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Autor Tópico: Religião  (Lida 3926 vezes)

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Re: Religião
« Responder #40 em: 2021-11-01 19:13:14 »
A ordem quis esconder tudo.
Nao so a narrativa foi mudada como ate foi preciso destruir provas.
Destruir o berço da humanidade. E cercar aquilo de tropas.
Sumer, iraque, siria, imperio acadio, babylon
You shall not know the truth.
Mas o awakening vem aí.


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Re: Religião
« Responder #41 em: 2021-11-01 19:14:33 »
o islao ja tinha feito isso....

ainda havia alguma coisa la !!!!
« Última modificação: 2021-11-01 19:16:07 por Reg »
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Re: Religião
« Responder #42 em: 2021-11-01 19:16:42 »


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Re: Religião
« Responder #43 em: 2021-11-01 19:18:45 »
islao   e catolicos tinham coisa comum

cada conquista convertiam coisas!

ate o betao e pedras   dos lucais relegiosos!

tu nao vais encontrar grande coisa dos pagoes.....na europa

ou outras relegioes no medio oriente

era tudo convertido!

ate portugal foi governo construir mesquita  pouco tempo  porque 1000 anos converteram mesquitas em igrejas!

antes disso islamicos converteram lucais  pagoes  ou catolicos do imperio romano   em mesquitas
« Última modificação: 2021-11-01 19:24:55 por Reg »
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Re: Religião
« Responder #44 em: 2021-11-01 19:25:20 »


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Re: Religião
« Responder #45 em: 2021-11-01 19:29:33 »
hoje dia querem converter

relegiao arco iris!
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Re: Religião
« Responder #46 em: 2021-11-01 19:33:51 »

Who is Satan?
The Ancient Sumerian's worshipped the creator of Humanity as Enki who they stated created the race of Adamu [meaning humanity] and into their blood Enki put the secrets of the blood of the Gods. And in doing such Enki created the new race with a special spiritual purpose, to ascend and become shining ones [God means shining one in the ancient language]. The Creator God, Enki was also called Satana by the ancient Sumerian's. This is why the Yezidi People who live in north Iraq, still worship their God as Satan. The Yezidi people stated in their own records they were part of ancient Sumeria and Babylon and are the first humans. The Yezidi's state before being in Sumeria they migrated out of ancient India. You can still see their religion in Hinduism in India. In Hinduism the highest name of God, the saviour God is SATANAMA this is Satana....ma. This is the most sacred mantra in Kundalini [serpent] yoga the science of true spirituality and liberation.

Satanama is the highest mantra in the original Yoga and is made to transform one into the light body. It means SA birth, TA, life, NA transformation, MA rebirth. However if one pays attention they will note Satana to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Roman's who came out of India from their own texts. Call Satana, the name SATANAS.

SA is birth and rebirth is still birth. SA birth, TA, life, NA, transformation, S, rebirth. The name of Enki, SATANAS is literally the mantra of the light body, the serpent energy. In ancient Sanskrit the sacred langue of Hinduism, SATANAS is the mantra of the elements of the soul and their transmutation into light.

The name of the ancient religion was SATya, which is Sata ya. Which is named after Sata...na. And holds the same meaning: Eternal Truth.

The Yezidi and other surviving ancient cultures such as the Mandean's state that Enki, Satana created humanity not in the near east but in the far east. In the garden Paradise of Sri Lanka and that Satana came down from Adam's peak and taught the race of Adamu the sacred spiritual knowledge of liberation, ascension to the light body. The Hindu's state that Sanata created the Adimu and Eva in the sacred Garden of Sri Lanka in the golden age. When Sri Lanka was part of a larger continent called Kumara Kandam, The Land Of Immortal Serpents, in the first Sangha. When Satana and the other Gods lived physically on earth and had a civilization here. It was in the first Sangha they taught humanity the science of the light body ascension.

The Shivanolipatha Malai, the most sacred mountain in Sri Lanka is still called Adam's Peak by those in the Near East in ancient memory that this was the mountain Satana descended from to teach mankind the light of the soul. Satana is still worshipped by the Sri Lankan's as Sanata/Murugan. The Visnu Purana's stated Sanata is the original God all cultural images of Hindu leader Gods go back to, including Krisna.

Satan is still worshipped in Hinduism as Sanat, note the Peacock and Serpent of Sanat are the sacred symbols of the Yezidi's, Satan. And the Yezidi's came from India from ancient Hinduism. The Satya.

If we look to ancient Sumeria which was part of a much larger culture that migrated out of the ancient east. We find something important. Satana, Enki was shown as a serpent, called the Serpent of Fire, around a tree. He is shown instructing Adamu and Eva in the knowledge of ascension. Sometimes He is shown as a physical man carrying the Waters of Life. As Enki is the God of the Waters of Life in ancient Sumeria. However water is symbolic in the spiritual texts of the ancients for spiritual fire. The Waters of Life is the fire of life. The Serpent of Fire. For it is by fire all life is made perfected and reborn in eternal life. As the ancients stated.

The Garden of Edin is symbolic its originally Mount Meru in the east the four rives running into it with the sacred tree at the center, the spine. The tree has a man on one side and a women on the other. The male and female half of the soul and body which meet at the sushuma the center channel in the spine. Edin means Abode of the Gods. Here Gods are simply allegory for the Charka's which reside in the garden, meaning the soul.

