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Autor Tópico: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens  (Lida 14367 vezes)


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #20 em: 2015-10-19 10:41:21 »
estes leques metalicos vendem-se em hipermercados nos acessorios, acho estranho nao encontrares

a unica razao porque nao tenho uma maquina eh que ocupam muito espaco, nao tenho cozinha americana e ja me bastam o rice cooker e a maquina do cafe
« Última modificação: 2015-10-20 10:55:25 por Neo-Liberal »


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #22 em: 2015-10-19 11:37:37 »
Há uma forma em que as batatas ficam muito saborosas.
cortar as batatas em cubos pequenos, colocar num prato, colocar sal qb e regar com azeite. Levar ao microondas durante uns 10 minutos (é ir experimentando até ficarem tenras).
Ficam muito boas.

Tenho que experimentar
"Como seria viver a vida que realmente quero?"


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #23 em: 2015-10-20 00:58:51 »
A parte chata desses itensilios do ikea é que ao longo do tempo libertam residuos para a comida, sao baratos demais para serem aço inox. Têm demasiado brilho ate para ser aco inox polido, possivelmente levam um banho de tinta com beryllium ou outra junk qualquer. Os utensilios de cozinha estao em grande parte contaminados desde que grande parte da producao em massa passou para a china. Utensilios de cozinha de qualidade é algo que vale a pena investir, devido as coisas que um tipo pode apanhar. Pensar so nas panelas de aluminio que sao de ecitar, hoje nao chega. Frigideiras anti aderentes a 10 euros tambem nao é aconselhavel. Estes assuntos estao cobertos na EWG e WHO.

Um pormenor para quem tiver curiosidade sobre as batatas em excesso, beringela, etc, procurem sobre os efeitos de inibidores da colinesterase, algo bastante importante para ter uma sharp mind. Os medicos por norma nao avisam dos perigos das solanaceas/glicoalkaloides/saponinas na alimentacao e dos seus efeitos na colinesterase e ate nas interacoes destas comidas com alguma medicacao que uma pessoa esteja a tomar.
Um exemplo de batatas com excesso de glicoalcaloides, sao aquelas batatas que têm uns pontos verdes, que as pessoas pensam serem partes onde novas batatas vao nascer. Mas nao, esses pontos verdes sao glicoalcaloides em alta carga que promovem a inibicao da colinesterase. De evitar tambem é misturar batata beringela e tomate na mesma refeicao. A pessoa sente-se logo diferente e nem sabe porque, é devido ao efeito anticolinergico. Batatinha assada com pontos verdes, convem corta-los ou se for esquisito por uma batata cortada num prato, em que deve estar intacta( ha malta esquisita e eu sou um deles) é deitar a batata fora. Ou no acto da compra, comprar sempre sem esses alcaloides.

Ja que entrei nesta via das solanaceas, tambem ha outras comidas que põe uma pessoa extremamente feliz e contente e a sentir-se o superman, com uma libido de adolescente, falo das favas. As favas sao super ricas em L-Dopa. A estimulacao nos neuronios quando se comem favas é brutal, mete um gajo no céu. Experimentem comer favas e estar atentos ás diferencas. É dificil perceber se nao se souber porquê. Mas a razao é o alto conteudo de L-Dopa. Ate me atreveria a dizer que pelo facto de ter L-Dopa, poderia ser uma excelente forma de substituicao para quem quer deixar de fumar, sem sentir os blues da falta do insecticida nicotina.

Tambem sobre nicotina e os quimicos no tabaco, ha certas medicacoes (ate comidas) com fortes interacoes sobre o tabaco. Por norma os medicos so perguntam"voce bebe?" Como se o alcool fosse o maior problema na interacao de um medicamento. Nicotina é muito pior. Uma pessoa que fume precisa do dobro da quantidade de um anti inflamatorio, ou de um sedativo, barbiturico, certas medicacoes nem funcionam pela presenca da nicotina, outras medicacoes funcionam em triplo efeito. Isto porque o tabaco antes de lixar os pulmoes, rebenta com o figado todo, nas enzimas cyp1 cyp2 e citocromas 450.
O aspecto positivo e negativo do alcool é tambem este, por um lado excreta a nicotina 3x mais rapidamente, o lado mau é que a nicotina a sair tao rapidamente, leva o fumador a fumar muito mais quando bebe.
E entretanto, está na hora de um shot de henessy eheh


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #24 em: 2015-10-20 01:58:00 »
a toxicidade das batatas não desaparece com a cozedura?

Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #25 em: 2015-10-20 02:06:20 »
Ah por falar em iinox e é um facto relevante. O inox nem sempre é inocuo. Pra quem nao sabe o inox é uma liga de metais, nickel titanio e mais uns quantos. A qualidade de um inox depende da composicao dessa liga de metais. É como nos dentes. Ha dentes com ligas de titanio a 95% e dentes de titanio a 65%. Os de 65% têm imenso nickel, custam 500 paus, a tempo lixam as gengivolas e o sistema nervoso, para nem falar da corrente galvanica que se gera na boca com a salivaçao. Os de 95% custam 3000 paus, sao melhores. Ms nao perfeitos. Mas ja ha melhores solucoes, 100% biocompativeis.

No cookware a historia é a mesma, axo inox barato é maioritariamente nickel, quem quiser saber dos efeitos sobre a bioacumulacao de nickel nos tecidos e orgaos que procure, que eu ja fechei a tasca.
O mesmo para os teflons anti aderentes, dasse, um mau teflon chines aquilo a 200 graus num fogao liberta toxic fumes on da food.
E ja agora, tambem nas roupas, aqueles casacos impermeaveis, que a agua escorre toda e deixa um gajo sequinho, dasse
E esta
E os pavimentos flutuantes a 5eur o m2? Cheios de porcaria toxica no aglomerado? Shit I kid you not. Uns dias de sol a baterem no soalho e o formaldeido liberta-se em vapores. Depois fecha a janela e vai dormir.
Podia continuar mas tinha de comer mais favas. Mas a esta hora fazem gazes. No can do
Se alguem aqui tiver implantes e brain zaps ja sabem, é do nickel eheh


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #26 em: 2015-10-20 02:07:45 »
a toxicidade das batatas não desaparece com a cozedura?


Nao creo. É de comer mas com moderacao. Nao va a inibicao da colinesterase continua despoletar um alzheimer in da future


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #27 em: 2015-10-20 02:11:32 »
a toxicidade das batatas não desaparece com a cozedura?


Nao creo. É de comer mas com moderacao. Nao va a inibicao da colinesterase continua despoletar um alzheimer in da future


Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #28 em: 2015-10-20 02:15:23 »
a toxicidade das batatas não desaparece com a cozedura?


Nao creo. É de comer mas com moderacao. Nao va a inibicao da colinesterase continua despoletar um alzheimer in da future

pois, parece que não. a não ser acima de 170º. batatas assadas are alright?

Richard Lawley | January 30, 2013
What are glycoalkaloids?

Many plants in the potato family (Solanaceae) contain glycoalkaloids, and they are considered to be natural toxins.  They are active as pesticides and fungicides and are produced by the plants as a natural defence against animals, insects and fungi that might attack them.

The plant glycoalkaloids are toxic steroidal glycosides and the commonest types found in food plants are α-solanine and α-chaconine, with α-solanine (C45H73NO15) being the more toxic of the two.

What foods can be contaminated?

Amongst the most widely cultivated food crops, aubergines, tomatoes and potatoes are in the Solanaceae family, but the levels of glycoalkaloids in tomatoes and aubergines are generally quite low and are not a concern.  The glycoalkaloids of most relevance to food safety are those occurring in the potato, since even in commercially available tubers destined for human consumption a residual level of these compounds is always present.

The predominant toxic steroidal glycosides in potato are α-solanine and α-chaconine.  They occur in potato tubers, peel, sprouts and blossoms and their concentration in tubers depends on a number of factors, such as cultivar, maturity and environmental factors.

