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Autor Tópico: Biden vs Trump  (Lida 17046 vezes)

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #280 em: 2024-02-16 13:01:25 »
A língua inglesa actual ainda é uma língua bastante latina, por isso se percebe tão bem!   :D
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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #281 em: 2024-02-16 14:36:32 »
lingua inglesa e fronteira do latin!

Você sabia que o Inglês pertence ao ramo de línguas germânicas ao lado de idiomas como Alemão, Sueco, Dinamarquês e Norueguês

ingles e fronteira!

As classes dominantes alemãs, sabendo que o alemão, sendo embora uma das línguas mais faladas no interior da União Europeia mas completamente minoritária e sem aceitação, estão a apostar no inglês como língua unificadora. Recorde-se que Hitler foi o primeiro a introduzir o inglês em larga escala na Alemanha, substituindo o francês até aí ensinado nas escolas. Fê-lo essencialmente por razões raciais: o inglês é uma língua branca-nórdica, enquanto o francês é uma língua mediterrânica (Amnon, 2006).

Existem, aliás, muitos apologistas de que a União Europeia deve adotar uma única língua como ferramenta de trabalho nas suas instituições centrais: o inglês. O que não deixaria de ser curioso porque, depois do Brexit, não haverá um único país em que o inglês seja a única língua oficial – embora quer na Irlanda quer em Malta seja uma das línguas oficiais.

   a UE tem mesma visao do adolfo!

A política de unificação linguística põe, a prazo, em risco a sobrevivência do português como língua europeia, ficando a rica e antiga cultura portuguesa em vias de ser considerada uma curiosidade regional sem grande interesse.

Recorde-se que a União Europeia tem em curso uma experiência de supressão, em larga escala, da língua (o russo) falada por uma significativa minoria da população na Estónia, na Letónia e na Lituânia. O método passa pelo seu afastamento do ensino e de todos os contactos com a administração pública. Também Portugal obriga a minoria de portugueses de língua materna cabo-verdiana a estudar e a dirigir-se à administração pública em português.

Para ultrapassar esta dificuldade, a política chama-se Língua materna mais duas, sendo que uma será igual para todos: o inglês. Isto é, tudo o que queiram mas obrigatoriamente e sempre o inglês.

5. Aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras na União Europeia

Portugal, por motivos diversos, é dos países com mais dificuldade em implementar estas políticas europeias. Não que as elites económicas governantes dela discordem no essencial, mas porque não estão disponíveis para pagar os impostos necessários ao ensino do inglês.

  isto ate tem piada... porque ingles e mistura natural do latin com linguas dos barbaros...

se portugal nao tem alemaes nem suecos porque tem falar ingles...

pegamos com latinos e arabes!  lingua portuguesa e arabe e latina!

Todos os colonizadores procuram impor uma língua franca, a sua ou outra, a todas as suas possessões, tentando suprimir ou diminuir as línguas dos povos que dominam, quer como forma de facilitar a comunicação no interior dos seus impérios, quer como forma de eliminar a cultura dos povos submetidos e assim diminuir a resistência. As línguas maternas dos povos eram, no período colonial, desclassificadas para “dialectos” ou línguas regionais, sem valor nem importância.

As elites económicas portuguesas assim o fizeram no passado; hoje... tambem fazem  potencias  com elites portuguesas
« Última modificação: 2024-02-16 15:01:56 por Reg »
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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #282 em: 2024-02-16 22:13:18 »
Tb sou 100 % a favor do Inglês - é uma língua acessível e suficientemente latina para o meu gosto!!   :D

Por alguma razão é a lingua franca mundial, passada, presente e futura!!   :D
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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #283 em: 2024-02-16 22:24:30 »
a historia diz lingua muda sempre

os sotaques e pelo visto duram bastante!
« Última modificação: 2024-02-16 22:25:29 por Reg »
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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #284 em: 2024-02-16 23:27:30 »
a historia diz lingua muda sempre

os sotaques e pelo visto duram bastante!

Pois, tudo vai mudando, ao longo do tempo:

«Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades,
Muda-se o ser, muda-se a confiança:
Todo o mundo é composto de mudança,
Tomando sempre novas qualidades.

