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Autor Tópico: Coronavirus  (Lida 351673 vezes)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6400 em: 2021-06-21 20:40:24 »
Então os vacinados podem infetar e andam à vontade com o certificado digital?  :-[ :-[

Se não fosse de rir, era de chorar.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6401 em: 2021-06-22 08:53:48 »
os testes pcr foram a recolha de adn

Esta vacina agora é a fase 1

Quando estiverem mais de 50% vacinados, entra a fase 2
O quê nao sei. Mas ocorre-me largarem algo no ar para activarem algo no organismo e a vacina é para isso.

ai o chip ;D
wild and free


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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6402 em: 2021-06-22 15:40:41 »
Duvido que a teoria de as pessoas vacinadas poderem infectar outros, e isso eliminar a possibilidade de imunidade de grupo:
* Não está provada (faltam estudos para mostrar que se pode infectar estando vacinado).
* As outras vacinas não serão diferentes (portanto se funciona para as outras, a imunidade de grupo funciona para esta também). E isto também não estará provado.

inc nao sei se os vacinados podem infectar os outros , mas que eles proprios podem ser infectados isso podem... ;D

estudos vindos dos EUA, UK e  Israel mostram que apesar de nao cortar na transmissao do virus a 100% a vacinação corta a transmissão na ordem dos 60%.
« Última modificação: 2021-06-22 19:30:47 por zAPPa »
Jim Chanos: "We Are In The Golden Age of Fraud".

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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6403 em: 2021-06-22 17:04:55 »
Um artigo muito bom sobre este virus desde o inicio.
 todo o site tem artigos muito bem esgalhados mas sao super extensos



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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6404 em: 2021-06-22 20:33:04 »
Então os vacinados podem infetar e andam à vontade com o certificado digital?  :-[ :-[

Se não fosse de rir, era de chorar.

Quando todos os que quiserem estiverem vacinados, não existe qualquer problema nisso.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6405 em: 2021-06-22 20:38:27 »
Então os vacinados podem infetar e andam à vontade com o certificado digital?  :-[ :-[

Se não fosse de rir, era de chorar.

Quando todos os que quiserem estiverem vacinados, não existe qualquer problema nisso.

E até lá?


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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6406 em: 2021-06-22 20:41:10 »
estamos no verao

ate fim agosto ja esta maioria vacinada  pelo menos os vao parar ao hospital

quem tiver medo que fique isolado

eu nao ia  parar isto verao

a batata quente agora esta paises vao entrar inverno
« Última modificação: 2021-06-22 20:43:29 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6407 em: 2021-06-24 18:43:45 »
Alguem nota o mesmo que eu? 😂

De fininho...

Agora quem quer sair do seu distrito ou concelho, precisa de ... certificado.

But but but , a vacina nao protege do virus

Estas medidas estao a vir devagar para o pessoal nao sair com os paus á rua mas a verdade é que isto está a tornar-se mesmo a nova realidade.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6408 em: 2021-06-24 19:12:36 »
Isto é mesmo assim, não vejo nenhuma conspiração.

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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6409 em: 2021-06-24 19:22:51 »
A conspiração era o ano passado 😂

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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6410 em: 2021-06-24 19:25:56 »
Atencao que isto é com:

3 milhoes de vacinados  ::)

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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6411 em: 2021-06-24 19:44:50 »
Greyson Follmer, 19, from Ohio State University (OSU), developed severe and life-changing myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle) following his second dose of Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

His mother, Marie Follmer, said nobody warned her or her son about the vaccine’s potential to induce adverse events like myocarditis. (Related: Israeli panel concludes Pfizer COVID vaccine “probably” causes heart inflammation, especially in young people.)

Before he got the Pfizer vaccine, Greyson was perfectly healthy and had no underlying conditions except for some childhood asthma. His mother explained that he is a top athlete and has been playing sports since he was four years old.

He played in the state soccer championship in high school and went on to become an athlete for OSU. He even joined the ROTC and became a very active member who can run several miles with a heavy pack on his back.

Like many of his classmates, Greyson got the coronavirus early in the pandemic. He experienced mild flu symptoms, but Marie explained these symptoms were nothing like what he experienced after he got vaccinated.

Greyson got his first Pfizer vaccine on April 16. Marie said he experienced minor symptoms after getting this dose, but at the time she thought it was to be expected and not out of the ordinary.

