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Autor Tópico: Vacina para Coronavirus  (Lida 59771 vezes)

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1341 em: 2021-08-03 22:50:24 »

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1342 em: 2021-08-03 23:19:12 »
federal lawsuit claimed that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is undercounting the actual numbers of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine fatalities. The motion was filed July 19 by America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama. It claimed that the number of vaccine fatalities is actually higher than what is reported in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and subsequently revealed to the public.

The AFLDS affixed a sworn statement by a whistleblower — a computer programmer who developed more than 100 distinct healthcare fraud algorithms — to their motion. According to the whistleblower, deaths occurring within 72 hours of vaccination are underreported by a conservative factor of at least five. Reported deaths in VAERS as of July 9 totaled 10,991, 4,593 of which occurred within 72 hours of vaccination.

In her statement, the whistleblower said: “On July 9, 2021, there were 9,048 deaths reported in VAERS. I verified these numbers by collating all of the data from VAERS myself, not relying on a third party to report them. In tandem, I queried data from [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Systems] medical claims with regard to vaccines and patients deaths.”

Based on her analysis of the data she gathered, the whistleblower said that the true number of vaccine-related deaths as of July 9 is close to 45,000. This total is considerably higher than what was reported in VAERS.

“Put in perspective, the swine flu vaccine was taken off the market which only resulted in 53 deaths,” she noted.

AFLDS described the whistleblower’s findings as “shocking” and added that informed consent is impossible with inaccurate safety data. The group also conducted a separate analysis of VAERS and found an increased risk of death from COVID-19 vaccines. VAERS data showed that vaccine deaths increased by 13 percent in the first quarter of 2021.

The AFLDS motion also pointed out that from 2009 to 2019, VAERS recorded a total of 1,529 vaccine-related deaths. But the first quarter of 2021 showed more than 4,000 reported deaths in the system. COVID-19 vaccines were linked to 99 percent of the fatalities, while other vaccines accounted for the remaining one percent. (Related: America’s Frontline Doctors attorney files lawsuit against U.S. government for 45,000 covid vaccine deaths.)

AFLDS also called for an immediate stop to COVID-19 vaccination

In their July 19 motion, AFLDS sought injunctive relief to stop the use of experimental COVID-19 vaccines, which were only approved for emergency use. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Administration in December 2020, while the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was authorized for use in February 2021.

According to the group, the three vaccines should not have been given the green light in the first place since there was no emergency, which is a prerequisite for issuing an EUA. AFLDS also said that the known and potential risks of the vaccines far outweigh their known and potential benefits. The group added that “there are adequate, approved and available alternatives” to COVID-19 vaccines.

In a press release, AFLDS specifically asked that COVID-19 vaccinations be halted for three groups of Americans. Young Americans aged 18 and below comprise the first group which, according to AFLDS, are at “zero risk” of dying from COVID-19. AFLDS Communications Director Dr. Teryn Clarke said: “Children are one-third of our population and all of our future. Children are never the experiment.”

The second group consists of all Americans who have recovered from COVID-19. AFLDS said that these people have acquired natural immunity, which grants far superior protection against the COVID-19 virus compared to manufactured immunity from vaccines. AFLDS also warned that the vaccines “can trigger a dangerous and deadly hyper-immune response in people with immunity.”

The third group that should not be vaccinated, according to AFLDS, includes every other American who has not yet received informed consent as defined by federal law. In their statement, AFLDS said that: “It is unlawful and unconstitutional to administer experimental agents to individuals who cannot make an informed decision as to the true benefits and risks of vaccines.”

AFLDS also pointed out that Americans must “be of an age or capacity to make informed decisions” and “be provided with all of the risk/benefit information necessary” to help them decide.

s everybody ready to get dangerous, blood-clotting mRNA jabs at least three times a year, or more? Wait, you didn’t know that “fully vaccinated” only means you’re partially protected for 4 months? Time to look at the science, real close, and start weighing out risk versus benefit, because from over here where natural health advocates stand, it’s nothing but risk, without any proven safety or benefit. Take a look at the most recent Pfizer jab “efficacy” findings, which should now be referred to as “non-efficacy.”

New research conducted to see if the Pfizer China Flu vaccine really even works revealed that it barely does, waning almost immediately, after just 4 to 6 weeks, to a next-to-useless 16 percent efficacy. That’s after the victim is “fully vaccinated” with the second dose of gene therapy for the Fauci virus. Meanwhile, the mRNA has recoded your cells and instructs them to create trillions of miniscule sticky spike proteins that mimic a deadly virus and clot your blood, all the way down into your capillaries.