Continuamente vemos novidades,
Diferentes em tudo da esperança:
Do mal ficam as mágoas na lembrança,
E do bem (se algum houve) as saudades.

O tempo cobre o chão de verde manto,
Que já coberto foi de neve fria,
E em mim converte em choro o doce canto.

E afora este mudar-se cada dia,
Outra mudança faz de mor espanto,
Que não se muda já como soía.

Luís Vaz de Camões, in "Sonetos"»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #285 em: 2024-02-17 04:41:35 »
«How Progressive Policies Are Designed For Civilizational Suicide

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Feb 17, 2024 - 04:00 AM

Authored by John D. O'Connor via American Greatness,

We all understand, in the timeless words of the poet Robert Burns, that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

Most Americans are accustomed to assessing the various failed initiatives of our country’s leaders as well-intended actions that turned out badly. The Vietnam, Afghan, and Iraq wars, the 2008 financial meltdown, and the COVID pandemic overreaction, all in hindsight, can be viewed as simply the unfolding of human stupidity in the contingency of time.

In accordance, it is understandable that many are inclined to believe that our country’s current serious problems are, once again, merely the failed result of well-intentioned policies.

But what if, we ask, seemingly fumbled programs were intended to be the initial throes of civilizational suicide? What if apparent missteps were actually directed at the purposeful destruction of a prosperous, free, safe, and secure society?

As we examine the policies pushed by the Biden administration progressives regarding climate, national security, crime, and the border, we can rationally conclude that they are being purposely implemented to render our society unsuccessful, not successful, in its traditional aims, causing what could be the ultimate destruction of a thriving, liberal enlightenment society.

Let us begin with escalating climate mandates, now reaching gas stoves and tires, seeking the total elimination of fossil fuels. Because our mainstream media, more out of reflexive conformity than malevolence, constantly amplify climate alarmism, most Americans believe climate programs are designed in good faith to protect us from planetary disasters. Climate subsidies are aimed, they are led to believe, at increasing prosperity through good “green” jobs in emerging “green” industries, all part of the supposedly improved “Bidenomics” economy, however counterintuitive many think them to be.

When Biden, immediately upon assuming office, stopped issuing new drilling leases, canceled the Keystone Pipeline, and issued EPA regulations effectively shutting down multiple power plants in the near future, was he, however idealistically, trying to wean our country off of fossil fuels in favor of clean, “renewable” energy? If so, what could be wrong with that?

If the administration had calculated that lost energy from stifling fossil fuel sources could actually be replaced, these initiatives, even if overly optimistic, could be viewed as well-intended.

However, within the climate camp, it has been well known that fossil fuels, which power 82% of world energy needs, cannot conceivably be replaced by renewable energy to any substantial degree. So, as these policies take effect over the coming years, our hospitals and medical centers, relying on petroleum-based plastic furniture, fixtures, and equipment, energy-dependent stainless-steel implements, and high-power physical plants, will be hit hard. Health care costs will soar, while treatment will decrease to emerging society levels. Our food costs, already rising dramatically, will skyrocket as petroleum fertilizer, now tripling yields, becomes economically impractical. Housing costs, dependent on fuel-powered equipment and concrete and steel needing massive energy inputs to manufacture, will put homeownership out of reach for all but the rich and reduce housing to cramped, third-world levels. And, of course, transportation will become an expensive luxury for both people and products.

But isn’t this all meant well? For trusting, uncritical moderates and traditional liberals, yes. For the progressives pulling the strings, no.

Maurice Strong, the Canadian socialist responsible for steering the United Nations into the bureaucratic sinecures of the climate alarmist IPCC, has stated from the outset that his intention is the diminishment of the wealth of the Western industrialized nations, making them more like less-advantaged societies.

Although they tout their certainty, climate warriors conceal that for decades, their computerized GCMs (General Circulation Models) have overpredicted global warming by 300%. Well, they respond when confronted by the knowledgeable, the increased heat was swallowed by the oceans, or perhaps tamped down by those pesky aerosols. They know better, but gullible, well-intentioned believers do not.

