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One Trader Started The Day With $77,000 In His Account; By The End He Owed $9 Million

The April 20 historic oil price crash that sent the prompt May WTI contract plunging to the unheard of price of negative $40 per barrel now seems like ancient history with oil back in the $20s (at least until the June contract matures in 10 days) and stocks are delightfully levitating, but to one trader what happened on that fateful Monday will remain a permanent scar of how everything can go terribly wrong in the blink of an eye.

Syed Shah, a 30-year-old daytrader, would usually buy and sell stocks and currencies through his Interactive Brokers account, but on April 20 he couldn’t resist trying his hand at some oil trading. Shah, working from his house in a Toronto suburb, figured he couldn’t lose as he spent $2,400 snapping up crude at $3.30 a barrel, and then 50 cents. Then came what looked like the deal of a lifetime: buying 212 futures contracts on West Texas Intermediate for an astonishing penny each.

What he didn’t know, as Bloomberg's Matthew Leising reports, is that oil’s first plunge into negative pricing had broken the Interactive Brokers platform, because its software "couldn’t cope with that pesky minus sign, even though it was always technically possible for the crude market to go upside down."

As a result, crude was actually trading at a negative $3.70 a barrel when Shah’s screen had it at 1 cent; the reason: Interactive Brokers never displayed a subzero price to him as oil kept diving to end the day at minus $37.63 a barrel.
At midnight, Shah some very bad news: he owed Interactive Brokers $9 million. He’d started the day with $77,000 in his account, expecting that his biggest possible loss was 100%, or $77,000.

It turned out to be 116 times that number.

"I was in shock," the 30-year-old told Bloomberg in a phone interview. "I felt like everything was going to be taken from me, all my assets." Not that Shah had anywhere remotely close to $9 million in assets.

Shah was not alone. Countless investors, especially retail daytrades on RobinHood who had followed every tick lower in the USO by buying more of the ETF in hopes of an rebound, had a brutal day on April 20 regardless of what brokerage they had their account in.

What set Interactive Brokers apart is that its customers were flying blind, unable to see that prices had turned negative, or in other cases locked into their investments and blocked from trading. Adding insult to injury, Bloomberg reports that a big reason why Shah lost an unbelievable amount in a few hours, is that the negative numbers also blew up the model Interactive Brokers used to calculate the amount of margin - aka collateral - that customers needed to secure their accounts.

Commenting to Bloomberg, Interactive Brokers chairman and founder Thomas Peterffy, said the journey into negative territory exposed bugs in the company’s software. “It’s a $113 million mistake on our part,” the 75-year-old billionaire said in an interview Wednesday. Since then, his firm revised that loss estimate down to $109.3 million. It’s been a moving target from the start; on April 21, Interactive Brokers figured it was down $88 million from the incident.

The good news for Shah and countless others like him is that customers would be made whole, Peterffy promised. "We will rebate from our own funds to our customers who were locked in with a long position during the time the price was negative any losses they suffered below zero."

While IB struggles to resolve the loose ends from the historic plunge, this is how Shah ended up owing millions.


Comunidade de Traders / Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« em: 2020-04-23 13:59:11 »
Sim, mas entretanto serão o único país a atingir imunidade de grupo

Comunidade de Traders / Re: Cenários para o coronavirus
« em: 2020-04-23 13:27:45 »
E a Suécia que não fechou nada? Apenas aconselhou distanciamento social


JPMorgan's High-Net-Worth Broker Platform Crashed During Thursday's Market Collapse

...the system was overwhelmed by unprecedented volume.

a bazooka parece q teve pouco efeito?