In the UK, the total glycoalkaloid level in tubers destined for human consumption is generally in the range 25 – 150 mg/kg fresh weight, but considerably higher levels have been recorded for certain commercial varieties.  For example, the Lenape potato variety was withdrawn from commercial growing in Canada and the USA as it contained unacceptably high levels of glycoalkaloids.  In Sweden, a conditional sales ban had to be imposed on potato tubers of the commercially established variety Magnum Bonum harvested in 1986, as they contained potentially toxic levels of glycoalkaloids.

How do they affect human health?

Most cases of suspected potato poisoning involve only mild gastrointestinal effects, which generally begin within 8-12 hours of ingestion and are resolved within one or two days. However, reported symptoms have included nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and headache. More serious cases have experienced neurological problems, including hallucinations and paralysis, and fatalities have also been recorded.

Although glycoalkaloids are suspected to be the cause of these symptoms, there is little data to confirm this. One study examined case reports of poisoning incidents and estimated that glycoalkaloid doses of 2-5mg/kg bodyweight would be enough to cause symptoms in humans and that 3-6mg/kg bodyweight could be fatal. However, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) considered that the evidence implicating glycoalkaloids in potato poisoning cases was not convincing. The Committee concluded that levels of α-solanine and α-chaconine normally found in potatoes (20-100 mg/kg) were not of toxicological concern.

Nevertheless, JECFA and others have expressed concern about glycoalkaloids in skin-on potato products, such as crisps, that became widely available in the mid 1990s.  Glycoalkaloid concentrations of up to 720 mg/kg were found in ‘green-skinned’ crisps, compared with a maximum of 150 mg/kg in normal crisps.

Apart from their toxicity, glycoalkaloids are also associated with a bitter taste and burning sensation in the throat.

How common is illness?

Although suspected potato poisoning is rare, a number of incidents have been documented. For example in 1979, a group of 78 schoolboys in London consumed a meal containing potatoes stored for a number of weeks before use. They suffered from Diarrhoea, vomiting, circulatory, neurological and dermatological problems, with 17 of the boys being hospitalised. A second incident occurred in Sweden in 1986, when 11 people became ill after consuming Magnum Bonum variety potatoes.

Where do they come from?

Although glycoalkaloids in potatoes are produced naturally by the plant, certain factors can have a significant effect on the levels present.


The highest concentrations of glycoalkaloids are usually associated with areas that are undergoing high metabolic activity, such as potato flowers, young leaves, sprouts, peels and the area around the potato ‘eyes’. Small immature tubers are normally high in glycoalkaloids since they are still metabolically active.

Exposure to light

Exposure to light has a significant effect on the concentration of both total and individual glycoalkaloids. Potatoes that become sunburned during growth and start to ‘green’, owing to lack of soil cover, tend to taste very bitter as a result of their high glycoalkaloid content.

In retail outlets, tubers may be displayed under fluorescent lighting and this can increase glycoalkaloid concentration.  Studies have indicated that replacing fluorescent lights with mercury lighting for potatoes on display would significantly reduce glycoalkaloid content and improve food safety.

Storage temperature

Storage at very low temperatures (0 – 5°C) results in more bitter-tasting potatoes and thus more glycoalkaloids than storage at higher temperatures (up to 20°C).  On the whole, storage at lower temperatures will prolong potato quality, but at very low temperatures (0 – 5°C), stress becomes a factor and glycoalkaloid accumulation starts to occur.


Any type of injury or damage to the tuber will result in the accumulation of glycoalkaloids.  Disease, insect attack or rough handling, during or after harvest, will all initiate glycoalkaloid synthesis (as it is a defence response).  Damaged potatoes from retail generally contain elevated levels of glycoalkaloids.

Are they stable in food?

Glycoalkaloids are relatively stable in potatoes and levels are not affected by boiling, freeze-drying, or dehydration. Microwave cooking has only a limited effect, but cooking at temperatures at or above 170oC is more effective at reducing.

How can they be controlled?

For primary producers

The amounts of total and individual potato glycoalkaloids are genetically controlled.  The most effective way of obtaining low levels is to select varieties that are initially very low in glycoalkaloids.