What’s next, DAILY Covid vaccines for variants and boosters?

So what’s next? Will there be quarterly, monthly, weekly or even daily Covid vaccines? Is this like the diabetes pandemic in America, that’s already got a strangle-hold on 34 million Americans, where you have to take a “shot” every day? Are these like allergies, where you have to get a booster every week during “allergy season?”

You know flu season runs from October through May. When does “Covid season” end? How soon will it be before you’re required to get a Covid vaccine before you walk into work daily? Line up for that booster and roll your sleeve up so you’re ready for your “safe and effective” protein injections. Remember, “We’re all in this together.” Jab.

Pfizer pushing CDC for THIRD DOSE of Covid jab to “boost immunity protection”

Based on zero science, the FDA, CDC, NIH and WHO rush vaccines to market, get half the world injected with medical experiments, and then immediately begin “consideration” of more jabs, for variants, mutants and “boosters” (which really means boosters of profit made off dirty, deadly jabs).

According to flip-flop Fauci and his favorite cohort pharma-shills Dr. Wen and Dr. Walensky, the Delta variant spreads like the chicken pox. The irony is that the Delta variant is much weaker than the Covid-19 original lab-made virus, so it’s probably no more deadly than the chicken pox, well, except for those vaccinated. Maybe what would be best is if everyone just went ahead and caught Delta on purpose and got infinite natural immunity, instead of regular vaccine injections that cause blood clots and weakened immunity.

For all Covid-vaccinated sheeple, the forever “spike protein war” is a deadly civil war going on inside your blood, and one you can’t stop

Would you like to get a vaccine that has only 16 percent efficacy of protection that’s killing thousands of people and maiming hundreds of thousands of others, all to supposedly protect against a virus that only kills people who have compromised immune systems, like those who get vaccines regularly?

Nobody in their right mind, who knows the real science behind vaccines, would get them and the real science is revealing the risks that far outweigh the benefits, if there are any at all.

The death wave of “fully vaccinated” people has begun, and nobody knows whether they’re dying from Covid, blood clots, or auto-immune disorders where their own body is attacking their own cells, like a bloody civil war happening inside your body — a war there’s no way to stop (mRNA keeps your cells creating trillions of spike proteins forever).

Check out Pandemic.news for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming “Delta” and Covid “booster-vaccine” Holocaust. Also, if you know someone who already got pricked with the blood-clotting Covid inoculations, and they’re suffering from lethargy, pain, clouded thinking,or an inflamed heart, that’s called CoVax Syndrome, so tell them to report it to VAERS.



Researchers from Germany have conducted the world’s first-ever postmortem study on a corpse that prior to death had been “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). They found that every single organ of the now-deceased person’s body had become infested with spike proteins due to the jab.

About one month prior to his death, the 86-year-old man had received his first dose of a Fauci Flu shot. He later became infected with Chinese Germs and had to be rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment.

It was already too late, though. The man’s body was overtaken by Trump Vaccine spike proteins that ate up his vital organs and left him for dead. According to reports, the man had received a “lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified RNA vaccine BNT162b2 in a 30 ?g dose.”

“On that day and in the following 2 weeks, he presented with no clinical symptoms,” reads a paper about the case that was published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.

“On day 18, he was admitted to hospital for worsening diarrhea. Since he did not present with any clinical signs of COVID-19, isolation in a specific setting did not occur. Laboratory testing revealed hypochromic anemia and increased creatinine serum levels. Antigen test and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for SARS-CoV-2 were negative.”

By day 25, the man finally tested “positive” for Chinese Germs

It took all the way until day 25 for the man to finally test “positive” for the Fauci Flu. Just one day later, he died in the hospital of kidney and respiratory failure caused by the vaccine.

Researchers later found that the patient’s entire body had become overrun with high viral RNA loads, also known as vaccine-induced spike proteins. The man was clearly killed by the jab.

“In summary, the results of our autopsy case study in a patient with mRNA vaccine confirm the view that by first dose of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 immunogenicity can already be induced, while sterile immunity is not adequately developed,” the study concluded.

While it was discovered that the lethal injection did trigger an immune response inside the man’s body, it did absolutely nothing to stop the spread of the virus or the spike proteins that caused his organs to fail.

What this all shows, of course, is that the Trump Vaccines are doing more harm than good – if they are doing any good at all. They also appear to be accelerating the spread of the Chinese Virus and its associated illnesses.

