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Autor Tópico: China - Tópico principal  (Lida 214656 vezes)


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #180 em: 2014-09-10 10:57:36 »
Ruble, Yuan to pave way for US dollar substitution

September 9, 2014, 11:53 am


Russia and China have begun discussions on new joint projects, worth up to a billion dollars in infrastructure, agriculture and petrochemicals.

In a major highlight of an investment meet on Tuesday, Moscow and Beijing have entered into a pact to boost use of the rouble and yuan for trade transactions.

During its maiden meeting in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, the Russia-China Investment Cooperation Commission discussed 32 bilateral investment projects on Tuesday, Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said.

Shuvalov said the projects’ cost ranges from hundreds of millions to around a billion dollars.

“[The projects] are related to transport infrastructure, petrochemical complexes, the extraction, processing and delivery of natural resources through the Far East region and development of the agricultural sector,” Shuvalov was quoted by Russian agency Ria Novosti.

“We’re going to encourage companies from the two countries to settle more in local currencies, to avoid using a currency from a third country,” he said referring to the US dollar.

Moscow is looking to increase trade and banking cooperation with Beijing, even as it battles new rounds of sanctions imposed by the EU and US over the Ukraine crisis.

“We talked about the infrastructure of investment cooperation, expanding trade in rubles and yuan, banking cooperation, the possibility of Russian companies opening accounts and being issued loans from Chinese banks, as well as the possibility of facilitating Chinese companies’ access to Russian banks,” Shuvalov said.

The European Union had earlier in July published a law to cut off financing for five major Russian banks over Moscow’s alleged support for separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping had proposed the idea of the investment commission during their bilateral meet in May, earlier this year.

The commission, headed by Shuvalov and his Chinese counterpart, Vice Premier of China’s State Council Zhang Gaoli, was officially established on Tuesday in Beijing.

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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #181 em: 2014-09-11 17:19:24 »
Russia, China in talks to make alternative to SWIFT — deputy PM

By: Alexei Nikolsky
On: September 10, 2014


BEIJING, September 10. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia and China are discussing setting up a system of interbank transactions which will become an analogue to International banking transaction system SWIFT, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov told PRIME on Wednesday after negotiations in Beijing.

“Yes, we have discussed and we have approved this idea,” he said.

Russian authorities wanted to decrease the financial market’s dependence on SWIFT since the introduction of the first U.S. sanctions, when international payment systems Visa and MasterCard denied services to some Russian banks owned by blacklisted individuals.

According to Shuvalov, Russia has been also discussing establishment of an independent ratings agency with China. Concrete proposals will be made by the end of 2014, he said.

As regards China’s payment system UnionPay cooperation with the yet-to-be-established Russian national payment system, Shuvalov said that UnionPay is ready for a full-scale collaboration and will provide all infrastructural capacities for that.
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #182 em: 2014-09-11 17:45:29 »
Tb ficava bem n'"A mão invisível dos arquitectos do euro" [o BCE / Eurogrupo está à frente, pois não andou a arranjar uma montanha de dólares para se sentar e já está sentado numa montanha de ouro], mesmo assim decidi colocá-lo aqui.

China Pulling the Strings

By: Bill Holter
On: September 10th, 2014


China announced swap agreements with Argentina over this past weekend, they also said their mutual trade would be settled in yuan.  If you recall, Argentina just recently defaulted on debt.   A New York judge then ruled against Argentina’s plan to hopefully restructure.  This looks to me like China has ruled against the New York judge!

China has also in recent months been globetrotting while putting in place “swaps” and lines of credit with many potential trading partners.  Unlike the U.S., they have not ignored African nations either.  They have also set up “yuan trading” hubs in some very “Western” nations including Britain, Germany and France.  Very methodically, China has put in place trade and finance systems which have no need for dollars and/or clearing functions performed by the U.S.