In Hinduism in the east there are images of a women sitting under a tree holding an apple with a serpent in the tree. The apple represents the symbol of Akasa which is the spiritual god the divine element. The message is the Shakti energy, the serpent transforms the soul. The union with Adamu and Eva with the apple is the union which transmutes spirit and matter the body and soul into the light body. This is when they realize they are naked. To be naked in Hinduism means Kechari to be sky clad, literally. This is the symbol of the rebirth into the ascended state in Hinduism and ancient Sumeria, Egypt and elsewhere. This naked state of Adamu and Eva was called Aurum in the ancient texts meaning "Shining light." Spiritual rebirth.

Enki is also spelled ANKI in Sumerian which becomes Ankh to the Egyptians. The Ankh, Anki is the symbol of immortal life, the light body. Anki, Satana is the God of Life, the God of Light. Which humanity is supposed to have.

Later when Juadism was created it stole the spiritual cultural texts of the Sumerian's [they even stated Abraham came from Sumeria] and corrupted them and into this poured the lie that humans are cattle slaves of a new god, Yahweh and that the ultimate sin the human could reach for was the light body, true freedom. Yahweh openly states in panic if Adamu and Eva eat from this tree they will become Gods, Shining Ones and he will not be able to make them cattle slaves. They will have true eternal freedom.

This becomes obvious again in the story of the Tower of Babel. Babel in the ancient near east is the name BAB the serpent goddess and El, shining one. Babel is the shining serpent. Its also called the Serpent or Fish tower. The spine. The tower the ancient peoples were building is the raising of the kudanlini serpent up the spine to enlightenment. Then enter Yahweh who with a council of other beings openly panic's and repeats the exact same statements it made in the Garden of Edin. If humanity finishes that Tower they will become Gods, Shining Ones and he will not be able to make them cattle slaves. Then Yahweh openly attacks humanity and destroys spiritual knowledge to remove spiritual power from humanity. To make humanity his cattle slaves. Which is what Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all about doing. The Jewish Torah the blue Print of Christianity and Islam. Orders the extermination of all the Pagan nations, the extermination of their cultures and the slave subjectification of them to the yoke of Yahweh and the claimed Chosen People. Referring to non Hebrew humanity as literal excrement and animals of the field, cattle put here to be ruled over by the People of Yahweh with a rod of iron in a Hebrew dictatorship of mass murder, enslavement and rape. This book the Torah even sanctifies ritual child murder and cannibalism, just check the story of Jephthah:

http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/To ... ifice.html

The most sacred ritual of the Christian is gathering around a ritually murdered human on a gallows and then drinking his blood and eating his flesh while chanting they are domesticated slave animals [sheep] of Yahweh, what do you do with sheep? the same thing you do with cattle, slaughter them, work them and herd them. This ideal is from Judaism which uses human and animal ritual murder to appease Yahweh.

Satana [its also spelled Satana not Satan in Hebrew] means Enemy of the Jewish People in Hebrew. And in the proxy death cults of Judaism which equal Jewish control, that of Christianity and Islam. Satana by the confessions of the very people who brand him evil in their Torah...... Literally Satana is the enemy of injustice, ritual child murder and cannibalism, enslaving humanity, extermination of human beings and animals and all forms of filth in the book of evil the Torah, Bible and Koran. It was not Satana who orders people to murder all people who will not worship him. It was Yahweh in the Torah, Bible and Koran. The Jews called the Gentiles the non-Jewish People the literal blood children of Satana in their Talmud and Torah and state we are to be physically exterminated and enslaved.

The God Satana is Father and Friend of Humanity, His very name means "Saviour." Standing with Satana is standing with life, truth and the eternal way.

If you look to the old testament it's nothing but mass murder, bloodbath after bloodbath and how this evil “god” gives the Jews all of the possessions of the Gentiles as was written in the Talmud! QUOTE FROM THE JEWISH TALMUD: Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations."

Exodus 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.

The Jews have deceived and lied to us all. The return will not be a happy time for the Earth!

From the Jewish Talmud: Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves


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Re: Religião
« Responder #47 em: 2021-11-01 19:35:05 »
satan e homem branco  macho hetero ocidental no sec 21!

e macho toxico

os judeus nunca foram imperio... foram escravos

perderam guerras

queriam o que biblia fosse dizer estorias epicas  dos judeus
« Última modificação: 2021-11-01 19:52:22 por Reg »
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Re: Religião
« Responder #48 em: 2021-11-01 21:11:16 »
Todo o mal deste mundo é atribuido a uma entidade
Depois vem os filmes com bodes e cornos
Depois vem um sistema que toma de assalto o sistema de educacao
Depois ha templos com sinos
A doutrina
A biblia
Beeeeeeehold the temptation
Depois estes sao financiados por ditadores
Vem um Mussolini e dá um estado inteiro a eles
Billions and trillions
Depois violam putos e com bilioes pedem ajuda aos fieis para indeminizarem 200 mil familias
Mas a culpa é da serpente.
Makes ya think


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Re: Religião
« Responder #49 em: 2021-11-01 21:28:42 »
quando acabou imperio romano unica ordem e  algumas leis  eram igreja.....

ou seja  tentar unir tribos !!!!! 

isto e tudo  unir tribos    toda  gente quer
unica diferenca uns e pela paz
outros e por  guerra

jesus era mais pela paz

os judeus tambem nunca foram grande coisa guerra 

polonia tambem foi igreja fez identidade polaca aguentar sovieticos....

sao praticamente unicos eslavos ligam roma......
« Última modificação: 2021-11-01 21:45:04 por Reg »
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Re: Religião
« Responder #50 em: 2021-11-01 21:45:46 »

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Re: Religião
« Responder #51 em: 2021-11-01 23:46:13 »
On doubt

Follow the money.




