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Autor Tópico: Marcelo - "O" Presidente  (Lida 35744 vezes)


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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #380 em: 2023-12-15 12:59:51 »
Numa altura  em AI    mega computadores centralizados 

e  gestao e  centralizada  como os imperadores

  com  mega hiper empresas    cotadas em bolsa

      solucao continua a ser mesma de ha 3000  anos

ir buscar mao de obra as tribos israel  a norte  gaza  para fazer piramides no egipto

« Última modificação: 2023-12-15 13:02:45 por Reg »
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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #381 em: 2023-12-15 13:04:30 »
Ser humano funciona a comida

quem tem comida abundancia  pode se dar luxo fazer piramides!

aparecem sempre trabalhadores...

mesmo seja fazer coisas inuteis...para farao
« Última modificação: 2023-12-15 13:05:45 por Reg »
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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #382 em: 2023-12-15 13:11:50 »
 Organização das Nações Unidas para Agricultura e Alimentação e o Programa Alimentar Mundial avisam que Afeganistão, Nigéria, Somália, Sudão do Sul e Iémen permanecem no mais alto nível de preocupação. Haiti e a região do Sahel (Burkina Faso e Mali) e o Sudão foram elevados ao mesmo patamar

estes paises....   basicamente  nao podem dar luxo ter faraos

grande parte destes paises sao islamicos e cheios de homem branco

     chineses  sao melhores nisto da fome...  do povo #amarelo# hoje em, dia

homem branco e vergonha para o homem branco!  Iémen  basicamente e vizinho dos arabes do petrolio..sao tribos da arabia

Em fevereiro os rebeldes xiitas houthi, provenientes do norte do país e fortemente apoiados pelo regime iraniano, tomaram conta do governo. Apresentaram um governo e leram pela televisão um comunicado ao país, anunciando a transição política. Nos houthi há fações extremistas, que gostariam de recuperar o Imanato Zaidi, que governou o norte do Iémen durante quase mil anos.

Também os grupos da Al-Qaeda controlam parte do território, impondo uma lei islâmica absolutista que permite treinar jihadistas que depois são enviados para a Síria e o Afeganistão. As forças houthi combatem as forças da al-Qaeda pelo controlo do território, graças ao apoio que têm de Teerão.

Entre estes poderes e a força que sobra do presidente deposto, o exército tem a lealdade dividida e não responde de forma unificada às forças civis. É um exemplo perfeito que vem nos manuais de estados falhados.

A própria Al-Qaida da Península Arábica, sediada no Iémen, assumiu publicamente a responsabilidade pelo ataque. Assim sendo, o ataque teria sido ordenado por al-Zawahri, o líder supremo da Al-Qaeda, em consequência direta dos repetidos cartoons tendo por alvo os muçulmanos.

Esta narrativa tem sido tratada com algum ceticismo pelos investigadores franceses. Se é verdade que os irmãos Kouachi treinaram no Iémen em 2011

O exército dos Estados Unidos ofereceu equipamento militar no valor de 470 milhões de euros ao exército iemenita mas neste momento o paradeiro da encomenda é desconhecido. Há fortes probabilidades de que tenha caído nas mãos da al-Qaeda ou dos rebeldes hostis apoiados por Teerão.

O fecho da embaixada americana em fevereiro e a saída dos conselheiros militares que trabalhavam com o presidente deposto ajudam ao caos

« Última modificação: 2023-12-15 13:30:49 por Reg »
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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #383 em: 2023-12-17 02:49:57 »
Não, não foi na I República com a sua escola jacobina, nem no Estado Novo salazarista com a Mocidade Portuguesa e também não foi no PREC comunista com as suas sessões de esclarecimento, mas sim na democracia que estamos a assistir à institucionalização da utilização massiva das crianças como instrumentos de controlo do pensamento dos pais e demais familiares, através da impropriamente chamada legislação sobre a identidade de género.

Se a legislação agora aprovada não for travada pelo Presidente da República, as crianças portugueses mal entram num estabelecimento escolar ou do pré-escolar, público ou privado, passam a ser obrigatoriamente cobaias duma experiência ideológica de dimensões nunca conhecidas em Portugal quer pelo número das crianças abrangidas
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #384 em: 2023-12-17 03:41:21 »
Não, não foi na I República com a sua escola jacobina, nem no Estado Novo salazarista com a Mocidade Portuguesa e também não foi no PREC comunista com as suas sessões de esclarecimento, mas sim na democracia que estamos a assistir à institucionalização da utilização massiva das crianças como instrumentos de controlo do pensamento dos pais e demais familiares, através da impropriamente chamada legislação sobre a identidade de género.

Se a legislação agora aprovada não for travada pelo Presidente da República, as crianças portugueses mal entram num estabelecimento escolar ou do pré-escolar, público ou privado, passam a ser obrigatoriamente cobaias duma experiência ideológica de dimensões nunca conhecidas em Portugal quer pelo número das crianças abrangidas

Experiências bizarras, sem dúvida...    ::)
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!