Documents from a key IPCC research center in East Anglia, the GRU, reveal the fear of climate activists that the public will learn of the Medieval Warm Period and that its temperatures were warmer than today without any claimed assistance from carbon dioxide. Progressive climatologists, in essence, know they are pushing a canard.

Progressive border policies need little discussion. When Biden was elected, the country was led to believe that he would aim to control the southern border, but do so in a humane, non-Trump manner, no longer putting children in cages (which in truth and in fact were Obama-inspired).

Of course, to any rational observer, it is now clear that the massive invasion at our southern border was intended by progressives. The “great replacement” theory is not needed to prove this invasion intentional, obvious to any observer. Three-star New York hotels and thousand-dollar-a-month payments to migrants? Free health care? These are among the positive incentives to illegally migrate, revealing intentionality after the maligned Trump proved that the border was substantially controllable.

The intended result of mass migration is not just new Democratic voters; the most obvious result. It is, more significantly, a deliberately overwhelming burden on our social welfare system, heretofore supported sufficiently by taxes on a powerful economy. With more unemployment and more burdens on social welfare, the progress of the aspiring poor, primarily minorities, will be crushed. Our society is headed, as intended by progressives, to socialism, which, as Winston Churchill noted, has “as its greatest virtue the equal sharing of misery.”

Moving to national security, the tinderbox of the Middle East was not caused by Trump’s irrational temperament, which, in hindsight, has proven its deterrent value. Rather, putting Obama’s progressive policies on steroids, Biden both directly sent cash to Iran and also removed oil sanctions, giving the country financial power to fund Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and, of course, Iran’s own depredations on U.S. troops. Biden’s special Iran envoy, the pro-Hamas Rob Malley, and other pro-Iran and pro-Hamas officials influence our Middle East policy to intentionally favor our enemies.

But what could be the progressive motive for Iran’s hegemony in the Middle East? Clearly, it is to cause the demise of “right-wing” leadership in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, all American allies, so that the region will be controlled by anti-American repressive regimes. Interestingly, progressives revealed their anti-democratic, authoritarian roots by supporting Mullahs who kill members of the LGBT community and subdue women. Again, Iran’s terrorism is not an unfortunate artifact of balanced statesmanship. Rather, it is intended to exterminate a democratic Jewish society and a Saudi regime seeking to modernize itself. In a remarkable exercise in projection, progressives at the same time deem Trump to be a Hitler stand-in.

Similarly, the cause of increasing crime in our cities is no mystery. Progressives applauded, not decried, the George Floyd mayhem, largely an exercise in looting. Beautiful cities such as San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Los Angeles, all run by progressives, have become dystopian hellholes.

So, sincere, well-meaning liberals should, but generally do not, see that they are being led like lemmings to the sea, toward civilizational suicide, by the progressives they have long trusted as being in the liberal leadership, not the socialist vanguard.

In the nineteenth century, the brilliant French observer of American culture, Count Alexis de Tocqueville, said that democratic despotism would be effectuated, if at all, not by overt state terror but by the infantilization of a trusting population.

The evidence is now clearly established that moderate liberals should face reality and reject the policies of the progressive vanguard, leading them into civilizational suicide.

*  *  *

John D. O’Connor is a former federal prosecutor and the San Francisco attorney who represented W. Mark Felt during his revelation as Deep Throat in 2005. O’Connor is the author of the books, Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate and Began Today’s Partisan Advocacy Journalism and The Mysteries of Watergate: What Really Happened.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #286 em: 2024-02-17 14:22:07 »
A França tem sido pioneira na inovação política: foi pioneira no absolutismo monárquico, com Luís XIV; foi pioneira com a revolução e a ditadura popular em 1789-1794; retomou o cesarismo com Napoleão em 1804; inaugurou as novas revoluções democráticas em Fevereiro de 1848; foi o primeiro Estado a estabelecer o sufrágio universal masculino, também em 1848.

