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Autor Tópico: Vacina para Coronavirus  (Lida 59257 vezes)


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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1020 em: 2021-07-16 11:40:01 »

In an open letter to WHO and in a follow-up video interview, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, says that by vaccinating everyone with a vaccine that doesn’t prevent transmission, we are destroying people’s immune systems, and setting the stage for a global health disaster.

Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, Ph.D., has nothing against vaccines. In fact, the independent virologist formerly worked for Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Bossche says the COVID vaccines approved so far have been developed by “just brilliant” people and he has no criticism of them  But, as he tells Dr. Phillip McMillan in an interview, “please use the right vaccine at the right place. And don’t use it in the heat of a pandemic on millions of millions of people.”

Bossche says that a mass vaccination campaign in the middle of a pandemic, with vaccines that don’t prevent transmission, is disastrous at an individual — and at a global — level:

“We are going to pay a huge price for this. And I’m becoming emotional because I’m thinking of my children, of the younger generation. I mean, it’s just impossible what we are doing. We don’t understand the pandemic.”

In an open letter to the World Health Organization (WHO), Bossche wrote that  “we are currently turning vaccinees into asymptomatic carriers shedding infectious variants.”

Bossche hasn’t heard back from WHO, which concerns him.

Isto merecia um contraditóriio, se o houver.

De qualquer das formas a civilização ocidental está perto do fim, se não for pelo vírus vai ser por outra coisa qualquer. Ora pensem lá na duração de algumas civilizações históricas:

Mesopotâmica: 3500 aC-500 aC
Egípcia: 3150 aC – 30 aC
Maia: 2600 aC- 900 dC
Chinesa: 1600 aC – 1046 aC
Grega: 2700 aC – 479 aC
Romana: 550 aC – 465 dC

Tendo em conta que a civilização ocidental começou por volta de 500 dC, já vai com 1521 anos. Pode ainda durar mais uns séculos mas vai ser em declínio. A evolução é feita de períodos prósperos e de declínio, e lamentavelmente estamos na fase de declínio.

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1021 em: 2021-07-16 12:42:39 »

In an open letter to WHO and in a follow-up video interview, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, says that by vaccinating everyone with a vaccine that doesn’t prevent transmission, we are destroying people’s immune systems, and setting the stage for a global health disaster.

Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, Ph.D., has nothing against vaccines. In fact, the independent virologist formerly worked for Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Bossche says the COVID vaccines approved so far have been developed by “just brilliant” people and he has no criticism of them  But, as he tells Dr. Phillip McMillan in an interview, “please use the right vaccine at the right place. And don’t use it in the heat of a pandemic on millions of millions of people.”

Bossche says that a mass vaccination campaign in the middle of a pandemic, with vaccines that don’t prevent transmission, is disastrous at an individual — and at a global — level:

“We are going to pay a huge price for this. And I’m becoming emotional because I’m thinking of my children, of the younger generation. I mean, it’s just impossible what we are doing. We don’t understand the pandemic.”

In an open letter to the World Health Organization (WHO), Bossche wrote that  “we are currently turning vaccinees into asymptomatic carriers shedding infectious variants.”

Bossche hasn’t heard back from WHO, which concerns him.

Isto merecia um contraditóriio, se o houver.

De qualquer das formas a civilização ocidental está perto do fim, se não for pelo vírus vai ser por outra coisa qualquer. Ora pensem lá na duração de algumas civilizações históricas:

Mesopotâmica: 3500 aC-500 aC
Egípcia: 3150 aC – 30 aC
Maia: 2600 aC- 900 dC
Chinesa: 1600 aC – 1046 aC
Grega: 2700 aC – 479 aC
Romana: 550 aC – 465 dC

Tendo em conta que a civilização ocidental começou por volta de 500 dC, já vai com 1521 anos. Pode ainda durar mais uns séculos mas vai ser em declínio. A evolução é feita de períodos prósperos e de declínio, e lamentavelmente estamos na fase de declínio.

pelo calendario gregoriano  existe uma data a qual se devera ter em conta o plano a iniciar , 2023 .
Isto tem varias teorias , umas mais absurdas que outras... em que sou praticamente ceptico, no entanto com este shit show autentico que temos visto ... estou com mente mais aberta aha
O ano em si pode ser mais tarde caso haja acontecimentos que retardem ...