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Re: Religião
« Responder #52 em: 2021-11-01 23:56:53 »
e vantagem nao terem exercito

isso nao chega para gasto anual dos USA com exercito

Total mundial   1.686 bilioes por ano no mundo!
« Última modificação: 2021-11-02 00:02:03 por Reg »
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Re: Religião
« Responder #53 em: 2021-11-02 01:15:32 »

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Re: Religião
« Responder #54 em: 2021-11-02 07:49:09 »

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Re: Religião
« Responder #55 em: 2021-11-02 07:57:06 »

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Re: Religião
« Responder #56 em: 2021-11-02 07:58:54 »
The Truth About "Jesus Christ"

Many of you who visit this website know the facts regarding the Nazarene being a fictitious Jewish archetype for Gentiles to slavishly worship. Above all the Nazarene is a diversion and distraction to keep humanity from advancing spirituality, from working on and evolving our own souls. The fictitious character of "Jesus" was invented from spiritual CONCEPTS originating in the Far East, such as spiritual alchemy, the kundalini energy [Serpent of Satan], and what is known as the "vril" "chi" "life-force" and "witchpower." Truth be known, one saves one's own soul through advancing spiritually, and activating this power. The Nazarene is a deterrent to this and keeps humanity from doing anything spiritually, and keeps humanity enslaved through living a totally material existence. Christians cannot argue, as they do not know true spirituality. They have not experienced it. How many Christian preachers/priests can diagram the human soul?

Once one's eyes are opened and one is aware of the witchpower concept, one can clearly see how this character was invented.

The fictitious character of the Nazarene:

Has been used to remove all spiritual knowledge and replace it with Jewish archetypes, Jewish cities, towns, and other fictitious Jewish material crap. The "Jesus saves" baloney [ad nauseum] and the "born again" phrases have been twisted and incorporated into this fictitious character. In other words, deluded ones have been deceived into believing this character will take care of everything spiritual as long as they conform to the current agenda, as dictated by Christian preachers and revised editions of the "Holy Bible." This deters one from working on one's own soul. There is nothing at all spiritual about the Nazarene, or the Jewish invented Christian program.

The "Jesus" character has acted as the thought police for ultimate control. Wars have been fought repeatedly over beliefs and ideas. When the enemy controls what is in the mind of the general populace, the enemy then controls humanity.

Since the Nazarene is fictitious, he can be anything to anyone. He is whatever the current system claims and dictates. He changes with the times and conforms to any agenda. This is no different from the Judeo/Christian Bible which has verses and contradictions to suit any argument or purpose. [See The Ubiquitous Nazarene]
It is time everyone wakes up to the spiritual corruption that has played humanity to the tune of trillions and trillions of dollars, has damned souls, has caused endless and unnecessary wars, and has held back science [dangerously], along with everything else the kosher parasites have taken their deluded Gentile followers for a ride with. The Christian program, along with the hideous doctrines of Islam have prevented and stopped humanity from evolving spiritually. This is a major cause of suffering for eveyone.

Each event in the fictitious life of the Nazarene reveals a CONCEPT, STOLEN AND CORRUPTED FROM PAGAN RELIGIONS PREDATING CHRISTIANITY.
The birth of the Nazarene is said to have been in a cave, not in a stable. "Early Christian tradition suggests that Jesus was born in a cave that was used as a stable."2 Many doctrines predating Christianity, such as the religion of Taoism, state that the pineal gland is within a "cave." There is an area within the brain where this very important spiritual center is located, which feels like a hollow and is the seat of this very important gland, which is defunct in most people. The pineal gland is a very important key to opening the soul and obtaining expanded consciousness, along with psychic abilities once it has been activated.

There were the "Three Wise Men from the East" who "FOLLOWED THE STAR" to the birth place of the Nazarene. These "Wise Men" were mages [The Magi], otherwise known as practitioners of witchcraft, as this is what a mage is. Again, this is symbolic of a concept that was stolen from Spiritual Alchemy. For those who are new to the occult and meditation, [true spirituality] you will have to do some further research and study [see Joy of Satan] but for those of us who meditate, we know of the condensed vril/witchpower which is circulated through the chakras, and appears as a star. This is the true meaning of "follow the star."

Again, the number three, like the number seven [the seven chakras] crops up in the three mages and this is symbolic of the ida, the pingala, and the sushumna, the three main nadis of the soul, and also the three crosses of the chakras. The concept of the number three has been prolific in Pagan religions that preceded Christianity by hundreds to thousands of years, and is symbolized by the "Devil's Pitchfork" known as a "Trishul" which originated in the Far East. The Trishul symbolizes the serpentine energy piercing through the three granthis. [See Satanic Symbols] The numbers three and seven are used extensively in the Judeo/Christian Bible where they have been blasphemed and corrupted.