Com a derrota de 1870-1871 frente à Prússia-Alemanha de Bismarck, a França ficou abalada, mas não o seu pioneirismo ideológico e político. Assim, logo a seguir à derrota, teve a primeira revolução comunista vitoriosa, com a Comuna de Paris em 1871; teve também, nos finais do século XIX, movimentos nacionais-populistas em que alguns autores, como Zeevv Sternhell, quiseram ver o “nascimento da ideologia fascista”; e teve, mesmo no fim desse século, com a Action Française, o nascimento de um movimento elitista de direita nacional e autoritária, pioneiro na teorização e na prática do poder cultural gram
Este pioneirismo político parece ter-se desvanecido no século XX
A hegemonia cultural é, portanto, um conjunto de ideias dominantes de uma determinada conjuntura social, política, cultural e econômica

comunistas de lisboa seguem os franceses

como comunistas alentejo seguem moscovo

  o que comunistas nunca fazem e seguir os  americanos.. por isso mesmo com dominio dos americanos nos media...   

pouco conquistam por ca...a merica
« Última modificação: 2024-02-17 14:38:18 por Reg »
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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #287 em: 2024-02-17 15:31:00 »
Os "comunistas de lisboa" & os "comunistas alentejo" agora parecem estar + virados para o "Chega"!!   :D
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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #288 em: 2024-02-17 15:41:20 »
chega esta grupo da le pen
« Última modificação: 2024-02-17 15:41:33 por Reg »
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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #289 em: 2024-02-17 15:45:32 »
chega esta grupo da le pen

Sim, devem ser próximos!...   :)
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #290 em: 2024-02-25 17:05:01 »
Pois, em 5.III.24, as primárias ficarão decididas:

«Trump vence primárias Republicanas na Carolina do Sul

Foi uma vitória pesada para a adversária do ex-presidente, Nikki Haley, que durante seis anos foi governadora da Carolina do Sul.
25 de Fevereiro 2024


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Trump vence primárias Republicanas na Carolina do Sul



As projeções, de vários media norte-americanos, dão a vitória de Donald Trump, ex-presidente dos Estados Unidos da América (EUA), nas primárias, do Partido Republicano, na Carolina do Sul. O antigo chefe de Estado alcançou uma larga vantagem em relação à sua única oponente, Nikki Haley.

O jornal norte-americano, The New York Times, refere que Trump recebeu 61% dos votos, contra 38% alcançados pela ex-embaixadora dos EUA junto da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU). O canal Fox News atribui 64% ao ex-governante e 35% a Nikki Haley.

Esta é uma derrota dura para Nikki Halley que, durante seis anos, foi governadora da Carolina do Sul, tendo altas expectativas para a votação.

Donald Trump reconheceu que o resultado chegou “um pouco mais cedo” do que o previsto, mas considera-o “impressionante”. “É uma vitória ainda maior do que prevíamos” esclarece o antigo governante, adiantando que: “Acabei de ser informado de que obtivemos o dobro do número de votos alguma vez recebidos no grande estado da Carolina do Sul. Portanto, isso é muito bom. É um recorde a dobrar”.

Na intervenção, Trump afirma que “nunca houve um espírito como este” no Partido Republicano.

Nikki Haley, apesar de ter ficado longe das expectativas nas votações, na Carolina do Sul, garante que irá continuar na corrida, apesar de o seu oponente ter vencido, com uma larga vantagem.

“Sou uma mulher de palavra. Não vou abandonar esta luta”, disse Haley a apoiantes durante um comício em Charleston, a maior cidade do estado da Carolina do Sul.

A antiga embaixadora dos EUA junto da ONU considerou ainda que estes votos refletem “a frustração da Carolina do Sul com o rumo” do país, acrescentando que essa mesma frustração existe a “nível nacional”.

“Não acredito que Donald Trump possa derrotar Joe Biden”, rematou Haley, sublinhando, mais tarde: “Eu disse no início desta semana que não importa o que aconteça na Carolina do Sul, continuaria na corrida”.

