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Autor Tópico: Bitcoin - Tópico principal  (Lida 381665 vezes)


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1120 em: 2017-09-26 23:52:36 »
All central banks may have to consider crypto-currencies – BIS

BIS economists examine the case of central banks issuing own digital currency in both the retail and wholesale landscape
Central banks may eventually have to decide whether issuing a central bank crypto-currency (CBCC) would “make sense”, the Bank for International Settlements says.

In the BIS’s latest review, researchers Morten Linnemann Bech and Rodney Garratt discuss how a CBCC could fit in with the current payment infrastructure.

Retail CBCCs, where depositors draw on digital central bank liabilities, are effectively different in only one respect from giving the public access to central bank accounts, the authors say.

“The main benefit that a consumer-facing retail CBCC would offer, over the provision of public access to (centralised) central bank accounts, is that the former would have the potential to provide the anonymity of cash,” the authors argue. Anonymous digital currency is something the Bank of England has opposed in the past.

The emergence of bitcoin and its underlying technology has piqued the markets’ interest with its potential to make payments faster, more efficient and more transparent.

As a result, financial institutions have begun investing heavily in distributed ledger technology projects which seek to provide new financial services as well as deliver old ones more efficiently.

Earlier last year, several central banks announced they were experimenting with DLT and the prospect of issuing their own digital or crypto-currencies.

Wholesale vs retail

One of the most obvious use cases, and likely early adopters of this new technology, has come from the Sveriges Riksbank’s DLT project. In Sweden, the demand for cash has dropped considerably over the past decade with a number of retailers now not accepting cash. Some bank branches have also started to no longer disburse or collect cash.

The Riksbank embarked upon a project to determine the viability of an electronic currency, called an ekrona, for retail payments. “No decision has yet been taken in terms of technology. Hence, the ekrona is located on the border between deposited currency accounts and retail CBCCs,” Bech and Garratt say in the BIS study.

Another development in the retail sphere has been Fedcoin, an idea presented by the economist JP Koning. His project has not been endorsed by the US central bank.

Fedcoin would result in the Federal Reserve creating its own crypto-currency. “The currency could be converted both ways at par with the US dollar and conversion would be managed by the Federal Reserve banks,” Bech and Garratt say.

Unlike bitcoin, where the supply is predetermined, the supply of Fedcoin would increase or decrease depending on demand from consumers, much like cash does currently. It would, therefore, become a further component of the monetary base.

The authors point out Fedcoin would not represent a “competing, private ‘outside money’” but would instead be an alternative form of sovereign currency.

However, one of the biggest developments has been on the wholesale side in the form of the Bank of Canada’s Project Jasper. “While CBCCs for retail payments remain at the conceptual stage, some central banks have completed proofs of concept for DLT-based applications,” Bech and Garratt say.

CADcoin, which was devised by the team working on Project Jasper, is an example of a wholesale CBCC. In the CADcoin concept, the Bank of Canada would select a group of banks which would have access to the digital asset. As a result, in the pilot project, CADcoin functioned more like a deposit receipt than digital currencies already in circulation, such as bitcoin.

“Jasper … chose a digital depository receipt (DDR) approach. A DDR is a claim on central bank reserves held in a segregated account against which the central bank issues digital tokens on the distributed ledger,” Bech and Garratt explain.

In Jasper simulations, the digital tokens are created at the beginning of the day and redeemed at the end. Project Jasper also implements a liquidity-saving mechanism on the DLT platform.

Jasper shows central bank money can be transferred on a distributed ledger in real time, in realistic volumes and with a liquidity-saving mechanism, the authors say.

Digital future

But despite these developments, none of the central banks currently updating or replacing existing wholesale payment systems are considering the adoption of DLT. Both the Bank of Canada and Bank of England have deemed the technology not yet mature enough to fit all their requirements.

“As it stands, cash is the only means by which the public can hold central bank money. If someone wishes to digitise that holding, he/she has to convert the central bank liability into a commercial bank liability by depositing the cash in a bank,” Bech and Garratt say.

Bech and Garratt argue that whether or not central banks choose to provide a digital version of cash, they will all at some point have to consider whether DLT should become part of their operating framework.