The "virgin birth" is another corrupted concept in that the chakras have to be clean and unobstructed for spiritual energy to ascend and circulate. In other words, this is the true meaning of "pure." The union with the fictitious deity symbolizes the divine spirituality involved in raising the witchpower, not fictitious YHVH which is nothing more than a system of Jewish magick to used to enslave Gentiles.

The supposed crucifixion of this imposter character "Jesus Christ" was stolen from some 18 different Pagan Gods who hung from a tree. In the Christian bible, there is more than one verse that states the Nazarene was hung from a tree:

Acts 5:30 - The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.
Acts 13:29 - And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulcher.

The Norse God Odin preceded Jesus the Christ. Odin hung from a tree and experienced a death of sorts to obtain knowledge. Through being "reborn," he obtained gnosis [advanced spiritual knowledge], as did the Egyptian God Set who was “crucified” on a “cross” known as a furka.1 This is also the meaning of the hanged man card in the Tarot. Buddha also sat beneath a "Bo Tree." "Bo" is of "Boa" meaning "serpent" the kundalini. The tree is an ancient depiction of the human soul, with the trunk being symbolic of the spine and the branches symbolizing the 144,000 nadis with the leaves and fruits symbolizing the fruits of meditations; the life force and powers of the mind and soul. In addition, Krishna, Marsyas, Dodonian, and Zeus also hung from trees. "144,000" is another Jewish/Christian Biblical corruption of an allegory having to do with one's chi-force or "witchpower."

Nearly everything in the Judeo/Christian Bible was stolen and corrupted from religions in the Far East. The supposed biblical creation in which they claim the fictitious "Garden of Eden" was in Mesopotamia, is to purposely misdirect and delude people away from looking to the Far East, as this is where civilization began and true spiritual teachings originated. Sadly, because of Christian infestation in these areas, many of the doctrines have since been corrupted and destroyed.

The Latin cross was not a part of Christianity until the 7th century and not fully acknowledged until the 9th century. In addition, the human soul is in the shape of a cross. This reveals how spiritual knowledge has been destroyed and replaced with nonsense. The cross also represents the all-important four quarters, the tetragrammaton.

The eclipse said to have occurred during the supposed "crucifixion" of the Nazarene also symbolizes the nigredo stage in spiritual alchemy, of blackness. This stage is also symbolized by the black crow and the Black Sun.

The three crucifixions, with the Nazarene being in the middle [2 others in the legend were supposedly crucified with the Nazarene] is another allegory symbolizing the three crosses of the soul. There are three major sections of the soul where there is a cross of energies; the main being the neuter heart chakra [larger cross], where the shoulder chakras have wings and the two smaller hip and sixth chakras.

The Nazarene's ascent into "Heaven" is another concept of the kundalini rising to the crown chakra. Heaven, Earth, and Hell are all concepts stolen from Taoism, which preceded Christianity and Judaism. Heaven is symbolic of the seventh chakra, also known as the "crown chakra." The earth or "middle kingdom" is symbolic of the heart chakra and "Hell" symbolizes the base chakra, where the hot fiery serpent kundalini lies dormant.

The "miracles" that the fictitious Nazarene performed are also an ALLEGORY and a CONCEPT of what the witchpower can do. The prophesies of the Nazarene are also ALLEGORIES of the psychic abilities that result from activating one's own witchpower.

The 12 apostles are corruptions of the 12 signs of the zodiac and also symbolize the witch's coven, along with the Nazarene, being the 13th member. Traditionally, there are 13 members to a coven. There are also 13 primary chakras within the human soul.

The Nazarene lived for a supposed 33 years. This again is another concept- the 33 vertebrae of the human spine where the kundalini serpent ascends, which is a major advancement for the witchpower.

In closing this article, my own research has shown me Christianity is not "2,000 years old" as they try to claim it is. From what I personally believe, Christianity arrived with The Inquisition. Research points to the Vatican making a deal with extra-terrestrials known as "greys," wealth and power in exchange for human souls. In order for this to succeed, all spiritual knowledge had to be destroyed. This is no different from Jewish communism. The Bible is a blueprint for communism, and prepares believers to accept slavery and abuse. Whenever Jewish communism takes control, as with the former USSR, Red China, Cambodia, Tibet and all other countries, mass murders and tortures floow, the very same as with the Inquisition.

"Christianity and communism are very close spiritually and ideologically. This is a fairly well known concept that has been adopted by various thinkers, from Thomas More to Lev Tolstoy. Few people know that the world's first socialist state was established in Paraguay and was based on the ideas of Catholic Jesuits before Marx created his teachings." "The "Society of Jesus" - the Jesuit religious order - in the Catholic Church was roughly equivalent to the KGB in the Soviet Union."
Above quotes taken from "Pravda" [The main Communist Party Newspaper and leading newspaper of the former Soviet Union] From the article: Is there any difference between Christianity and Communism

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Re: Religião
« Responder #57 em: 2021-11-02 08:01:14 »
Exposing the Old Testament

Most Christians and many others believe the Judeo/Christian Bible to be the word of "God." In truth, nearly everything within the Bible was stolen and corrupted from Pagan religions that predated Judeo/Christianity from hundreds to thousands of years, from all around the world, and in particular, the Far East.