On May 7, Greyson got his second Pfizer vaccine and took a turn for the worse. He experienced serious symptoms and was taken to Nationwide Children’s Hospital three times.

“My son feels like he’s having a heart attack 24/7,” said Marie. “He now has high blood pressure, severe chest pains, back pain, elevated kidney levels, hypothyroidism, inflamed lymph nodes in different areas of his body and he can’t work or exercise.” She added that her son feels like he is dying and has to sleep most of the day.

All these complications have had a significant impact on Greyson’s life. Marie does not know if he will be able to return to school in August. Even if he could, he will most likely be unable to go back to ROTC or his sports.

“A perfectly healthy kid has gone downhill,” said Marie.

The family has seen a lot of doctors since Greyson received the vaccine. They estimate that it will take him two years to fully recover from his condition, but even this is just speculation.

“I just want him better. That’s the bottom line,” said Marie. “I just want everyone to know – don’t be naive like I was and think that this can’t happen to your kids.”

Hundreds of young men experiencing heart problems after vaccination

Unfortunately for Greyson, he isn’t the only young man to experience life-changing heart complications following a coronavirus vaccine.

Justin Harrington, a 21-year-old student attending the New Jersey Institute of Technology, got the vaccine because the university mandated it. He got the Moderna coronavirus vaccine.

Two days after he got his second dose of the Moderna vaccine, he had to be rushed to the hospital because he said it hurt every time his heart beat.

He spent three days recovering in the hospital. He now has to wear a heart monitor, he still suffers from constant chest pains and has to take four different medications for the next six months.

An advisory committee in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is set to meet to evaluate the risk of heart inflammation in teens and young adults who get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

As of June 14, the CDC has only recognized at least 323 confirmed cases of myocarditis or pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart). The cases have been from young men under the age of 30. The agency said many of the symptoms are mild and most of the cases fully recover after a short stay at the hospital.

Learn more about the terrible side effects of the coronavirus vaccines by reading the latest articles on Vaccines.news.


Officials within the Israeli Ministry of Health have determined that the mRNA “vaccine” from Pfizer and BioNTech is “probably” linked to causing deadly heart inflammation, particularly in young men, following the second dose.

After receiving a litany of reports about cases of heart inflammation, including myocarditis, post-injection, a panel of public health experts specializing in epidemiology, along with members of numerous respected universities, decided to take a close look at the jab to see if any correlation between the two exists.

They found that the experimental gene therapy injections inflame the heart muscle, potentially leading to cardiac arrhythmia and death. Researchers from the National Organization for Rare Disorders says that myocarditis can result from infection, but is more commonly “the result of the body’s immune reaction to the initial heart damage.”

Some 275 cases of myocarditis were identified between December 2020 and May 2021, including 148 cases that occurred within one month after vaccination. Of these, 27 occurred after the first dose and 121 occurred after the second dose.

Many of the cases were identified in men between the ages of 16 and 30, and most were in the specific age range between 16 and 19. A majority of the cases were categorized as “mild,” with most leaving the hospital in less than four days, but the phenomenon is still of great concern.

“There is a likelihood of a connection between receiving a second dose of vaccine and the onset of myocarditis in young men aged 16-30,” the panel concluded. “The connection is stronger in young people aged 16-19 compared to other ages and it decreases as age increases.”

Analysis: There is a “causal nature” between covid shots and heart inflammation

Accoring to Dror Mevorach, who heads up the internal medicine department at the Hadassah Medical Center, the findings are “very suggestive of a causal nature” between Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA injections and prolific heart inflammation, especially in younger men.

“I am convinced there is a relationship,” he is quoted as saying.

Peter Liu, a cardiologist and the chief scientific officer at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, agrees, noting that statistically speaking this is “a real phenomenon.”

Pfizer, of course, denies all links, insisting its experimental gene therapy injections are completely “safe and effective.” Only crazy “conspiracy theorists,” the company suggested, would believe otherwise.

More than 300 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech jab have been administered globally thus far, and the “benefit-risk profile” still remains “positive,” the company insists.

Israel and a number of European countries, however, are not convinced. There is now a push to stop all vaccination of young children based on the findings, though an official decision has not been made.

Some of these countries have yet to even include the 12-15 age group that the United States already has, and could avoid doing so indefinitely. Pfizer-BioNTech will almost certainly fight against this, as the companies hope to inject all age groups at “warp speed” in order to keep everyone “safe” against the Chinese Virus.