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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #385 em: 2023-12-17 07:46:34 »
O que fizeram outros países?
Há quanto tempo?
Que relatam?


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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #386 em: 2023-12-17 22:37:23 »
satelites  nao dizem

so seguem

  temos ir  antes de haver paises....

    ha 4000 anos super macho  que ficou com  femeas

     nao  perdeu tempo com questoes genero

     e machos nativos foram extintos

 isto dos 80+ generos   

  no final dia

   so macho e femea    e nao vao extincao
« Última modificação: 2023-12-17 22:52:40 por Reg »
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I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #387 em: 2023-12-18 00:50:24 »
«isto dos 80+ generos» parece ser um problema bastante curioso...   ;D
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #388 em: 2023-12-18 03:24:39 »
Acerca de um problema relacionado...

«Who Can Afford Kids These Days?

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Monday, Dec 18, 2023 - 02:00 AM

Authored by Jeffrey A. Tucker via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

The large data sets on the cost of living and the cost of children are instructive. But nothing compares with the anecdotes you hear from people who once thought they were prosperous but now wonder if they can really get by while completely ruling out the idea of having and raising children. It’s a genuine shift and one that is devastating for the future.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal ran a fascinating piece by a high-end worker in New York City. He has a great job and so does his wife. But during the last year, they discovered that they are truly living paycheck to paycheck, barely able to pay the bills. They have discovered home cooking and have pretty well given up concerts and dinners out with friends. The writer was being deeply honest about a problem that seems to affect most people.

They thought that they had finally achieved the long-sought goal of prosperity. Instead, they feel a sense of impending doom. The kicker: the writer is in the C-suite of the Wall Street Journal itself! It turns out that this situation is now typical. A majority of Americans live this way!

And this is a childless couple. How in the world can they afford to have children? The wife cannot quit her job else they would both have to move, if they can find a place. Giving up a full income stream to raise a child is a huge expense in addition to the high costs of everything associated with children from diapers to formula to health care insurance.

The alternative is to keep working and put the kid in childcare. That is extremely difficult to come by everywhere. A report on childcare by Care.com offers some amazing data of the costs over the last ten years.

• Weekly nanny cost: $736 (up 56 percent from $472 in 2013). • Weekly daycare cost: $284 (up 53 percent from $186 in 2013). • Weekly family care center cost: $229 (up 80 percent from $127 in 2013). • Weekly babysitter cost: $179 (up 92 percent from $93 in 2013)

In terms of the most expensive places, the report offers the following. A weekly nanny in D.C. costs $885. In Massachusetts, it’s $865. In Connecticut, it’s $799. A weekly babysitter costs $200 in places like California. Daycare is going to run $250 to $400.

These are the most expensive cities and also the most regulated states. When there is no competition and the costs of opening child care are astronomical, this is what you get. However, the problem is also nationwide.

The report comments: “Today, families are spending, on average, 27 percent of their household income on child care expenses. And 59 percent of parents surveyed tell us they are planning to spend more than $18,000 per child on child care in 2023. It’s no surprise that 50 percent of parents are more concerned about the cost of child care than they were at this time last year.”

Think about this impossible situation that affects millions of young couples. You need two incomes to pay the bills, and that’s if you are lucky. Chances are that one of the two will need an additional part-time job, which is why multiple job holders are higher than ever before. That was the big change that occurred after the last great inflation of the late seventies. After 1985, women with children were more likely to have a remunerative job than not.

At the time, this was called “women’s liberation” but that was mostly a marketing gimmick to hide the dramatic decline in household income that required a second income to have growing household prosperity. That seemed to work for a while, even a long time. But as health care and childcare have become so expensive, the second income went from being a luxury to being an expected necessity.

Many people these days are hoping to homeschool children. This is especially true since the school closures forced so many millions into Zoom school that didn’t work and set a whole generation of kids back two years in learning outcomes. Many parents want to avoid that as their children get older. But homeschooling requires foregoing a full income stream. Only the richest can do that now, so that is ever more out of the question.

Oh and by the way, the Biden administration is considering new regulations on au pairs that would more than double their cost. The government wants to demand that they get paid the minimum wage, which would dramatically reduce demand and thus supply, thus ruining one of the few functioning migration markets we have.

After the school situation is solved, there is the problem of college, which introduces another set of problems. It’s no longer even thinkable that people can work their way through school and pay the bills. How many people are declining to have kids on those grounds alone? Who can afford to throw down $200K for a college degree in addition to paying the bills for the household?

For most of human history, having kids was just what you do, the whole reason for pairing up, and a driving force of the purpose of life itself. Today, we have different options and choices, and that’s great. But what happens when bearing children becomes completely unaffordable for any couple that has bills to pay, health care to cover, and would like to think about retirement too? That’s a huge problem and not just for the family but for the whole of society.