"We shall destroy God" - quote from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

The Hebrew written "Five Books of Moses" also known as the "Pentateuch", along with the "Torah" were STOLEN and CORRUPTED from the Egyptian "TAROT." Note- "Torah" is an anagram of "Tarot." The most noted example of the Tarot is the 78 card pack sold in many stores now-a-days and used for fortune telling. The Tarot consists of five suits [where the five was stolen and corrupted from]: the wands/rods of fire, the swords of air, the cups of water, the pentacles of earth, and the trump of quintessence/ether. The trump suit was omitted from the standard deck of playing cards, and all that remains of the trump is the Fool card, which was kept as the Joker. All of these are elements [fire, earth, air, water and ether] of the human soul and the message of the Tarot aside from its divination capabilities is the Magnum Opus, which leads to physical and spiritual perfection and immortality. All of this was stolen and corrupted into a fictitious history of the Jews, which has nothing whatsoever to do with spirituality.

The Jewish Talmud instructs the Jewish people to destroy Gentiles and enslave them, as "YHVH" in reality is the Jewish people.

Quote from the Talmud:
Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen [Gentile] hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God.

The fictitious Jewish "God" "Yaweh/Jehova's" name was inserted, replacing the names of many Gentile/Pagan Gods. The entity "Jehova" is fictitious. The name "Jehova" was stolen from the Roman God "Jove" for one.
"The pious Dr. Parkhurst. . . proves, from the authority of Diodorus Siculus, Varro, St. Augustine, etc., that the Iao, Jehova, or ieue, or ie of the Jews was the Jove of the Latins and Etruscans..." "YHWH/IEUE was additionally the Egyptian Sun God Ra: Ra was the father in heaven, who has the title of 'Huhi' the eternal, from which the Hebrews derived the name 'Ihuh.'" "Jewish mystical tradition viewed the original Jehova as an androgyne, his/her name compounded as Jah [jod] and the pre-hebraic name of Eve, Havah, or Hawah, rendered he-vau-he in Hebrew letters. The four letters together made the sacred Tetragrammaton, YHWH, the secret name of God..." We can also see where the antagonistic story of Zeus [Jove] and Prometheus was used to promote the concept of a rebellious God who was condemned and ostracized for bringing knowledge to humanity." 1

Humanity's original religion was polytheistic [having many different Gods]. In the original Hebrew Bible, the word "Elohim" is used. "In spite of the monotheistic endeavors of the compilers and editors of the book of Genesis, struggling to proclaim faith in a sole deity in a world that in those days believed in many gods, there remain numerous slip-ups where the biblical narrative speaks of gods in the plural. The very term for 'deity,' [when the Lord is not specifically named as Yaweh], is not the singular El but the plural Elohim. 2

The dual aspect of Christianity was stolen from the duality of Zoroastrianism, which preceded the Christian religion by centuries. 3 Yaweh/Jehova replaced Ahura Mazda, and the Old Gods who were the Original Gods [Ahriman, which is Aryan and means "noble" in Sanskrit] were labeled as "evil" in order to establish the supreme monotheism of Yaweh/Jehova. The Original Gods were turned into Demons and monsters which represented evil.4 Most wound up in the "Goetia." Note the similarity of the root "Goet" meaning "Devil" and the derogatory Jewish word for Gentile, which is "Goy" or plural, "Goyim."

This excerpt quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia is very revealing:
In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities, fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the gods of the Gentiles are demons.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Devil Worship

Mithra, the celestial intermediary between Ahura Mazda and Angra Manyu [Ahriman], has numerous striking parallels with the Nazarene "Jesus Christ." Mithra was a savior, who like the Nazarene was announced by prophets, whose birth took place in a cave [many accounts of the birth of the Nazarene claim that he also was born in a cave], and the appearance of an exceptional star. Mithra would later supplant Vishnu, who in pre-Zoroastrianism Vedism had been the world's savior.5

The following is proof of the many different and diverse sources of which the authors of the Judeo/Christian Bible stole from:

The Enuma Elish predated the bible by a minimum of 1,000 years, and is presumed to be much older. The tablets are now in the British Museum.
The Atrahasis Story predates the biblical Genesis account by over 1,000 years or more. Both of these creation accounts predate Christianity and the Judeo/Christian Bible by centuries. Both reveal there were "GODS" not "One God." This is where the Jews made mistakes, along with the many contradictory scriptures. It is glaringly obvious the Judeo/Christian Bible is not the word of "God." The foolish bible thumping idiots rant and rave how "God is perfect." Right there is another contradiction. For a long list of endless contradictions, click here
Both of these creation accounts predate Christianity and the Judeo/Christian Bible by centuries. Both reveal there were "GODS" not "One God."

Genesis Chapter 1, verse 26 reads: "And God said "let us make man in our image, after our likeness...."
This right here debunks the Jewish monotheistic Yaweh myth.
The extra-terrestrial God, known as Ea [Satan] created human beings through genetic engineering, and several other Gods/Goddesses were involved in the creation. See the image of the Sumerian Creation below. This was originally carved in rock, thousands of years old; predating Judeo/Christianity.

