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Argentina - Tópico principal

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Um pequeno excerpto:

--- Citar ---The Argentine experience stands in sharp contrast to other recent financial crises. If one examines the stock market performance of other countries in the immediate months involving crises, one finds the following fall in stock market indexes: Mexico (December 1994-February 1995), 53.5%; Korea (July 1997-November 1997) 47.0%; Malaysia (July 1997-January 1998) 52.0%; and Thailand (July 1997-December 1998) 33.8%. Such pronounced drops in stock market values are the typical result expected during crises. Yet the Argentine market more than doubled in the early months of the crisis of 2001-2002. How can such a surprising event occur?

This paper analyzes the rise in Argentine stock prices as a result of investors using the stock market to shift funds out of Argentina (and pesos) into the United States (and dollars). By purchasing shares of Argentine stocks at home that are listed in the United States, investors were able to convert peso-denominated home-market shares into dollar-denominated American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) in the United States. This conversion of the underlying home-market shares into the derivative ADRs accomplished the shift of wealth out of Argentina and into dollars in the United States.
--- Fim de Citação ---

Fonte: paper em anexo.

Muito criativa, a solução.


--- Citação de: Incognitus em 2012-08-18  23:19:39 ---Muito criativa, a solução.

--- Fim de Citação ---

Se houvesse forma de obter os dados referentes à nacionalidade dos diversos investidores nos movimentos dos diversos índices, teriamos possivelmente leituras bem interessantes.

Que ADRs temos cotados nos EUA?  :D

Não sei se as pinks que estão cotadas são facilmente convertíveis, talvez só a PT.
Em todo o caso não existe dificuldade em tirar dinheiro de Portugal, claramente na Argentina existia, e por isso foi criado esse esquema.


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