European Union regulators are calling on both Pfizer and Moderna to procure additional data about their respective mRNA injections showing that they are safe with regards to heart inflammation. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also claims to be investigating the matter.

The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) currently shows 419 cases of pericarditis and myocarditis that were reported during roughly the same period as the aforementioned cases in Israel. More than half of these are attributed to the Pfizer-BioNTech jab.

“I’ve never heard as much hedging as I have in the medical field in the last year,” wrote one LifeSiteNews commenter. “Nobody wants to admit causation or imply it.”

More of the latest news about covid vaccine injuries and deaths can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.


As the relentless push to vaccinate the world’s population with the experimental COVID-19 jab continues, we are constantly being reminded why this is such a bad idea. Case in point: A 13-year-old Michigan boy died of a cardiac event just days after getting his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

Although we can’t say with complete certainty there was a cause and effect here, the signs are pretty clear: Jacob Clynick was a healthy young man who was not taking any medication when he received his second dose of the shot on June 13 at Walgreens three weeks after getting his first dose.

Less than three days later, the boy was dead. Initial autopsy results show that his heart was enlarged and surrounded by fluid. These are the hallmarks of the myocarditis that has been seen in several other young boys and men following the shot. If this is a coincidence, it’s a pretty big one.

Even CNN has admitted that at least seven boys aged 14 to 19 have suffered from a rare type of heart inflammation after getting their COVID-19 shot. Many of these young men fared better than Jacob, recovering after spending some time in the ICU, but there’s no question that they and their families underwent some deeply worrying times, and there could be long-term damage.

The numbers are so high that they can no longer be ignored, with health officials reportedly looking into the link between myocarditis heart inflammation and COVID-19 jabs. Overall, hundreds of others, mostly those in their teens to 30s, have also experienced myocarditis or pericarditis, after their second dose. The CDC says that the number of cases seen in the 16-to-24 age bracket is higher than expected – which would seem to indicate they were expecting some people to have this reaction despite constant reassurances it’s safe – yet still rare. That’s surely little comfort to these boys and their loved ones.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Wolensky claims her own children have received the shot, but she said the CDC “will present details about more than 300 confirmed cases of myocarditis and pericarditis reported to the CDC and FDA among the over 20 million adolescents and young adults vaccinated in the United States.”

A meeting is expected to be held later this week between the CDC and vaccine advisers after being pushed back because of the new “Juneteenth” holiday.

Experts want more information before vaccinating kids

A member of the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, Dr. Cody Meissner, warned: “Before we start vaccinating millions of adolescents and children, it’s so important to find out what the consequences are. I do not feel we can justify [an emergency use authorization] including children.”

Meissner, who is a pediatrics professor at Tufts University School of Medicine, said that there have been four hospitalizations due to COVID-19 for everyone one million children infected, which is a very low rate and does not qualify as an emergency.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization’s website only says that the vaccine is safe for those aged 18 and older. WHO Head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has called on wealthy countries to postpone their plans to vaccinate kids and teens and instead donate their shots to adults in low-income countries where there are shortages.

Clynick’s aunt, Tami Burages, drew a lot of attention for posting about her nephew’s death on Twitter. She said that while she believes the shots are saving “millions of lives,” she doesn’t want to see any child being a “sacrificial lamb” and that Jacob would be alive today if he hadn’t received his second shot.

Unfortunately, many parents are feeling pressured to get their children vaccinated despite no one truly knowing the risks, and it’s only a matter of time before schools start requiring kids to be vaccinated to attend. It is an absolute tragedy to see otherwise healthy young people die so needlessly, and the social pressure and virtue signaling that is going on right now surrounding this deadly vaccine is shameful. When will this madness stop?

More Tony Fauci emails have come to light showing that “America’s doctor” was offered “resources and money” by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, who appears to have played an important role in unleashing the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic.”

The partially redacted emails show Fauci acknowledging the bribes from Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg also apparently asked Fauci for assistance in “building a Coronavirus Information Hub” on Facebook to spread the word about the plandemic.

“I will write to or call Mark and tell him that I am interested in doing this,” Fauci wrote in one of the emails, apparently accepting the offer that was made to him by Zuckerberg.

One of Zuckerberg’s emails to Fauci, dated March 15, 2020, explains that Facebook’s goal at the time was to “make sure people can get authoritative information from reliable sources,” as well as “encourage people to practice social distance and give people ideas for doing this using internet tools.”

