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Autor Tópico: IA - INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL  (Lida 5533 vezes)


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« Responder #120 em: 2024-03-01 06:13:04 »
A IA vai ter de ser vencida
pela Inteligência Não Artificial.

(Ainda só vi metade da entrevista
do 'Billions' ao Rocha da IL.}

I. I. Kaspov

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« Responder #121 em: 2024-03-01 19:00:41 »
A IA vai ter de ser vencida
pela Inteligência Não Artificial.

(Ainda só vi metade da entrevista
do 'Billions' ao Rocha da IL.}

Não sei se a IA será vencida...   :-\

Tb ainda vou a meio da dita entrevista!   :D
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

I. I. Kaspov

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« Responder #122 em: 2024-03-29 19:39:27 »
Muito preocupante...   :(

you think about a life post AGI I think
first of all we're going to see an
entire collapse of everything as we know»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!


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« Responder #123 em: 2024-03-29 19:46:33 »
Só a mediocridade se eclipsará.

I. I. Kaspov

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« Responder #124 em: 2024-03-29 19:55:17 »
Só a mediocridade se eclipsará.


1 entrevista interessante:

What The 2030s Will Look Like with Ray Kurzweil - StarTalk

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!


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« Responder #125 em: 2024-03-29 22:12:13 »
A história é escrita pelos vencedores” é uma frase que, independentemente de quem a formulou – tanto é atribuída a Winston Churchill como a Walter Benjamin – tem uma boa parcela de verdade

Homo Deus retoma a argumentação do último capítulo, “O fim do Homo sapiens”, de Sapiens: História breve da humanidade: estamos num ponto da história em que estão prestes a ser resolvidos todos os grandes problemas que atormentaram a Humanidade durante milénios: guerras – é mais provável cometer-se suicídio do que morrer num conflito armado –, fome – é mais alto o risco de obesidade do que de fome – e doenças – a morte tornou-se um simples problema técnico e estamos perto de alcançar a imortalidade.

basicamente  vai ser extincao homo sapiens....

tudo o que vier no futuro vai ser escrito por outra coisa!

   Harari também não parece aperceber-se de que a despesa mundial em armamento, que, após o fim da Guerra Fria, descera para um bilião de dólares por ano na viragem dos séculos XX-XXI, voltou a crescer espectacularmente, rondando, desde o início da presente década, 1.7 biliões de dólares por ano. Ou de que os conflitos existentes hoje no mundo são responsáveis pela existência de 21 milhões de refugiados

Os nano-robots e outros prodígios da ciência anunciados entusiasticamente por Harari serão eventualmente uma realidade para a elite endinheirada, mas dificilmente estarão acessíveis ao cidadão médio. Vive-se hoje mais tempo e com mais saúde do que há 50 ou 100 anos, mas daí a sugerir-se que os problemas essenciais de saúde da humanidade estão resolvidos vai um abismo.
« Última modificação: 2024-03-29 22:30:20 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso


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« Responder #126 em: 2024-03-29 22:32:00 »
Tendo elevado a humanidade acima do nível animalesco da luta pela sobrevivência, procuraremos transformar os humanos em deuses e fazer do Homo sapiens o Homo deus”.

E dá-nos exemplos da “minoria cada vez maior de cientistas e filósofos [que] tem vindo a [afirmar] que o principal objectivo da ciência moderna é derrotar a morte e conceder aos seres humanos a eterna juventude

fim homo sapiens....

 desconcertante a fé que Harari deposita na ciência, quando as suas fotos revelam que, aos 40 anos, o topo do seu crânio exibe uma cobertura capilar rala – como pode ele crer na inevitabilidade da descoberta do segredo da imortalidade, quando a ciência não conseguiu, em mais de um século de busca, um remédio minimamente eficaz para algo tão simples e prosaico como a calvície?
« Última modificação: 2024-03-29 22:35:06 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso


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« Responder #127 em: 2024-03-29 22:54:21 »
Descobriste-lhe a careca, 'Reg'!

Eu, porém, ainda que haja admirado
o seu Homo Sapiens, preferi não ler
mais nenhum dos seus livros porque
se me afiguram um modo
expedito de ganhar
dinheiro, género
série tipográfica
de capítulos em forma
aparente de livros-espectáculo,
mais próprio de uma actividade
circense do que de um

I. I. Kaspov

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« Responder #128 em: 2024-04-16 03:29:59 »
Muito int., + 1 vez:

Ponte de Comando - Com a Inteligência Artificial, quais são as profissões que vão acabar primeiro?


Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

I. I. Kaspov

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« Responder #129 em: 2024-04-21 01:25:27 »
«Can AI help solve Japan’s labour shortages?

1 day ago

By Mariko Oi,Business reporter

Getty Images A person cooking Japanese dumplingsGetty Images

When it comes to food, the Japanese take attention to detail very seriously

A shrinking population means Japan has a shortage of workers. Many are hoping that artificial intelligence (AI) can pick up the slack.

In a country that is known to be obsessed with perfection, damaged or misshapen vegetables and fruits are hard to sell.

And if you are a specialist maker of Japanese dumplings, like the brand Osaka Ohsho, then selling a packet of gyoza with some damaged is a big no-no.

But as demand surged during the pandemic, its parent firm, Eat&Holdings, simply didn't have enough manpower to check every single dumpling, or keep up with demand.

So it turned to technology for an answer. In January 2023, it opened a high-tech factory equipped with AI-powered cameras trained to detect any faulty gyoza on the production lines.

Today this facility makes two dumplings every second. That's twice the speed of the other Osaka Ohsho production sites.

"By implementing AI, we have reduced the manpower on the manufacturing line by almost 30%," says spokeswoman Keiko Handa.

The firm has also recently launched an AI-powered cooking robot called I-Robo at one of its Tokyo restaurants. As it takes time to train chefs, the company says the technology will help with the labour shortage issue.
Eat&Holdings Osaka Ohsho's I-Robo.Eat&Holdings
Osaka Ohsho recently launched a robot that has mastered the cooking of certain dishes

Japan's labour shortfall is only likely to get worse.

The current population of 124.35 million has been falling for 13 years. And Japan's labour force is expected to continue to decline by 12% from 2022 to 2040, by which time it is estimated that the country will lack 11 million workers.

Meanwhile, Asia's second-biggest economy is already home to the world's oldest population, with 29% of people aged 65 or above.

The country also has one of the lowest birth-rates in the world, with only 758,631 babies born last year. That is the smallest number since records began in the 19th century.

The government's efforts to boost its birth rates have met with little success. In the words of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, his country is "on the brink of not being able to function".

Since AI took the world by storm, many have asked if our jobs will be stolen. But for some in Japan, AI cannot arrive fast enough.

Farming is one of the fastest-ageing industries in the country, with the average age of a Japanese farmer now standing at 68.4 years. Here AI is being used to identify different types of diseases, pests and weeds for early detection and prevention.

Nihon Nohyaku, which manufactures agricultural chemicals, has developed a smartphone app called Nichino AI. When a farmer takes a picture of struggling crops, the app gives a diagnosis of what is wrong and which pesticide may be needed.
Kensuke Takahashi Farmer Kensuke Takahashi.Kensuke Takahashi
The Nichino AI app allows farmers to see what treatments their crops may need

"The accuracy rate is about 70 to 80%, so it is not as good as real experts, but better than ordinary farmers," says Kentarou Taniguchi from Nihon Nohyaku.

"The longer we work on this app, the more we realise how excellent the human experts are," he explains. "But the number of experts is falling, so that is where AI tools can come in handy."

Farmer Kensuke Takahashi, who has been using the app for three years, agrees that AI is one of the tools that will help modernise the sector. "The number of farmers is falling sharply like a rollercoaster," he says, "but Japan's total amount of produce is increasing."

Mr Takahashi acknowledges that there are older farmers who may be sceptical of any new technologies such as AI, but he believes they are helping to increase efficiency levels. "Once you try out a drone to spray pesticide, you cannot go back to manual spraying," he laughs.

What about a sector that has always faced a shortage - language teachers?

Despite the government's repeated efforts to increase the number of English speakers, Japan has constantly ranked low in English proficiency, due to the lack of teachers who can effectively speak the language.

To try to overcome this shortfall, a start-up called Ecumenopolis has developed an AI-powered online tool that allows users to have English conversations with its avatar for 15 minutes per session. It has so far been introduced at 50 schools across the country.
Equmenopolis AI English learning app developed by Equmenopolis.Equmenopolis
An AI agent measures speaking ability by adjusting topics according to users' proficiency level

At Narita Kokusai High School, on the outskirts of Tokyo, students were asked to use it at home to practice for three months at the end of last year.

"AI decides what kind of English conversations each student can have and varies its questions," teacher Shoko Takiguchi tells the BBC. "It is difficult to have one-on-one conversations with every student so that was an advantage."

At the end of each conversation, students get feedback in six areas including pronunciation, grammar, fluency and vocabulary.

"With AI, it is easy to find out what my weakness was, so it was efficient," says one of the students, Ko Hanyuan. But asked if he would choose AI over his online tutorial, he says no. Why? It lacks the human touch.

Ms Takiguchi agrees: "It is useful to improve your speaking skills, but I found conversations to be unnatural." She adds that the AI is unable to assess the user's reaction, physical condition, or change in tone.

So it won't replace human teachers? "AI can not and should not replace English lessons at school or teachers," emphasises the school's principal Katsutoshi Fukumizu.
Narita Kokusai High School Narita Kokusai High School classroom.Narita Kokusai High School
Endorsed by the Japanese government, 50 high schools across the country tried an AI English learning tool

Governments in Japan are also experimenting with AI.

Faced with labour shortages, Yokosuka City in Kanagawa prefecture has starting using AI chatbot ChatGPT to help with administrative tasks such as transcribing and summarising meetings.

"We deal with enormous amount of documents, and it takes a very long time and effort to create those documents," says the city's spokesperson Kohei Ota.

Thanks to ChatGPT, "we have calculated after our trial that we save 22,700 hours of work annually," he adds.

At the national government's Digital Agency, which was established in 2021 to overcome inefficiency in public administration, AI is also used to train its staff.

"There are so many things that we want to do, but our manpower hasn't been able to keep up," says Masanori Kusunoki from the agency. He adds that the government is trying to "explore how we can use AI, and spread the information" to the private sector.

But Mr Kusunoki doesn't think that the rise of AI will mean fewer workers are needed.

In a country where changes happen slowly, Japan is embracing the power of AI with less reluctance than others.

That is because it has looked into every possible solution to tackle the double whammy of an ageing and shrinking population for more than a decade: from robots, to women, the elderly and foreign workers.

While AI may help increase the efficiency of the workforce, it is nowhere near ready to replace human workers.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!


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« Responder #130 em: 2024-04-21 01:37:28 »
AI quer criar mundo novo!

japao muda para ficar na mesma....  por isso gostam da AI

por ca sao comunas vivem no capitalismo,  gostam mundo  novo.
« Última modificação: 2024-04-21 01:42:55 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

I. I. Kaspov

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« Responder #131 em: 2024-04-21 02:02:01 »
AI quer criar mundo novo!

japao muda para ficar na mesma....  por isso gostam da AI

por ca sao comunas vivem no capitalismo,  gostam mundo  novo.

Pois, veremos como será o "mundo novo"...   :-\
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

I. I. Kaspov

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« Responder #132 em: 2024-05-04 00:26:49 »
A AI em crescendo:

«AI aids England selection as squad for Pakistan series unveiled

Jon Lewis in training with Lauren BellImage source, Getty Images

Image caption,

Jon Lewis, left, says he first saw the benefits of AI while coaching in the Women's Premier League in India

    3 May 2024, 11:00 BST

    Updated 9 hours ago

England women's head coach Jon Lewis says he is using artificial intelligence to help with marginal selection decisions.

Lewis, who has named his squad for the two white-ball series against Pakistan later this month, says the use of technology in team selection is something which started in franchise cricket but is becoming increasingly common in the international game.

The technology which England use runs match simulations - about 250,000 per team - to try to work out how line-ups might fare against each other.

However, Lewis said he still uses a "people-first approach" to squad selection, with data playing a supportive role.

"What data can do is give you a really objective view of what could happen and what has happened previously. I think it will help with borderline decisions in terms of selection and match-ups.

“I suppose there’s one selection particularly last year, one period of the Ashes, that we targeted as a team. We saw a real strength in Australia and we matched up our strength to that.

“That worked really, really well and it helped us win the T20 series in particular, which got us back in the Ashes.”

England will play three T20s and three one-day internationals against Pakistan, with the first T20 at Edgbaston on 11 May being televised live on BBC Two and iPlayer.

Left-arm spinner Linsey Smith keeps her place in the T20 squad which beat New Zealand in March and April. However, all-rounder Freya Kemp will play only as a batter as England manage her long-standing back injury.

Opener Tammy Beaumont is only selected in the one-day squad, while Sophia Dunkley has been left out completely as she looks to rediscover some form in domestic cricket.

“These two series against Pakistan give us an opportunity to build, develop and ensure we are in the best place come the World Cup in Bangladesh in September," added Lewis, who stressed Beaumont and Dunkley remain in his thoughts for the World Cup.

Fast bowler Mahika Gaur, 18, is unavailable because of A-Levels but should return later in the summer, when New Zealand visit.

There will be Test Match Special commentary of every match of England's summer - men and women - on BBC Sounds, plus live text commentaries on the BBC Sport website.

    No Balls: The Cricket Podcast - Kate's been team-building, Alex has been buying golf clubs

England T20 squad: Heather Knight (capt; Western Storm), Lauren Bell (Southern Vipers), Maia Bouchier (Southern Vipers), Alice Capsey (South East Stars), Charlie Dean (Southern Vipers), Sophie Ecclestone (Thunder), Lauren Filer (Western Storm), Danielle Gibson (Western Storm), Sarah Glenn (The Blaze), Bess Heath (Northern Diamonds), Amy Jones (Central Sparks), Freya Kemp (Southern Vipers), Nat Sciver-Brunt (The Blaze), Linsey Smith (Southern Vipers), Danielle Wyatt (Southern Vipers).

England ODI squad: Heather Knight (capt; Western Storm), Tammy Beaumont (The Blaze), Lauren Bell (Southern Vipers), Maia Bouchier (Southern Vipers), Alice Capsey (South East Stars), Kate Cross (Thunder), Charlie Dean (Southern Vipers), Sophie Ecclestone (Thunder), Lauren Filer (Western Storm), Sarah Glenn (The Blaze), Amy Jones (Central Sparks), Nat Sciver-Brunt (The Blaze), Danielle Wyatt (Southern Vipers).
'A fascinating revelation' - analysis

by BBC Cricket's Henry Moeran

Detailed analysis of player performance and potential match-ups is nothing new, but using AI for marginal squad selections is a fascinating revelation.

While Jon Lewis was keen to stress the human part of selection will always trump reliance on technology, the fact England can point to the success of AI in helping them win a T20 series is intriguing.

Different coaches will have different approaches, and many will always favour their instinct of player skill and character. Others, though, will be desperate to chase the data – this could be Moneyball 2.0.

A hunch is one thing, but to be able to point to 250,000 simulations to back that up could transform how coaches put together sides.

T20 series v Pakistan fixtures

    11 May: 1st Women’s T20 – Edgbaston, 14:30 BST

    17 May: 2nd Women’s T20 – Northampton, 18:30 BST

    19 May: 3rd Women’s T20 – Headingley, 13:00 BST

ODI series v Pakistan fixtures

    23 May: 1st ODI – Derby, 13:00 BST

    26 May: 2nd ODI – Taunton, 11:00 BST

    29 May: 3rd ODI – Chelmsford, 13:00 BST»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

I. I. Kaspov

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« Responder #133 em: 2024-05-22 00:00:41 »
1 notícia recente:

«Aprovada a primeira lei da IA
21 Maio, 2024

inteligência artificial trabalho emprego

UE dá luz verde final às primeiras regras mundiais sobre inteligência artificial. A “lei inovadora” vai entrar em vigor daqui a algumas semanas.

O Conselho da União Europeia (UE) deu esta terça-feira luz verde final à Lei da Inteligência Artificial (IA), a primeira legislação a nível mundial para esta tecnologia, para salvaguardar direitos fundamentais no espaço comunitário, em vigor dentro de semanas.

Em comunicado, a instituição europeia que junta os Estados-membros da UE indica que “aprovou hoje uma lei inovadora que visa harmonizar as regras relativas à inteligência artificial, a chamada lei da inteligência artificial”.

“A legislação emblemática segue uma abordagem ‘baseada no risco’, o que significa que quanto maior for o risco de causar danos à sociedade, mais rigorosas são as regras. É a primeira do género no mundo e pode estabelecer uma norma global para a regulamentação da IA”, sublinha o Conselho da UE.
Ler também:

    “Lei histórica” vai controlar a Inteligência Artificial na Europa
    O problema “líquido” da IA é o calcanhar de Aquiles das gigantes tecnológicas

Estão definidas várias regras para classificação dos sistemas de IA como de alto risco com a proibição de certas práticas, a inclusão de modelos de IA para fins gerais, uma nova arquitetura de governação e medidas de apoio à inovação e de transparência e proteção dos direitos fundamentais.

A lei prevê, também, coimas por infrações que são fixadas em percentagem do volume de negócios anual global da empresa infratora no exercício financeiro anterior ou num montante predeterminado, consoante o que for mais elevado, sendo que as pequenas e médias empresas e as ‘startup’ estão sujeitas a coimas administrativas proporcionais.

“A nova lei tem como objetivo promover o desenvolvimento e a adoção de sistemas de IA seguros e fiáveis em todo o mercado único da UE, tanto por parte de agentes privados como públicos. Ao mesmo tempo, tem por objetivo garantir o respeito dos direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos da UE e estimular o investimento e a inovação no domínio da inteligência artificial na Europa”, justifica o Conselho da UE.

O ato sobre a IA aplica-se apenas a domínios abrangidos pela legislação da UE e prevê isenções, como os sistemas utilizados exclusivamente para fins militares e de defesa, bem como para fins de investigação.

Para o aval desta terça-feira contribuiu a aprovação, em meados de março, do Parlamento Europeu daquela que classificou como uma “lei histórica” para regular a IA na UE.

Após a adoção final pelos Estados-membros (no Conselho), a lei entrará em vigor 20 dias após a sua publicação no Jornal Oficial, havendo um período de adaptação de dois anos.

Assim, será plenamente aplicável 24 meses após a sua entrada em vigor, exceto no que se refere a proibições de práticas proibidas (aplicáveis seis meses após a data de entrada em vigor), aos códigos de conduta (nove meses após a entrada em vigor), regras gerais de IA, incluindo a governação (12 meses após a entrada em vigor) e obrigações para sistemas de alto risco (36 meses).

O regulamento estabelece uma série de obrigações para a IA com base nos seus riscos potenciais e no seu nível de impacto, estipulando a proibição de certas aplicações, limitações da utilização de sistemas de identificação biométrica pelas autoridades policiais, isenções aplicáveis à aplicação da lei, obrigações para os sistemas de alto risco e requisitos de transparência.

Esta é a primeira regulação direcionada para a IA, apesar de os criadores e os responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento desta tecnologia estarem já sujeitos à legislação europeia em matéria de direitos fundamentais, de proteção dos consumidores e de regras em matéria de segurança.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!