For food processors

In normal tubers, potato glycoalkaloids appear to be concentrated in a small 1.5 mm layer immediately under the skin, therefore, with normal tubers, peeling will remove between 60% – 95% of the glycoalkaloids present.  However, if the tubers are very high in glycoalkaloids, peeling will remove only up to 35%, as diffusion into the deeper tissues occurs at higher concentrations.  Unfortunately, peeling or slicing also elicits a stress response in the tubers and causes a slow rise in glycoalkaloid levels.  If long delays occur before subsequent processing, glycoalkaloids can accumulate.

The heat stability of glycoalkaloids means that only high-temperature processing, such as deep-frying, has any significant effect on levels in potatoes.

Are there rules and regulations?

Although there is no specific legislation governing glycoalkaloid levels in potatoes, the generally accepted safe upper limit is considered to be 200mg glycoalkaloids per kg of fresh potato.  Plants of the Solanum family are included in the EFSA Compendium of Botanicals that have been reported to contain toxic, addictive, psychotropic or other substances of concern, published in 2009.

food safety watch
« Última modificação: 2015-10-20 02:15:41 por Lark »
Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Battle.
Ian Mclaren
If you have more than you need, build a longer table rather than a taller fence.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Franklin D. Roosevelt


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #29 em: 2015-10-20 02:36:13 »
Informa-te. O tabaco faz a mesma merda, alzheimer. Bem, ate um nematodo pode criar alzheimer ou ms. Porem pode ajudar os parkinsonianos, o tabaco, digo.  Ou podem comer favas. As favas ajudam imenso doentes com parkinson. Creio que ja passei por um trial omde tiraram a medicacao e puseram os pacientes a favas. Uma googlada em parkinson fava beans deve aparecer o trial.
Agora fora de brincadeira( apesar do acima escrito ser pura verdade) o comercio hoje esta minado de porcarias toxicas, desde comidas a hormonas, conservantes a roupas a cookware a sapatos a liquidos impermeabilizantes para roupas e mobilias. A nova vaga deste dump quimico intesificou-se ha 15 anos. Hoje ha abundancia de comida, vem de todo lado e de paises que nem regras têm no uso de pesticidas. Comidas vindas da asia, tipo camarao, é produzido em agua doce em aguas porcas, depois injectados com sal para incharem, quando os metes na panela encolhem para metade e sabem a mijo. Well nao ha milagres a 6eur o kilo.
Ha dyes ou tintas usadas em roupas azuis que contêm derivados de cianeto, porque é um dye ou pigmento barato. A culpa disto é a ganancia pelo lucro, os governos impoem algumas regras, mas os tratados pesam mais.
Sabes quanto custa um bidon de 200 litros de corante para pastilhas elasticas? 40 dollars. E as unhas de gel, um bidon vindo da china, que é de onde todos vem, 100 euros, da para fazer 400 mil unhas. Ja houve casos de miudas a terem convulsoes, disturbios neurologicos e falta de ar, 24 h depois de porem o gelinho. E continuam a ter ate tirarem o gelinho. outras ficam psicoticas. Ha grupos observadores que informam isto mas money talks.
As luzes led, algumas libertam vapores de mercurio, mas é preferivel gastar menos em eletricidade. What else? Tanto mais.


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #30 em: 2015-10-20 02:42:26 »
Teflon in Your Trousers
The chemicals that the WWF was warning about are perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), which include the non-stick additive Teflon. These chemicals are increasingly being added to clothing because it makes them last longer and also can make them wrinkle-free. Most clothing labeled “no-iron” contains PFCs.

I have written about and consulted with patients worldwide regarding their allergic responses from synthetic fibers—bedding, clothing, car interiors, exercise/athletic clothing, mattresses, hats, etc.—that said, the frequency of recent incidents is very alarming to me and it should be to you. The allergic responses now commonly being reported as a result of these synthetic chemicals include, but are definitely not limited to:

Skin rashes and lesions that can be cancerous
Unexplained fatigue
Burning and itching
Unexplained headaches
Blurred vision
Difficulty breathing
Reoccurring sinus infections not previously experienced
Sudden inflammation and pain; especially in soft tissues