O Utu deve acreditar nos bunkers ja criados para certas pessoas e nas Ondas Haarp
« Última modificação: 2021-07-16 13:15:15 por Maverick »

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1022 em: 2021-07-16 16:32:05 »
Eu acredito em muita coisa.
Em conspiraçoes acredito naquelas em que num determinado ponto começam a mostrar verdade.
Outras vezes, simplesmente brinco com elas, falo delas mas posso nao acreditar nelas.

Mas se quiserem ver algo mesmo insolito, é ler isto.





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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1023 em: 2021-07-16 17:11:15 »
Quanto à pandemia de imoralidade têm razão, a imoralidade espalha-se, e é o maior problema dos nossos tempos.

Perdeu-se a consciência da existência para além do corpo físico e com isso a moral. Basta recuperar essa consciência que a moral volta. A  biomoral (moral bioenhancement) reforça erradamente a ideia que a existência se reduz a um corpo físico.

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1024 em: 2021-07-16 17:15:44 »
Metam um filtro triplo na torneira eheh

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1025 em: 2021-07-16 17:21:48 »
.. obey

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1026 em: 2021-07-16 17:25:47 »
If there was a pill that would make you more moral, would you take it? Should you take it? Seemingly the stuff of science fiction, recent research shows that a variety of existing drugs can change how people think about morality—making them exhibit greater empathy, compassion and charity, and less likely to put other people in harm’s way. At first glance, a morality pill seems appealing. If popping pills could reduce the prevalence of immoral behavior, why not prescribe them to everyone?

There are a few reasons why we might want to keep the pills on the shelf.

A handful of existing drugs cause people to make different moral decisions. But it’s not clear that these drugs produce better moral decisions. Consider the effects of the serotonin-enhancing drug citalopram on moral judgment. After giving healthy study participants citalopram and others a placebo, researchers in the U.K. asked participants to work through a version of the popular moral dilemma, the trolley problem. Participants were asked whether they thought they should push a large man off a bridge to stop a runaway trolley that, if not stopped, would strike and kill five innocent people standing further down the tracks. If the man is pushed, he will die, but his body will stop the trolley and save the lives of the other five. If the man isn’t pushed off the bridge, five innocent people will die.


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Those who received citalopram were less likely to push the man off the bridge than people who had received a placebo. That’s an improvement in moral decision-making if you think pushing people off bridges to their deaths, even to save more lives, is wrong. But, if you think morality is more about producing the best consequences overall—about taking steps to save as many lives as possible even if the steps are unfortunate—then the citalopram-takers’ reluctance to push the man to save the five seems worse from a moral point of view. Citalopram causes people to make different moral judgments, but it’s not clear that leads to better moral judgment.

A similar study found that otherwise healthy participants who received the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam were more likely to say one should push the large man off the bridge—the opposite result of those who took citalopram. Which pill is the morality pill? We could have different pills—lorazepam for consequentialists, citalopram for Kantians, and something else for Aristotelians—but this would amplify, not resolve, moral disagreement. In short, if we can’t agree on what morality requires, then designing a morality pill is a conceptually impossible task.

Even if we could agree on a conception of morality and had a pill that would bring our behavior in line with that conception, we would still have reasons to refuse to take it. In his 1974 book, Anarchy, State and Utopia, the philosopher Robert Nozick asks us to imagine there is an “experience machine” that would give us any experience we desired. Suppose, he writes, “superduper neuropsychologists could stimulate your brain so that you would think and feel you were writing a great novel, or making a friend, or reading an interesting book. All the time you would be floating in a tank, with electrodes attached to your brain.…While in the tank you won’t know that you’re there; you’ll think it’s all actually happening.” Would you plug into the experience machine for life?