I mentioned Argentina because they are the latest deal struck by China and you’ll notice that dollars “were” the alternative currency in Argentina …until now.  This brings us to Russia.  We have for the last 6 months been putting more and more pressure on them in my opinion with the hopes of starting a war.  A war would surely “distract” attention from our current economic failings and in my opinion it is viewed as “necessary” by our rulers.

I also wanted to mention Argentina not because they had previously been under the U.S. dollar umbrella but because China has come to the rescue so to speak.  In the case of Russia, even assuming the Western sanctions do work and they do not throw the “natural gas card” at Europe, do you really believe China will let Russia fold?  Not that I believe Mr. Putin could be pressured in any way to say, “Aw shucks, you win” but do you really believe China would ever let it happen?

The hope is that Russia’s energy sector gets squeezed.  The new “lower prices” for oil, coupled with Russian energy firms not being able to borrow for more than 30 days is the plan to get Mr. Putin to say “uncle” and admit that Russia needs the Western funding system.  This is not the case in the real world today, this is not the late 1980′s where the very same scheme actually broke the Soviet Union.

Think about what has happened in just the last six months?  The BRICS have formed their own “IMF” or World Bank if you will in competition.  China has done deal after deal with anyone and everyone, East or West, NATO or non NATO, with whomever wants to do business with them.  Do you really believe China will not supply Russia’s funding needs?  However much they are?  Do you really believe Mr. Putin does not know or is not fully aware of this?  From a financial or economic standpoint there is no way Western sanctions can make Russia do anything Russia doesn’t want to do …China will see to this.

Why do you think China has made all of these trade deals?  Why have they set up yuan trading hubs all over the world?  Why do you think they have imported at least 5,000 metric tons of gold over the last 3 years on top of what they already had?  Why have they done deals for raw materials in long term contracts which are payable with dollars?  “Because!”  Because China knows the U.S. is financially broke and they are preparing for a world which has moved away from using dollars.  They know gold and silver are real money which is why they have furiously imported so much.  They have done these many raw materials deals payable in dollars because this is an easy way to “spend” their dollar hoard…and they have lots and lots of them to spend.

Is it a perfect plan?  No it’s not, nothing is perfect.  Once the dollar collapses I would expect to hear screaming and yelling from countries like Australia who have contracts to supply raw materials to China in return for U.S. dollars.  In my opinion, China will probably renegotiate many of the contracts but keep in mind, they will have the “bargaining power” at the table.  China only will have to say “we did these deals in good faith, now you want to change them?”  If China wants the raw goods, they will have to negotiate but you can bet the terms will be to their liking as all they have to say is “no deal” and walk away only to do a deal with someone else …more desperate.  Do you see what I am getting at here?  China is pulling the strings, they are choreographing the wane in power of the U.S.  No, had we not done the foolish things we have over the last 20-30 years, China would not be able to do this …but we did and they are.

I want you to understand the what, how and why China is doing and has done what they have because they will soon be “making the rules” when it comes to business and finance.  I also think they will very soon be “making price” in the gold and silver markets.  They have a cash market about to go live to perform this function.  China is merely preparing for a world which is no longer dominated by the U.S.  We have abused our privilege as the issuer of the reserve currency.  We have lied, cheated and stolen our way out of the good graces of the rest of the world.

Many have heard the theory of the “new world order,” I believe there is a plan for this.  I also believe there is more than one plan for this, China’s and the East’s being the other one.  In my opinion there are only two real possibilities, first, China’s plan working where the U.S. is isolated and no longer able to make the rules and pull all of the strings.  The other alternative is the horror of a global war where unfortunately man now has the ability to destroy the planet.  The West has a most archaic view of the new world order, one in which the U.S. remains dominant, everyone uses dollars and smiles while being abused.   The most likely outcome is none at all or nothing, I believe we will see some of both, China’s strength growing while U.S. dominance wanes and unfortunately some sort of war.

