Forum Think Finance - Bolsa e Forex

Geral => Comunidade de Traders => Tópico iniciado por: Kin2010 em 2019-05-11 21:00:45

Título: Seguros a favor de corrupção
Enviado por: Kin2010 em 2019-05-11 21:00:45
Esta que apanhei no report da Rheinmetall tem piada.

Contingent claim to compensation with regard to Greece
Together with its subsidiary Rheinmetall Electronics GmbH, Rheinmetall AG concluded a composition
agreement with AXA Corporate Solutions Deutschland and HDI Global SE as insurers and its former
Executive Board members Klaus Eberhardt, Dr. Gerd Kleinert and Dr. Herbert Müller on March 28, 2019.
The D&O insurers undertake to pay an amount of €6.75 million to Rheinmetall AG.
The composition agreement concluded to settle any claims for damages of Rheinmetall AG against the
former Executive Board members is subject to the condition precedent that in accordance with
section 93 (4) sentence 3 AktG the Annual General Meeting consents to the composition agreement and
no minority whose aggregate holding equals or exceeds one-tenth of the share capital records an
objection in the minutes.
As the fulfillment of the above condition precedent is not almost certain, this contingent claim was not
accounted for in the consolidated financial statements as at March 31, 2019. Should the Annual General
Meeting consent to the composition agreement, the payment from the insurers would, as a special item,
not be recognized in operating earnings.

Ou seja, na Alemanha eles já encontraram esquemas envolvendo as seguradoras para se protegerem nos casos em que têm que corromper gregos e afins para lhes vender armamento e afins. Os administradores alemães pagam as luvas aos gregos para estes comprarem os tanques, e se houver processos em tribunal, os administradores saem com reforma dourada, não sãoi presos, e quaisquer indeminizações a pagar são cobertas por companhias de seguros especializadas nisto.