Nozick thought that most people would not want to be plugged into the machine. Most people want to do things, he thought, not simply have the experience of doing things. Most people want to be a certain kind of person, and not simply have the illusion of being a certain kind of person.


In many ways, a morality pill is like an experience machine. And the reasons we have for rejecting the experience machine also apply to a morality pill. For many of us, it is not enough that our brain chemistry can be manipulated to produce better moral judgment. It also matters that we have somehow actually made those judgments—that we have actively participated in our being or becoming moral agents.

Of course, there are people whose brain chemistry is not conducive to behaving with empathy and compassion. For these people, drugs like citalopram and lorazepam may be necessary to allow them and their families to function effectively in society—even one characterized by deep moral disagreement. But for healthy people, a morality pill remains both conceptually problematic and inconsistent with our desire to view ourselves as responsible moral agents. The hard work of making moral judgments remains ours. Morality won’t be found in the medicine cabinet anytime soon, or ever.


Daniel Munro teaches ethics in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa. Listen to The Ethics Lab on Ottawa Today with Mark Sutcliffe,


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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1027 em: 2021-07-16 17:32:09 »
as pessoas  fazem coisas para satesfazer seu  desejo egoista

eu axo ninguem ia tomar comprimidos moral............. 

porque faz   ser humano fazer coisas e  penser no #eu#!

o problema e estados gordos  meter nariz no que fazer e tirar recusos  ao # eu#  individo

todos estados gordos   fazeram isto cairam desgraca

com coletivistas atras coletivistas sem parar

os coleticvistas da moral tambem sao egoistas

por exemplo um comunista esta sempre pensar capital dos outros  tanto faz ter moral ou nao  ......  hehe    o  tudo para o partido!!

« Última modificação: 2021-07-16 17:37:54 por Reg »
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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1028 em: 2021-07-16 17:40:22 »
Tudo verdade
mas deformada
de tão simplificada!


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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1029 em: 2021-07-16 17:42:01 »
o ser egoista nem e mau  depende do sistema....

repara para  estados gordos a vida humana vale pouco.... sao gajos nem tem cara...sao um numero

para  individo   a familia  amigos  e comunidade fazem parte  do desejo egoista do  #eu#
« Última modificação: 2021-07-16 17:44:13 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1030 em: 2021-07-16 17:43:05 »
Ja ha muita gente a tomar os comprimidos da moral Reg.
Mas incrivelmente, muitos sao os que depois sofrem com os efeitos paradoxais dos mesmos.
Homicidios, suicidos, perda de pudor, hipersexualidade, promiscuidade, traíção, gossip, perda de moral e por vezes total, comportamentos erraticos etc etc.
Isto está tudo estudado, revisto e comprovado por observacao clinica.


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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1031 em: 2021-07-16 17:47:47 »
os hippies  tiveram isso e nao foi fim do mundo!!!!!  lado aposto tem Amish.....

uma comunidade nao faz nada de mal

um estado e faz mal !!!!!!!
« Última modificação: 2021-07-16 17:51:46 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1032 em: 2021-07-16 17:50:11 »
Reg ha uma serie de SSRI's que no inicio podem por te aberto para os outros, no inicio.
Ao fim de seis meses ou nove ou um ano so queres saber de ti.
Eu ate admito que esta medicacao pode ajudar algumas pessoas em casos extremos mas, nao se iludam.
Ha vinte anos so um psiquiatra podia receitar isto. Hoje qualquer clinico geral receita isto como chicletes.
Pop that pill and you'll be happy.
Depois perdes a alma pelo caminho.

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1033 em: 2021-07-16 17:52:59 »

In the existing literature, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor exposure has been occasionally associated with both behavioral apathy and emotional blunting. While frequently described as separate entities, these two syndromes are mutually characterized by indifference and may be united under the single moniker, “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-induced indifference.” Little is known about the epidemiology or etiology of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-induced indifference and few empirical studies have been undertaken. However, this syndrome may be under-recognized by both clinicians and patients (i.e., low insight, particularly among children and adolescents), and is characterized by an insidious onset, dose-dependent effects (i.e., higher selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor doses are more likely to result in symptoms), and complete resolution of symptoms with the discontinuation of the offending drug. Treatment strategies may include a dose reduction of the offending selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, augmentation with a second drug, and/or discontinuation of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and subsequent treatment with a nonselective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant.