A conservadora, ao discursar no comício, admitiu que não irá desistir, pelo menos até 05 de março, dia que é conhecido como “Super-terça-feira”, porque 15 Estados norte-americanos serão chamados às urnas, nomeadamente a Califórnia e o Texas.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #291 em: 2024-02-26 19:24:31 »
Uma possível vice-presidente:

BREAKING NEWS: Tulsi Gabbard Defends Trump From Nikki Haley At CPAC As South Carolina Primary Nears

Forbes Breaking News

« Última modificação: 2024-02-26 19:31:04 por Kaspov »
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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #292 em: 2024-02-26 20:12:53 »
Acredito só na ex-embaixadora na Onu.

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #293 em: 2024-02-26 20:21:11 »
Acredito só na ex-embaixadora na Onu.

A Nimarata Nikki Haley (née Randhawa; born January 20, 1972) seria a 1.ª presidente Sikh, mas não será eleita em 2024...

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #294 em: 2024-02-26 20:44:28 »
The Sikh faith is committed to the equality of women, and necessarily so, as it defines God as gender neutral, perhaps one of the few major world religions to do so. There is no activity in a gurdwara or within the community that is permitted to a man but not to a woman. There is no religious function from which women are barred at any time of their lives
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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #295 em: 2024-02-26 23:18:19 »
The Sikh faith is committed to the equality of women, and necessarily so, as it defines God as gender neutral, perhaps one of the few major world religions to do so. There is no activity in a gurdwara or within the community that is permitted to a man but not to a woman. There is no religious function from which women are barred at any time of their lives

Assim é q é!  Verdadeira igualdade!   :)
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #296 em: 2024-03-03 16:54:22 »
+ vitórias esmagadoras:

«Trump Trounces Haley In Idaho, Missouri, And Michigan

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Sunday, Mar 03, 2024 - 02:35 AM

Donald Trump dominated in Saturday's primary races, inning caucuses in Idaho and Missouri - while sweeping the delegate haul at a Michigan party convention.

The former president earned every delegate at stake on Saturday, bringing his overall count to 244 vs. Nikki Haley's 24. To secure the Republican nomination, Trump will need 1,215 delegates in total.

In Michigan, Trump won all 39 delegates at the Republican convention in Grand Rapids, after winning the state's primary on Tuesday with 68% of the vote vs. Haley's 27%.

In Missouri, Trump won 51 delegates. Things went particularly not well for Haley at one point:

The steep odds facing Haley were on display in Columbia, Missouri, where Republicans gathered at a church to caucus.

Seth Christensen stood on stage and called on them to vote for Haley. He wasn't well received.

Another caucusgoer shouted out from the audience: “Are you a Republican?”

An organizer quieted the crowd and Christensen finished his speech. Haley went on to win just 37 of the 263 Republicans in attendance in Boone County. -AP

Earlier in the day, Missouri Trump supporters inside a church in Columbia linked up to appeal for the former president.

"Every 100 days, we’re spending $1 trillion, with money going all over the world. Illegals are running across the border," said Tom Mendenall, an elector for Trump in 2016 and 2020. "You know where Donald Trump stands on a lot of these issues."

And in Iowa, Trump won 32 delegates, once again smoking Haley.

Next on deck is a Republican event on Sunday in the District of Columbia (they have Republicans?), followed by Super Tuesday two days later, when 16 states will hold primaries - and the date Haley suggested she'd be dropping out if things don't start going her way.

This is going to be fun, no? From tonight's speech in Virginia»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #297 em: 2024-03-05 02:01:50 »
Justiça!   :)

«The US Supreme Court has ruled in a unanimous decision that former President Donald Trump will be allowed to remain on primary and general ballots in the 2024 US election, after several states removed the former president under the 14th Amendment.


    The full Supreme Court bench REVERSES former President Trump's disqualification from the ballot.

    Full opinion here https://t.co/sDZUChFU2Z pic.twitter.com/53TGU7RhvE
    — Adam Klasfeld (@KlasfeldReports) March 4, 2024

The decision comes after several states - kicked off by the Colorado Supreme Court - ruled that Trump was disqualified from appearing on ballots, citing an interpretation of the US Constitution's 14th Amendment provision which stipulates that candidates who engaged in an “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States - which Trump has not been charged with or convicted of - should be prevented from holding office.

Maine’s Democratic secretary of state made a similar decision days later, and a judge in Illinois recently issued a similar ruling to prevent his appearance on ballots, according to the Epoch Times.