Zuckerberg also requested a video from Fauci because he thought it would be more effective at swaying Facebook users to go along with the plandemic agenda as opposed to hearing from “just a bunch of agencies and political leaders.”

“I’m also doing a series of livestreamed Q&As with health experts to try to use my large following on the platform (100 million followers) to get authoritative information out as well,” Zuckerberg further wrote.

“I’d love to have you do one of these Q&As. This could be the video we put in the Coronavirus Hub or it could be a different thing that we distribute separately, but I think it could be effective as well.”

Fauci says everything he did during the plandemic was “innocent”

When questioned by “Sway” host Kara Swisher about these incriminating emails during a recent podcast appearance, Fauci of course denied any wrongdoing, claiming that every single one of them “can be explained in a way that is perfectly normal, perfectly innocent and completely above board.”

In his usual whiny defensiveness, Fauci scoffed at the idea that he did anything illegal, even though it is a crime for a private organization, in this case Facebook, to offer cash or “resources” to a government employee.

“In any other world, this would be constituted as a form of a bribe towards a government official,” write Raheem Kassam and Natalie Winters for The National Pulse.

Former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline agrees, having stated that this whole thing is “like having private interests stuffing money into the pockets of the umpire before he calls the first ball or strike.”

Fauci is also playing dumb about the whole thing concerning his leaked emails and the random portions of some of them that are redacted for unknown reasons. He told Swisher that it is all “completely out of my control,” suggesting that he is the victim in all of this.

“Hey, big scoop. Here we go. Mark said, hey, is there anything that we can do to help out to get the messages out, the right public health messages?” Fauci scoffed sarcastically during the interview.

“I have a very important medium here in Facebook. Can I help? As a matter of fact, if you guys don’t have enough resources and money to do some of the things you want, just let us know.”

Nice try, Fauci, but we all know the truth. You are hardly fooling anyone anymore except your devoted cult followers who will double and triple down forever, even when you eventually – hopefully – have to stand before a judge, jury or military tribunal to make a case for your crimes against humanity. Good luck.

Big Tech played a powerful role in swaying the world to obey the Chinese Virus agenda. To learn more, visit Pandemic.news.

Today’s Situation Update podcast offers a 40-minute gear review segment, focused on lithium-ion solar generators, tools and vehicle batteries. You can also skip ahead to the 39 minute mark to jump into news headlines, economics and national security.

At about 1 hour and 10 minutes into the podcast, I cover vaccine news, revealing how the Biden administration is now on track to fail its 70% vaccination goal among US adults. According to a source who spoke to me several weeks ago, this means Biden will be deemed a failure by the globalists running the planet-wide extermination campaign, and Biden will be removed from power. (Not instantly, but his removal will be irreversibly set into motion.)

Globalists are disappointed in Biden’s inability to exterminate the required number of Americans

According to the CDC, only 56.1% of US adults are now “fully vaccinated,” a number that’s far from the 70% goal demanded of Biden. This goal was handed to the Biden / Harris regime in the same way similar goals have been demanded of other nations, including Canada, Australia, etc. As part of their global depopulation / extermination agenda, globalists have demanded that nations meet high vaccination uptake rates by specific deadlines. The deadlines are intended to ensure that billions of people are fully vaccinated before the masses come to realize the vaccines are biological weapons containing spike protein nanoparticles which are designed to cause deaths and infertility as part of a twisted globalist agenda to “save the planet.”

The truth can’t be covered up forever, and just today the FDA announced it would add a warning on Pfizer and Moderna vaccines due to the risk of deadly heart inflammation that continues to strike young, healthy men.

The sheer desperation of Biden and Harris is now obvious in their own actions, with Kamala Harris begging democrat voters to harass unvaccinated people by knocking on their doors and demanding they all get vaccinated. This is a kind of “coercion by proxy” that seeks to recruit obedient sheeple to be vaccine enforcers. This effort has failed, of course, which means Biden has just a few weeks remaining to ratchet up the vaccine tyranny and push for more aggressive means of vaccine compliance, possibly including forced vaccines at gunpoint (if they dare take it that far).

If he triggers that approach, however, the backlash will be swift. Americans won’t accept being forcibly injected at gunpoint with an experimental medical intervention. Thus, the Biden / Harris regime will clearly fail to reach its 70% goal. Once this is confirmed on July 4th, it means things will be set into motion to remove Biden from power. Watch for Biden to be forced to step down due to “health reasons.”