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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1034 em: 2021-07-16 17:54:38 »
Sócrates, o filósofo
só dizia meia verdade:
- «Conhece-te a ti próprio.»
Devia ter acrescentado:
- «E conhece os outros.»

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1035 em: 2021-07-16 17:57:24 »

Historias de horror com chicletes


BBC’s “Panorama – A Prescription for Murder?” available on YouTube. Is it possible that a pill prescribed by your doctor can turn you into a killer?

Mother Charged With Murder in Deaths of Three Children at East LA Home — (NBC Universal, Inc.) Wednesday, June 30th, 2021
SSRI Ed note: Loving Mom "suffers depression" after birth of youngest, kills them, attempts suicide, charged with murder. Classic profile of antidepressant-induced violence.
Accused in fatal truck attack on Muslim family asks London, Ont., court for legal aid; Nathaniel Veltman, 20, faces 4 counts of murder, 1 count of attempted murder — (CBC News) Thursday, June 10th, 2021
SSRI Ed note: Young man on Zoloft/sertraline retrofits truck for combat, drinks, runs down a family out for an evening walk, killing 5. Anti-Muslim sentiment blamed.
Man who stabbed two students in Abbotsford, B.C., found criminally responsible — (MSN.com) Thursday, April 22nd, 2021
SSRI Ed note: Suicidal man treated for depression, personbality disorder randomly stabs 2 strangers. Court finds him CR, never asks about potential role of medications.
Woman accused of killing son had severe postpartum depression, lawyer says — (The Chicago Tribune) Saturday, April 17th, 2021
SSRI Ed note: Woman taking antidepressants for postpartum depression suffocated her 8-mo-old when husband goes out to play tennis. PPD blamed.
Mom suspected of killing 3 children suffered from paranoia, delusions, partner alleges ‘She is not taking care of herself and has lost touch with reality. She is extremely paranoid and acts impulsively and erratically,’ claimed the children’s father — (Los Angeles Daily News) Monday, April 12th, 2021
SSRI Ed note: Woman suffering postpartum depression quits therapy, stops taking prescribed meds, becomes paranoid, delusional, stabs her 3 children to death.


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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1036 em: 2021-07-16 17:59:07 »
isso e guerra   os gajos tomam compremidos  ficar acordados  concentracao

enfim levar missao ate fim.....

antes compremido ja tinham vontade matar....

os comprimidas e nao sao milagre nenhum   curar doencas mentais....
« Última modificação: 2021-07-16 18:03:14 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1037 em: 2021-07-16 18:02:04 »
Acreditem na ciencia.
E nao è so em psico-medication.

O vosso filho desportista apanha uma infecao no ouvido.
Vai ao medico.
O medico receita ciprofloxacina.
Dois meses depois num jogo de futebol ou numa corrida, o tendao de Aquiles rompe.
Nunca mais faz desporto na vida.


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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1038 em: 2021-07-16 18:04:02 »
Acreditem na ciencia.
E nao è so em psico-medication.

O vosso filho desportista apanha uma infecao no ouvido.
Vai ao medico.
O medico receita ciprofloxacina.
Dois meses depois num jogo de futebol ou numa corrida, o tendao de Aquiles rompe.
Nunca mais faz desporto na vida.

ha muita gente nao bate bem bola e nunca matou nimguem por isso

hippies eram drogados do caracas nunca mataram minguem
« Última modificação: 2021-07-16 18:05:46 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1039 em: 2021-07-16 18:06:47 »

isso e guerra   os gajos tomam compremidos  ficar acordados  concentracao

enfim levar missao ate fim.....

antes compremido ja tinham vontade matar....

Podiam ter sim vontade de matar. Mas tinham moral.

Thats the point my friend.
Personality changes, loss of values and morality.