This is the first time in US history that the US Supreme Court has considered section 3 of the 14th Amendment. The decision comes after a Sunday announcement that the Court would come to a decision today.

And of course, the left is now trying to discredit the Supreme Court despite the fact that this was a unanimous decision.

    NBC's @KenDilanianNBC: "This is another example among many that are playing out right now of the Supreme Court playing a huge role in American elections, & it’s not necessarily the case that that’s a good thing for the Supreme Court. The approval levels of the court poll at…
    — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 4, 2024

    Has the White House accused Sotomayor, Kagan and Ketanji of being Putin spies yet
    — zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 4, 2024

CNN isn't taking it so well...

    🚨WATCH: CNN tries to hold it together after 9-0 Supreme Court decision on the Trump Colorado ballot case:

    “Unfortunately for America, the court isn’t necessarily wrong that this is the way the Framers wanted it to be.” 🤭 pic.twitter.com/dPbwTgLUH8
    — News Nomad 🗞 (@The_Nomad_News) March 4, 2024

Nor is Colorado's Secretary of State...

    Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold looks like she’s about to cry on MSNBC:

    “It will be up to the American voters to save our democracy.”
    — Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 4, 2024

As the Epoch Times notes further, Lawyers for the former president asked the nine justices to reverse the Colorado court decision because only Congress can make a determination as who can become president.

The Colorado court’s decision was “the first time in the history of the United States that the judiciary has prevented voters from casting ballots for the leading major-party presidential candidate,” his lawyers said, concluding that it “is not and cannot be correct.”

After the ruling, President Trump wrote on social media that he is “not an insurrectionist,” adding that President Joe Biden is one. He also noted that he told supporters to protest “peacefully and patriotically” during a rally on Jan. 6, 2021, before protesters and rioters entered the U.S. Capitol during the certification of electoral votes for the 2020 election, which forms the basis of the “insurrection” accusations against him.

Justices for the Colorado Supreme Court had argued that they believed President Trump engaged in an insurrection because of his activity before and on Jan. 6, 2021, during the breach of the U.S. Capitol building. The former president, however, was never charged or convicted of insurrection. He was charged by a federal special counsel in connection with the 2020 election, but not for insurrection, rebellion, or related charges.

    “President Trump asks us to hold that Section Three disqualifies every oath-breaking insurrectionist except the most powerful one and that it bars oath-breakers from virtually every office, both state and federal, except the highest one in the land,” the majority for the Colorado Supreme Court wrote in its 4–3 ruling.

    “Both results are inconsistent with the plain language and history of Section Three.”

Oral Arguments

During oral arguments in front of the justices in early February, at least six of the justices, including Chief Justice John Roberts, who was nominated by President George W. Bush, appeared to be at least skeptical of some of the claims made by the lawyer representing several Colorado voters who brought the lawsuit against the Republican front-runner.

    “It’ll come down to just a handful of states that are going to decide the presidential election,” Chief Justice Roberts said, referring to the potential effect of the Colorado court’s ruling.

    “That’s a pretty daunting consequence.”

Justice Clarence Thomas asked the lawyer, Jason Murray, why there weren’t many examples of individual states’ disqualifying candidates under the 14th Amendment after the Civil War.

    “There were a plethora of confederates still around, there were any number of people who would continue to either run for state offices or national offices, so it would seem—that would suggest there would at least be a few examples of national candidates being disqualified,” Justice Thomas, a Bush appointee, said.

Justice Elena Kagan, considered a member of the court’s liberal wing, asked the attorney why one state would have power to determine which candidates should be on the ballot for a nationwide election.

“Why should a single state have the ability to make this determination not only for their own citizens but also for the nation?” she asked the attorney, adding the move would be “quite extraordinary.”»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!


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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #298 em: 2024-03-05 09:21:57 »
É um nó górdio.

Na Antiguidade democrática,
o caso deslindava-se
numa espadeirada.

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Biden vs Trump
« Responder #299 em: 2024-03-05 11:31:01 »
É um nó górdio.

Na Antiguidade democrática,
o caso deslindava-se
numa espadeirada.

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!