Like it or not, the U.S. has put itself in a position of growing isolation.  Everything we do is one sided.  Our financial and economic reports are blatantly bogus and foreigners know this.  We even allowed U.S. banks and financial institutions to omit or falsify financial reports after 2008 in the interests “of national security”.  Think about this, you are an investor thinking about investing in a bank or a broker (in a moment of delusion) and you decide to read their financial reports.  Only thing is, they are not correct.  The reality is the bank is insolvent and broke but they don’t have to tell anybody because of an Executive order (I think it was Bush who signed this).

Here is my point, the Chinese know, the rest of the world knows, our allies (Germany in particular) knows, we are broke, we lie, cheat and steal.  If this can be done in private, good.  If not, “oh well, who’s going to call us on it?”  Well, what is happening in my opinion is the world, led by China are preparing to “call us on it” with China pulling the strings.  We will wake up to an entirely different world one day where the table is no longer slanted in our favor…I see a future where the “slant” to the table will be in a direction not favorable to the U.S..  This will surely be more than a wakeup call to the unsuspecting!

Todavia calha bem a culpa cair em cima dos chineses, por estes terem ido segurar o tio Sam depois de 2001/2002, quando o BCE / Eurogrupo afastou a barriga do balcão [compra de dívida adicional do tio Sam (i.e. fora roll overs)] na véspera da introdução do euro.
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #183 em: 2014-09-16 09:26:53 »
China announces clearing bank in Paris for RMB business

September 15, 2014, 3:49 pm


The People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the country’s central bank, announced on Monday that it had authorized the Bank of China (BOC) as a clearing bank for RMB business in Paris.

The PBOC made the decision in accordance with an MOU signed with the French central bank La Banque de France to help turn the city into an offshore RMB center.

Competition is fierce among Europe’s major financial centres, Frankfurt, London and Luxembourg to trade in China’s currency.

Beijing is keen on substituting the US dollar with the yuan in all of China’s trade with other countries. The Chinese currency now trades directly with the Japanese yen, the Australian dollar, the Brazilian real, the EU’s euro, the New Zealand dollar and many other currencies.

BOC became the RMB clearing bank in Frankfurt in June while China Construction Bank was authorized to be the RMB clearing bank in London.

China stepped up plans to increase the international use of its currency last October with an agreement between the European Central Bank and the PBOC to swap euros and yuan.

The PBOC is yet to announce the RMB clearing bank in Luxembourg.

A BOC spokesman said the “mechanism of RMB clearing business in Paris will help Chinese and French companies and financial institutions to use the yuan for cross-border transactions and facilitate the free trade and investment between the two countries”.

BOC has so far opened more than 1,200 inter-bank RMB clearing accounts and 1.7 million RMB accounts for corporate and individual clients overseas.

The bank almost doubled its RMB payment and clearing business from a year ago to 112 trillion yuan ($18.23 trillion) in the first half of this year, BOC data showed. Its Paris branch handled more than 1.3 trillion yuan of RMB clearing business last year.

In a major highlight of an investment meet earlier this month, Moscow and Beijing have entered into a pact to boost use of the rouble and yuan for trade transactions.

“We’re going to encourage companies from the two countries to settle more in local currencies, to avoid using a currency from a third country,” Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said referring to the US dollar.

Meanwhile, the UK will become the first Western country to issue an offshore bond in the Chinese renminbi. This was announced after discussions between Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai and UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne earlier last week.

Osborne says the issue will be similar in size to a 2 billion RMB bond issued in London by the China Development Bank.

It is expected that the issue will come before the end of the year and that the proceeds will be used to finance Britain’s foreign currency reserves.
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #184 em: 2014-09-17 01:22:35 »
As vicissitudes que a China tem de vencer para usar o renmimbi internacionalmente são muito simples: alguém está interessado em possuir renmimbis? Se sim, no problem.


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #185 em: 2014-09-17 09:37:57 »
Kin, a tua visão é muito unilateral, quando em quase tudo há pelo menos dois lados e uma paleta de cambiantes.