Try as they might, anti-human, anti-American globalists can’t convince conservatives and Christians to commit vaccine suicide

This doesn’t necessarily mean that what comes next is any better, of course. The anti-human globalists currently running the Joe Biden Alzheimer’s presidency will only support a replacement that they believe can somehow convince tens of millions of conservatives across America to be injected with deadly spike protein bioweapons. Kamala Harris clearly isn’t that person, as she is the very opposite of charismatic and tends to invoke reviled hatred in every person she attempts to lecture.

Convincing conservatives across America to be injected with a deadly bioweapon will likely require the assurances of a trusted conservative who already has high standing in the minds of the conservative masses. Is that person Trump? Possibly, but it’s too early to tell. In my assessment, the globalists are going to fail in this because any conservative that starts urging people to get vaccines will instantly lose credibility and be seen as a backstabbing traitor. (Mike Pence sounds perfect for that role.)

Thus, the next question becomes: What do the globalists unleash next, after America fails to meet the 70% vaccination target?

The likely answer is they move ahead with the next phase anyway.

The vaccine deaths were just a softening-up phase, preparing for the final war to take down America

That next phase, according to my sources, is likely to include a combination of economic and cyber warfare against America, the aggressive pushing of internal strife and race wars (via the journo-terrorist media), and targeted assassinations of pro-America patriots (McAfee, anyone?). The cyber warfare component is likely to target the power grid infrastructure in an attempt to plunge America into darkness and chaos. I fully expect a heightened number of cyber warfare attacks on America within the next 90 days.

Once America is sufficiently weakened from within, both Chinese and Russian troops will be activated within America, combined with troops stationed in Mexico pouring northward, across the southern border. Their orders will be to destroy America’s military infrastructure and seize control over entire towns and cities, executing mayors and any resistance fighters, then claiming ownership over the new “occupied” America.

Note that some analysts I’ve interviewed, such as Jeffrey Prather, believe China will not even need to escalate this to ground warfare because they have already infiltrated and control nearly every institution of power in the United States. So opinions do vary on what’s next, but yesterday I received intel from another source that told me Russia is currently engaged in paying Mexican drug cartels to smuggle weapons across the border, depositing them in “staging sites” in the continental United States in preparation for war activation.

To be clear, what I’ve learned over the last two years is that some of the weapons pre-staged on U.S. soil for use by Chinese and Russian troops include:

Fully-auto AK-47s
Mobile mortars (probably 60mm or similar)
They are also staging police uniforms, communications gear, rifle suppressors and other equipment that will be used in open war against the American people. We also believe that China-linked left-wing extremist groups such as Black Lives Matter have successfully stolen several armored vehicles from military bases over the last few years. Those vehicles will resurface in the coming war, of course.

Note, too, that China is believed to be behind the mysterious drones that are surveiling US energy infrastructure targets and military bases.

TheDrive.com has produced extensive reporting on this “stealth drone” phenomenon, and you can read their latest story at this link.

Based on what I know right now, every American should be preparing for the USA to be invaded with foreign troops. Hence the mad rush by Democrats to disarm all Americans via weapons confiscation (ATF operations, banning AR braces, etc.) in order to make it easier for China and Russia to conquer the continental United States.

I believe we are on the verge of World War III, and in fact China’s covid bioweapons assault on America was only the first phase, aided by Fauci and his cohorts who have long served as puppets of anti-American globalists.

Learn more in today’s detailed Situation Update podcast:


The National Security Agency (NSA) is going to war with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) over the Fourth Amendment and the warrant-less surveillance of Americans. In a recent letter, the NSA agreed to disclose a trove of FBI records. These records prove that the FBI conducted an illegal spying operation that violated the privacy of 16,000 Americans.

This issue underscores the importance of the Fourth Amendment and the dangers of mass surveillance programs being initiated under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The two biggest violators of the Fourth Amendment are seeing the abuses play out in real time. Some of the agents in the NSA are fighting to preserve American’s rights, as the issue of warrant-less surveillance takes center focus.

FBI violates FISA rules, illegally surveils thousands of Americans

The Transparency Project, a Texas nonprofit, filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request through their attorney, Ty Clevenger. The FOIA request sought classified information about the FBI’s illegal tactics and search inquiries into intelligence databases. After acquiring the information, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg determined that the FBI violated the government’s rules for using foreign intelligence information. The FBI pleaded in court that the 16,000 searches “were reasonably likely to return foreign intelligence information or evidence of a crime.” The judge found the FBI’s position “unsupportable.” He ruled that the FBI was justified in just seven of their searches, but the remaining 15,993 searches violated the rules set forth by the federal government.