The Flood Story from Gilgamesh predates the Christian account by well over 1,000 years or more.
The Judeo/Christian Bible claims that "Yaweh" incited the flood. In truth, "Enlil" allowed the flood to take place. Tracing Enlil's origins here on earth, we have found he is also known as "Bel" which evolved into the name "Baal" and eventually "Beelzebub" who was God of the Philistines.

The "Flood" is another ancient ALLEGORY that was STOLEN and corrupted from the original Pagan religions and has to do with the flood of energy during the working of the Magnum Opus, after which there are visions of colors indicating an important stage has passed. The allegory of the colors is where the Jewish scriptwriters got the "rainbow" and "Jacob's coat of colors" [the aura]. Allegories and CONCEPTS were STOLEN and corrupted into unsavory Jewish characters for Gentiles to slavishly worship. Sacred religious teachings intended for humanity to evolve spiritually were desecrated and replaced with Jewish literary trash. These FICTITIOUS Jewish characters have NOTHING whatsoever to do with spirituality or advancing one's soul.
"Noah" built an ark
EA warned "ZIUSUDRA" aka "UTNAPISHTIM," not "Noah" about the impending flood and instructed him on building an ark. The legend is Sumerian and Akkadian/Babylonian in origin. The "Atrahasis Epic" is the Akkadian/Babylonian account of the Great Flood.
A "dove" returned to the ark with an olive branch signifying the flood was over and the waters receded. In the original Sumerian account, a RAVEN, instead of a "dove" finds dry land. 6
AGAIN, more than one God is involved. Also, the Gods departed from the Earth during the flood. Note "GODS."
The Bible claims that "Yaweh" confused the languages of the people's constructing the Tower of Babel. This is not so. AGAIN, the Jewish authors of the Judeo/Christian Bible screw up and evidence of more than one God is plain to see:
Genesis Chapter 11; verse 7:
"Let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one another's speech." AGAIN, more than one God is involved. Note the "us."

The "Tower of Babel" is another ALLEGORY. In ancient times, humans could communicate telepathically, without words. This was taken from us, but is now becoming a reality again as many of us are experiencing this through the opening of the mind and soul through power meditation.
Many of the Old Testament laws, along with the Ten Commandments were stolen from:
The Code of Hammurabi
Below is a photo of the basalt stele showing the Sumerian Sun God Shamash giving Hammurabi the tablet listing the laws. "Shamash" is also known as "Azazel," the leader of the so-called "Fallen Angels," the "Igigi" Nordic extra-terrestrials who took human wives.

Example: Exodus 20:
16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Stolen from the Code of Hammurabi, 3: "If a seignior came forward with false testimony in a case, and has not proved the word which he spoke, if that case was a case involving a life, that seignior shall be put to death."

More stolen from the Code of Hammurabi:
Exodus 21:24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

Hammurabi 196: "If a seignior has destroyed the eye of a member of the aristocracy, they shall destroy his eye."
Hammurabi 200: "if a seignior has knocked out a tooth of a seignior of his own rank, they shall knock out his tooth."

The Sumerian Code
The Ur-Nammu Code is the oldest Ancient Near Eastern law code recovered by archeologists. The Sumerian Code from 1800 BCE belongs to this oldest enduring legal tradition.
The Hittite Code
While Hittite law was similar in many ways to the Hammurabi law codes the “Hittite Code” containing two hundred paragraphs of regulations demonstrates a tolerance for sexual immorality with a strong emphasis upon financial concerns. The Hittites cultivated barley and wheat, brewed a barley beer. Silver pieces were circulated as currency.
The Middle Assyrian Code Decreed by Tiglath-Pileser I, Emperor of Assyria from 1115- 1077 BCE. Originally a legal code emphasizing the social concerns and interests of the Assyrian Government. Discovered in 1903 at Ashur in Iraq. Written in Cuneiform on 15 baked clay tablets. Numerous laws in the biblical books of Exodus, Deuteronomy and Leviticus have been stolen from The Assyrian Code.
The Neo-Babylonian Code
The writings in the biblical book of PROVERBS were STOLEN from numerous sources:
The Words of Ahiqar
Ahiqar was an advisor to Sennacherib, king of Assyria from 704-681 BCE. In 1906 German archaeologists excavated a copy of his teachings, inscribed upon eleven sheets of palimpsest papyrus, from the debris of Elephantine which is today part of the city of Aswan in Southern Egypt.


Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness. Prov.20:20

STOLEN from:
"Whosoever takes no pride in the names of his father and mother, may the sun not shine upon him." Ahiqar 9:137

He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him;
Prov. 13:24

STOLEN from:
"With-hold not thy son from the rod, else thou wilt not be able to save him from wickedness." Ahiqar 6:81

Through patience a ruler can be persuaded, and a gentle tongue can break a bone.
Prov. 25:15

STOLEN from:
Soft is the utterance of a king; yet it is sharper and stronger than a two-edged knife." Ahiqar 7:105
The Teachings of Amen-em-opet
Amen-em-opet, son of Ka-nakht, taught in Egypt between 1200 - 1000 BCE. The text is found in British Museum Papyrus 10474 and a portion on a writing tablet in Turin, Italy. The papyrus is said to have come from Thebes and is speculated to be of the 10th and 6th centuries BCE.


Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise; apply your heart to what I teach, for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart and have all of them ready on your lips.
Prov. 17-18

STOLEN from:
Give they ears, hear what is said,
Give they heart to understand them
Let them rest in the casket of thy belly
That they may be a key in they heart."
Amen-em-opet 3:10

Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court.
Prov. 22:22

STOLEN from:
"Guard thyself against robbing the oppressed
And against overbearing the disabled."
Amen-em-opet 2:1

If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head and the Lord will reward you.
Prov. 25:21-22

STOLEN from:
"Leave him in the arms of the god;
Fill his belly with bread of thine
So that he may be sated and may be ashamed."
Amen-em-opet 5:8

Do not move and ancient boundry stone or encroach on the fields of the fatherless, for their Defender is strong; he will take up their case against you.
Prov. 23:10-11

STOLEN from:
"Do not carry off the landmark at the boundaries of the arable land
Nor disturb the position of the measuring cord
Be not greedy after a cubit of land
Nor encroach upon the boundaries of a widow."
Amen-em-opet 7:12-15

Better a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil
Prov. 15:16
Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice.
Prov. 16:8

STOLEN from:
Better is a measure that the god gives thee,
Than five thousand taken illegally."
Amen-em-opet 8:19
[This one also smacks of the Nazarene feeding the "five thousand."]

Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred. Prov. 15:17
Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife. Prov. 17:1

STOLEN from:
"Better is bread when the heart is happy
Than riches with sorrow."
Amen-em-opet 9:9

Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared, Prov. 22:24-25

STOLEN from:
"Do not greet thy heated in thy violence
Nor hurt thy own heart thereby"
Amen-em-opet 13:8

You will vomit up the little you have eaten and will have wasted your compliments.
Prov. 23:8

STOLEN from:
"The mouthful of bread too great thou swallowest and vomitest up."
Amen-em-opet 14:13

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.
Prov. 27:1

STOLEN from:
"Do not spend the night fearful of the morrow
At daybreak what is the morrow like?
Man knows not what the morrow is like."
Amen-eo-opet 19:11

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Prov. 19:21
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.
Prov. 16:9

STOLEN from:
"One thing are the words which men say
Another is that which God does."
Amen-em-opet 19:15

Have I not written thirty sayings for you, sayings of counsel and knowledge.
Prov. 22:20

STOLEN from:
"See thou these thirty chapters
They entertain; they instruct
They are the foremost of all books."
Amen-em-opet 27:5

The Teachings of Ptah-Hotep
Ptah-Hotep taught around 2450 BCE, during the 5th Dynasty of The Old Kingdom of Egypt. His teachings were preserved on both clay tablets and papyrus sheets and are presently at the Bibliothéque Nationale in Paris. In addition to the book of Proverbs, many of the writings in the books of Ecclesiastes and Sirach were also stolen from the Teachings of Ptah-Hotep.
Egyptian Love Songs
The Egyptian Love Songs are 1,000+ years older than those in the Song of Solomon. The parallels are unmistakable. The Papyrus Harris 500 was discovered at Thebes in the Ramesseum Complex in the Karnak Temple.
The Visions of Nefertiti
Both the biblical books of "Kings" and "Daniel" echo the scenario of entertaining a king along with the prediction of his downfall. The theme of the slave who would be king is repeated in "The Story of Hagar [Genesis chapters 16 and 21]. The Visions of Nefertiti dates back to the reign of the Pharaoh Snefru [2680- 2565 BCE]. He calls for Nefertiti to entertain him. Nefertiti predicts the downfall of the Old Kingdom and the establishment of a new Dynasty by Amen-em-het I [1991- 1786 BCE].
Also, most of what was written in the biblical books of Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy was taken from the above- NOT from "Yaweh." There are xians who are stupid enough to believe their "Yaweh" is the only god. "No Gods before me."


The Story of Joseph and Potipher's wife; Genesis Chapter 39. STOLEN from The Story of Anubis and Bata [Egyptian in origin].

The birth of Sargon
The birth of Horus

1. The secrecy factor surrounding the birth
2. The placing in a reed basket, covered with bitumen
3. The setting in a river
4. The recovery and adoption Much of the biblical book of PSALMS was stolen from:
The Hymn to the Aton
The Hymn to the Aton can be found in the Tomb of Eye. 1365- 1348 BCE.
The Stories of Ba'al and Anat
Inscribed upon six clay tablets, in the Ugaritic Language; cuneiform script. Circa 1400 BCE.
The Lament for Ur
Many of the writings in the biblical book of Joshua were stolen from:

The El Amarna Letters
The Stele of Merneptah
More stolen writings in the biblical book of Judges:

The Story of Aqhat
The Diary of Wen-Amon
The Gezer Almanac
The biblical books of Samuel and Kings also contain much stolen material from:

The Mari Prophecies
The Stele of Mesha
The Karatepe Inscription
The Annals of Shalmaneser III
The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III
The Annals of Tiglath-Pileser III
The Annals of Sargon II
The Siloam Inscription
The Yavne-Yam Inscription
The Lachlish Letters
The Arad Ostraca
The Annals of Sennacherib
The Annals of Nebuchadnezzar II
More stolen material in the biblical books of Ezra and Nehemiah from:

The Cylinder of Cyrus
More stolen stories and writings in the biblical books of Job and Ecclesiastes:

The Story of Keret
Here is the original story of Job, written in the Ugaritic language [Cuneiform Script], composed circa 1400 BCE by "Ilimilku The Scribe." This epic involves "Keret" and the God "El." NOT Job and jehova. Keret's family tradgedies and illness are comparable with the story of Job. In the original tale, "Satan" never even entered into the picture.
The Sufferer and the Soul
The Farmer and the Courts
The Sufferer and the Friend
As we can see from the above, the Christian "religion" is based upon stolen material that has been twisted, warped and distorted to manipulate, confuse and incite fear into humanity. It has taken the ORIGINAL GOD AND CREATOR OF HUMANITY EA/ENKI aka SATAN/LUCIFER and turned him into an assumed enemy of humanity. "We shall destroy God" -- The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Christianity has been used to blaspheme, ridicule and malign the Old Gods, create estrangement and enmity from legitimate dieties of which it replaced with the false god "Yaweh/Jehova." In addition, this monstrous program is used as a tool to create a defenseless mentality; that of a slave, to psychologically disarm the Gentile populace into accepting communism, another Jewish brotherhood program.

It is often said that the true evil cannot create anything. Everything of the true evil is artificial. In truth, "God" and the "Devil" are backwards. This foul religion's entire foundation is composed of stolen material. In addition, it is anti-life and suicidal. There is nothing at all spiritual about it. The purpose of all of this is to completely cut humanity off from the true Creator God who is Satan. In doing so, the reptilian aliens and those who are working for them will achieve the goal of enslaving the human race through the Jewish program of communism. Satan gives us knowledge and power. Without him, humanity has nothing. The true evil is also known as the master of lies and deception. What greater deception is there for followers of these religious scams to curse and blaspheme their own Creator? Many of the ancient Pagan religions such as the Greeks and the Romans shared legends and pantheons. This is entirely different from Christianity, that has worked relentlessly and brutally to destroy any and all other religions, claiming it to be the only true one.

From "Peace Be Unto Him


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Re: Religião
« Responder #58 em: 2021-11-02 10:35:50 »
cada povo meteu la  fe queria

e ve o que quer

nas traducoes  que se fazeram...

por nao e roubado e   traduzido....

fe latinos tem muita coisa romanos e gregos  ainda... isto e roubado ou e traduzido por latinos....

isto e roubado axo nao...sao coisas sao traduzidas com cultura que havia na altura

nada foi escrito durante civilizacao faraos... pelos judeus...

nem jesus escreveu nada durante vida

Em datas aproximadas, o processo que resultou no Êxodo e no Pentateuco provavelmente começou por volta de 600 a.C., quando tradições escritas e orais mais antigas foram colecionadas em livros similares aos conhecidos atualmente e a forma final foi estabelecida por volta de 400 a.C..

mas esta escrito la templo faraos...ou  pedras egiptos  que tinham escravos judeus.. e que deram sola...

escravos dao sola ja existiu muito lado.

esses gajos  olham biblia com 100% certeza seja contra ou favor... nao olham para aquilo como historia de povo nem sabia escrever....

aquilo nem era povo eram tribos unidas  sem reino...

tipo escravos africanos....mas esses nem eram tribos unidas sequer...eram desunidos...

os unicos sabiam escrever e ler egipto eram escribas os escravos era mais levar pedras costas  e fazer piramides....
para relegiao dos egiptos...

nao me admirava nada satanas fosse deus farao  que os matava a trabalhar para construir seus monumentos relegiosos  para vida depois morte do farao!

mas isto e so minha openiao...

pascoa dos judeus e lembrar saida do egipto....

No Egito, explicam os sábios, os israelitas foram ordenados a comer matsá para comemorar o pão do homem pobre com que eram alimentados pelos seus patrões egípcios. O motivo para comermos matsá hoje, porém, é para lembrar o pão assado pelo sol quente do deserto quando saímos as pressas do Egito.

O pensamento místico judaico explica que quando os israelitas estavam deixando o Egito, as forças do mal ainda eram fortes, portanto eles tiveram de correr. Quando Mashiach vier, os espíritos negativos terão sido totalmente varridos, permitindo-nos passar lentamente.

basicamente sao escravos foguem do satanas farao...

Em seu famoso discurso, “Estive no Topo da Montanha”, Martin Luther King comparou a preconceituosa sociedade americana ao faraó, e os negros oprimidos aos Filhos de Israel.23 Paradoxalmente, aqueles no poder exploraram a narrativa do Êxodo para justificar suas opiniões, nomeando-se como árbitros da liberdade e o outro como “Faraó

isto certa forma foi 1  luta classes..... decumentada da historia !

« Última modificação: 2021-11-02 12:45:34 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

Meme Dealer

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Re: Religião
« Responder #59 em: 2021-11-02 15:28:37 »
Isto ja nao é novo.
Muita coisa ja o Peter Joseph tinha falado sobre isto.
Zeitgeist 2007. Na altura achocalhou-me a pipoca toda.