Lá que internacionalmente as pessoas queiram yuans e tentam arranjar estratagemas para comprar ou ter depósitos nessa moeda, o Banco Central da China não quer [e faz muito bem] variações bruscas do câmbio a desestabilizar a economia [chinesa, claro]. Ou seja, a existência de compradores interessados não implica a auxência de problemas para o vendedor interessado.
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Re:China - Tópico principal
« Responder #187 em: 2014-09-18 14:55:02 »
O imobiliário na China parece estar a virar negativamente de forma rápida.

"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

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Re:China - Tópico principal
« Responder #188 em: 2014-09-18 15:23:57 »

Demand for commodities is weakening as the economy weakens:
« Última modificação: 2014-09-18 15:28:12 por JoaoAP »


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #189 em: 2014-09-19 10:28:50 »
China Opens Gold Market to Foreigners Amid Price Ambition

On 2014-09-18T14:05:40Z


China will give foreign investors direct access to its gold market for the first time today as the biggest-consuming nation seeks to exert more influence over prices while boosting the yuan’s global use.

The Shanghai Gold Exchange will start trading contracts in the city’s free-trade zone that will be linked to its domestic spot market and available to about 40 international members including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and UBS AG. Access was previously limited to some Chinese units. Gold in China this year cost as much as $31 an ounce more and $42 less than the London spot price, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

China, which overtook India as the biggest bullion buyer in 2013, wants to establish a benchmark price in Asia by opening up trading to a larger pool of investors. It’s also pushing to reduce controls over the movement of capital across its borders after policy makers pledged last year to carry out the widest expansion of economic freedoms since the 1990s.

“It’s indicative of the ambition to move the gold market more to where the consumption is,” Victor Thianpiriya, commodity strategist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd., said by phone from Singapore. “It makes sense that price discovery occurs in the center of consumption.”

Premier Li Keqiang toured the free-trade zone today, days before its one-year anniversary. The FTZ started as a testing ground for liberalizing interest rates and boosting the yuan’s role in global transactions.

Goldman Sachs

The gold market, which can diversify the financial market, must avoid systemic risks, Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China, said at the opening ceremony today.

Goldman Sachs and UBS are among the first international members that also include Australia & New Zealand Banking Group, HSBC Holdings Plc, Standard Chartered Plc, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Deutsche Bank AG, Standard Bank Group Ltd. and Bank of Nova Scotia, according to a statement from the Shanghai Gold Exchange. Citigroup Inc., Societe Generale SA, Barrick Gold Corp., Newmont Gold Co. and Perth Mint are among the almost 30 institutions that may become members in the second batch, according to the statement.

Three new contracts will allow foreigners to deliver to and from the zone’s vaults. They are for bullion of 99.99 percent purity weighing 100 grams and 1 kilogram, and bars of 99.95 percent purity weighing 12.5 kilograms, according to the exchange.

The contract for the 99.95 percent purity traded at 259.6 yuan per gram on the exchange today. The bourse set the price for the contracts at 245.28 yuan a gram, according to a statement on the website. They will trade within 6 percent of the price, with the band widening to 30 percent tomorrow, according to the statement. One kilogram of gold of 99.99 percent purity traded today on the mainland at 242.90 yuan.

Overseas companies will also be allowed to trade eight contracts that already exist on the domestic market at the same price and time as investors on the mainland for cash settlement only.

Currency Liberalization

Foreign investors will trade the gold in offshore yuan while those on the mainland will use the onshore currency. While the two rates typically diverge because of controls over the flow of capital, the government is testing the possibility of convergence, implying parity between the rates, according to Shi Chenbing, chief investment officer at Everbright Prestige Capital Management Co. in Beijing.

“Gold trading is seen by many as the latest attempt by the Chinese authorities to test currency liberalization,” Shi said. “This is the first time offshore yuan and onshore yuan will be treated as the same currency trading in the same pool and at parity.”

The Shanghai Gold Exchange is China’s biggest physical bourse for the metal. Bullion of 99.99 percent purity, the benchmark contract, has risen 2.4 percent in 2014 compared with a 1.9 percent advance in London prices.