This is why we are urging our readers to just say no to experimental drug injections from the government. There is simply no need for anyone to take these shots unless they have some kind of death wish, in which case there are suicide help lines available to talk them out of taking their own lives with Fauci’s lethal injections.

“Sadly, after a few months, the truth will be revealed, and then those who took the jabs will become the pariahs of society!” wrote one commenter at Infowars. “Remember, this whole fake vaccine affair violates every single article of the Nuremberg Code, which the U.S. adopted decades ago.”

“What’s incredible about this whole thing, is that the drug inventors, nor the manufacturers are liable for any adverse consequences related to their Covid-19 vaccines, because they were created under an emergency declaration and considered immune to any irregularities, because their intention was to save humanity,” noted another, suggesting that this format of pushing deadly, liability-free drugs on the masses is part of the “new normal.”

“Sound familiar? Get used to it because intention covers a multitude of sins


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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1344 em: 2021-08-03 23:44:42 »
According to reports, out of any country in the world, Israel is seeing the most compliance with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine push. As a result, Israel is also seeing a “spike” in new cases of the “delta variant” among the fully vaccinated.

The situation is so bad there, according to government and media talking-heads, that officials are, like dogs to their own vomit, reinstating mask mandates and other authoritarian provisions that they claim will help to “save lives.”

As many as 90 percent of all new infections with the Chinese Flu are occurring in people who got jabbed in obedience to the medical fascists. Only a minute few of all new “positive cases” are occurring in the unvaccinated.

Even so, the Israeli government, like many other governments, continues to push its non-jabbed citizens to roll up their sleeves and comply already, or else even worse restrictions could soon be on the way.

In order to buy and sell in Israel, Israelis are required to get the Trump Vaccine. It is one of the most oppressive regimes in the world right now, and it wants other countries to follow suit.

“The entrance of the Delta variant has changed the transmission dynamics,” announced Prof. Ran Balicer, the chief innovation officer for Israel’s largest health management company, Clalit.

Vaccinated people are the new pandemic

First discovered in India, the “delta variant” was not, according to government officials, supposed to be a problem in vaccinated people. Getting jabbed, we were all repeatedly told, was supposed to provide “immunity” against the disease.

We now know, however, that most new infections are occurring in people who got the jab. These same people are also spreading the variant to others, making them a public health menace.

The problem is prolific in Israel, and we are also now seeing it here in the United States where fully vaccinated people are getting sick and dying, many of them flooding into emergency rooms where they now occupy scarce hospital beds.

What were supposed to just be rare “breakthrough” infections are quickly becoming a new pandemic of the vaccinated, just as we long warned our readers.

As of this writing, more than 80 percent of Israelis over the age of 16 have received two doses of either Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA (messenger RNA) injection, which permanently reprograms human DNA and turns people into spike protein factories.

“Our goal at the moment, first and foremost, is to safeguard the citizens of Israel from the Delta variant that is running amok in the world,” proclaimed Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in a recent statement pushing for more Israelis to get the Mark of the Beast injection at “warp speed.”

As admitted by The Wall Street Journal, at least half of all new delta variant infections in Israel are occurring just in people who were injected with the Pfizer vaccine.

“Why is this genocide taking so long to get to Nuremberg?” asked one of our commenters.

“The Final Solution vax is doing what it was intended to,” wrote another, drawing from World War II language about the “final solution.” “The vax’d should work their bucket lists while they still can.”

Others pointed out that they are growing weary of hearing the term “fully vaccinated” used by the government and the media to describe people who have received all of the injections demanded. It is a propaganda term used to suggest that the non-fully vaccinated are a danger to society when the exact opposite is true

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1345 em: 2021-08-04 02:10:15 »
Covid brain

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1346 em: 2021-08-04 16:12:22 »
Tatanka olha este site da dark web.
Foram todos ao medico pedir a guia.




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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1347 em: 2021-08-04 16:26:14 »
Covid brain

é mais NO BRAIN , essa gente tem vicios , quando ves essas mulheres ainda para mais novas a cairem para o lado é pelas dietas e diureticos que tomam...

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1348 em: 2021-08-04 16:31:37 »
Foi da vacina.
Tal como o Samora e o Tony.
Eu ate gostava que a cerqueira se sentasse na minha cara. Nem sabe o bem que lhe fazia.