However, in the end, Judge Boasberg allowed the illicit data collection schemes to continue, under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

The fight to protect Americans’ rights continues within the intelligence agencies

Carter Page, a campaign associate of then-candidate Donald Trump, was one of the Americans who was illegally surveilled by the FBI during that time. During the Carter Page investigation, the the FBI’s FISA applications were riddled with errors and omissions. In fact, the Inspector General found seventeen “significant errors” in the FISA applications that were used to spy on the Trump campaign.

Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, lambasted the court’s decision to protect the FBI’s data collection program using Section 702 of FISA. The court’s decision “is even more inexplicable given that the opinion was issued shortly after the government reported submitting FISA applications riddled with errors and omissions in the Carter Page investigation,” she said.

After the issue was made public, attorney Ty Clevenger began to work strategically to expose these illicit FBI surveillance programs. When he filed the FOIA with the FBI and the NSA, both agencies immediately rejected his request. The FBI said the request “does not contain enough descriptive information to permit a search of our records.” The FBI wrote, “Therefore your request is being administratively closed.”

The NSA, on the other hand, accepted the appeal. NSA official Linda Kiyosaki reached out to Ty Clevenger and granted his appeal. “You had requested all documents, records, and other tangible evidence reflecting the improper surveillance of 16,000 individuals described in a 6 December, 2019, FISC Opinion.”

“Your request has been returned to the FOIA Office to process your request,” she wrote.

For years, the NSA has tried to limit the FBI’s access to confidential data. Back in 2016, Mike Rogers fought to deny the FBI access to NSA databases. The FBI has repeatedly abused the rules for accessing intelligence databases and has intercepted data in a way that violates privacy laws. This appeal will lay bare the FBI’s most recent surveillance program which violates the US Constitution.

Read PrivacyWatch.News for more on government surveillance and privacy rights.

Sources include:



LawFlog.com [PDF]


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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6412 em: 2021-06-24 20:24:24 »
 New Jersey Institute of Technology, got the vaccine because the university mandated it. He got the Moderna coronavirus vaccine.

os americanos estam ficar piores que europa
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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6413 em: 2021-06-24 22:14:48 »
Qual é a vacina que tem ligacao aos russos? É a Astra ou a Janssen?


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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6414 em: 2021-06-24 22:59:26 »
astra esta fazer fusao   com vacina russa


sera e por causa disto nunca falam defeitos das outras vacinas

o mais provavel e sabermos defeitos astra por causa americanos  gostam bater  nos russos hehe
« Última modificação: 2021-06-24 23:29:45 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6415 em: 2021-06-24 23:28:22 »
É o que eu penso tambem

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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6416 em: 2021-06-24 23:33:54 »
Eu queria a Sputnik V

The Gam-COVID-Vac is a two-vector vaccine.[1] The active component for both vectors is a modified (recombinant) replication-defective adenovirus of a different serotype (Serotype 26 containing (1.0 ± 0.5) × 1011 particles of gene for the first vaccination and serotype 5 containing (1.0 ± 0.5) × 1011 particles of gene for the second vaccination), which has been modified to include the spike protein-expressing gene of SARS-CoV-2.[1]

The other ingredients (excipients) are the same, both quantitatively and qualitatively, in the two components.[40][41]

Sodium chloride (salt)
Sucrose (sugar)
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate
Disodium EDTA dihydrate (buffer)
Polysorbate 80
Ethanol 95%
No adjuvants[42] and no other components or ingredients should be included in the vaccine.[1]

As outras parecem-me um cocktail nuclear


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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6418 em: 2021-06-24 23:44:08 »
argentina esta longe ser credivel

basicamente tens 6 paises mundo sao pouco aldraboes  nos numeros mortes

o resto ou mentem ou nem sabem sequer

nao ha maneira saber se vacina russa e boa porque a ignoraram nos paises menos aldraboes
« Última modificação: 2021-06-24 23:49:32 por Reg »
Democracia Socialista Democrata. igualdade de quem berra mais O que é meu é meu o que é teu é nosso

Meme Dealer

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Re: Coronavirus
« Responder #6419 em: 2021-06-24 23:49:03 »
Nao sei.
A sputnik está em 40 paises e nao ha grandes relatos de gente a quinar