You will notice, too, that this grim situation is completely consistent with the depopulation agenda of elite classes that they have pushed for many decades. Elon Musk is exactly right to call this out and argue that it is a profound danger to society itself when the birthrate falls below its replacement rate. It literally means that humanity is dying out.

I do think it is about time that everyone admits that we have lost a huge amount in living standards over the decades. The expectation of two and three income streams in every household is a major culprit that is often not considered in the data. And yet in some ways, family income is all that really matters in terms of assessing the quality of life.

This week, I’ve been thinking back on the world my parents lived in circa 1958. They got married and immediately got in their car and drove to Northern California. Why? My father had finished his undergraduate degree in history and decided to go to seminary where he planned to study music. His ambition then was to become the director of music at a church.

While he was in school, they had one child, my brother, and then when my father got his first appointment, they had me. My mother did not work. Somehow, and this seems inconceivable to me today, the very idea that a family of four could support itself in California on the salary of a beginning church music director. And yet they were not poor. They were middle class.

Later they moved again and when it became fashionable for women with children to work, my mother together with her mother both obtained teachers certificates and took jobs. They were enormously proud of what they had achieved. They felt themselves to be upwardly mobile, and the family certainly benefited since by then my brother and I were happy in good schools.

All of this changed in the later 1970s as inflation kicked in. I can recall how my mother’s job went from being a joy to a chore that she could no longer give up. Things became intense as we needed more cars, more clothing, and mortgage payments were rising and rising. Now of course the situation is enormously worse, as everyone knows.

My point is that the circumstances under which my own parents decided to have kids back in the early 1960s seem like a completely different world. It was a time that was in many ways massively more prosperous. True, they didn’t have streaming videos and the internet but I can never recall being bored. Life was good.

I often hear Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reflect on these days with a deep sense of nostalgia and an awareness that the American middle class was large and robust and optimism was everywhere in the air. This awareness more than anything is what drew him into politics to see if there is something he can do to bring back the greatest of the American dream.

I’m not sure that he or anyone can do it, but let’s not deceive ourselves. Poverty is spreading, the middle class is dying, the birth rate is plummeting, and the dream is fading faster and faster into the recesses of our memories. If you doubt it, speak to any newly married couple today about their plight and the decision to have children. You will get an earful.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times or ZeroHedge.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!


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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #389 em: 2023-12-18 21:05:22 »

sao unicos com 4 filhos em media

População cigana aumentou 79% nos últimos oito anos em Beja
Constituem família cedo e têm mais de quatro filhos em média por casal. Vivem em comunidade, em barracas ou habitações sociais

    estes aguentam!

« Última modificação: 2023-12-18 21:08:30 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #390 em: 2023-12-18 21:28:38 »

sao unicos com 4 filhos em media

População cigana aumentou 79% nos últimos oito anos em Beja
Constituem família cedo e têm mais de quatro filhos em média por casal. Vivem em comunidade, em barracas ou habitações sociais

    estes aguentam!

Sem dúvida alguma!!   ;D
Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!

I. I. Kaspov

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Re: Marcelo - "O" Presidente
« Responder #391 em: 2023-12-18 21:43:32 »
Os avanços são inexoráveis:

«Pope says Roman Catholic priests can bless same-sex couples


    5 hours ago

Pope FrancisImage source, Getty Images
Image caption,
Pope Francis said people being blessed did not require "moral perfection"
By Ido Vock
BBC News

Pope Francis has allowed priests to bless same-sex couples, a significant advance for LGBT people in the Roman Catholic Church.

The leader of the Roman Catholic Church said priests should be permitted to bless same-sex and "irregular" couples, under certain circumstances.

But the Vatican said blessings should not be part of regular Church rituals or related to civil unions or weddings.

It added that it continues to view marriage as between a man and a woman.

Pope Francis approved a document issued by the Vatican announcing the change on Monday. The Vatican said it should be a sign that "God welcomes all", but the document says priests must decide on a case-by-case basis.

Introducing the text, Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, the prefect of the Church, said that the new declaration remained "firm on the traditional doctrine of the Church about marriage".

But he added that in keeping with the Pope's "pastoral vision" of "broadening" the appeal of the Catholic Church, the new guidelines would allow priests to bless relationships still considered sinful.

People receiving a blessing "should not be required to have prior moral perfection", according to the declaration.

    Pope suggests Church could bless same-sex couples

In the Catholic Church, a blessing is a prayer or plea, usually delivered by a minister, asking for God to look favourably on the person or people being blessed.

Cardinal Fernández emphasised that the new stance does not validate the status of same-sex couples in the eyes of the Catholic Church.

The declaration represents a softening of tone from the Catholic Church, although not a change in position. In 2021, the Pope said priests could not bless same-sex marriages because God cannot "bless sin".

Pope Francis had suggested in October that he was open to having the Church bless same-sex couples.

Bishops in certain countries have previously allowed priests to bless same-sex couples, though the position of Church authorities remained unclear.»

Gloria in excelsis Deo; Jai guru dev; There's more than meets the eye; I don't know where but she sends me there; Let's Make Rome Great Again!