Yuan-denominated gold already trades in Hong Kong. While daily average trading volumes increased to 40,494 kilograms (1.3 million ounces) in April compared with 11,282 kilograms a year earlier, they are much lower compared with London, where 19.6 million ounces changed hands on the London Bullion Market Association, according to exchange data.

“It’s going to be a challenge in terms of being able to entice traders,” Thianpiriya said. “Liquidity has always been the big challenge.”
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #190 em: 2014-09-30 12:50:42 »
Yuan to Start Direct Trading With Euro as China Pushes Usage

On 2014-09-29T11:06:33Z


China will start direct trading between the yuan and the euro tomorrow as the world’s second-largest economy seeks to spur global use of its currency.

The move will lower transaction costs and so make yuan and euros more attractive to conduct bilateral trade and investment, the People’s Bank of China said today in a statement on its website. HSBC Holdings Plc said separately it has received regulatory approval to be one of the first market makers when trading begins in China’s domestic market.

The euro will become the sixth major currency to be exchangeable directly for yuan in Shanghai, joining the U.S., Australian and New Zealand dollars, the British pound and the Japanese yen. The yuan ranked seventh for global payments in August and more than one-third of the world’s financial institutions have used it for transfers to China and Hong Kong, the Society for Worldwide International Financial Telecommunications said last week.

“It’s a fresh step forward in China’s yuan internationalization,” said Liu Dongliang, an analyst with China Merchants Bank Co. in Shenzhen. “However, the real impact on foreign exchange rates and companies may be limited as onshore trading volumes between yuan and non-dollars are still too small to gain real pricing power.”

Transactions exchanging yuan for dollars totaled 12.2 trillion yuan in the first half of 2014, dwarfing the 110.4 billion yuan worth of trades for euros and the 251.7 billion yuan for yen, the PBOC said in a monetary policy report last month.

Trading Ties

China’s trade with European Union nations grew 12 percent from a year earlier to $404 billion in the first eight months of 2014, according to data from the Asian nation’s customs department. That compares with just $354 billion with the U.S. during the period.

French and German companies lead among countries outside of greater China in the use of the yuan, according to a July report by HSBC that was based on a survey of 1,304 businesses in 11 major economies that have ties with mainland China. Some 26 percent of French corporates and 23 percent of German companies were using the currency to settle trade, the highest proportions apart from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Last One

China appointed yuan clearing banks this year in Frankfurt, Paris and Luxembourg, and Germany’s financial capital as well as Paris were awarded quotas under the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor program to invest the currency raised offshore in China’s domestic capital markets.

“Given the appointments of renminbi clearing banks in Frankfurt and Paris, today’s announcement is largely expected,” Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.’s economists led by Liu Li-gang wrote in a research note today. The agreement marks a “significant milestone” in yuan internationalization as the euro is the only G3 currency that has not had direct conversion with the yuan, Liu said.

The European Central Bank is able to draw on a maximum 350 billion yuan ($57 billion) swap line from the People’s Bank of China under the terms of an agreement signed in October 2013. The PBOC can access 45 billion euros ($57 billion) under the terms of the currency swap.

To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Fion Li in Hong Kong at fli59@bloomberg.net; Xin Zhou in Beijing at xzhou68@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: James Regan at jregan19@bloomberg.net Matthew Brown, Chris Kirkham
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #191 em: 2014-10-05 17:45:27 »
Negócios da China

Numa altura em que ocidente democrático se insurge contra barbaridades variadas perpetradas por russos e árabes (só alguns claro, a Arábia Saudita, por exemplo, continua a ser uma excepção e um exemplo de respeito pelos direitos humanos), Portugal continua de portas escancaradas para o investimento dessa nação plural que é a República Popular da China. E se dúvidas restassem quanto ao grau de abertura e respeito pelos valores ocidentais que supostamente defendemos, a vice-ministra chinesa Xu Lin esclareceu-as por completo na sua recente visita a Portugal para integrar um painel da uma conferência organizada pela Associação Europeia de Estudos Chineses na Universidade do Minho. Foi um belo momento de convivência democrática.

Por cá os nossos amigos chineses continuam a rivalizar com a elite de Luanda no que toca a aproveitar os saldos em que o actual governo nos colocou nos 3 últimos anos. Entre EDP, REN e outras participações aqui e acolá, num investimento total que, segundo o jornal Expresso, atingiu os 5 mil milhões de euros no espaço de 3 anos, da saúde aos seguros, passando pelo sector imobiliário e energético, o gigante asiático prepara-se para aumentar o seu raio de influência na economia portuguesa. BESI, sector portuário ou transportes marítimos estão na mira de Pequim e dificilmente se levantará qualquer tipo de obstáculo às suas intenções, que passam sobretudo pela abertura de portas em África e na própria Europa. E por cá, como bem sabemos, há muito bom manuseador de portas.

E desenganem-se aqueles que pensam que os sociais-democratas são os únicos interessados nesta parceria. Entre outros exemplos que poderiam ser enunciados, vou citar apenas o facto de Almeida Santos, histórico do PS e um dos homens fortes por trás da subida de António Costa ao topo de hierarquia socialista, ser o presidente da mesa da Assembleia Geral da Geocapital, a gestora de participações da CEP, uma das 5 empresas nacionais que já é detida a mais de 50% por capital chinês e que entrou recentemente no mercado financeiro moçambicano com a criação do Moza Banco. Será uma parceria para o futuro e, quem sabe, um dia talvez exportemos alguns boys para o sector empresarial do estado chinês que, convenhamos, é bem grande e deve dar para lá meter os jotas todos.

Simultaneamente, em Hong Kong, milhares de manifestantes não parecem tão interessados em negociar com Pequim. Já há vários dias que dezenas de milhares de rebeldes chineses se mantêm nas ruas a pedir mais democracia e liberdade. Mas, à semelhança daquilo que aconteceu em Julho, o regime começou já a encarcerar alguns. Será que o governo português se irá alinhar com estas legítimas reivindicações, à semelhança do que vem fazendo no caso da Ucrânia ou dos rebeldes sírios que lutam contra Bashar al-Assad em part-time (nas horas vagas reforçam o contingente do ISIS), ou irá fazer vista grossa a mais esta “primavera” com a mesma rapidez que baixa as calças à elite de Luanda?
« Última modificação: 2014-10-05 17:48:13 por Luisa Fernandes »
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #192 em: 2014-10-05 17:55:45 »
isolar os paises nao ajuda ninguem a defender os direitos humanos, ha muitos maus exemplos por ai

mas creio que o capital destes paises nao deveria entrar em areas como a comunicacao social


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #193 em: 2014-10-05 20:57:23 »
Luísa, se queres déficits então a contrapartida é irem comprando activos nacionais.

O problema de determinada esquerda é querer tudo, inclusive coisas incompatíveis entre si. Quer dívida e não pagar. Quer incumprir e bom rating de crédito. Quer déficits e que não se venda nada. Enfim, quando se desliga a lógica tudo parece passível de ser desejado.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #194 em: 2014-10-05 21:19:27 »
a m da esquerda o q quer é q o BCE imprima o dope e q as pensoes e ordenados da FP continuem a subir tipo 2% ao ano...
acabavam-se as greves e o camandro... e toda a gente andava feliz e contente...   
eu já estou 2/3 fora desta m... amanhem-se  .... querem bife da vazia : comprem aos alemaes....   
tou a pagar 320 € prá reforma... (feito morcão)  tipo bruto 40k...   pró ano é ZERO..  afonsemse...  >:(


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #195 em: 2014-10-24 10:51:20 »
Oil Tankers to China Jump to Nine-Month High Amid Crude Rout

By Naomi Christie
On 2014-10-17T17:41:36Z


The number of supertankers sailing toward China’s ports surged to a nine-month high amid speculation an oil-price slump is encouraging the world’s second-biggest crude importer to accelerate purchases.

