... de resto ja acabou tudo....no mundo!
« Última modificação: 2021-11-03 10:21:49 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

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Re: Religião
« Responder #77 em: 2021-11-09 00:43:41 »

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Re: Religião
« Responder #78 em: 2021-11-09 18:31:24 »
Aqui está algo que nao sabia

Jesus genealogy


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Re: Religião
« Responder #79 em: 2021-11-09 22:08:42 »
os judeus tambem  tinham la um  messias  guerreiro   escolhidos por eles que os ia libertar romanos

mas morreu na batalha perdida  como perderam quase tudo ... seguir gajo

A essa altura, evidenciou-se, entre os combatentes judeus, a liderança de um jovem comandante, Simão bar Coziba, em quem o rabino Aquiba reconheceu o "Mashiach" (Messias) davídico, aguardado ansiosamente, e lhe trocou o nome para "Barcoquebas" (filho da estrela). À frente de seus comandados, Simão entrou em Jerusalém, foi saudado como "Príncipe de Israel", e proclamou a independência do estado judeu. Moedas foram cunhadas com os dizeres "Primeiro ano da libertação de Jerusalém" e "Primeiro ano da redenção de Israel".
Até que, em 135, Severo finalmente encurralou Barcoquebas em Betar, seis milhas a sudoeste de Jerusalém.[nt 2] Apesar da tenacidade de seus defensores, o reduto foi invadido e os romanos massacraram todos que encontraram. Foi o fim do "Filho da Estrela" e da terceira revolta judaica.

tambem  podiam estar enganados......

afinal o jesus fe catolico foi conquistou e sobreviveu ao imperio romano...
« Última modificação: 2021-11-09 22:19:57 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso