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Autor Tópico: Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF  (Lida 8216 vezes)


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Re:Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF
« Responder #20 em: 2014-04-07 10:03:31 »
A determinada altura da thread confunde-se HFT com Scalping....
The Market is Rigged. Always.

Counter Retail Trader

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Re:Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF
« Responder #21 em: 2014-04-07 13:20:41 »

Cada vez mais preocupante... mas para quem??

(CNN) -- When a fake Twitter message from the Associated Press issued reports of two explosions at the White House last April, the Dow lost 140 points and S&P futures dropped 20 points.

Over $10 billion traded before recovering within a few minutes, when it became clear that the report was not genuine.

It later turned out that the AP Twitter account had been hacked. The previous day Google had experienced a flash crash, dropping $20 in split of a second, before making it back within the next second.

This is now almost a daily occurrence. Most of these events don't even make the newspapers -- only specialist sites record them.

Our global exchanges have changed into Bitcoin platforms. The main culprits: the so-called high frequency trading firms with their superior system technology.

Computers with the ability to react to news faster than humans are a sign of the times. They are hard to fight.

It is not a riskless strategy so I can accept it is here to stay.

However, there are certain types of strategy that only computers can execute that I am extremely worried about.

One of these is based on detecting real, genuine orders in the market -- be they from pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, hedge funds or retail investors.

A typical institutional order would be to buy a stock at the average price for the day. Very soon after this order is put into the market it will be detected by the machines.

Normally even the broker who puts the order in can be identified. The HFT computers will then spend the whole day buying ahead of this order, selling out during the day at an artificially inflated price, with the HFT pocketing the difference.

The same holds true for small orders. The HFT shows some minimal size on the bid or offer and if they catch a genuine order they 'go with the flow' and trade ahead of it, once again forcing the real buyer to pay more than they otherwise would have done.

I notice this myself every time I trade on the exchange -- as soon as I place an order, the price suddenly runs away from me.

Many different HFTs are doing this over thousands of stocks every single day, thereby creating a giant multi-billion dollar front running industry.

The bottom line is that computers have taken control of our exchanges.

This billion dollar industry is very well equipped and often uses physical locations next to the exchange with dedicated pipes. This allows them to receive and send stock quotes before the general market.

They sometimes send so many quotes that the exchange feed slows down because of their 'quote stuffing'. There is plenty of evidence that the price we see on our screens is not the same price that is seen by the high frequency trading firms.

We are now trading in the dark, a tragedy in an era where we are all supposed to have the same access.

To me it is clear that too many of the price moves we experience are no longer determined by fundamentals or technicals, or by phenomena such as fear and greed, or even irrational exuberance; they are based on the unpredictable consequences of computers acting with no controls.

The main reason that this has not been stopped so far is because deregulation has allowed many new, privately owned exchanges to open, which are all fighting for business.

HFTs are the biggest players in town, often with over 50% of the volume. No exchange can afford to upset them. In fact, many exchanges pay rebates to attract them.

The HFT lobby will tell you that academic research shows that they provide liquidity and dampen volatility. I believe the opposite -- they remove liquidity when it is needed and increase volatility when it suits them. They represent a tax on all of us.

I was brought up to believe that the stock exchange allocates capital from investors to companies, and is the place to buy and sell stocks based on fundamentals. If we continue to treat our exchanges as casinos, where certain players can see the cards held by others, then we should not be surprised that we are gambling away the future of our market-based economy.

Counter Retail Trader

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Re:Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF
« Responder #22 em: 2014-04-07 13:51:07 »
"..when it looks bad, they cancel their orders so that the market makers end up with the bad trade,"

Ainda nao percebi se as nossas ordens estao ou nao incluidas no lote....


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Re:Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF
« Responder #24 em: 2014-04-09 17:49:28 »
algumas citações do Flash Boys:

In early 2013, one of the largest high-frequency traders, Virtu Financial, publicly boasted that in five and a half years of trading it had experienced just one day when it hadn’t made money, and that the loss was caused by “human error.” In 2008, Dave Cummings, the CEO of a high-frequency trading firm called Tradebot, told university students that his firm had gone four years without a single day of trading losses. This sort of performance is possible only if you have a huge informational advantage.

A former employee of Citadel who also once had top secret security clearance at the Pentagon says, “To get into the Pentagon and into my area, it took two badge swipes. One to get into the building and one to get into my area. Guess how many badge swipes it took me to get to my seat at Citadel? Five.


There used to be this guy called Vinny who worked on the floor of the stock exchange,” said one big investor who had observed the market for a long time. “After the markets closed Vinny would get into his Cadillac and drive out to his big house in Long Island. Now there is the guy called Vladimir [HFT programmer] who gets into his jet and flies to his estate in Aspen for the weekend. I used to worry a little about Vinny. Now I worry a lot about Vladimir.

« Última modificação: 2014-04-09 17:52:09 por camisa »


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Re:Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF
« Responder #25 em: 2014-04-10 02:01:39 »
Em volatilidade, podes shortar na nyse e comprar na boston, ou outra exchange quAquer, mas isto ta tudo ja controlado pelas machines. E para competirem com elas, podem ja desistir. A tecnologia envolvida é alienigena ao dia de hoje. O mesmo para front running. No tech available.
No youtube tem uns videos dos gajos do citadel em hft.
Mais um ano e vai assistir-se a um novo shift no que respeita a tudo o que anda de volta do trading. Stay tunned, it will get worse lol


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Re:Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF
« Responder #26 em: 2014-04-10 02:13:27 »
Em volatilidade, podes shortar na nyse e comprar na boston, ou outra exchange quAquer, mas isto ta tudo ja controlado pelas machines. E para competirem com elas, podem ja desistir. A tecnologia envolvida é alienigena ao dia de hoje. O mesmo para front running. No tech available.
No youtube tem uns videos dos gajos do citadel em hft.
Mais um ano e vai assistir-se a um novo shift no que respeita a tudo o que anda de volta do trading. Stay tunned, it will get worse lol

qual shift?


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Re: Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF
« Responder #27 em: 2016-04-18 17:22:54 »
Não é bem HFT mas é um artigo interessante:

My Year-Long Experience as the Fastest Form-4 Trader
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF
« Responder #28 em: 2016-07-08 08:48:23 »
Legendary Hedge Fund Wants to Use Atomic Clocks to Beat High-Speed Traders

É o pedido de uma patente feito pela Renaissance para bater as HFT. Grosso modo é isto:

Its invention, developed by the firm’s co-chief executive officers, Robert Mercer and Peter Brown, first sends an order to a central server, which breaks it up into multiple smaller orders. Those are then routed to venues that offer the best prices and most liquidity, much the same as brokers do now.

But before that happens, the smaller orders are sent to servers located as close to the exchanges as possible, along with instructions on the precise times they should be executed. The co-located servers sync their transactions so HFT firms won’t have enough time to identify an order on one exchange and then race to another to trade against it.
A crucial part of the system is the optical, atomic or GPS clocks that will be used synchronize those orders. Renaissance says in its application that GPS clocks are accurate to within nanoseconds and any time differences between them are “too small to be perceived” by HFT firms.

O pedido da patente:


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Re: Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF
« Responder #29 em: 2016-10-08 11:12:41 »
Impressionante  :o

Nanex released a video showing the results of half a second of worldwide high frequency trading with Johnson and Johnson stock

O Socialismo acaba quando se acaba o dinheiro - Winston Churchill

Toda a vida política portuguesa pós 25 de Abril/74 está monopolizada pelos partidos políticos, liderados por carreiristas ambiciosos, medíocres e de integridade duvidosa.
Daí provém a mediocridade nacional!
O verdadeiro homem inteligente é aquele que parece ser um idiota na frente de um idiota que parece ser inteligente!


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Re: Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF
« Responder #30 em: 2016-10-08 23:02:47 »
Mesmo com o HFT cada vez mais rápido e mais distribuído, enquanto o mercado subir e descer haverá sempre espaço para os traders humanos.

Just my two cents  8)

O rico é rico não pelo que gasta, mas pelo que poupa!
Blog no início - https://goo.gl/BoLFYP

Counter Retail Trader

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Re: Tópico sobre High Frequency Trading - HTF
« Responder #31 em: 2017-10-13 11:49:29 »
bem nao sabia onde colocar ... deixo aqui o link do Webinario , acredito que tenha muito sumo e pouca trampa comercial , o Bodek nao costuma perdar tempo com merdas.

Title: Insider's Perspective: The Evolution of Automated Options Market Making

Date: Thursday, October 19, 2017

Time: 02:00 PM British Summer Time

Duration: 30 minutes

Ahead of Global Derivatives USA, we brought in one of our expert speakers to provide an insider's perspective on the history and evolution of the options market making space. The cumulative change in the algorithmic options trading space has been astounding, with an ever-changing list of new entrants and exits. As we journey through the history of the automated options market making space, we will review:

The evolution of quantitative models
Algorithmic trading strategies
Electronic trading systems design
We will then conclude with a discussion of competitive landscape and future prospects.


Haim Bodek
Managing Principle
Decimus Capital Markets
Haim Bodek is a Managing Principal of Decimus Capital