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #31 em: 2015-10-20 02:43:22 »
Which Fabric Finishes “Scream” Toxic Chemicals?
Easy Care—Wrinkle-free, shrinkage-free—these garments release formaldehyde;
Water Repellent—Fluoropolymers (as in Teflon) are used to repel oil and water;
Flame Retardants;
Bacterial and Fungicidal Chemicals—Triclosan and nano-particles are used for these purposes, dangerous neurotoxins and irritants.
Fabrics containing Formaldehyde—linked to a 30 percent increase in lung cancer, skin/lung irritation and contact dermatitis:
Anti-cling, anti-static, anti-shrink
Moth-proof and mildew resistant
Chlorine resistant
It’s also used in dyes and printing to fix the design and prevent “running.” It is widely used in bedding so it’s best to use bedding that is all cotton and in light or white colors to eliminate risk from formaldehyde used to set colored fabrics.


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #32 em: 2015-10-20 03:23:45 »

Dear EarthTalk: Are there health or environmental concerns with LED lightbulbs, which may soon replace compact fluorescents as the green-friendly light bulb of choice?—Mari-Louise, via e-mail

Indeed, LED (light emitting diode) lighting does seem to be the wave of the future right now, given the mercury content and light quality issues with the current king-of-the-hill of green bulbs, the compact fluorescent (CFL). LEDs use significantly less energy than even CFLs, and do not contain mercury. And they are becoming economically competitive with CFLs at the point of purchase while yielding superior quality lighting and energy bill savings down the line.

But LEDs do have a dark side. A study published in late 2010 in the journal Environmental Science and Technology found that LEDs contain lead, arsenic and a dozen other potentially dangerous substances. LEDs are touted as the next generation of lighting,” says Oladele Ogunseitan, one of the researchers behind the study and chair of the University of California (UC)-Irvine’s Department of Population Health & Disease Prevention. “But as we try to find better products that do not deplete energy resources or contribute to global warming, we have to be vigilant [about] toxicity hazards….”

Ogunseitan and other UC-Irvine researchers tested several types of LEDs, including those used as Christmas lights, traffic lights, car headlights and brake lights. What did they find? Some of the worst offenders were low-intensity red LEDs, which were found to contain up to eight times the amount of lead, a known neurotoxin, allowed by California state law and which, according to researchers, “exhibit significant cancer and noncancer potentials due to the high content of arsenic and lead.” Meanwhile, white LEDs contain the least lead, but still harbor large amounts of nickel, another heavy metal that causes allergic reactions in as many as one in five of us upon exposure. And the copper found in some LEDs can pose an environmental threat if it accumulates in rivers and lakes where it can poison aquatic life.

Ogunseitan adds that while breaking open a single LED and breathing in its fumes wouldn’t likely cause cancer, our bodies hardly need more toxic substances floating around, as the combined effects could be a disease trigger. If any LEDs break at home, Ogunseitan recommends sweeping them up while wearing gloves and a mask, and disposing of the debris — and even the broom — as hazardous waste. Furthermore, crews dispatched to clean up car crashes or broken traffic lights (LEDs are used extensively for automotive and traffic lighting) should wear protective clothing and handle material as hazardous waste. LEDs are currently not considered toxic by law and can be disposed of in regular landfills.

Health: How Surgeons Reattached a Toddler's Head | Mind: What If My Life Had Taken a Different Turn? | Tech: In Celebration of Ada Lovelace, the First Computer Programmer | The Sciences: New Toxic Chemical Bills Add Safety--but Dangers Remain
According to Ogunseitan, LED makers could easily reduce the concentrations of heavy metals in their products or even redesign them with truly safer materials, especially if state or federal regulators required them to do so. “Every day we don’t have a law that says you cannot replace an unsafe product with another unsafe product, we’re putting people’s lives at risk,” he concludes. “And it’s a preventable risk.”