There are 80 very large crude carriers, the industry’s biggest ships, sailing toward the Asian country’s ports, according to IHS Fairplay vessel-tracking signals compiled by Bloomberg at about 10 a.m. today. That’s the highest since Jan. 3. Average shipments are 2 million barrels.

Brent crude, the global benchmark, plunged to a four-year low yesterday amid speculation Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other nations in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries won’t curb production. The slump is likely encouraging buying to fill China’s strategic stocks, according to Energy Aspects Ltd., a London-based consultant.

“There’s a lot of bargain hunting going on,” Richard Mallinson, an analyst at Energy Aspects, said by phone. “Whilst prices are low we think there’ll be buying for Strategic Petroleum Reserve filling and also just trying to capture these discounted crudes.”

Brent crude pared its slump today after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said there was no glut of oil and that prices have plunged too far. December contracts gained 0.6 percent $86.32 a barrel at 1:40 p.m. today in New York. WTI, the U.S. benchmark, was up 0.6 percent at $83.17.

Strategic Reserves

China has about 41 million barrels of commercial oil storage and strategic petroleum reserve which is available to be filled, Energy Aspects estimates. New facilities are also coming online, Mallinson said

Shipping rates are also rallying. VLCCs transporting crude to Asia from the Middle East are earning $25,873 a day, close to the highest in two months, according to the Baltic Exchange in London.

Most ships in the merchant fleet signal their destinations, depth in the water, speeds and other movement data. The number of supertankers headed for Japan are the highest since December. Those to South Korea and India also climbed.

The 80 bound for China compare with an average of 63 for the past two years and match a record in data that started in October 2011. China’s crude imports averaged a record 25.298 million metric tons in the first eight months, customs data show.

“It’s a good forward indicator of Chinese purchases,” said Julian Lee, a strategist who writes for Bloomberg First Word. “It gives us an indication of their imports well before customs data become available.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Naomi Christie in London at nchristie5@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Alaric Nightingale at anightingal1@bloomberg.net Dan Weeks
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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #196 em: 2014-10-24 10:54:14 »
Parece claramente uma notícia escrita para tentar influenciar em alta o preço do petróleo / influenciar traders. Basta olhar para isto:

"That’s the highest since Jan. 3. Average shipments are 2 million barrels."

Não é um recorde por aí além, se levarmos em conta que o consumo na China vai crescendo ...
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #197 em: 2014-11-25 03:07:25 »
Há desde há semanas muitos artigos pessimistas sobre o abrandamento na China. Pode dar um completo bust, imobiliário e industrial.

Mas os ETFs de índices chineses não estão em queda, até têm subido (por ex, o FXI).

Um tema genérico desses artigos é que o consumo de aço e muitas outras commodities industriais na China, ou abrandará, ou até diminuirá. Isso tem feito cair as cotações do minério de ferro, cobre, crude, carvão. O ferro é o mais castigado.

Verifico que a única forma de investir com esta ideia (sem ser com futuros) é com acções mineiras ou siderúrgicas, ou ETFs destas áreas. Interessantes são a BHP Billiton, e a Rio Tinto. A Rio Tinto (RIO) é das maiores produtoras de minério de ferro, e explora muitos jazigos na Austrália -- e por isso abastece a China.

Estas acções estão em grande queda desde há alguns meses. Mas subiram 4-5% nos últimos 2 dias.

Há ainda o ETF SLX de acções do aço internacionais, com grande peso na China. Padrão semelhante à RIO e BHP.

Comprei SLX hoje.


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Re:China - Tópico principal
« Responder #198 em: 2014-12-05 00:39:20 »
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently released the latest numbers for the world economy. And when you measure national economic output in “real” terms of goods and services, China will this year produce $17.6 trillion — compared with $17.4 trillion for the USA.The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world from an output perspective. This by no means displaces the dollar. There is more to this than just output.


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Re:Negócios da China
« Responder #199 em: 2014-12-09 03:14:55 »
Vendi SLX hoje, perda de 8%.