Nao é isso que esta a planear a Italia? Falam em adiamento de pagamentos de credito imobiliario, de utilities e impostos até 18 meses. Depois de adiamento a anulaçao é outro pequeno passo.

bem, depois de tantos anos a darem dinheiro a quem detém activos financeiros mais vale agora entrar no modo helicopter money e dar dinheiro ao povo... perdido por 100 perdido por 1000... até à hecatombe final

o forex está rápido demais, não se consegue tradar

Estou no forex desde 2004 e nunca vi um mercado tão rápido, enfim, quando se pensa que já se viu tudo, think again

Comunidade de Traders / Re: Portugal falido
« em: 2020-03-03 14:58:23 »
Entretanto já esclareceram que a baixa será paga a 100% a público e privado

historicamente, foi a mais rápida correcção de 10% desde os highs

Comunidade de Traders / Re: Portugal falido
« em: 2020-02-27 12:07:59 »
Continuem a votar em políticas socialistas!

-ro entre 4 e 7 vs r0 de 1.28
É o que o Inc diz, é quase impossível parar um surto de gripe quanto mais este coronavirus que é múltiplas vezes mais infeccioso que a gripe

Portanto anda o povo a pagar para que um certo número de famílias de "classe média" possa viver no centro de Lisboa, sim senhor esta bem

Sinalizando o estado das coisas na China, um visitante foi surpreendido ao chegar à porta do prédio e descobrir que não precisava de chave nem de código, pois o seu hospedeiro do Airbnb pegou na sua foto de perfil e adicionou-a ao sistema de reconhecimento facial das portas.

Xi, lendo os últimos posts, acabei de saber que o Caldeirão e o Metastock ainda existem!  :D

Cá para mim ainda vão ressuscitar o Clubeinvest!

Bem fui ver a minha caderneta predial e o coeficiente de localizacao atual e 2.25, passando para 3.5 e um aumento de 55%, o centeno agradece. :)

Só passa ao novo coeficiente se reavaliares

Comunidade de Traders / Re: ADSE - já dá lucro
« em: 2019-10-30 14:07:25 »
Já agora, retirem dos cofres do estado os 500 M€ que actualmente o fundo tem e que serviram para reduzir o défice dos anos anteriores.  :D

Hold my beer :D

Em 2008 saíram do OE para a ADSE 592 milhões de euros; 2009 598 milhões; 2010 260 milhões; 2006 782 milhões de euros; 2005 763 milhões, etc. etc.

Comunidade de Traders / Re: Brexit - e se o sim ganhar?
« em: 2019-10-18 17:42:55 »
A Merkel veio agora dizer q se o UK pedir novo adiamento, irá ser concedido, por isso penso que amanhã não irá ser aprovado e vão pedir novo adiamento


"YOLO" Day Trader Reaps Six-Figure Payday From $760 In Just Two Trades

Here's how it started: First, Choi plunked down $766 on out-of-the-money Roku puts. On Sept. 20, shares of the streaming-service provider sunk 20%, leaving Choi's options with a value of $50,553. In an instant, the options went from worthless, to extremely valuable, while catching any traders who thought they could make a quick buck by shorting the contracts into expiry in a brutal short squeeze, according to Bloomberg.

But instead of walking away with his winnings (a roughly 6,500% gain), Choi embraced "WallStreetBets" "YOLO" aesthetic and plunked it all down on another risky trade: A few days later, Choi bought more puts, this time they were puts tied to the S&P 500 exchange-traded fund that trades under the ticker "SPY". That fund is one of the most popular ETFs in the world. But just to be clear: Choi wasn't buying shares of the ETF directly. He was buying options tied to the SPY ETF.

On Sept. 24, the first time the fund closed below $297 in more than two weeks, Choi's putts with a strike at $297, which were set to expire the next day, saw their value soar as the price of one share of the index slid to under $296. This left his options with their final value - roughly double the investment he put into the options the day before.

Comunidade de Traders / Re: Brexit - e se o sim ganhar?
« em: 2019-10-17 14:12:04 »
Espero é que cheguem a uma decisão depressa pois aquilo no forex está uma montanha russa, quase me bloqueia o computador tal o nº de velas formado pelos pares do GBP :P

também já houve um glaciar na Serra da Estrela que desapareceu, culpa das alterações climáticas man induced? :P

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