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #33 em: 2015-10-20 03:38:49 »
Contudo, o corpo tem varias imunidades, a inata, a adquirida e mais uma serie delas. Por outro lado, o negativo, o corpo hoje nao tem capacidade evolucao imunologica para se adaptar geneticamente as tantas agressoes ao mesmo tempo. Mas ha uma forma de a exponenciar ou leva-la a niveis saudaveis. Uma via, talvez ate esteja no top 5 das mais importantes é ser religioso nos horarios de dormir e comer, bem como evitar a Luz Azul em periodo nocturno. As pessoas andam todas lixadas da cabeça e com doencas cronicas pela exposicao á luz azul em horarios noturnos. Uma grande causa da imunidade ir pelo cano é a desregulacao dos ciclos circadianos, que interferem na producao de melatonina, na glandula pineal. Esta producao dece ser estavel e ritmica, com uma rotina certa. Quando este ciclo é desregulado intensivamente á noite e por varios meses ou anos, o corpito ressente-se. A mona idem. Tablets, telemoveis, monitores, tv leds etc podem shiftar o ciclo circadiano em 2 ou mais horas. É por isso que sempre que estou num monitor depois das 21h uso uns oculos que filtram a luz azul. Para o tablet uso uma pelicula castanha. A exposicao a luz azul depois do sol se por é lixada.
Ha um site que mostra a intensidadd da luz azul em varios tablets e cellphones, f.lux ou parecido. E tambem tem la um research porreiro


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #35 em: 2015-10-20 10:45:48 »
Ah por falar em iinox e é um facto relevante. O inox nem sempre é inocuo. Pra quem nao sabe o inox é uma liga de metais, nickel titanio e mais uns quantos. A qualidade de um inox depende da composicao dessa liga de metais. É como nos dentes. Ha dentes com ligas de titanio a 95% e dentes de titanio a 65%. Os de 65% têm imenso nickel, custam 500 paus, a tempo lixam as gengivolas e o sistema nervoso, para nem falar da corrente galvanica que se gera na boca com a salivaçao. Os de 95% custam 3000 paus, sao melhores. Ms nao perfeitos. Mas ja ha melhores solucoes, 100% biocompativeis.

No cookware a historia é a mesma, axo inox barato é maioritariamente nickel, quem quiser saber dos efeitos sobre a bioacumulacao de nickel nos tecidos e orgaos que procure, que eu ja fechei a tasca.
O mesmo para os teflons anti aderentes, dasse, um mau teflon chines aquilo a 200 graus num fogao liberta toxic fumes on da food.
E ja agora, tambem nas roupas, aqueles casacos impermeaveis, que a agua escorre toda e deixa um gajo sequinho, dasse
E esta
E os pavimentos flutuantes a 5eur o m2? Cheios de porcaria toxica no aglomerado? Shit I kid you not. Uns dias de sol a baterem no soalho e o formaldeido liberta-se em vapores. Depois fecha a janela e vai dormir.
Podia continuar mas tinha de comer mais favas. Mas a esta hora fazem gazes. No can do
Se alguem aqui tiver implantes e brain zaps ja sabem, é do nickel eheh

O célebre aço inoxidável 18 por 9 dos trens de cozinha da Filipa Vacondeus é o mais básico (18% Cromio, 9% Niquel), mais conhecido por AISI 304.
Beware a closed mind, for it shuts away new ideas

Ashanath Leader Linnaeus


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #36 em: 2015-10-20 10:52:32 »
Vlad, tu em Portugal deves ter grandes dificuldades em comprar tudo o que cumpra os teus requisitos de segurança, sobretudo alimentar.


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #37 em: 2015-10-20 10:54:33 »

O célebre aço inoxidável 18 por 9 dos trens de cozinha da Filipa Vacondeus é o mais básico (18% Cromio, 9% Niquel), mais conhecido por AISI 304.

Mas qual é o aconselhado, é este?
E aquelas coisas em cima, tipos inox, para cozer a vapor etc... qual a composição adequada?


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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #38 em: 2015-10-20 11:55:32 »
O mundo incrível do Visitante...
"Como seria viver a vida que realmente quero?"

Deus Menor

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Re: Cozinhar a VAPOR - vantagens & desvantagens
« Responder #39 em: 2015-10-20 12:01:36 »
O mundo incrível do Visitante...

Não conhecia o Visitante , mas de facto é uma pessoa de convicções :)

Cá para mim , detesto tudo o que é cozido, juntar água quente a vegetais ou proteína deveria ser crime.

Carne ou peixe crus , não mentem: ou têm qualidade ou não têm .