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1349 em: 2021-08-04 16:51:06 »
What else

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1350 em: 2021-08-04 16:56:43 »

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1351 em: 2021-08-04 16:59:11 »
Foi da vacina.
Tal como o Samora e o Tony.
Eu ate gostava que a cerqueira se sentasse na minha cara. Nem sabe o bem que lhe fazia.

opa foi nada , ja tem desmaiado umas contas antes do covid....  e actores  novos  falecido subitamente antes do covid...

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1352 em: 2021-08-04 17:21:16 »
Deliberate poisoning by envy.

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1353 em: 2021-08-05 15:01:10 »

«Tenho medo»: ex-piloto que rejeitou vacina contra a covid-19 está em estado grave

Jorge Lis, ex-piloto espanhol, está internado em estado de "extrema gravidade" depois de ter rejeitado ser vacinado contra a covid-19. O valenciano, que se encontra entubado há duas semanas, tentou convencer a sua família a não ser inoculada, dias antes de dar entrada nas urgências com uma pneumonia bilateral. A irmã de Lis, Elena, revelou uma mensagem enviada pelo ex-piloto já depois de ser hospitalizado, onde este referiu "ter medo", frisando que aprendeu uma das "maiores lições" da sua vida.

"Tenho medo, Elena. De já não conseguirmos parar isto. Esta semana foi uma das maiores lições da minha vida. Passar muito tempo no Twitter, etc, fez-me radicalizar a um nível extremo. Oxalá tivesse sido vacinado", confessou Lis à irmã, que publicou a mensagem no jornal 'Levante-EMV', com o objetivo de consciencializar as pessoas acerca dos riscos da recusa em receber a vacina.
Segundo o jornal 'Marca', Lis encontra-se atualmente ligado a uma máquina de oxigenação extracorporal, de forma a prevenir novas infeções nos pulmões

D. Antunes

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1354 em: 2021-08-05 15:54:17 »
A máquina é para substituir os pulmões que não estão a funcionar.
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“O bom senso é a coisa do mundo mais bem distribuída: todos pensamos tê-lo em tal medida que até os mais difíceis de contentar nas outras coisas não costumam desejar mais bom senso do que aquele que têm."
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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1355 em: 2021-08-05 15:55:05 »
Acho piade a estas noticias.

100.000 pessoas numa manif  em franca e ninguem vai ao entubamento.
Isto é tudo muito estranho.
Ou talvez nao.
Na ultima semana, como querem injectar os jovens e criancas ha sempre uma noticia diaria da crianca que ficou super doente.
Contudo, nao falam nas que morreram da injecao.

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1356 em: 2021-08-05 16:20:54 »

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1357 em: 2021-08-05 16:33:05 »

aquilo é mau exemplo , ha 1 mes  as pessoas andavam por Israel sem mascara , nao digo ha mais tempo porque desconheço...

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1358 em: 2021-08-05 17:11:55 »
Eu ja me fartei de pensar nisto.
Por via da intuição, o virus virus nao existe. Existe sim e acredito na proteina spike.
Nos dias que bebo 5 caipiroskas, os chakras abrem e dizem-me que esta proteina ainda aí no ar.
Na volta a ser despejada por avioes.
Ja pensei nas comidas mas nao. Isto tem de ser aspirado pelo nariz ou pela boca.
Isto nao é novo. Basta ir a 1953 para ( links aqui no forum o ano passado) experiencias militares em sao francisco onde espalharam no ar sulfato de zinco-cadmium e microorganismos. Graças ao information freedom act isto soube-se.
Nao me admira que isto seja algo semelhante.
A questao é porquê? Havera algo mais profundo para fazerem isto?
O follow the money é sempre de ter em conta mas isto pode ser miito mais profundo. Mais grave. E vai-se saber.
Nao é pelo ambiente em si. Nao é pelo degelo do artico. Mas poderá ser o degelo da antarctica.
Pela paragem do mundo nao é porque ja está tudo a andar.
Nao acredito na versao de por as pessoas doentes numa cabala da spectre. Isto é algo muito mais profundo.
Porque? Porque ate países fora da ordem mundial cederam a isto. Irao, siria, coreia do norte etc.
3 presidentes de tres paises foram limpos, tanzania, haiti e burundi, por descartarem isto. O da tanzania testou papaias e cabras com coronavirus logo em maio de 2020. Uns meses depois limparam-lhe o sebo. Este ano foi o do haiti. Cuba cedeu a isto.
Isto é algo muito mais profundo. E nao é por o mundo estar a arder ou pelo plastico nos oceanos.

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Re: Vacina para Coronavirus
« Responder #1359 em: 2021-08-05 17:22:10 »