Counter Retail Trader

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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1121 em: 2017-09-27 09:10:25 »
a demora nas actualizaçoes do sistema bancario , a intermediaçao e erros sao uma ancora no sistema financeiro ou melhor , nos serviços prestados pelas financeiras.
Se isso for resolvido sera um grande avanço , mas tambem havera muita gente despedida....


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1122 em: 2017-09-27 09:53:59 »
Cryptocurrency Derivatives? You Bet. This Trader Has 295% Return

CFDs com alavancagem de 1:30 em coisas tão voláteis é lindo.

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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1123 em: 2017-09-27 13:13:52 »
os requerimentos de margem costumam ser brutais e lesivos lol

Counter Retail Trader

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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1124 em: 2017-10-01 10:20:03 »
Christine Lagarde disse que as moedas virtuais podem, com o tempo, ser adotadas por países com câmbio instável ou instituições domésticas fracas


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1125 em: 2017-10-01 12:10:59 »
Christine Lagarde disse que as moedas virtuais podem, com o tempo, ser adotadas por países com câmbio instável ou instituições domésticas fracas

Certamente não o Bitcoin, visto que é inviável para transacções de baixo valor, e esses países teriam muitas.
"Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.", Albert Einstein

Incognitus, www.thinkfn.com


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1126 em: 2017-10-01 12:57:02 »
a gaja esta a falar da tecnologia e nao da bitcoina

a bitcoina nao tem futuro

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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1127 em: 2017-10-01 17:57:12 »
Quem quis que ficasse tudo misturado neste topico foi o Inc.


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1128 em: 2017-10-01 21:10:46 »
E concordo, um tópico e mais do que suficiente.
Na economia tudo se compra.
A Good Year.

Counter Retail Trader

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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1129 em: 2017-10-01 22:21:10 »
entao porque nao juntam um topico com todas as cotadas? ou ate todos os instrumentos/produtos que sao negociados no mesmo mercado(s) ?


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1130 em: 2017-10-01 22:50:42 »
Tens que ter em atenção o número de leitores e interessados no tema. Mais vale a pena existir um tópico com muita discussão do que vários sem discussão, isto é o que aconteceria se criasses vários tópicos de crytocurrencies, o tema ficaria a perder e disperso.
Na economia tudo se compra.
A Good Year.

Counter Retail Trader

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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1131 em: 2017-10-01 22:57:58 »
nao ha muitas discussoes sobre , normalmente é bitcoin e blockchain


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1132 em: 2017-10-07 12:28:06 »
Eu acredito que certas empresas e aforradores nos Estados Unidos estão a aproveitar os juros dos depósitos a prazo para investir em ativos altamente especulativos como são as moedas virtuais, isto está a levar a não renovação de maquinaria e tecnologia de produção a ficar antiquada e por outro lado os aforradores não estão a poupar dólares mas sim moedas virtuais, isto faz com que haja quem venda dólares e o dólar não se valoriza.


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1133 em: 2017-10-09 22:15:13 »
Hoje está a ocorrer um movimento estranho, bitcoin sobe e as restantes descem
Na economia tudo se compra.
A Good Year.

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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1134 em: 2017-10-09 22:19:59 »
ve la quando é que é o fork da ethereum


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1135 em: 2017-10-10 01:22:27 »
16 de outubro.

Mas porque está a afetar tudo?
Na economia tudo se compra.
A Good Year.


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1136 em: 2017-10-10 07:39:56 »
A BTC vai sofrer novo fork, portanto está tudo a vender o resto para aquando do fork ficar com btc e btc do outro ramo como aconteceu há 2-3 meses.


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1137 em: 2017-10-13 10:56:58 »
É a loucura

The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient." -- Warren Buffett


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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1138 em: 2017-10-13 11:05:46 »
Vamos a ver se a bolha não rebenta como a antiga bolha das tupilas da Holanda. :)

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Re: Bitcoin - Tópico principal
« Responder #1139 em: 2017-10-13 11:26:09 »
vejam o meu top perfomance....lol
Por isso ha gente a vender tudo para comprar e ter lucro rapido , e porque nao? se o objectivo for esse , nao é diferente de quem entra em algo bombado para um quick buck.

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